08-06-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 6,1997 8 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1 Chair Swenson will call the Planning Comnission Meeting to order: Chair Carl Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Present: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission Members; Ing Roskaft, Bruce Rask, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols. Jim Kolles, excused absence. Alternate Bill Jones, unexcused absence. Council Representative; Vern Heidner Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.; Carol A. Olson, Secretary Mayor: Larry Fournier, CM Wendel, CM Berning, CM Ackerman Consideration of the Planning_ Commission Minutes of July 16, 1997: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 16, 1997. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. Albertvi'MVkj1Q'4- Lot 2. BlockOtsego Industrial. • 12 1, Rg 24 PID# 118-132-002020- a 1.1 1 1 Consider11 1' Text Amendment t1 allow: :- Limited accessoirt storage i lease of r. Conditional 1.1 1Ind-) District - B -1% Service as a Conditional1 an 1. Congider a Condition Use Permit 1 allow, : Limited accessory storage i lease of 1 anDistrict. B- Truck wash & se�vice in- an 1-2 District, c. Consider a Variance to the Otsego Sign Ordinance to allow* :- Variance from the 11 .. II . 11 140 sq. ft business i1 " 1 • 1 ' 1 • 11 1I0 sq, ft sign), SwensonChair . / the applicants• 1 asked Mr. Kirmis to • • over / • Mr. Kirmis - Mr. Daniels of Long Haul Trucking has requested to expand the trucking business located south of I-94 and west of Kadler Avenue to include commercial truck washing, commercial truck service, and outdoor truck/trailer rental. An amendment to the zoning ordinance and a conditional use permit is necessary to accommodate this request. Exhibits A through G. are attached to NAC's report dated July 30, 1997. Should the City determine such uses to be acceptable, NAC would recommend approval of the applicants request subject to 20 conditions listed in the report which Mr. Kirmis read. (see attached) Exhibit A is the Draft Ordinance Amendment. Exhibit F covers the trailer display details. The applicant wishes to display a Benson trailer elevated on an earth mound. Chair Swenson went over the proper procedure for a public hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Elaine Beatty, City Clerk -The proper publishing, posting and mailing has been done. Dino Buege - Rogers Works for Long Haul Trucking Long Haul is a real asset to Otsego, built a nice building and have nice trucks. We want to work with the City on these issues. The four facilities used as a comparison have industrial washes, where we do all our washes by hand and can only do 12 per day. We are willing to put a site plan together on stacking two trucks outside the wash. Bernie Molligan - Monticello General operations manager Regarding the truck wash, the water supply and drainage was one of the first issues addressed before building the facility. We bought the best system available. It says there is an outside wash used in summer, that has never hooked up. Ron Schmult Scenic Sign - St. Cloud Representing Long Haul Trucking in regard to the variance on the signage. Have done a sketch showing the 100 sq. ft. 35 ft. high and we are stating that a sign that size would never be seen from I-94. (70 mph) Recommending 400 sq. ft. 50 ft high. There are a lot of trees and a railroad track in the area in the way. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Discussion was brought back to the Planning Commission. Discussion was had regarding the trees being on railroad property or Mn/DOT property. They are not on Long Haul property. Why the sign needed to be so large if washing was done by appointment. The sign was to make people know where the business is. Ron Schmult - Stated that there is a single line message on the sign which can also be used by the city for activities, games etc. Chair Swenson - Went back to the public and asked if anyone wished to be heard. No one did. Chair Swenson closed the public hearing and brought back Planning Commission. Item a. Consider a Zoning Text Amendment to Section 20-68-6: Mr. Kirmis was asked to read the amendment changes to Section 20-68-6 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance, which he did. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DAFT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. SECONDED BY BRUCE RASK. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Elaine Beatty, City Clerk -The proper publishing, posting and mailing has been done. Dino Buege - Rogers Works for Long Haul Trucking Long Haul is a real asset to Otsego, built a nice building and have nice trucks. We want to work with the City on these issues. The four facilities used as a comparison have industrial washes, where we do all our washes by hand and can only do 12 per day. We are willing to put a site plan together on stacking two trucks outside the wash. Bernie Molligan - Monticello General operations manager Regarding the truck wash, the water supply and drainage was one of the first issues addressed before building the facility. We bought the best system available. It says there is an outside wash used in summer, that has never hooked up. Ron Schmult Scenic Sign - St. Cloud Representing Long Haul Trucking in regard to the variance on the signage. Have done a sketch showing the 100 sq. ft. 35 ft. high and we are stating that a sign that size would never be seen from I-94. (70 mph) Recommending 400 sq. ft. 50 ft high. There are a lot of trees and a railroad track in the area in the way. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Discussion was brought back to the Planning Commission. Discussion was had regarding the trees being on railroad property or Mn/DOT property. They are not on Long Haul property. Why the sign needed to be so large if washing was done by appointment. The sign was to make people know where the business is. Ron Schmult - Stated that there is a single line message on the sign which can also be used by the city for activities, games etc. Chair Swenson - Went back to the public and asked if anyone wished to be heard. No one did. Chair Swenson closed the public hearing and brought back Planning Commission. Item a. Consider a Zoning Text Amendment to Section 20-68-6: Mr. Kirmis was asked to read the amendment changes to Section 20-68-6 of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance, which he did. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF DRAFT ORDINANCE AMENDMENT. SECONDED BY BRUCE RASK. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6,1997 cont'd Page 3 Item b. Consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow accessory storage and lease of truck trailers in an I-2 District. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBJECT TO THE 20 CONDITIONS LISTED IN NAC'S REPORT. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item c. Consider a Variance to the Otsego Sign Ordinance. Mr. Kirmis - Long Haul feels the sign allowance is not adequate. The applicant has not demonstrated unique, non -economic hardship to warrant approval of the request for the variance. Approval would further establish an undesirable precedent. NAC recommended denial of the requested sign area and height variance. Long Haul provided pictures showing the trees in the area. Richard Nichols stated that this issue was recently discussed and the consensus at that time was not to allow signage of this size and not start a trend. The Planning Commission should not allow the variance but should re -look at the ordinance. Ing Roskaft suggested the applicant contact the railroad or Mn/DOT for some possible provisions or agreement regarding the trees. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO DENY THE VARIANCE REQUEST BY LONG HAUL TRUCKING. SECONDED BY ING ROSKAFT. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL GIVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION DIRECTION TO REVIEW THE CITY OF OTSEGO'S SIGN ORDINANCES. SECONDED BY ING ROSKAFT. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4 HEARING for Dick Larson, President of Mississippi Rivers=good Association, I_nc. $660 Highway 101, Otsego MN PM#1 18-500-233100 & 118-500-233101. Un lap tted. Request is as follows• A An Amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit_ Chair Swenson went over the applicants request. Elaine Beatty stated that all the proper publishing, posting and mailing has been done. Bob Kirmis - Mississippi Riverwood Associates, Inc., is a private recreational trailer campground located adjacent to the Mississippi River at 8660 Highway 101, and is requesting an amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit granted in 1982 by Wright County. Approval was given with two conditions. The purpose of the amendment is to clarify the uses, activities and operation allowed at the site under the CUP. The site is zoned A-1, and is also within the Wild and Scenic Overlay District (sub -district C). A portion is also with the Floodplain Overlay District. The second condition is regarding vacation, there has been contention whether the 1982 CUP required the trailers be removed from the property after November lst or whether the campers may be stored PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6,1997 cont'd Page 4 at the site or simply not being occupied by persons. There is the requirement that an emergency evacuation plan be provided. The floodplain related requirements are to be made part of this amendment so there is a common understanding as to what is allowed. The applicants have proposed a storage plan. (see attached pg 9) Accessory buildings are also an issue. Because this facility is considered seasonal and campers themselves are not considered permanent, that same rule should apply to accessory buildings. NAC recommends permanent accessory buildings be prohibited. Most of the conditions are flood plane requirements. NAC recommended approval of the conditional use permit amendment subject to conditions listed in NAC's report dated July 29, 1997, which Mr. Kirmis read. (see attached) Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. has reviewed the application as to engineering issues. A letter dated July 30, 1997 lists concerns and comments regarding the applicant's request. (see attached) Minnesota Department of Transportation has reviewed the applicants' request and has no major concerns however reminded the applicant of stipulations regarding development adjacent to a Mn/DOT right-of-way, which are listed in a letter dated July 17, 1997. (see attached) Chair Swenson asked the applicant if he wished to comment. Dick Larson Mississippi Riverwood - Our committee requested this and after receiving NAC's report realized this is complex and had our legal advisor review it and come up now to comment. Bill Pribyl, Attorney Mtka.- Representing Mississippi Riverwood - Hope to persuade the commission with a short presentation, that the only appropriate action this evening is to table this matter until Staff and Representatives of Mississippi Riverwood can discuss NAC's recommended plan. To begin with, the intent of my client was not to get thirteen conditions imposed upon its use which was permitted and grandfathered since 1982. Since 1982 it has been acting under a conditional use permit (CUP) and there has been no demonstration that there has been any violations of the terms and conditions of that use. The terminology used in the CUP from Wright County may be subject to question. My first request is the we not refer to Mississippi Riverwood as a trailer campground. It is an RV resort. We should revisit the CUP. My client did apply for a modification to the CUP. It was not the intention of my client to go through this exercise at this time. It was not the intention of my client to come to this commission to debate conditions. There is no reason for a site survey indicating location of all the existing structures. There is no economic reason to impose that kind of condition on the applicant. The recommendations of NAC that bears any relationship to the application is option two. That this City and Council suggested imposed upon my client, A,B,C, and D. We accept gratefully. The reason this came up was the result of the 100 year or 500 year flood. When one or more members of the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6, 1997 cont'd Page 5 public were screaming for documents or economic assistance for the loss of their personal property at the campground. A site plan and survey has been documented in 1982. The recommendation that a penalty of forfeiture of a CUP for one violation is suggestive of a taking without consideration. Give us the opportunity to discuss the proposals and bring back a proposal that meets our needs and the needs, of the City. I do not believe Mississippi Riverwood or any other applicant be required to have their CUP revoked for one violation without an opportunity to remedy. This is a cooperative, non-profit, recreation vehicle resort. Owned by competent economically qualified individuals who contribute to the community. They should have their opportunity to resolve how they are going to be managed by the City or alternatively withdraw their application and rely upon their existing CUP. Thank you. Chair Swenson asked if any one else wished to be heard. No one did. Discussion was brought back to the Planning Commission. Since there are many issues involved with this, I would like to request a site inspection for Saturday August 16, 1997 at 10 AM. BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO HAVE A SHE INSPECTION TO REVIEW CONDITIONS. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE MISSISSIPPI RIVERWOOD HEARING TO AUGUST 20,1997. SECONDED BY ING ROSKAFT. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chair Swenson stated that the hearing would not be closed just continued to August 20, 1997, at which time there will be another opportunity for the public to be heard. Swensonaccessory iUteside Chair over pprequest. Elaine Beatty stated that the publishing, posting and mailing have been made. Mr. Kirmis - Dwight and Marion McKenzie have requested a conditional use permit to construct an accessory structure upon property located at the north east intersection of Odell avenue and 83rd Street. The applicant has submitted two options. Option A. is to construct a 924 sq. ft. garage and leave the existing two pole sheds. Option B. would eliminate one of the pole sheds and build approximately a 1,300 sq. ft. garage. Option B is the preferred option. According to the Zoning Ordinance, a detached accessory structure of an area greater than 1,000 sq. ft. and less than 1,500 sq. ft. could be allowed by an administrative permit. It also states that no more than one detached accessory structure is allowed except by a conditional use permit. The existing garage was damaged by the recent storm. The property in zoned R-3. NAC recommends approval of the conditional use permit with the second option with removal of the second pole shed. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6, 1997 cont'd Page 6 Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public and asked if anyone wished to be heard. Dwight McKenzie 8352 Odell Ave The storm of July first is what did the damage to this garage and I was hoping that I was grandfathered in and would not need to apply for a CUP. That is an additional $500.00 cost for me. I was hoping I could just get a permit and start building. Gerald K. Gordon - neighbor across the St. Dwight has the neatest piece of property, not a blade of grass out of place. You can't see the pole building behind there. They are hard working people and feel let him put up the garage. Elaine Beatty stated that Nancy Carlson called in favor of the proposed building. Chair Swenson Brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO GRANT THE APPLICANTS REQUEST, OPTION B, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF NAC'S REPORT. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED. DISCUSSION: Richard Nichols - Asked Mr. Kirmis if the current two pole buildings where built under proper permitting when Township had control of the area and if the basis of the recommendation for option B. was the elimination of the smaller of the two buildings. Mr. Kirmis - It was prior to NAC's involvement with the city. It is the intent of the city to ultimately get rid of non -conforming structures. The applicant has offered to remove one pole buildings and is proposing a larger garage. Dwight McKenzie - When both permits where issued a while back through Wright County you could only build one pole building 800 sq. ft., but you could build two side by side. I wanted to build one 1,400 sq. ft. building. Mr. Kirmis - The applicant offered to tear down the building and this was viewed as positive. RICHARD NICHOLS RECOMMENDED AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT MOTION TO DELETE THAT PORTION REQUIRING THE SMALLER OF THE EXISTING POLE STRUCTURES TORN DOWN AS A REQUIREMENT OF THE CUP. SECONDED BY BRUCE RASK. DISCUSSION: Eugene Goenner - My view is that three accessory buildings in a residential lot is a little much, even though the County made him do that. Even though they are well taken care of. Two accessory building would be preferable. Gerald K. Gordon I lived across the street for about 30 years and didn't know that building was back there until his garage blew down. You couldn't even see it. You can't see it from the road. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6 cont'd Page 7 Richard Nichols - If it wasn't replacing a current garage, that would be a valid point. If someone came in and said they needed a third building, and it was a new application, we'd say no. MOTION AS AMENDED PASSED WITH RICHARD NICHOLS, BRUCE RASK, CARL SWENSON, AND ARLEEN NAGEL VOTING IN FAVOR. EUGENE GOENNER OPPOSED THE AMENDMENT. MOTION PASSED FIVE TO ONE. (5 TO 1) Elaine Beatty - This will be on the August 26, 1997 City Council Agenda at 6:30 PM. 6 HEARING initiated hyOtsego, Mayor, City Council, and Planning Commission r�4»est is as follows: A. Consider an amendment to Otsego's Zoning Ordinance Sec20-19 regarding priirements for huilding re -locations - Mr. Kirmis - This proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance would allow building relocations by administrative rather than conditional use permit. This was directed by City Council. The City Building Inspector raised the question as to whether or not the CUP requirement would apply to replacement manufactured homes new but relocated to the site. Because the ordinance did not provide a specific exemption for those, they would have to be subject to the building relocation requirements. At the second meeting in April the City Council considered this and directed the ordinance be amended to allow building relocations administratively. Mr. Kirmis handed out an excerpt from a St. Augusta Twp. zoning ordinance. Section 18.02. offers some exemptions. Exempting A. relocations which occur solely within the confines of a single lot or parcel. B. Manufactured homes within manufactured home parks. and C. Prefabricated and industrialized/modular buildings as defined by the State Building Code being relocated to their first permanent building site. The City Council has directed the preparation of an amendment which would establish building relocations as administrative approval. NAC has prepared a Draft Amendment attached to the Memorandum. Mr. Kirmis contacted the State Building Official regarding terminology for manufactured homes. New construction off site is still required to meet all other regulations. Chair Swenson opened hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Chair Swenson closed the public hearing and brought it back to the Planning Commission. Eugene Goenner - Asked Mr. Kirmis what would better serve the city, the St. Augusta example or the proposed draft ordinance. Mr. Kirmis - The St. Augusta's Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Commission could make a recommendation with additional changes. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO CHANGE THE OTSEGO ORDINANCE SECTION 20-19 TO ADD THE EXEMPTIONS OF THE ST. AUGUSTA ORDINANCE, SPECIFICALLY 18.02, ITEMS A, B, AND C BE ADDED INTO THE OTSEGO ORDINANCE. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 6,1997 cont'd Page 8 DISCUSSION: Suzanne Ackerman Packard Avenue If you go with St. Augusta's regulations as far as pre -fab/ mobile homes, and letting the surrounding residents know what is being brought in, you are pretty much telling the people hey, you can't paint your house that color. Everybody has a right to put in what they want. Be aware, that some people might be upset if the city tells them what they can and can't bring in. Eugene Goenner - To clarify, I don't think under these ordinances we are telling people what they can or can't bring in. We are saying if it is new construction you don't have to have a CUP, just come in and get a building permit. If bringing in an existing building that has been pre-existing on another site then a CUP is needed, so the neighbors are notified and have an opportunity to comment. This will be on the City Council Agenda of August 11, 1997 at 6:30 PM. 7 Any other Planning Commission Business: CM Heidner updated the Planning Commission on the joint meeting with the Albertville City Council on July 23,1997, to discuss them providing sewer and water services to a proposed development (NASCAR) in the southwest corner of the city. Met with Tom Truzinski, bonding agent, with Juran and Moody regarding costs involved with a Wastewater Treatment Plant and the different ways to pay for it. Developer pays for running pipes, or City can run lines to the property and have Sac. & Wac. charges. 8. Adjourn: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 444. �4& Ji olles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson mpc8697.wps