06-04-98 IMJune 18, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION MIKE ROBERTSON DAN LICHT JOHN HARWOOD ANDREW MAC ARTHUR FILE FROM: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADM. RE: INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS - COMP. PLAN UPDATE I am attaching an application from Lu LuConic at 8922 NE Nashua Avenue (across the street from City Hall). She and her son Mike was at our Staff Meeting on June 11, 1998 to discuss Rezoning her property from AG -1 to 4 per 40 (which it is currently guided in the Comp. Plan). She wants to be able to split 5 - lots (2 -Will need fill to build) build a home for herself, and dispose of the old house currently there. (They are looking at shared driveways on Nashua Ave.) By building the extra lots, she feels she will be able to afford to pay for her own home. She currently has 120 acres and with for per 40 zoning would be able to build 10 homes, but is asking for 5 homes. Instead of going ahead with the Rezoning application, they have agreed to wait for the Comp. Plan to be updated, but strongly urge the P.C. and Council to leave the 4 per 40 designation on this land. If so, she will go ahead with the application as soon as the Comp Plan is finished and the moratorium is taken off. They have also told us that they are willing to give an easement on the pond for drainage and work with the City on same. This is for your information and consideration at your Comp Plan Meetings, as I told them I would write a memo explaining what they want for their land. Thanks June 18, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION MIKE ROBERTSON DAN LICHT JOHN HARWOOD ANDREW MAC ARTHUR FILE FROM: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADM. RE: INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS - COMP. PLAN UPDATE I am attaching an application from Lu LuConic at 8922 NE Nashua Avenue (across the street from City Hall). She and her son Mike was at our Staff Meeting on June 11, 1998 to discuss Rezoning her property from AG -1 to 4 per 40 (which it is currently guided in the Comp. Plan). She wants to be able to split 5 - lots (2 -Will need fill to build) build a home for herself, and dispose of the old house currently there. (They are looking at shared driveways on Nashua Ave.) By building the extra lots, she feels she will be able to afford to pay for her own home. She currently has 120 acres and with for per 40 zoning would be able to build 10 homes, but is asking for 5 homes. Instead of going ahead with the Rezoning application, they have agreed to wait for the Comp. Plan to be updated, but strongly urge the P.C. and Council to leave the 4 per 40 designation on this land. If so, she will go ahead with the application as soon as the Comp Plan is finished and the moratorium is taken off. They have also told us that they are willing to give an easement on the pond for drainage and work with the City on same. This is for your information and consideration at your Comp Plan Meetings, as I told them I would write a memo explaining what they want for their land. Thanks