04-25-96 BRCITY OF OTSEGO BOARD OF REVIEW APRIL 25, 1996 7 P 1. Mayor Norman F Freske will call Board of Review M ing to order, Mayor Freske called to order at 7 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Norman F. Freske; Councilmembers: Suzanne Ackerman, Ron Black, Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner. Staff: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk. Pete Merges, City Assessor and Randy Des Marais, Assistant Wright County Assessor. 2. Turn over to Randy Des Marais, Assistant WrightCrnmry Assessor for brief comment_ Mr. Des Marais explained the Board of Review does not have the authority to reopen the 1996 assessment and this meeting does not address taxes. Mr. Des Marais explained all homes increased approximately 5%. All land values went up. Pole Barns increased from $7 sq. ft to $9. Commerical Value went up 10% and the 15% depreciation was removed from Agricultual. In Otsego this year there were 46 sales that were used to determine market value. 3. City Assessor Pete Merges will give an overview of changes. Mr. Merges explained the reason for valuation increase and how land values were also increased. There were enough sales in Otsego to use to determine the increase. There was 5% increase on all homes. For the meets and bounds area some lots went up as much as $5,000 for the first acre, if more than 1 acre they are valued at $3,000 each acre after the first $5,000. In May of 1995 his sales ratio was 89.5% in November of 1995 it was 87%. He has to be between 90% and 1005% or the state will put an increase on the whole city. Attached is a copy of Mr. Merges changes. He explained the procedure for the Board of Review. 4. Review valuation of property owners ( residents) for sign up list - 7:06 PM. Keith Knutson, 118-500-332401, 6630 Odean Avenue, EMV: $93,700. Mr. Knutson: His valuation has gone from $61,000 to $93.700 in last three years. He said there have been no improvements to the property, lives on a gravel road and has a dirt driveway, feedlot proposal, basement is not finished. Pete Merges: He put down $3,700 for basement finish, land would be at $31,700 and no finish basement he would bring down to $87.600. Council Action: CM Fournier motioned to lower the valuation from $93,700 to $87,600 based on not having a finished basement. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. (Discussion occurred between the motion being made and the actual vote) Discussion: CM Heidner asked the City Assessor when his site inspection was done. Mr. Merges said in 1995. Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 2. 7:12 PM. Joseph DeMars, 118-500-191207, 8592 Mason Avenue NE. EMV: $96,200. Mr. DeMars: Only his upstairs is finished off at 1,250 sq. ft. Pete Merges: He has 1,250 sq. ft. finished, and he went through the other buildings and land value. Council Action: No Change 7:17 PM Edward and Mary Greninger 118-500-293300, 13108 70th St NE EMV: $153,600 Mr. and Mrs. Grenginer: No basement finish, increase in one year was too much. Pete Merges: Records show no basement finish. Explained land value. Council Action: No Change 7:26 PM. Frank Muller, 118-034-001030, 8416 Oakwood Avenue NE EMV: $42,500 Mr. Muller: He has a trailer house and valuation is too high Pete Merges: Suggested to review Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 9 AM. 7:30 PM. Ann Bentz 118-500-331401, 6699 Packard Avenue NE EMV: $106,500 Mrs. Bentz: Valuation went from $89,300 to $107,500 and she objects because of feedlot issue., new siding is on front of house only. New addition is 18 ft and not 24 ft. Pete Merges: Went through land value increase, increase for new addition. He has 24 ft. for new addition. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 8:15 AM. 7:39 PM Richard Wynn 118-017-001060,9175 Ochoa Avenue NE. EMV: $99,400. Mr. Wynn: Wanted to know how valuation was arrived at. Pete Merges: Went through land value, house, deck, gas fireplace, addition Council Action: CM Heidner motioned to adjust valuation by $4,500, therefore lowing the valuation from $99,400 to $94,900. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Freske left the Board of Review at 8:45 PM. 7:55 PM. Marie Corbin, 118-500-351202, 15671 70th Street NE EMV: $93,900 Ms. Corbin: Valuation is too high Pete Merges: Reviewed one year ago. Explained land value increase and house is valued the same as any other property. Council Action: No Change Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 3. 8:03 PM. Chris Dybdahl, 118-049-004120, 14620 97th Street NE. EMV: $147,800 Mr. Dybdahl: Increased by 10%. Only part of basement is finished. Pete Merges: Went over land valuation and home and has basement down as finished. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996, at 9:30 AM. 8:10 PM, Mark Zanders, 118-040-004080,9413 Park Avenue NE. EMV: $95,800 Pete Merges: Went over the land and property valuation. Council Action: No Change 8:20 PM, Deborah Souer, 118-800-143102, 9299 Kahler Avenue NE EMV: $95,400 Ms. Souer: Valuation went up 10% Pete Merges: Went over land and property valuation. He feels this is comparable to surrounding property. Council Action: No Change 8:33 PM, Marvin Valerius, 118-500-321200, 13701 70th Street NE EMV: $108,200 Mr. Valerius: Valuation has gone up. Pete Merges: Went over land and property valuation. Council Action: No Change 8:40 PM, Herb Ruprecht, 118-500-263407, 16470 70th Street NE EMV: $94,600 Mr. Ruprecht: Go over increase and feels wetland devalues. Pete Merges: Was there in 1993. Went over land and property valuation. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 10 AM and to review wetland situation. 8:44 PM. Glen Posusta, 118-121-001060, 10383 Kahler Avenue NE EMV: $174,500 Mr. Posusta: Feels the lots in Evergreen Acres should be valued higher than Island View and what sales is this based on. Asked about his storage shed since it is temporary. Pete Merges: Explained how land value was determined. Shed is 12 X 20 and value is at $8.00 sq. ft. Main concern was land value. Randy Des Marais: Explained the further west you go towards Monticello, the higher value the river lots are. Sales are looked at from Otsego and also Monticello. Council Action: No Change. 8:55 PM to 9:02 PM: Break Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 4. 9:02 PM. Ron Pouliot, 118-500-233302, 8110 River Road NE EMV: $95,200 Mr. Pouliot: Valuation has gone up over $20,000 during the past three years and no new services. Pete Merges: Explained the valuation of building site from $15,000 to $20,000 and then $3,000 per acre. Last site inspection was 1993. Council Action: No Change 9:14 PM. Antone Diederich 118-040-001090, 9094 Page Avenue NE EMV: $88,600 Mr. Diederich: Valuation went up $10,000 and has compared his property with his neighbor. Pete Merges: Went over the valuation and said it is compatible to the neighbor's. Council Action: No Change. 9:26 PM. Rick and Carmen Williams, 118-035-001050, 8359 Needham Avenue NE EMV: $105,700 Mr. Williams: Feel land value is too high, water problems and surrounded by trailer homes. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 10:30 AM. 9:31 PM. Delvin and Mary Ann Struss, 118-123-003010, 145217 8th Street NE EMV: $92,600 Mrs. Struss: Basement is only partially finished off. Pete Merges: Explained the process of arriving at this valuation and did visit in 1994. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996, at 11 AM. 9:37 PM. Tim Clark, 118-500-284400, 14960 70th Street NE. EMV: $133,700 Mr. Clark: Stated he has major water problems in his front yard and why is valuation so high. Pete Merges: Explained how land valuation went up and went over property valuation. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 11:30 AM for reviewing land only. 9:50 PM. Terrance and Judy Woods, 118-026-005020, 8841 OBrian Avenue NE EMV: $104,200 Mr. and Mrs. Woods: Not complaining about valuation but about the water problems and showed pictures. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 1 PM to review land.. Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 5. 9:55 PM. Perry Dahl, 118-500-192101, 8925 Mason Avenue NE EMV: $95,200 Mr. Dahl: Why did valuation go up. Pete Merges: Went through the reason the value went up and for Mr. Dahl it was mostly in the land. Council Action: No Change 10:06 PM. David Foley, 118-121-007080, 10070 Kahler Avenue NE EMV: $222,900 Mr. Foley: Why is land value so high, up $40,000 in one year, built in 1993 at $200,000 including lot. Randy Des Marais: There is more square footage than what is there and went over. Council Action: CM Black motioned to reduce valuation by $21,500, based on basement finish running too much square footage to start with, bringing valuation down to $201,400. Seconded by CM Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 10:20 PM. Justin Gilbert, 118-800-264403, 7071 LaBeaux Avenue NE EMV: $120,500 Mr. Gilbert: Valuation is too high. Pete Merges: Went over valuations for house, garage, basement finish and addition. Mr. Gilbert: Now he understood it. Council Action: No Change 10:33 PM. Carla Jordan, 118-121-001100,10470 Kahler Avenue NE, EMV: $181,600 Ms. Jordan: She had a Market Evaluation done for selling and this showed a lower valuation. Pete Merges and Randy Des Marais: They went over the basement finish and the house. Council Action: Set a site inspection for May 6, 1996 at 8:15 AM. 10:45 PM. Dale Adamson 118-500-264411, 118-500-264403,118-500-264404 7173 River Road NE 118-500-264403 EMV: $113,200 118-500-264404 EMV: $1,500 118-500-264411 EMV: $4,800 Mr. Adamson: Primarily concerned with 118-500-264403. Pete Merges: Went over the valuation increases, which were standard. Went over the air hanger and suggested going down to $4.000 for a $4,200 reduction. Randy Des Marais: Suggested combining the two lots for land value. Council Action: CM Fournier motioned to lower valuation by $6,200 - for the reason of the two lots are similar in value (118-500-264404 and 118-500-264411) and the airplane hanger is less in valuation. Seconded by CM Black. All in favor. Motion carried. Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 6. 11 PM. Jeff Kosbau, 118-031-002080, 14418 87th Street NE. EMV: $94,900 Mr. Koshbau: Valuation Card said there was new construction and he reported there has been none. Upset with the $52,000 of remodeling. One bath done, no carpet, basement is not done. He feels he has $7,000 into it. Appraisal done at purchase was $75,000. Pete Merges: House burnt in 1990 and value at that time was $42,400, new construction was the fixing and repairing of this house. Pete was in house. Council Action: Set site inspection for May 1, 1996 at 4 PM. 11:05 PM. John Darkenwald, 118-500-263100 and 118-500-341100, 15815 70th Street EMV: $322,200 (118-500-341100) Mr. Darkenwald: Valuation gone up $60,000 in last three years. Some land can't be farmed. Pete Merges: Went over valuation and buildings with Mr. Darkenwald. Land value went from $85,000 to $96,000 and explained why. House from $216,700 to $225,700. Council Action: No Change River Bend Trailer Count, 118-500-263100 EMV: $1,538.700 Mr. Darkenwald: Increased by $300,00 from last year. He explained they maintain all the streets, treatment plant and the safety access was taken away from 101. Randy Des Marais: Suggested Mr. Darkenwald take this up with the County Assessor. Council Action: CM Black motioned to recommend for Mr. Darkenwald to go the County Board of Review for reduction consideration. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Elaine Beatty is to send a letter to the County. 11:30 PM. Teresa Thell, 118-500-333209, 14186 62nd Street NE. EMV: $85,900 Ms. Thell: EMV was $78,900 last year. She lives on a private road, dead end. Pete Merges: Land value went from $25,000 to $32,000 and the house stayed at $53,900. Council Action: No Change 11: 40 PM. Gary Greninger, 118-500-322201, 13235 70th Street. EMV: $80,400 Mr. Greninger: Went up $7,000 Pete Merges: Valuation went up because of land value. Council Action: No Change Board of Review of April 25, 1996, cont'd. Page 7. Letters received: Al Schwab, 118-500-364400, See attached letter. Council Action: CM Black motioned to have Pete Merges attempt one time to contact the daughter and son-in-law, if unable to make contact, the valuations stay the same. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Richard Nichols, 118-500-293101 See attached letter. Council Action: CM Fournier motioned to direct Pete Merges to review anal maps regarding the wetlands of 7 acres. CM Black seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Pete Merges said he visited with Mark Helgeson who complained of his valuation. Mr. Merges explained to Mr. Helgeson that he was denied access to his house three times by Mrs. Helgeson. Mr. Merges reported there is very little finished off in the basement. Council Action: CM Black motioned to bring Mark Helgeson back for final consideration. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Randy Des Marais reported that Elaine Beatty said he would be receiving a letter from Alvin Beaudry and he did not receive any letter. Gordon Ebner NO SHOW Douglas Boleen NO SHOW James R. Roeschlein NO SHOW CM Black motioned to continue the Board of Review Meeting to May 13, at 6 PM. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Pete Merges will attend the meeting. Meeting ended at 12.07 PM. Mayor Norman F. Freske Attest: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal