ITEM 5.1 Prelim BudgetCity of Otsego Preliminary Budget Preliminary Property Tax Levy September 28,2015 r Adopted Preliminary $ % 2015 2016 Change Change Total Revenues $ 4, 648, 869 $ 4, 880, 262 $ 2311393 5.0% General Government 17444, 324 1, 570, 944 126, 620 o 8.8 /o Public Safety 17416,360 11498,912 827552 5.8% Public Works 1,067,483 11094,076 26, 593 2.5% Culture & Recreation 508,400 5721063 631663 12.5% Economic Development 143100 143300 200 1.4% Transfers - 1277590 127, 590 n/a Total Expenditures 41450,667 4,877,885 427,218 9.6% Net General Fund $ 1987202 $ 27377 Expenditures Reserves Total Needs Less: Revenue Sources Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Investment Interest Franchise Fees Miscellaneous Transfers Total Non Tax Revenues Adopted Preliminary 2015 2016 $ 4,450,667 $ 4,877,885 198,202 2,377 4,648,869 4,880,262 592,000 641,565 323,122 343,590 50,700 57,000 95,000 50,000 105,000 107,000 15,000 15,000 149,047 136,755 1,329,869 1, 350, 910 Change Change $ 231,393 5.0% 21,041 Net = Property Tax Levy $ 3,319,000 $ 3,529,352 $ 210,352 1.6% 6.3% �Jreliminary Pronertvl'ax Lr-. General Fund Revenue Capital Reserves Debt Service Tax Abatements Total Levy Amount Tax Capacity Adopted 2015 Preliminary 2016 $ 31319,000 $ 375297352 728,000 762,040 610,000 640,000 231000 887814 Change Chan $ 2107352 6.3% 34,040 4.7% 30,000 4.9% 65, 814 286.1 % $ 476801000 $ 5,0207206 $ 340,206 7.3% $ 11, 376, 427 $ 13, 262, 075 $ 1,885,648 16.6%° Tax Rate 41.138 37.854 -8.0% 16,000,000 14,000,000 12, 000, 000 10,000,000 4,000,000 "IIIIIIxildIA Tax Rate & Tax Capacity 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Tax Capacity -- - Tax Rate 50.000 45.000 40.000 35.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 Comprehensive Factors Tax Capacity (tax base) - Up 16.6% New construction / MV Factors Residential Market Values - Up 9.1 Median from $185k to $202k Preliminary Tax Levy - Up $340k Preliminary General Budget - Up $427k No longer relying on LGA for operations. Tax Rate - Down 8.0%