*6:00 PM
1 Mayor Stockamp will call the meeting to order.
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 8:17 PM.
Roll call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder,
Tom Darkenwald and Dan Scharber and Lori Johnson, City Administrator.
2 Long Range Planning.
Administrator Johnson reviewed the November 28, 2011, long range planning
discussion, the direction given, and the progress made on the Council directives.
Administrator Johnson presented a list of proposed 2012 workshop topics and dates.
The Council concurred with the scheduled meetings and topics. The unscheduled topics
were discussed. Organized garbage collection was removed from the list as the Council
members reiterated their previous direction to implement organized garbage collection.
The Council directed Administrator Johnson to develop a staff organizational structure
for Council review at an upcoming meeting. The ambulance/fire service item will be
discussed when Steve Dittbenner, Ambulance Coordinator, is available. The Council
agreed that a long range planning session was a high priority and directed
Administrator Johnson to select a facilitator for a Saturday meeting in March or April.
All agreed a weekday meeting starting in mid-afternoon going through the evening was
a possibility if the Council had a two to three week notice. CM Darkenwald stated he
would not be at the February 13 Council meeting for the CIP discussion. He will meet
with staff to give his input.
Discussion was held on staff organization and consulting services including the
PeopleService Contract. Administrator Johnson will continue to evaluate the City's
needs and report back to the Council.
Discussion was held on the repairs needed at City Hall and the costs to build out the
Public Works facility. The Council discussed the community value to converting the
current City Hall to a Community Center. The City could not fund a new Community
Center, but with the Public Works space available for City Hall staff, the City Hall could
be converted to a Community Center at a fraction of the cost of a new building. The
Community Center would house recreation activities including space for senior citizen
activities. The public safety offices would move to the Community Center. There was
discussion about the repairs currently needed at City Hall, including replacing the
leaking roof, HVAC past its useful life, ADA improvements, and minor cosmetic
improvements needed because of water damage. The Council directed Administrator
Johnson to solicit bids to repair City Hall as discussed and to build out the Public Works
facility office space.
Special City Council Meeting January 9, 2012.
Recreation services were discussed at length including the types of programs desired,
the cost for 2012 and future years, and the type of recreation position needed to meet
the City's recreation needs. Discussion ensued regarding adding other administration
functions to a full time position. The Council directed Administrator Johnson to
advertise for a part time recreation manager with the possibility of full time depending
upon the qualifications. Pay to be contingent upon qualifications. Mayor Stockarnp
requested that an email be sent to the Park and Recreation Commission informing them
of the Council's action.
The Council briefly discussed computer updates and the computer use policy, Otsego
Cemetery, and ownership if the Indian burial grounds in the River Place development.
3. Adjourn.
CM Schroeder motioned to adjourned. Seconded by CM Darkenwaid. All in
favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 11:15 PM.
ayor Jessica Stockamp
Lori Johnson, City Administrator
*immediately following the adjournment of the City Council meeting at 6:00 PM.