03-04-98 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 4, 1998 1_ Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order Chair Swenson called the March 4, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Planning Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Ing Roskaft, Arleen Nagel, Bruce Rask, Richard Nichols, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles arrived 8:06 PM. City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, and Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 8:50 PM. Staff: John Harwood, City Engineer; Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner; Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty; City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. 2_ Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of., A. Fehruary19, 1999 Eugene Goenner questioned a motion on the election. Richard Nichols motioned to adopt the February 18, 1998 Minutes subject to staff review of election of officers motion. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. 3_ Public Hearing to consider the permanent closure of Kadler Avenue- (South venue(So h o o un yRoad '-7) Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing Elaine Beatty stated the proper publications and postings were done. John Harwood went over his report dated February 18, 1998. (attached). Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing for Public comment. Bruce Lubke, 9957 65th Street NE. Mr. Lubke stated his house faces Kadler Avenue. He has heard Kadler Avenue will be vacated in year 2001. His house would be facing the rear of the townhouses and feels this would lower the value of his home. Mr. Lubke stated he is opposed to Kadler Avenue closing. His driveway would end up being 15 feet from his house. He has a drainfield located in front of his and a drainfield located behind his other buildings. David Becker, 6165 Kadler Avenue NE. Mr. Becker stated he farms and asked if Kadler Avenue is closed, where will his access be. Mr. Harwood stated he understands that the long term plan will have a new street which will give him his needed access (he reviewed the potential development plat on the overhead). Mr. Harwood asked the audience if the third property owner living on Kadler Avenue was present. It was noted they were not present. Planning Commission Meeting of March 4,1998, cont'd. Page 2. Bruce Rask questioned if half of the road can be closed. Mr. Don Jensen, Pilot Land Developer, went over the following items using overheads: Kadler Avenue remains a public road in Albertville and Otsego from CSAH 37 down past the Becker farm as a cul-de-sac. Nothing in the plan would require 33 feet to be vacated for their plan to work. If, in the future, Kadler is vacated, the lots in their development are increased. If Otsego vacates their half street, that land would also go back to the land owners. Mr. Jensen went over the lay -out of the proposed development showing where the new streets would be located giving access for David Becker. Projection for this new street construction completion is year 2002. Kadler Avenue would have dust control placed during construction and possibly even a lift of asphalt. Mr. Jensen also offered a shorter cul-de-sac placed for the two residences. Bruce Lubke questioned drainage concerns on his property which drains into the area where the new development will be. Mr. Jensen pointed out the drainage will continue as is and nothing will be done to disrupt the flow of water. Virginia Wendel asked if the new streets will support farm equipment. She also asked if there are driveway changes, who pays for these changes. Mr. Jensen replied the street will support farm equipment. In regards to the driveway costs, Mr. Jensen replied any expenses would be paid by the city and residents at time of vacation. Chair Swenson opened for Planning Commission discussion. Bruce Rask expressed concerns of a substandard cul-de-sac and the city maintaining it. Ing Roskaft questioned the layout of golf course. Mr. Jensen showed via overhead where the location of the golf course will be. Chair Swenson went back to the public for any addition public comment. There was none. Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing. Planning Commission Discussion. Ing Roskaft stated concern with big equipment going to the radio towers and will have to go further around to get there. Also the addition maintenance with a cul-de-sac. Richard Nichols motioned to recommend to the City Council for Kadler Avenue to be closed. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. Voting For the Motion: Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles, Eugene Goenner, Bruce Rask, Carl Swenson. Voting Against the Motion: Ing Roskaft. Motion carried six (6) to one (1). Planning Commission Meeting of March 4, 1998, cont'd. Page 3. Elaine Beatty stated this Item will be on the March 23, 1998 City Council Agenda. 4_ Planning Commission/City Council/Planner Continue the Comprehensive Plan Review as follows: The Members of the City Council joined the Planning Commission for this review at 8:40 PM. Chair Swenson referred to the memorandums received from Bob Kirmis and Andrew MacArthur dated February 23 and February 25 1998. The memos responded to concern of using the word "shall" within the various policy statements as discussed at the last Planning Commission and City Council Comprehensive Plan Review. Based on information received from Mr. Kirmis and Mr. MacArthur it was the group consensus to leave the word "shall" in policy statements. It was noted the word "shall" will be listed in the definition section. Eugene Goenner referred to page 40, Policy Plan, Feedlot Issues. He would like to see the Comprehensive Plan less restrictive so the Ordinance can be changed without redoing the Comprehensive Plan again. He referred to Items 4, 5, and 8. He read Item 4 and would like "present levels" eliminated since he feels it could be interpreted as no expansion. The City has the ability to control and can refer back to the ordinance what the control would be. Bruce Rask didn't agree with the removal of these words. Chair Swenson stated this issue was discussed at the last session and the majority were satisfied leaving these words in. The Feedlot Ordinance allows reasonable expansion. He feels the key point is the Policy allows expansion. Mr. Goenner feels the Policy is saying restriction to a certain point. Mayor Fournier stated there will still be public input on this. Mr. Kirmis also stated there will be two more opportunities for any changes. CM Beming questioned if the City wants an agricultural policy or not. Mr. Rask noted during the first Comprehensive Plan, people wanted agriculture preserved and now the farmers are asking for development. There was further discussion on farm land being developed. Mayor Fournier would like to the have public input on this. CM Heidner would like further discussion on this issue prior to a public information meeting to come up with a list of alternatives. Richard Nichols agreed with CM Heidner. Chair Swenson questioned if public input is first needed. Mike Robertson would like to have NAC prepare a list of all possibilities giving the pros and cons. Item 6 (page 41) Eugene Goenner questioned if the intention for re -subdivision in new sewered district. CM Heidner stated this policy is for existing neighborhoods and there are no plans at this time to change it. Planning Commission Meeting of March 4, 1998, cont'd. Page 4. Item 9 (page 41) Richard Nichols asked Bob Kirmis to explained this, specifically the second sentence. Mr. Kirmis stated it is referring to such as an airport for example. Residential development would not be encouraged in that area. Richard Nichols questioned if Item 14 is needed when there is Item 7. He sees a redundancy. The group consensus was to eliminate Item 14. Item 12 (page 41) Richard Nichols questioned the "fully utilized housing". After discussion, it was the consensus to leave Item 12 as is. Mayor Fournier questioned if Item 4 is needed since it appears this issue is covered under Item 5 under Residential - Development, page 42. John Harwood stated a Sewer allocation Program hasn't been completed and in his opinion both Item 4 and 5 should be left in. Ing Roskaft suggested to change the title heading from Residential - Development to Residential - New Development. Item 8. Bob Kirmis asked if the wording should be changed here such as: "Will result in at least one of the following" "as determined by City Officials" The group agreed on the "one or more" of a. b. c. CM Berning asked how much un-sewered residential development does the City want. Eugene Goenner said this would all be eliminated if not to be sewer. Bob Kirmis said the point of this is there will be some smaller undeveloped parcels in the developed area where you want to get a street connection. (example - Rivers Glen). Richard Nichols suggested to modify the second line "shall be allowed only when the city determines such development will result in one or more of the following". CM Berning doesn't want to promote un-sewered development when the City has sewer. Item 19 (page 43) Eugene Goenner questioned what if someone wants to build an old style home. It was the consensus to remove Item 19. Item 21 (page 44) CM Wendel the word "rental". Mr. Kirmis said the intent is multiple housing and will change. Planning Commission Meeting of March 4, 1998, cont'd. Page 5. Item 6 under Residential - Preservation (page 44) Mayor Fournier questioned the word "aggressive". After discussion, everyone agreed to leave this word in. Item 7 (page 45) Richard Nichols stated he thought Home occupations and commercial/industrial uses were not allowed in residential neighborhoods. It was the consensus to eliminate these words and say "Home business uses shall be minimized". Item 11 (page 45) Richard Nichols questioned if first sentence should read "when one more of the following apply" Bob Kirmis said the intent is "all of the following". Everyone agreed to include: "when all of the following apply:" Item 4 Commercial (page 46) CM Wendel questioned if there can be commercial development on the west side of the City. The consensus was to remove the word "spot". Item 9 (page 46) Richard Nichols questioned if the word "discouraged" should be changed. Everyone agreed to replace with the word "regulated". Bruce Rask stated he will not be able to attend the March 18, 1998 meeting but will turn in written comments. Ing Roskaft motioned to adjourn. seconded by Bruce Rask. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM. i Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk