09-03-97 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 3, 1997 - 8:00 PM 1 Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order• Chair Swenson called the September 3, 1997, Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 PM. ROLL CAL.L.• Present: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission Members; Ing Roskaft, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Bruce Rask, Arleen Nagel, and Richard Nichols. Bill Jones excused absence. Council Representative; Vern Heidner Staff: Bob Kirmis, City Planner; Carol Olson, Secretary CM Mark Berning, CM Suzanne Ackerman 2. CorLideration of the Planting Commission Minutes of: A. August 20, 1997 Chair Swenson - page 2, line 8, should read either one of two conditions. ING ROSKAFT MOTION TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 20, 1997, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES WITH CORRECTIONS. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I HEARING Herman Moseng Tr and Patricia H Joint Tenants 14353 - 81st Street NE Otsego MN 55330 PID* 119-036-003040, Lot 4, Block_ a esc Estates, Section 21, Twp.121, Ran 3� o �n y of Wrig ,Sity of Otsego. MN_ Request is as follows: AConditional Use Permit to allow more than one detached accessory building on a residential lot. Chair Swenson went over the applicant's request and asked Mr. Kirmis to comment on NAC's report. Carol Olson - All the publishing, posting and hearing notices have been made. Bob Kirmis - Herman and Patricia Moseng have requested a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a second detached accessory structure on a one acre property located south of 81st Street and west of Odean Avenue. The proposed accessory building would replace a building destroyed by the recent storm. The existing accessory structure is non -conforming in terms of setbacks. It lies 32 feet from the front lot line, but is legally grandfathered in. The driveway must be suitable for dust control. NAC recommended approval of the conditional use permit subject to six (6) conditions listed in the August 25, 1997 report, which he read. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the public. No one wished to be heard. Brought back to Planning Commission. Chair Swenson closed the public hearing. Richard Nichols - Asked for clarification, is grass considered suitable material to control dust and drainage. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of September 3, 1997 cont'd Page 2 Mr. Kirmis - My interpretation is, if you have a driveway it is to be surfaced with material, class 5, etc. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SECOND STRUCTURE SUBJECT TO THE SIX CONDITIONS IN NAC's REPORT. ING ROSKAFT SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This will be on the City Council Meeting of September 8, 1997 at 6:30 PM. 4 Any Other Planning ("ommicc_ ion Business: Chair Swenson asked Vern Heidner, Council Representative, if he had anything. Vern Heidner - Regarding the John Daniels' variance to the sign ordinance. The City Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission on all three requests. Eugene Goenner recommended that the City Council direct the Planning Commission to review the sign ordinance. Vern Heidner motioned not to have it sent back, because it was just dealt with recently. Also if allowing for larger signs, would rather have an ordinance change than do a variance. The motion failed. Someone motioned to send the sign ordinance back to the Planning Commission to re-examine and that motion died for lack of a second. Eugene Goenner commented that he has driven by Long Haul Trucking twice since the last meeting. Photographs can be deceiving. They could have had a sign optically readable from the freeway with the trees there. Felt the Planning Commission took the proper action, but probably should have had a site inspection. 5 Adiourn: ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4jio-'llde—s, Secretary Recorded by: Carol A. Olson PC9397.WPS