04-08-98 WSCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING APRIL 8,1998 7:30 P.M. AT OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission members; Bruce Rask, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Eugene Goenner arrived at 8:15, Jim Kolles at 8:25 P.M. Ing Roskaft excused absence. City Council: Larry Fournier, Mayor; Council members; Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Dan Licht, Assistant Planner; John Harwood, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk; Carol Olson, Secretary. Chair Swenson called the PlanningCommission/CityCouncil Meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. 2. Continue review of Comprehensive Plan Development Framework dated March 12, 1998. (Cont. with map proceeding Page 1071 Chair Swenson asked the commission if they had any comments or questions regarding the material covered at the last meeting. (April 1, 1998) Richard Nichols - Page 103, last paragraph, questioned the language as to where hobby farms would be allowed. Dan Licht - explained the area and will rewrite the last sentence on page 103, to read Hobby farms would he allowed on the eastern borders of the agricultural pr s ry. area within the designated rural preserve and urban service reserve areas where fl�L1f.r forty d .nsiti s are to be encouraged Dan Licht - The time table for Comp. Plan update is to finish the review of the Transportation Plan and Community Facilities Plan tonight. Any changes will be incorporated into the development framework of the Comp. Plan. On April 22,1998, a joint Planning Commission/City Council workshop meeting will be held to review those changes. A final draft, complete with maps and computer graphics, will be done for four public meetings being planned. There will be a meeting for each of the designated planning districts, the Sanitary Sewer District, the Urban Service Area Reserve, the Rural Preserve Area, and the Agricultural Preserve Area. Dan Licht - Stated that based on last weeks meeting, the rural preserve area would allow 10 per 40 density. Page 108 Dan Licht - The last paragraph will be written to allow for more urban or suburban density to allow for three stall garages and to avoid variances for future setbacks. PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING of April 8, 1998 cont'd Page 2 Page 109-110 Dan Licht - This section defines the medium and high density development that can be expected after sanitary sewer and water. Pages 112-113 Dan Licht - This section addresses the designated commercial use areas of Hwy 101 & Co. Rd. 42, Hwy 101 -Co. Rd. 37, and Co. Rd. 19 & 70th Street. Page 114 Dan Licht - Based on the discussion held at the April 1, 1998 meeting, language extending the industrial use area north of the existing former Frankfort industrial area will be added to this section. Bruce Rask is concerned that development regulations are not stringent enough to address adult type uses. Dan Licht will check on this. Page 116-117 CM Heidner - ANNEXATION - Expressed concern that the language does not reflect the intent. Suggested it read While future annexation disilutes are not amici a Pd, the Policy Plan section of this rel)ort states ha Otsego shall strongly oppose the detachment of any of its proms_ Which would delete the rest of the first paragraph on page 117. Consensus of the City Council and Planning Commission was to place the period after property and delete the rest of the sentence. Dan Licht - Will see that the Policy Plan reflects that. CM Berning asked how adjacent Cities and the Wright County Feedlot Ordinance will affect Otsego. Dan Licht will check on this. Paces Dan Licht - The Transportation Plan encompasses several modes of transport, including roads, automobile, trail, pedestrian, Bicycle, RxR. the intend is to tie it all together in the future layout. Page 121 John Harwood - For health and safety reasons a frontage road system plan needs to be developed along the Hwy 101 corridor. The frontage road locations are identified on the Transportation Plan map on page 122. Page 123 Item 7 John Harwood stated that the Nashua Avenue extension is consistent with the Wright County Transportation Plan. Item 10 - The Co. Rd. 39 river crossing is no longer part of the Transportation Plan and will be deleted from Otsego's Transportation Plan and map. Page 126 Trail System Map -Consensus was to remove circles depicting the Future Activity Centers. Page 1')8 CM Wendel stated that the River Rider was for everyone, not just senior citizens. Consensus was to change the title to Mass Transportation. PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING of April 8, 1998 cont'd Page 3 Page 130 Community Facilities Plan - Consensus was to change the word multi-propeay to single - property sewer system to better reflect that the system serves River Bend Mobile Home Park only. Pae 133 Dan Licht - Regarding Storm Drainage, since the adoption of the 1991 Comprehensive Plan, the City has taken several steps to correct storm water drainage problems. The consensus was to be more stringent in the future to ensure proper management. Mayor Fournier and Mike Robertson arrived at this time. Page135 Dan Licht - The map shows specific areas within the City considered for long term park system opportunities. Consensus was in favor of the smaller neighborhood type parks. There were concerns with the cost of maintaining the larger parks. Page 137 Governmental Buildings & Facilities Dan Licht - As the City continues to grow services will increase. This section covers possible need for additional and upgraded community facilities. (fire station, police department, library, improved public works facility, etc.) Possible sites need to be identified and possibly acquired in advance of such development. Dan Licht will make changes to the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the discussions of all the meetings that have been held. Chair Swenson Scheduled a joint Planning Commission/City Council Workshop meeting for April 22, 1998 at 7:30 PM. 3. Any other business Mike Robertson - We have received a preliminary approval letter from the MPCA. We are awaiting the EAW review. Mike Robertson also gave an update on the Dayton/Otsego sewer meeting. 4. Adjourn by 9*30 P.M. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. BRUCE RASK SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. J� olles, Secretary Recorded by: Carol Olson PC/CCW KSP.WPS