08-19-98 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 1998 - 8PM - MINUTES 1 Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL. CALL Carl Swenson, Chair, Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Bruce Rask, Jim Kolles and Eugene Goenner, Commissioners were present. Ing Roskaft and Christian Mbanefo, Alternate were absent Vern Heidner, Council P.C. Rep., Mayor Larry Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman and Mark Berning, Council Members. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner, and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. Planning Commission Meeting of August 5, 1998 - 8PM Chair Swenson noted that on Pg. No. 2, after no one spoke, it should read "closed public hearing" BRUCE RASK MOTIONED APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 5, 1998 PLANNING COMMISSION WITH REVISION. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Public Hearing for Applicant Shingobee Builders on behalf of Thein Well Co, Inc. is proposing to construct a 5,760 sq. ft. office/warehouse building n Lot 1, Block 2 of the Otsego Industrial Park, Second Addition. The subject site is zoned I-2 General Industrial To accommodate the use, the following development applications have been requested: 1. Site nl n review for industrial land uses. 2_ Conditional Use Permit to allow outdoor storage in an I-2 District_ 3 Variance from surfacing requirements for narking loading areas. 4. Variance from surfacing requirement s for outside, storage areas, reas. 5. Variance from concrete curh requirements. Chair Swenson asked if the proper publishing, posting and mailing had been completed. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator answered yes. Dan Licht, Assistant Planner read NAC's Report of August 12, 1998 and explained. The landscape plan provided was inadequate for review and needs more information. Conditions read by Mr. Licht on Page No's 6 and 7. He noted that Long Haul Trucking does not have concrete curb and gutter. He felt granting the variance would be contrary to the comp. plan and explained further. Pg. No. 8 Conditions read and he referred to the Engineers Memo. The site plan review was explained Pg. No. 10. The access and 30' curb cut is more than allowed, but the Engineer feels it is appropriate for the use. Staff feels the number of parking stalls (15) is appropriate. Loading was reviewed. The landscaping plan shows the plantings, not size or type of materials. The grading and drainage plans are not adequate for review and insufficient for complete evaluation. The three variances are a policy issue, but recommendation of Staff is to deny. It was noted that 20-22-4.H.12.c(l), should read Sec. 20-22-4.H.15 (it was wrong). CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1998 - 8PM - PAGE 2 - Open and outdoor storage Staff recommends approval with conditions 1 - 12 which were read by Mr. Licht. Chair Swenson asked if the Applicant wished to speak. Greg Hayes - Shingobee Builders, stated he is speaking on behalf of Thein Well and they have had four meetings with the City prior to this meeting. Two with Elaine Beatty and two with the building official and Bob Kirmis. They asked what would they have to do. This is strictly a well drilling operation. We have always been told it would not be a problem to have a gravel storage area. We were very shocked when it came time to get a permit. We had a conversation with Dan Licht and we feel we warrant the variances. The other industrial uses in this site are more retail and this well company is more of an Industrial Use. APEX is a multi-tennant building. Long Haul - the same. Chair Swenson explained the formal procedure on the back of the Agenda for Public Hearings. He opened the Public Hearing to the Public. Phil Rondo - Shingobee Builders, stated he is speaking on behalf of Thein Well Co. It is my understanding that the actual purchase was based on previous conversations. It is detrimental to the development of the property. Unfortunately, that is one problem. The landscape plan would not be a major issue. We would submit one to the City. No problem complying with similar regulations as APEX. The grading and drainage plan would also be submitted. Variances required would affect grading and drainage plans and calculations and different absorption factor. Variance is a reason and it will decide if we have a Civil Engineer or not. Chair Swenson asked if anyone else wished to speak. No one spoke. The discussion was brought back to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Rask questioned why Long Haul had no curb and gutter and talked about a berm. Dan noted that the berm is APEX, but has curb and gutter as well. More discussion by Mr. Rask of the Vet Clinic and they justified that the horses would be better off to be loaded and unloaded in gravel, so it was allowed. He noted that McAlpine Well Drilling does have gravel outdoor storage. He asked applicants if they have no problem hardsurfacing the parking lot. Correct, said applicant. Dan Licht noted that the loading and storage is to be hard surfaced as well according to Otsego Ordinance. Commissioner Goenner asked applicants about cat tracks, and kind of equipment being stored. Peter Thein, Thein Well Co. said the traffic in the loading area is minimal. They come in the morning and are gone all day. We are turning heavy equipment in a tight area. It is not feasible. If we were in trucking, it would be completely different. Driving tractor tires on the asphalt, it will tear it up. Greg Hayes noted that there is a tract drill rig that would tear up the asphalt surface. It was part of our consideration in searching out this site. It is the reason for having a meeting before we purchased this property. We always explained what we were going to do. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1998-8PM- PAGE 3 - Commissioner Nichols questioned if the APEX building has bituminous curbing on one side only. Answer: Yes - They have a berm on the other side because of expansion later. The rest is to be concrete curb. They are still building now. Both current areas have hard surfaces. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the public. No one spoke. CHAIR SWENSON CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. Discussion went back to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Rask expressed concern with what criteria were we using for denial of variance when he had four meetings with Staff. Mr. Licht noted that the Zoning Ordinance is the first and foremost consideration. Clerk/Zoning Administrator Beatty noted that she recalls that the gravel surface for the parking of equipment was discussed and applicant was told that they can ask for a variance, but no guarantees. Chair Swenson asked if the curb was installed, could class 5 gravel be allowed? Mr. Licht noted that the City Engineer has indicated that hard surface can be designed to handle Thein Well Co outside storage. Chair Swenson asked if the Engineer was aware of the type of equipment being stored? Answer was yes. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO TABLE THIS REQUEST UNTIL NEXT MEETING AND HAVE STAFF REVIEW WITH THE ENGINEER BEING AVAILABLE AT THE NEXT MEETING. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Greg Hayes noted it was a financial hardship to have this delayed. He thought he had been misdirected by the former planner. There was discussion of the information that the builder had from the City. He noted he did not have a copy of the City of Otsego Ordinance. (Elaine Beatty had faxed I-2 Zoning and Parking information from Ordinance) It was noted that the drainfield was in an easement by CM Heidner. Applicant noted that they had a letter of permission from NSP to allow this. THIS ITEM WILL BE ON THE SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 P. C. AGENDA AT 8PM. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1998 - 8PM - PAGE 4 - Chair Swenson noted the information on the Public Hearing. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings for this application have been completed. Chair Swenson asked the applicant if he wished to speak. He did not at this time. Dan Licht explained his report from NAC of August 12, 1998. This property is in the former Frankfort Township Industrial area. He showed the site plan and gave a brief review of the site. He noted that the property line is in question and not yet corrected. The review of the approval of this issue needs to be contingent on the exact property line being determined. The building placement does now meet the setback. If the property line cannot be determined, the parking can be adjusted. It was suggested that the parking lot be striped. Also that the drive isle be widened to accommodate a tractor trailer. Based on review of the application, the performance standards need to be considered by the Planning Commission Re: The proposed 3rd Industrial Area with the proposed comprehensive plan. The support for this seems to be there for this industrial site. The application is recommended by Staff, depending on the PUD recommendation from the Planning Commission and subject to the conditions of NAC's Report of August 12, 1998. Chair Swenson Opened the Hearing to the Public. No one spoke. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. Richard Nichols asked if the unpaved storage area meets the current standards for I-1? Mr. Licht explained it does not. The applicant is requesting this as part of the PUD, based on the finding that it furthers the City's goals. It is a policy decision as to standards in the area. Eugene Goenner asked how much Class 5? He asked about extra conditions for the PUD. Mr. Licht explained the Class 5 is currently there. The PUD allows flexibility. The question is whether or not this furthers the Cities goals. In this case the Industrial users may not be able to afford the other Industrial areas of the City. We are not giving flexibility, only asking if it meets our intended goals. Mr Goenner asked if with the new Comprehensive Plan this use would be appropriate? Answer: Yes, that's why a PUD. Mr. Licht explained that this is the direction the Comprehensive Plan is going, but it is not yet adopted. The PUD has flexibility to allow this prior to the Comp. Plan being adopted. Mr. Goenner said he feels the building materials are established in that area. The surfacing requirements is the only question. Mr. Nichols asked if he is correct in assuming the property to be shared is not increasing in size, but be allowed continued use. They may not have to bring in more class 5 as it is there now. He asked how many more development rights are in that area? Answer: Some South of #36 and some North of #36. Probably dealing with a handful of potential buildings in that area. The Public Hearing was brought back to the Public by Chair Swenson. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 19, 1998 - 8PM - PAGE 5 - John Kranitz - Owner of the property stated that ten years ago this property was a dump. One regulation is requiring planting of six trees. I put 150 trees in and 100 lived. Do I have to plant more trees? Trees in the area being relocated is the issue said Dan Licht. There are significant trees on that property. No one else spoke. Chair Swenson Closed the Public Hearing. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission. Mr.Nichols asked what was done with the parking and outside storage when the expansion of the sports building was granted? Answer: grassed area was allowed to continue as outside storage. Mr. Rask noted he supports the 3rd Industrial Site. He has had reservations of it being on #101, but the area is already there. We need some more affordable Industrial. Mr. Nichols noted a screening requirement. BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (PUD/CUP) FOR ELK RIVER COLLISION, JOHN AND SUSAN KRANITZ. A. FLEXIBILITY FROM THE FOUNDATION AND BUILDING STANDARDS OF THE ORDINANCE FOR INDUSTRIAL USES AS PART OF THE PUD/CUP. B. ALLOWING A NON - BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE OUTDOOR STORAGE IN THE I-1 DISTRICT AS PART OF THE PUD/CUP. SUBJECT TO THE 15 CONDITIONS OF NAC'S REPORT. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This item will be on the Council Agenda of September 14, 1998 - 6: 30PM.. 5. Any other P.C. Business CM Heidner discussed P.C. Budget for 1999. Mayor Fournier asked Dan Licht about the Comprehensive Plan update and if he will be ready for the Public Hearing. Dan Licht noted he hoped to be done by Monday so it can be reviewed. There was some discussion of the setbacks on Ag. land from Residential and feedlots. 6; Adjourn y l OPM ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. JIM KOLLES, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADM. FILE: PC81998.WPS