09-02-98 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 - 8PM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:07PM. ROLL. CALL Chair Carl Swenson and Commissioners Arleen Nagel, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles and Bruce Rask were present. Commissioner Richard Nichols, excused absence and Alternate Christian Mbanefo was absent. Council Representative Vern Heidner was present. Dan Licht, Assistant Planner, Mike Robertson, City Administrator and Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator were present. Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Mark Berning, CM Virginia Wendel and CM Suzanne Ackerman were also present. 2. Consideration of the Planning Cam ission Minutes of, A. City of Otsego Planning Commission/City o mcil Workshop Re: Comprehensive Plan of July 22, 1999 - 8PM BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 22, 1998 PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP RE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS WRITTEN. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B Planning Commission Meeting of August 9 1998 - 8PM BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 19,1998 AS WRITTEN. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (This item tabled from 8/19/98 to this date for further information attached) I Applicant •ngob it bef r,f Thein Well Co nc is proposing 1 � 1hal __l._� 1 Z to construct a 5,760 sq-. f* office/warehouse buildingon Lot 1', Block 2 of the Otsego Industrial Parko nd Addition The subject site is zoned I-2 _General Industrial To accommodate the use, the fallomdn9-deNAe1op.mffl1 applications have been req 1 .she ted: 1 Site plan review for industrial land uses. 2_ Condinional Use Permit to allow outdoor storag in an i-2 District. 'i Variance from rements for parking ing 4 Variance from surfacing tl Quiremente fpr nnrcide Storage areas. 5 Variance from concrete curb requirements. City Administrator Mike Robertson explained that the applicant was made aware of the pavement requirement on the storage area of the lot and that the Planning Commission and City Council are very reticent in granting variances. Chair Swenson noted that this item was tabled at the August 19th P.C. Meeting to obtain more information. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR APPLICANT SHINGOBEE BUILDERS, OWNER THEIN WELL COMPANY WITH THE 12 CONDITIONS LISTED IN NAC'S REPORT DATED CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - AUGUST 12, 1998. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Eugene Goenner questioned if we had information from the City Engineer regarding the loading areas. Dan Licht explained the Engineers letter stated that bituminous pavement can be designed for heavy loadings, and many commercial uses design for the damage that may result from some vehicles by appropriate use of concrete. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND DENIAL OF THE THREE (3) VARIANCES AS NOTED ABOVE. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, WITH BRUCE RASK VOTING NO. It was noted that this item will be on the City Council Meeting of September 14, 1998 at 6:30PM. 4 Public Hearing applicant Leander Schlosser. President Nailbenrler C:om. Inc. for Owner Brian L Schultz. 9303 Oakwood Avenue NF, Otsego (Legal descrintion is PID#119-34-002070 Lot 7, Block 2„ Vasse res Oak Grove Estate, Third Addition. _ Request is as follows_ 1 A Conditional Use Permit to all a move in building (Relocation of a double -wide mobile home) Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publication, mailing and postings had been completed. Dan Licht reviewed NAC's Report of August 25, 1998. He noted this is in a R-3 Residential district and they see no negative impact. He read the standards and conditions. He noted a performance security needed to be posted, and amount to be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with the eight (8) conditions on Pg. #2 of NAC's Report of August 25, 1998. Mr. Schlosser noted he did not wish to speak. Chair Swenson explained the formal hearing procedure on the back of the Agenda and OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING. No one spoke. Discussion went to the Planning Commission. Bruce Rask asked why we ask for a performance security? He noted people are trying to improve, why don't we encourage that. Felt it should apply to contractors only. Hearing brought back to the public. Mr. Schlosser, agreed with Mr. Rask. He stated he has met bond requirements for commercial projects. This is the first time in 30 years he has been asked to provide a bond for residential. This is a young couple and $2,500.00 is a lot of money. THERESA MUELLER Not happy with new rules/old ones not followed. She is 8322 Oakwood Avenue. glad to have neighbors like this in her neighborhood. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT8PM- PAGE 3 - No one else spoke. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED BY CHAIR SWENSON Brought back to the P.C. for discussion. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A BUILDING RELOCATION FOR OWNER BRIAN SCHULTZ WITH THE EIGHT (8) CONDITIONS OF NAC'S REPORT DATED AUGUST 25,1998. JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRUCE RASK VOTING NO. Elaine Beatty noted this item will be on the City Council Meeting of September 14, 1998 at 6:30PM. 5 iblic Hearing for Proposed Otsego Comprehensive Plan Staff report given by Dan Licht, Assistant Planner. He noted that the Comp. Plan update began in 1996 with interviews, was delayed for much of 1997, and that the effort was re- started late in 1997 after the decision about sewer and water was made. Review of Policy Plan and Development Framework. The Community has been involved throughout the process with public involvement and informational meetings. He gave the history and background of plan and changes made since the 1991 Comprehensive Plan. (See attached letter from NAC dated August 26, 1998). A map of Otsego was shown and Dan Licht explained the changes that were made as the result of the Public Informational Meetings. There were three objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and are as follows: 1. Sanitary Sewer Service Extension 2. Improve Community Tax Base 3. Control the Rate of Development in a responsible manner CONCEPT PLAN: AG Preserve Area defines the urban/rural boundary, 4 per 40 density allowed on roads, and 1 per 40 on back 40's with a 1 per 40 transfer of development rights. Reciprocal buffer zones explained (setbacks). Limit on AG area animal units (Maximum 1500 animals). Dan explained on what this is based on. RURAL RESIDENTIAL PRESERVE: A transition area between AG. Zone and Urban (4 per 40 suggested). possibly higher with rural cluster development - concentrated development with open space (10 per 40 density) to encourage clustering. 101 AREA - SEWER AND WATER SERVICE AREA: (10 to 20 year growth area) Expansion based on criteria. URBAN SERVICE AREA RESERVE: (Next area to receive Sewer and Water) This is a holding area until the sewer area develops (4 per 40 density allowed as an interim use) CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT8PM- PAGE 4 - Intent is to get sewer lines near the developed areas so as to be able to extend them with petition of property owners. Albertville Area Sewer Service Discussed (No closer than 5 years away at best). Land Use Plan Shown. The Comprehensive Plan focuses the new residential development into the Immediate Sewer Service Area. Dan explained the other areas of development as exceptions to the Immediate Sewer Service Area development. This is the first time that med. to high density residential development is available with sewer and water in the City of Otsego. 5 AREAS OF COMMERCIAL USES: A. Co. 39 and 101 - Primary Commercial Area B. Co. 42 & 101- Second Commercial Area (More Hwy. Commercial Uses) C. Co 37 & 101 - Third Commercial Area - Lower uses - Neighborhood for convenience D. Riverwood Conference Center - Area by 39 and 19 E. Adjacent to Albertville Area INDUSTRIAL USES: A. 101 Corridor 1. 42 and 101 (West side - High quality dry uses 2. N of 60TH E of 101 (same as above) 3. S of 60TH, E of 101 - Promote Economic Development Goals and relocate Home Extended Businesses area. Lower performance standards area. 4. SW portion of Otsego I-94 N & S of Hwy (Otsego Ind. Park to S) INTERIM LAND USE PLAN: Sanitary Sewer Service District 1 per 40 Acres until developed The Transportation Plan was explained by Dan Licht. The Parks System Plan was shown and discussed. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publication and postings of the Comprehensive Plan Hearing had been made. Chair Carl Swenson explained public hearing procedures and asked speakers to limit comments to 2 Min. Chair Swenson noted a letter received as "Exhibit A" from a resident Paul Levenson. He read the letter into the Minutes (See attached Exhibit A). Hearing Opened to the Public: VIRGINIA WENDEL She felt that one sentence was forgotten. In the Ag. Zone it 9357 - 65TH ST should read 4 per 40, 1 per 40 and higher density when City approved Sewer and Water is available. She felt it should be in there. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - STEWART TURNQUIST His land is in the AG Area. He wants to have AG organic farm - specializing in herbs and on site sales. Would that be allowed? Dan Licht noted that Ag use does allow sales with a CUP. Greenhouses allowed asked Mr. Tumquist? Answer yes. WALLY ODELL He suggested the hearing be continued. Said that some of the pages of the draft Comp. Plan he was given were missing. He was concerned about affordable housing. McKnight and Blanden Foundation are interested in affordable housing. Unemployment is very low. In Rogers a manager is being offered a bounty to recruit new employees. He discussed cluster development and stormwater runoff management (See Exhibit B submitted) Suggested four pamphlets to be read. He stated that the RKL Engineering firm has suggested private/public partnership between the Darkenwalds and the City. He objected that Darkenwalds were not allowed to speak at an earlier meeting. Suggest this hearing be continued. Read information on how to partner with the City. Darkenwald sanitary sewer would be a great boon for the City. Proposed sewer is as far away from the City development as it can be put. LARRY BLESI Concerned with lack of park land on the Mississippi 7119 LaBeaux Ave NE river. Should have at least one more park on the river in the future. DR. DAVID GILGENBACH -Concerned about amount of Commercial Land in the SW portion of 39 and 101. Commercial should be unified/not separated by industrial uses in that whole area. No one else wished to be heard. Discussion was brought back to the P.C. by Chair Swenson who reminded the Commissioners that in discussion keep in mind two motions need to be made, one on Policy Plan and one on Development Framework. EUGENE GOENNER Two questions- both AG area in facility plan portion 1) Residential unit allowed in buffer zone if no other building site available. Can you explain that? CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT 8PM - PAGE 6 - Dan Licht - In land use section a legal issue otherwise preclude a building site. It would be a taking. GOENNER (cont.) Does that include the feedlot ordinance changes CUP? Pg. 183 -1. Statement is incorrect -1 per 40, it should also include 4 per 40. 1. Null and void. Land evaluation site analysis. I thought we had eliminated this. Dan Licht -1. Needs to be changed to add 4 per 40. 2. Site analysis requires implementation by the City. If City doesn't wish to do this it can be changed. Chair Swenson asked if there was anything else? BRUCE RASK Concerned with Wally Odell. Question regarding the Draft copy of the Comprehensive Plan. Is it is our responsibility to provide our taxpayers with complete documentation? I need an answer. Mike Robertson stated he just got a draft comp. plan from the front counter and it has 2 parts. He did not know why the second part was not out there. He said this plan did not have anything missing. It should have been out there. EUGENE GOENNER Noted that on Dr. Gilgenbach and 101 &39 he was unclear on the point he wanted to make Mike Robertson - His concern was are we guiding too much land for IND. in the 101/39 area & 42. The P.C. did move the Commercial boundary further South. Dr. Gilgenbach thought it should be moved further South. You have Commercial land and then back to Industrial and then back to Commercial land - hop scotch. Not what the City is all about. You can always add Industrial Development if Commercial does not develope. Hearing was brought back to the Public WALLY ODELL Did not get a complete document. Every forth page was all that was there. I renew my request. Mike Robertson noted he just went out to the office and grabbed the draft that was at the front desk. Wally said he picked up his copy yesterday. CHRIS BULOW The Comp. Plan is a significant document and followed 9380 Napier Avenue like concrete. With the way the community is growing, I can see controlling it. Some areas of the community grow CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT 8PM - PAGE 7 - different than the plan can foresee. If someone has a viable project that is not in the plan, I feel the Comp. Plan should give the PC/Staff & Council the opportunity to vary from the document. You are looking at how the community may develop. That could change next Spring. Allow it to happen with not big comp. plan change. It is a long drawn out process. Nice to have language in place so not a long lengthy process and expensive. Mike Robertson -The best answer is the plan � not intended dea presented) and concrete. makes is always flexible. One area, if someone comes sense, people are usually willing to modify the plan. CHRIS BULOW The document is not complete. Ag 1 per 40 and 4 per 40 on improved street should just be 4 per 40, just as the future development area makes sense. What's the difference if it's on a road or not? It can develop the same. He also said he did not get a complete plan. He came back and Staff made him a new copy that was complete. Mike Robertson apologized for the incomplete plan. VIRGINIA WENDEL I'm sorry to be a pest, but pg. 180, Dist.. #5 - AG Preserve Residential density 4 per 40 and 1 per 40 with parcels without streets. Within Planning Dist. #5, public sewer is not anticipated, but can be considered. I per 40, 4 per 40 and sewer and water. I want the statement changed to "higher density when City approved sewer and water is available". BRUCE RASK asked how he can endorse farming when we are encourage farmers to farm and also allowing farmers to develop. VIRGINIA WENDEL -The Last two meetings aswith higher o leave the when approved City sewer and wate lvailable. We are not asking farmers area. I'm upset because that phrase is not in there. STAFF COMMENTS - There were none CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2, 1998 AT8PM- PAGE 8 - THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS BROUGHT BACK TO THE P. C. FOR DISCUSSION. EUGENE GOENNER - Pg. 180 improved street frontage - What is the definition of improved street? Dan Licht answered "existing" street frontage can change it to that. BRUCE RASK - I would like to hear all the changes we asked for. ARLEEN NAGEL - Agreed that she would also like to hear all the changes we asked for. EUGENE GOENNER - That is not my biggest concern. Mr. Bulow and Mr. Odell did not have complete documents. Vern Heidner is willing to give Mr. Odell his plan. Elaine Beatty asked the Chair if she couldask Mr. a�e the uw rime toOcome in to get oneeif they did get - The complete copy. Mr. Bulow did, Mr. Odell did not The changes that were discussed - we need to list and have copies available. CHAIR SWENSON RECOMMENDED CO 9 TIN I G THE HEARING UNTIL A SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 9TH, EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TOCOSN IPM. ARLEEN NAARING TO SECONDED SEPTEMBER So, 1998 - WEDNESDAYA THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NOTED THAT PAGES 180 - 183 WERE THE MAJOR CHANGES. Mike Robertson suggested that Dan Licht draft amemo including the M tubers to et them knowewe have it s by tomorrow and Elaine Beatty would call th done. 6. Any other P.C. Business CM Heidner noted they are in the budget process. P.C. budget has no changes. 7. Adjourn by IOPM ARL,EEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO ADJOURN MOT ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GO NER SE D THE MOTION. J OLLES, SECRETARY minutes by Elaine Beatty, City Clerk FILE:98PCMINMPS