08-20-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 20, 1997 - 8:00 PM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM ROLL CALL: Present: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission Members; Inc, Roskaft, Richard Nichols, Bruce Rask, Jim Kolles, and Arleen Nagel. Eugene Goenner arrived late. Bill Jones - unexcused absence. Council Representative; Vern Heidner. Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Carol A. Olson, Secretary, Councilmember, Ackerman 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of August 6, 1997: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 1997. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Continue HEARING nick Larson, President of Mississippi Riverwood Assoc. 8660 Hwy 101, Sec.23, Twp 121, R23 PID#118-500-233100 & 233101. Request is to amenI existing CUP to clarify conditions. Chair, Carl Swenson - The applicant has requested the Hearing to be continued to the Planning Commission Meeting of September 17, 1997at 8:00 PM. Chair Swenson - I will open the hearing then request a motion by the commission to continue the hearing as requested. The site inspection at Mississippi Riverwood Assoc., on August 16, 1997 at 10 AM, was attended by the following: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission Members; Ing Roskaft, Eugene Goenner, Bruce Rask, Jim Kolles, Arleen Nagel, and Richard Nichols. Bill Jones did not attend. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING FOR MISSISSIPPI RIVERWOOD ASSOCIATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 17, 1997 AT 8:00 PM. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 20, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Chair Swenson went over the applicants request. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk, stated that all the proper publishing, posting and mailing have been made. Mr. Kirmis - Tony and Leah Buirge have requested a conditional use permit to allow the establishment of a residential lot size greater than 2.5 acres in size within an A-1 district. Request is for a 10 acre parcel north of 65th Street between Hwy 101 and River Road. Maximum lot size in a A-1 district is 2 1/2 acres. The intent of that relates to the current comprehensive plan policy of preserving prime agricultural land. Thought being that 2 1/2 acres should accommodate a single family dwelling. According to the Zoning Ordinance, residential lot sizes larger than 2.5 acres may be allowed within an A-1 District provided that the lot size is a result of either one of two conditions. The existing buildings occupy an area larger than the lot size minimum or the land involved in the subdivision is non - tillable and marginal for agricultural production. According to the Wright County soil survey the soil is good for crops and pasture. Neither of the preceding criteria has been satisfied, our office cannot recommend approval. The wetland adjacent to the property will remain a wetland. If the upland or tillable land were to be reduced from f 5 areas to 2.5 acres we would recommend approval because under a typical 1 per 40 split that is what they would be entitled. The applicant has brought in a second site plan which would reduce the acreage to 7.23 acres, reducing the east west dimensions by 100 feet and the north south dimensions by 92 feet. NAC would recommend approval of a conditional use permit subject to the 11 conditions in the report dated August 13,1997, which he read. Chair Swenson asked if the applicant wished to add any information. John Kothrade, Hanover Stated that the property will remain farmland. Tony Buirge - 6662 River Rd.Intent behind the 10 acres was to place the house where we would like and we want to keep as much in Agricultural use as possible. Chair Swenson went over public hearing procedures, opened the hearing to the public and asked if anyone wished to be heard. No one did. The Public Hearing was brought back to the Planning Commission. Bruce Rask - If the wetland delineation is larger and the second proposal is too small due to the wetland, would we revert back to the original proposal? Mr. Kirmis - According to the soil survey the property is determined to be tillable. Richard Nichols - What is the setback for home well or septic from a wetland. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of August 20, 1997 cont'd Page 3 Mr. Kirmis - There is no setback from a wetland unless considered a public water body and that depends on classification. There are Engineering guidelines. Chair Swenson went back to the public for comment. There was none. The Public Hearing was closed. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR TONY AND LEAH BUIRGE SUBJECT TO ALL STAFF CONDITIONS IN NAC'S REPORT DATED AUGUST 13, 1997. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Elaine Beatty - This will be on the City Council Agenda for Tuesday August 26, 1997, at 6:30 PM. ITI IIsi "1,6.170", 6. Adjourn: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. BRUCE RASK SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. J Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson PC82097.WPS