04-15-98 PCNr Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING DESIGN e MARKET R E S E A R C H PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Bob Kirmis/David Licht 10 July 1996 Otsego - Kincanon Golf Course CUP 176.02 - 96.15 Mr. Richard Kincanon has requested a conditional use permit to construct a nine hole, par three golf course upon a 20.8 acre parcel of land located south of 85th Street and east of Nashua Avenue. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service which lists "commercial outdoor recreation" as a conditional use. Attached for reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Detailed Site Location Exhibit C - Site Plan 5775 Wayzata Blvd. - Suite 555 - St. Louis Park, MN 55416 - (612) 595 -9636 -Fax. 595-9837 Recommendation Based on the following review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the following conditions: 1. The City Engineer provide comment and recommendation in regard to any necessary 85th Street improvements (i.e., turn lane, bypass lane, etc.). 2. A grading and drainage plan is submitted subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3. All drainage easements as determined appropriate by the City Engineer are established. 4. A landscape plan is submitted which identifies the location, variety and size of proposed site plantings. 5. The applicants demonstrate to the City that stray balls can be successfully contained within the subject property (via mature tree heights, safety netting, etc.). 6. Right-of-way for 85th Street and Nashua Avenue is formally dedicated to the City as determined appropriate by the City Engineer. 7. Club house plans are submitted subject to City review and approval. 8. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to septic system issues. 9. No outdoor storage of maintenance equipment occur on site.6-&,..� ) 10. The site plan is revised to illustrate individual parking stalls including two devoted to use by the handicapped. 11. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to parking lot curbing requirements. 12. Any signage erected comply with applicable provisions of the City's sign regulations. 13. Comments of other City staff. 2 U ISSUES ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit Evaluation Criteria. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service which lists "commercial outdoor recreation" as a conditional use. As such, the processing of a conditional use permit is necessary to accommodate the proposed use. In consideration of conditional use permit requests, Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. The following is a listing of factors which must be considered and resulting findings. 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan suggests long term low density residential use of the subject property. While the Land Use Plan does not specifically identify areas proposed for "commercial recreational" uses, the proposed golf course is considered compatible with both short and long term uses in the area. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Provided proper screening and berming is established, the proposed use is considered compatible with present and future land uses in the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). As a condition of CUP approval, all applicable performance standards must be satisfactorily met. Details regarding this criterion will be discussed in latter sections of this report. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed golf course is not expected to negatively impact the area in which it is proposed. 3 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. While no detailed study has been conducted, the proposed golf course is not expected to negatively impact area property values. In fact, such use may escalate area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Within the ITE Trip Generation Manual, trip generation rates of 5.3 trips per parking space and 6.9 trips per acre are provided for golf courses. Such ITE samples include public and private courses (9 hole and 18 hole) with and without clubhouse facilities. As calculated below, it is estimated that the proposed use will generate between 144 and 212 vehicle trips per day. Based upon the rural character of the City, however, these estimates may be considered "high end". Variable A - 5.3 x 40 parking spaces = 212 ADT Variable B - 6.9 x 20.8 acres = 144 ADT The subject property is to be accessed via 85th Street, a designated collector. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of such street. The City Engineer should, however, make comment and recommendation in regard to the need for any improvements to 85th Street (i.e., turn lane construction. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use will not overburden the City's public service capacity. Grading and Drainage. According to the applicant, a minimal amount of grading will take place upon the subject site. The City Engineer has recommended that the applicant submit a grading and drainage plan and drainage report which demonstrates that storm water will be properly held on site. Additionally, drainage easements should be provided over all ponding areas. The grading and drainage plan must be subject to approval by the City Engineer. 2 Landscaping. As shown on the submitted site plan, numerous new trees have been proposed throughout the site. According to the applicant, existing trees upon the site are to be relocated in areas of the site where tree plantings are most desirable (i.e., near property boundaries, along fairways, etc.). In satisfaction of CUP submission requirements, a landscape plan, which specifies tree variety, location and size, should be submitted for City review and approval. Stray Balls. Recognizing that dwellings lie to the east and west of the proposed golf course, three to five foot berms have been proposed as a means of containing stray balls. Additionally, tree plantings have been proposed along such berms. In areas where vegetation is intended to contain stray balls, trees must be of a height (size) and variety to successfully fulfill such function. Of particular issue are trees adjacent to the greens of holes 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. As noted previously, the landscape plan should specify all proposed tree types, locations and sizes. Hole 7, which lies adjacent to Nashua Avenue, is only ± 110 yards in length. Thus, particular potential exists for stray balls to enter the Nashua Avenue right-of-way. As a condition of CUP approval, the applicant should demonstrate that proper measures have been taken to contain stray balls from entering the right-of-way. Such measures may include fencing, safety netting, etc. Streets. The submitted site plan illustrates the boundaries of the subject property as extending to the centerline of 85th Street and Nashua Avenue (roadways lie within an easement). As a condition of CUP approval, right-of-way for such streets, as determined appropriate by the City Engineer, should be formally dedicated to the City. Clubhouse. As shown on the submitted site plan, a 1,500 square foot (30 foot by 50 foot) clubhouse is to exist along the golf course's eastern boundary. According to the applicant, the clubhouse is to be used as a "pro shop" with incidental snack sales. The clubhouse will not include any restaurant/dining facilities. As a condition of CUP approval, detailed plans of the clubhouse (floor plan and elevation) should be submitted to determine compliance with building material and height requirements. The proposed clubhouse has been found to comply with applicable A-1 District setback requirements. Septic system requirements for the clubhouse should be subject to comment/ recommendation by the City Engineer. 5 Outdoor Storage. According to the applicant, all golf course maintenance equipment is to be stored off-site. As a condition of CUP approval, no outside storage of maintenance equipment shall be allowed. Off -Street Parking. Parking Supply. As shown on the submitted site plan, 40 off-street parking stalls have been proposed on site. The City Zoning Ordinance does not include a specific off-street parking requirement for golf courses. However, an American Planning Association reference document entitled "Off -Street Parking Requirements" recommends the following standard for par three golf courses such as that proposed: 25 spaces per nine holes plus one space per employee on the largest shift While the proposed parking supply meets anticipated demand, the site plan should be modified to illustrate individual parking stalls within the designated off-street parking area. Dimensional Requirements. All off-street parking stalls and drive aisles have been found to comply with the City's minimum dimensional requirements. Handicap Stalls. In conformance with American Disability Act requirements, two handicap parking spaces should be provided and illustrated upon the site plan (1 per 25 stalls required). Surfacing/Curbing. In conformance with Ordinance requirements, the proposed parking lot is to be surfaced with a bituminous material. Specific curbing requirements should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Signage. Any signage used to identify the proposed golf course must comply with applicable City sign regulations. CONCLUSION Based on the preceding review, our office recommends approval of the requested conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed in the Executive Summary of this report. pc: Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Richard Kincanon Lynn Caswell 7 EXHIBIT A - SITE LOCATION CITY HALL"-* 4 1 /202.00 . 1 / /702.07 020. ------------------- .012-70 --------------- N.E. 85th' SihEE--- •------- #035 ----- -- ----- - �.2�. 2 #031 ----- # 015 �v 1716 021 E 2 2 2 2 4 TSE 0 !30 5 2 ; N 1•.. w a —'29 --- - �- ..�.»y rrr � F� 2a 2 a D a- , I t �-2 — _ rr-r77 120.m0 � � I , a 26 a a j , - tie' no 1 1 1 /70,100 I o 10 wz t 1 t I I• I : 11 2311 11 7 5� � --------------- I.F. ---;- , ------------------ �9 14 20 1S W F .= �Qa! 17 !I!ta - , 17 N.E. Botn 5 - I . t� 2021' -2928j1. 1 I 27.na — WA t EXHIBIT B DETAILED SITE LOCATION l21 t � I 1 F. 2 � ,10,]02 /mt]0{ I /10,701 I ,201 .OS � ,20,.00 /701)07 ,201 NI Or /mt]02 /m1]W I I I I I I I I M i I I I \ 1 i R R f x it V� ------------------- .012-70 --------------- N.E. 85th' SihEE--- •------- #035 ----- -- ----- - �.2�. 2 #031 ----- 1 Z , 7 2 E 2 2 2 2 4 0 !30 5 N 1•.. w a —'29 --- - �- ..�.»y rrr � F� 2a 2 a D a- �-2 — _ rr-r77 120.m0 � � a 26 a a j - I o 10 wz 11 2311 11 7 l". _- O F.r F 12 Q Ftr Io .. 12 w u 12 ; .1; — I.F. p0.7.0 F`3 2 nt3 01_ I �9 14 20 1S W F .= �Qa! 17 !I!ta - 17 N.E. Botn 5 - I . t� 2021' -2928j1. I 27.na — WA EXHIBIT B DETAILED SITE LOCATION NVId 31IS z ......... NONNYONIN (38VHOIM ui 3s8n00 X100 6 31 uno3X3 0035I0 I 096Y j JOAMO WOP 'A x 4, UJ 0 01 10 oi El 0i I -.""",o 1. , t , 1 0 g- ;o ..4 z oz K S.. f Po- Ij u c ,� j a j .��'1 0 IV c ift, 4- 0 0 I W OLU W,6 o- cc Z tn. '0 0 L) 00 z LJ U, 'r w z U, 0 -An \\\\\\� I - \ \ O I Lap / % / �•' ct: a. w W ).- in co I>W Z Z ��\\\\\\ x 09 J Lj 0,0 0 ox ch i. 1 ZWZ3 oo< -J ,.\'' p / �:� I ��, of II z Ln uj CL � -: cn 0 Cr z W W OM A 30N3AV vnHSVN — — — — — — — — — — — — — L- CITY OF O TSEGO (612) 441-4414 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Fax: (612) 441-8823 Elk River, MN 55330 January 29, 1998 Richard Kincanon 8478 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 RE: 9 -HOLE GOLF COURSE - CUP EXPIRATION Dear Richard: This letter is being written in response to your letter requesting continuation of your Conditional Use Permit for the above. e rt January 26, cs this was removed from the consent agendaPori of the meeting for e discussion. It was determined that the Conditional Use Permit was approved by the Council on August 12, 1996. That means it expired on August 12, 1997. The recording information for the CUP states as follows: APPLICANTS NOTE: �P ,,,,.tet hP exercised Any request involving a Conditional Ilse Permit or Varian gilhin twelve m^•nths from the date of annroval. or the annroval Iii l large• If a time gxtPnsion is necessary, it is the applicant's r sibilitY to_file for such ext rasion at bast 30 days prior to the lapse of ApproyaL Because this CUP had expired, the only process in place is to reapply for a CUP. The Council can grant a CUP for more than one year if they feel it is warranted. (See attached Pg #57 *20-4-6 ). For your information, the issue of safety of the ponds, machinery and the amount of time to complete this project was an issue to some. Page 2 Richard Kincanon January 29, 1998 The Council did approve having the Planning Commission review the process for CUP extension of time and a possible amendment. If you are interested in re -applying for a CUP please come in or call me at 441-4414. Thank you Richard. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO i omdw 1 Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Zoning Administrator M7 enclosure Richard Kincanon Conditional Use Permit Hearing P.C. of April 15, 1998 - 8PM MEMORANDUM DATED: March 18, 1998 RE: Conditional Use Permit Application by Richard Kincanon for a Commercial Outdoor Recreation (9 -Hole Executive Golf Course) in an A-1, Agricultural Zoned Area) FROM: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Richard Kincanon has previously applied and received a CUP for above golf course. The time limit to complete the CUP has expired. Consequently he is re -applying for a CUP for the same golf course. Nothing has changed from the previous CUP application, except the expiration of same. Staff has discussed this new application and feels nothing has changed. Therefore, attached is the information from the previous reports for review for the Public Hearing as follows: 1. Original Hearing Notice of 6/26/96 2. NAC's Report of .July 10, 1996 I City Engineers Letter/Report of July 2, 1996 4. P. C. Minutes of July 17, 1998 5. P. C. Minutes of August 7, 1998 (cont.) 6. Council Minutes of August 12, 1996 7. Conditional Use Permit Approval Recording Document 8. Findings of Fact and Decision ( Staff feels these conditions still apply) 9. Letter of January 29, 1998 to Richard Kincanon 10. Council Minutes of January 26, 1998 11. Notice of Public Hearing for new CUP dated March 18, 1998. 12. Letter of January 12, 1998 from Richard F. Kincanon * * Please Note: Richard Kincanon in this letter explains the construction delays due to contractor extensions and weather allowed them only to complete the pond construction and basic site preparation. The golf course can take up to three years to construct and another one or two years after that before the course is ready for play. Applicant is asking also for a longer than one year time period on the CUP of two and one-half years (2-1/2 yrs.) CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The Otsego Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, July 17, 1996, at 8:OOPM at the Otsego City Hall at 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN, or as soon thereafter as time permits. The matter has been initiated by Applicant, Richard Kincanon, 13333 - 179TH Circle, Elk River, Minnesota, 55330 for the South East Quadrant 85TH ST and Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN. PID4118-500-204-202. Request is as follows: 1. A CUP for Commercial Outdoor Recreation (9 -hole Executive Golf Course) in an A-1, Agricultural Zoned area All interested parties are invited to attend the Hearings to express their questions and concerns/comments. If you would like further information regarding the above described Hearing, please call the City of Otsego at 441-4414 in advance of the meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO: E aine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Adm. Dated: 6/26/96 Publish: 7/3/96 -STAR NEWS Posted: 6/26/96 - Otsego City Hall Hearing: July 17, 1996 8PM - P.C. August 12, 1996 6:30PM - CC CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: The Otsego Planning Commission will conduct a Public Hearing on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 at 8:OOPM at the Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN, or as soon thereafter as time permits. The matter has been initiated by applicant, Richard F Kincanon, 13333 - 179TH Circle, Elk River, Minnesota, 55330 for the Southeast Quadrant , Section 20, Township 121, Range 23 (85TH ST and Nashua Avenue NE) PID 9118-500-204202. Request is as follows: 1. A CUP for Commercial Outdoor Recreation (9 -Hole Executive Golf Course) in an A-1, Agricultural Zoned Area. (Note: This Public Hearing is due to a previously approved/issued CLIP which has expired) All interested parties are invited to attend the Hearings to express their questions and concerns/comments. If you would like further information regarding the above described Hearings, please call the City of Otsego at 441-4414 in advance of the meeting. A copy of the proposed Amendment may be picked up at Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, MN. Monday Through Thursday SAM to 6PM. CITY OF OTSEGO: glaineBeath•, Clerk/Zoning Aen. Dated: March 18, 1998 Publish: March 25, 1998 - ELK RIVER STAR NEWS Posted: March 18, 1998 - Otsego City Hall 2 -Boards Hearing: April 15, 1998 - 8PM - P.C. Meeting April 27, 1998 - 6:30PM CC Meeting • OTSEG09 MINNESOTA ZONING/SUBDIVISION REQUEST CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DATE: September 27, 1996 Property Owners-, Richard F & Jean M Kincanon 13333 - 179TH Circle, Elk River, Minnesota 55330 PROPERTY: PID # 118-500-204202 Legal Description: (See Attached Legal - Exhibit A attached to Findings of Fact) APPLICANT: Same REQUEST/ACTION: Request is for: A Conditional Use Permit to allow the following: 1. To Establish a Commercial Outdoor Recreational Use (Nine hole golf course) within an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. ACTION: City Council of Otsego approved the above request with the conditions in the attached Findings of Fact on August 12, 1996 Council Meeting CONDITION IMMARY- See attached Findings of Fact and Decision dated August 12, 1996 APPLICANT NOT Any request involving a Conditional Use Permit or Variance must be exercised within twelve months from the date of approval, or the approval will lapse. If a time extension is necessary, it is the applicant's responsibility to file for such extension at least 30 days prior to the lapse of approval. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zting Administrator CITY OF OTSEGO: U 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota, 55330 CC: Applicant/City Bldg Official/City Assessor/City Finance Officer/ ( SEAL) Plann r/File Conditional Use Permit Approval CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RE: FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Application of Richard Kincanon for a conditional use permit to establish a commercial outdoor recreational use (nine hole golf course) within an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. On 12 August 1996, the Otsego City Council met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Richard Kincanon for a conditional use permit to allow the aforementioned. Based upon the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact and decision. FINDINGS OF FACT The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit to allow a commercial outdoor recreational use (nine hole golf course) in an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service Zoning District. 2. The subject property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service 3. The subject property lies within the City's Long Range Urban Service Area, as illustrated in Otsego's duly adopted Comprehensive Plan. 4. The legal description of the property is found on attached Exhibit A. 5. Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider seven possible adverse effects of the requested rezoning. The seven effects and the findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. The City's Land Use Plan suggests long term low density residential use of the subject property. While the Land Use Plan does not specifically identify areas proposed for "commercial recreational" uses, the proposed golf course is considered compatible with both short and long term uses in the area. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Provided proper screening and berming is established, the proposed use is considered compatible with present and future land uses in the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards. d. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. The proposed golf course will not tend to or have an adverse effect upon the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. While no detailed study has been conducted, similar situations dictate that the proposed use will not tend to depreciate area property values. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Traffic generated by the proposed use is within the capabilities of 85th Street which serves the property. g. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public service facilities. The proposed use will not overburden the City's service capacity. 6. The planning report dated 10 July 1996, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. and 2 July 1996 letter prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates Inc. are incorporated herein. 7. On 17 July and 7 August, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the proposed condition use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the conditional use permit application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and 2 recommended that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. DECISION Based on the foregoing considerations and applicable ordinances, the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to all a commercial outdoor recreational use (nine hole golf course) within an A-1 Agricultural Rural Service District Is approved in Its present form subject to the following conditions: 1. A 40 foot right-of-way dedication (from centerline) is provided for 85th Street. 2. A grading and drainage plan is submitted subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 3. All drainage easements as determined appropriate by the City Engineer are established. 4. A landscape plan is submitted which identifies the location, variety and size of proposed site plantings. 5. The applicant demonstrate to the City that stray balls can be successfully contained within the subject property (via mature tree heights, safety netting, etc.). 6. Club house plans are submitted subject to City review and approval. 7. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to septic system issues. S. No outdoor storage of maintenance equipment occur on site. 9. The site plan is revised to Illustrate individual parking stalls including two devoted to use by the handicapped. 10. "Curb bumpers are Installed within the off-street parking lot. 11. Any signage erected comply with applicable provisions of the City's sign regulations. 12. Soil borings are taken in accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer. 13. A monitoring well (or wells), as specified by the City Engineer, are installed on the site. The applicant shall read the well (or wells) on an annual basis (in the spring of the year) and promptly report the findings of such readings to the City Engineer. 3 0 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 12th day of August 1996. CITY OF OTSEGO By: 2)J Norman F. Freske, Mayor ATTEST: By:4ML - Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zonin dministrator