09-08-15 Public Safety Commission Meeting MinutesOtsego Public Safety Commission Minutes September 8, 2015 1) Meeting called to order @ 6:33pm Roll call: Mayor Stockamp, Council Member Jason Warehime, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Mark Lucht, Tina Driste, Mark Driste, Chief Bullen, Chief Feist, Deputy Chief Surrant Absent: Chuck Schauss 2) Meeting agenda approved motion by Jim Breitbach, 2 nd by Tina Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. 3) September meeting minutes approved motion by Mark Lucht, 2nd by Mark Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. 4) Open Forum- Mark Driste thanked new members – Greg Hubbard and Mark Lucht for joining the commission 5) AV Chief Bullen see call sheet. Firefighter job posted last week, 4-5 spots to fill Prairie Festival ff Mark Driste & Greg Hubbard will represent the department, Kitchen burn trailer will be brought in by ER fire Practice burn scheduled 9/26/15 @ 8am, 2 old farm houses, 74th & Kadler Otsego Fire Inspections being done by Chief Bullen, Assist. Chief Mills and Mark Driste End of Oct 4-5 ppl will be going to Inspector I training from AV fire 5.1- Rogers Fire Chief Feist Quiet month in Otsego for Rogers fire 8-18-15 the practice house burn was a good training burn There was a question about who does inspections in Otsego in the area Rogers fire district—this will be addressed with Lori Johnson, City Admin. Elk River has been inspecting the Roger fire district businesses in the past 5.2 – ER Deputy Fire Chief Surrant 2015 Fire Academy graduation 9/16/15 @ 6pm at Rockwoods, all participants graduated ER Fire Open House 10/3/15 10am-2pm Station #2 Currently there is a FAO Class on Wednesday evenings 9/4/15 there was a fatal fire in ER, confirmed arson with active investigation occurring? 6) Old business- Greg Hubbard, Mark Driste and Tina Driste will represent the Public Safety Commission @ Prairie Fest 9/12/15 Public Safety Commission banner is generic black and white no city emblem on it-Mayor Stockamp and CM Warehime approved use of banner 7) New business- semiannual street clean up date is 10/13/15 meet at 6pm (NOTE TIME CHANGE) briefly then will do street clean up. Paul will get vests and garbage bags No fire/sheriff/ambulance that night 7.1 – there was a request to get ambulance reports from Allina and ER ambulance services, they will come to the meeting if there is pertinent info to share with committee 8) Jim attended the 8/24/15 city council meeting—nothing relevant to Pub safety Committee 9) City Council Meeting Assignments: 9/14/15-Mark Lucht 9/28/15-Paul Fields 10/12/15- Jim Breitbach 10) Motion to adjourn by Jim Breitbach, 2nd by Paul Fields. All in favor. Motion carried Next meeting is October 13th, 2015 @ 6pm (NOTE TIME CHANGE) Street clean up Written by Tina Driste