04-22-98 WSCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP APRIL 22,1998 7:30 P.M. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the PC/CC Workshop Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Planning Commission members: Chair; Carl Swenson, Commission members; Arleen Nagel, and Richard Nichols. Eugene Goenner arrived at 8:05 P.M. Ing Roskaft, Bruce Rask and Jim Kolles, had an excused absence. Planning Commission Representative; Vern Heidner, Mayor; Larry Fournier Councilmembers; Virginia Wendel, Mark Berning, and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner; John Harwood, City Engineer; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Carol Olson, Secretary. 2. Review Planning District Section of Otsego's Com- rehensive Plan. Page 141 Introduction Dan Licht - This is a summary of the community facilities plan reviewed earlier. To facilitate development prospects for all areas of the community, Otsego has been divided into seven planning districts. This summary will be reviewed tonight. Corresponding individual maps for each district will be added to the completed Comprehensive Plan. page 144 - District 1 Dan Licht - District 1 encompasses the Hwy 101 corridor and corresponds with the sanitary sewer service district which is comprised of two sub -districts, an immediate urban service area and an intermediate urban service area. The third paragraph explains existing development (River Bend Mobile Home Park) which is located near the Hwy 101 and Co. Rd. 42 intersection. It should be noted that the mobile home park operates on its own waste water treatment system. The consensus was to place a period after system and delete the rest of the sentence in paragraph three. Dan Licht and Elaine Beatty noted they attended a DNR task force meeting regarding the revisions to the wild and scenic overlay district guidelines and plans. These revisions appear to have some flexibility for future development. Page 145 - Hwy 101 and Co. Rd.37 intersection - Reflects the existing land uses, a limited amount of commercial development will be allowed in this area. Page 146 - The former Frankfort Township area north and east of Hwy 101, is considered an opportune area for sewered industrial uses and for home extended business relocation. PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING of April 22, 1998 cont'd Page 2 Page 147 - Summarizes District 1 recommendations. Consensus is to add the word possible before development in number 6, and reverse numbers 6, and 7. Page 150 - District 2 Dan Licht - District 2 is divided into two sub -districts, District 2A, and District 2B. District 2A is in the extreme northeastern portion of the City. District 213, is in the southeast portion of the City. Recommendations under the summary of District 2 under number 6 on page 152. The list of streets to strongly discourage lot access will be expanded to include all the minor arterial streets and collector streets. The streets are Odean Avenue, 85th Street, Page Avenue, Parrish Avenue, and Co. Rd. 36. Page 154 - District 3 Dan Licht - District 3, is the area east of Hwy 101, and south of Co. Rd. 42. This area currently is primarily agricultural uses, but is within the proposed sanitary sewer plant location. A portion of the district lies within the Mississippi River and Crow River 100 year floodplain and the Wild and Scenic River District. This is the Urban Service Reserve Area, where sanitary sewer service could be extended to in the future. Until that service is available the proposed density is 4 units per 40 acres of land with concept plans provided for re -subdivision at such time sewer service is made available. Lands would be deed restricted to facilitate that at the time of platting. Page 155 Dan Licht - This is a summary of District 3 recommendations. CM Berning asked about development along 65th Street, and clustering -vs- hooking up to sewer and water. PC Goenner - Concerned that the land be used to the maximum extent with that density by hooking up to the proposed sewer in the area. CM Heidner - Agreed to allow hook up. With approximately 40 parcels, at a 4 per 40 density would not be significant capacity usage. John Harwood - Recommended that the policy remain firm on the proposed sanitary sewer district for development and not encourage development outside the designated area and does not recommend opening up district 3 at this time. The Policy now restricts hooking up, but a PUD process is available. Opening up this area would take away capacity in the service area and create a greater demand for other services. We need to postpone urban development for a significant time in District 3 and District 6. The plan for 4 per 40 in that area is that the plans direct the future development in the area that has been designated for the sewer system. The plan is to develop the designated areas, then expand once the corridor is developed. An amendment to the Comp. Plan may be allowed on a case by case basis. PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING of April 22, 1998 cont'd Page 3 Where failure of a system or special circumstances exist, the City Administrator could do a Policy Statement " That development is not occurring in the Phase 1 area, therefore etc." An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is all that is needed to expand the sewer service district to include a larger area. The Plan thus far has been laid out to concentrate development and the extension of sewer lines in an economic manner. If language is included to allow for some development in the 4 per 40 density it may not direct development as planned, west of Hwy 101 and north. The City Council may, on a case by case basis, evaluate how development is occurring. The City could allow hook up for public health purposes, or special circumstances. CM Berning voiced concerns of the size of the pipe and if large enough to serve future development. John Harwood - There is not capacity problem in the district 3 area unless it is developed at high density. The main sizing concern is north of Nashua Ave. If district 6 were to start developing a new force main would be needed. Everything else is sized all right. Page 157 - District 4 Dan Licht - North of Co. Rd. 39, West of Nashua Ave, designated as the Rural Preserve Area, 4 per 40 density. This district is within the Wild and Scenic overlay district with a minimum lot size of two and one half (21/2) acre minimum. Based on earlier meeting discussion, consideration would be given to greater density with cluster type development. The natural amenities, including the Mississippi River, could create an opportunity for higher end housing. Sanitary sewer is not anticipated in this district unless there are environmental concerns. PC Goenner asked why the river frontage area north of Co. Rd. 39 and east to the cemetery was not included in district 4 designation. Consensus was that area east of Nashua Ave. to the cemetery and north of Co. Rd. 39 be included in district 4. Page 159 - District 5 Dan Licht - District 5, is the largest district in the City with primarily agricultural uses, where 1 per 40 residential density is planned. In order to preserve agricultural uses, public sewer and water service is not anticipated in this district. Further existing animal feedlot expansions have been limited to minimize adverse impacts upon adjoining non-agricultural uses. The area is intersected and bordered by a number of high volume traffic carriers. Co. Rd. 39, Co. Rd. 19, and Nashua Avenue are all designated minor arterial streets. Direct single lot access to those streets should be discouraged. PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING of May 6, 1998 cont'd Page 4 Page 162 - 4 ummary of District 5 Recommendations Dan Licht - Item 7, The City of Albertville has expressed a desire to construct a full interchange at Co. Rd. 19 and I-94. This is outside the District 5 boundaries, but would impact the City traffic volumes. The City needs to continue monitoring this issue. Richard Nichols - Questioned the language in regard to lot access. District 2-A, District 5, and District 6, all consist of language that needs clarification. Consensus was to change the language regarding lot access in all the districts for clarification. Dan Licht agreed and will review this. 3. Any other business Chair Swenson asked Dan Licht if the Comprehensive Plan was nearing completion. Dan Licht - Maps remain to be done. Changes to the Planning Districts will be made and available to the Planning Commission 2 weeks before any public meetings will be held. This will allow for map preparation and recommended changes to be added to the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Adjourn RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. ALL IN FAVOR. MOTION CARRIED. J�Kolles'k,§ecretary Recorded by: Carol Olson PCCC422.WPS