04-01-98 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AT OTSEGO CITY HALL APRIL 1, 1998 - 8:00 P.M. 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Planning Commission members: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission members; Ing Roskaft, Arleen Nagel, Eugene Goenner, Richard Nichols, and Jim Kolles. Bruce Rask excused absence. City Council: Larry Fournier, Mayor; Councilmembers; Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Bob Kirmis, Assistant City Planner; Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner, John Harwood, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Jerry Olson, Building Official; Carol Olson, Secretary. 2 Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of March 18,1998: RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COM IISSION MTNIJTES OF MARCH 18, 1998. ING ROSK AFT SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRED. 3 Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance Establishing a Manufactured Home Park as a Conditional Use Permit in R-5 R-6 and R-7 Zoning Districts, Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing and posting had been done. Chair Swenson asked Andrew MacArthur for the staff report. Andy MacArthur - A year ago there was an amendment to State law requiring manufactured homes be allowed in all multi -family residential districts. The new law does not mandate what conditions are to apply. This amendment is in response to the State law. The State mandates that there be a conditional use permit process, but it is left to the discretion of the City to determine what the appropriate conditions will be. An ordinance has been drafted for Planning Commission consideration. (see attached) Manufactured home parks are licensed by the State, but they must comply with local zoning. The R-5, and R-6 Zoning allows single family housing, but currently it is not allowed in R-7 Zones. It is the intent of this ordinance to treat manufactured housing in the same manner as stick built housing. Bob Kirmis reiterated that currently the ordinance allows manufactured home parks in two ways. First, there is a manufactured home park zoning district. Secondly, they may be allowed by a Planned Unit Development, subject to certain conditions. This amendment provides additional allowances for manufactured home parks. The conditions are consistent with conditions applied to single family homes in the City. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 1, 1998 cont'd Page 2 Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing. Wallly Odell Distributed an article from the Family Housing Fund and a 26 Canon Memorandum by the Darkenwald Engineering Staff. Exhibits A and B. (see attached) How the proposed amendment will impact affordable housing is the concern. The biggest single thing that affects the cost of development is the cost of the infra -structure. Affordable housing is a serious question for Otsego and all the metropolitan area. The Planning Commission needs to make a serious study on this. The decisions made by the Planning Commission and the City Council will have an impact on affordable housing. Bob Kirmis - The purpose statements of the zoning districts were not changed as part of the amendment. The amendment is to retain the original purpose of the districts. This is something we must do, therefor, we included conditions and performance standards that satisfy the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the statements of the district. Manufactured home parks are listed as conditional uses. They are permitted uses provided certain conditions are met. Andy MacArthur reiterated that Manufactured Home Parks fall under the general conditional use permit criteria. They are allowed, but would have to comply with certain conditions and requirements. Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing and brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE ZONING ORDINANCE A.vIENDMENT. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. This will be on the City Council agenda for the April 27, 1998 meeting at 6:30 PM. I Planning Commission/Uty Co»ncilMianner ContinLe the omprPhensive Plan Review: Chair Swenson noted that Staff had provided cluster housing ordinance information from Marine on St. Croix and Lake Elmo. Mike Robertson asked Andy MacArthur if the open space in a cluster development, if dedicated to the City, is then public ground to be used by anyone. Andy MacArthur - It depends on what uses it had been dedicated for. If dedicated for a specific purpose and that ceases it could revert back to the one who dedicated it. It would be public land, but the City could put controls on the use of that property. The City could also gain problems as things deteriorate and should have consistent policies regarding this. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 1, 1998 cont'd Page 3 Mike Robertson - The main reasons for doing a clustered development is to preserve the open space. Those home owners having the benefit from the open space should be taxed on that benefit. CM Heidner was concerned with who would actually own the land and who would be responsible for the communal septic system if there were to be problems. CM Heidner preferred the green space be kept for a time then handled differently later. Regarding the communal septic system suggested putting in tanks that are pumped until sewer hook up is available. Bob Kirmis - There are two types of cluster systems. In one case everyone has their septic and well and in the other is communal drain system clustering. The communal system would be accommodated with a process as a planned unit development (PUD) where every issue is identified with an agreement as to who is responsible for every aspect. (maintenance etc.) Bob Kirmis - Zoning Districts could be used to apply to the area. The Rural Preserve Area is under the Wild & Scenic overlay district which imposes a two and a half acre minimum lot size. There is a provision that allows smaller lot sizes thru a PUD. This district could have a base density of 4 per 40, but if the developer would use the clustering system, greater density would be allowed. A new zoning district could be considered for this area with the desired density. CM Wendel asked if the same concept could be used in the Agricultural Preserve Area. Bob Kirmis - The concept is that the Agricultural Preserve is to maintain agricultural operations and that is not so much the intent north of Co. Rd. 39 where it is less desirable for agricultural and more desirable for development. The Commission was in consensus to use a base density of 4 per 40, with a density of 10 per 40 in a cluster development. Lot sizes would have a minimum of 1 acre and a maximum of 3 acres. Page 105, Land Use Plan Maps Bob Kirmis explained the map and the intent of the different areas. Bob recommended adjusting the line to include Riverbend Mobile Home Park in the detail area, show the Otsego cemetery as public/semi-public, and add a new Rural Residential category for the area north of Co. Rd. 39. Page 106. Sanitary Sewer District Map_ Bob Kirmis recommended including Riverbend Mobile Home Park in the district as a low density residential area. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING of April 1, 1998 cont'd Page 4 The area north of 62nd St. and south of 65th St. and west of Hwy 101 is an area where requests have been made for multiple dwelling units. This area could be made a medium/high density area. An amendment to the Land Use Plan would occur at the time of expansion of the sewer service district. This could be requested by developers or determined by the City. John Harwood - Regarding transportation, due to public health and safety issues, there is a need for a west frontage road on Hwy 101 from Co. Rd. 36 up to Co. Rd. 37, on the west side. Commercial/Industrial designation in that area would help to achieve that. Mike Robertson suggested the area east of Hwy 101 be considered for Industrial, extending north from the existing Industrial area from the south. The Planning Commission consensus was the area east of Hwy 101, south of 65th Street be designated as Industrial on the west side of the future frontage road and medium/high density residential on the east side. The area west of Hwy 101 on the east side of the future frontage road be designated as medium/high density and the area west of the future frontage road be designated low density residential. Chair Swenson scheduled a special Planning Commission/City Council Workshop meeting for Wednesday April 8, 1998 beginning at 7:30 PM, to continue work on the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Adjourns ING ROSKAFT MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. 1. Y Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol Olson Pci. i-ae.wps