09-09-98 SPCCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 9, 1998 - 8 PM L Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the Special September 9, 1998 Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll 11: Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Eugene Goenner, and Jim Kolles. Christian Mbanefo arrived at 8:30 p.m. Absent: Bruce Rask and Ing Roskoft. Council Representative Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson and Assistant City Planner Dan Licht. Councilmembers attending: Mayor Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Beming, and Virginia Wendel. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of September 1998. Chair Swenson noted that Richard Nichols absence should be listed on page 1 as "excused", that on page 8 the top sentence should read "The Public Hearing was elosed and brought back to the Planning Commission for discussion", and that on Page 8 his statement should read "Chair Swenson recommended continuing the hearing until a ,spial meting September 9, 1998 at 8:00 p.m. Commissioner Goenner motioned to accept the September 2, 1998 Planning Commission Minutes as amended. Seconded by Kolles. Carried 5-0. 3. Continuation of Public Hearing for Proposed Comprehensive Plan Chair Swenson reconvened the Public Hearing at 8:05 PM. He explained the process the Planning Commission followed for public hearings. Staff Report Council Representative Heidner spoke before the staff report. He praised staff for quickly making the changes to the Comp Plan after the previous Planning Commission meeting, noting that copies of the changed language were in most Planning Commissioners hands within 24 hours of the last meeting. He explained the problems with the copier that had caused two people to receive incomplete copies, and noted that in the future the City should spend a little bit more money to have complete copies printed out at the planners' office. Assistant Planner Licht summarized the staff report and noted that higher residential densities are allowed in the western part of the City with City approved sewer and water and that gravel streets are included as improved streets. In discussion with the Planning Commission it was determined that all references to the LESA program should be deleted. Planning Commission Meeting September 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 2. In other discussion it was clarified that the reciprocal setback between residential and agricultural uses is 1,000 feet in the Agricultural Preserve Area and language governing development within this buffer zone has been removed. Commissioner Nichols motioned to accept the changes as proposed and amended. Seconded by Commissioner Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Mbanefo arrived at 8:30 p.m. Chair Swenson opened the hearing to the Public.. There were approximately 20 people in attendance. Paul Levenson, 6129 Highway 101, Otsego, noted that he had sent a letter to the Council and the Planning Commission asking that his land be designated for Commercial use rather than medium/high density residential because he wished to develop a mini - storage on site and because he was close to the St. Michael industrial area. Commissioner Goenner noted that he thought the current designated land use was the most appropriate for Mr. Levenson's land. Wally Odell, PO Box #9, Elk River, noted that he was Chair of the Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission (EDAAC). Council Representative Heidner said that he had spoken with other members of the EDAAC and they told him that they had not taken any position on the proposed Comprehensive Plan and had not authorized Mr. Odell to address the Planning Commission officially as EDAAC chair. Mr. Odell said that he was speaking as a private citizen. He said that the plan had several contradictions, didn't have enough public comment, and should be continued for more discussion. He noted the following complaints; Ground Water - Mr. Odell noted several areas where the plan referenced concerns about ground water pollution and said this was inconsistent with allowing sewer and water to go into existing residential areas by petition only. Industrial Land - Mr. Odell said that much of the area that the City had designated for industrial use adjacent to Highway 101 was very poor soil. He said that it would be very expensive to haul fill into this area for industrial development, and that would prohibit development. He also stated that he thought that high costs for City water and sewer would prohibit industrial development. Mr. Odell also said that he thought that the City was wrong to look for development along Highway 101, that it would be more likely to happen along Highway 94. He said the City should be working with Albertville to run sewer to this area so that it could be developed. Planning Commission Meeting September 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 3. Low Income Housing - Mr. Odell said that the Comp Plan did not encourage low income housing, and that the City should allow cluster housing in all residential areas of the City, not just north of County Road 39, as a way of encouraging more low income housing. He said the area would need low income housing in order to provide workers for industrial development. Agricultural Preserve Area - Mr. Odell said that the City should not favor one group over another in this area. Mr. Odell said that he felt this was central planning trying to overcome market based decisions. He reiterated his statement that the Comp Plan should be delayed for more public comment. Hearing no other public comments, Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing. Planning Commission Discussion Commissioner Nichols questioned Mr. Odell's comment that the City had not had enough participation. He noted that the Comp Plan process began with interviews of citizens, included four well attended public informational meetings, and that every meeting and workshop since then had been attended by people who had not hesitated to give Planning Commissioners and Councilmembers their opinions. He said he did not know what else could have been done to get more people to participate. City Administrator Robertson agreed with Commissioner Nichols remarks. He indicated that when he discussed the informational hearings with city staff in other, much larger communities, they were very envious that the City of Otsego had over 300 people attend the public informational meetings. Chair Swenson stated that the Policy Plan and the Development Framework of the Comprehensive Plan had to be approved by separate motions. Action Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Policy Plan with the changes approved earlier this evening. Seconded by Commissioner Nagel. Voting For the Motion: Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Carl Swenson, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, & Christian Mbanefo. Voting Against the Motion: None. Motion carried Unanimously. Planning Commission Meeting September 9, 1998, cont'd. Page 4. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Development Framework with the changes approved earlier this evening. Seconded by Commissioner Nagel. Voting For the Motion: Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel. Carl Swenson, Jim Kolles, & Christian Mbanefo. Voting Against the Motion: Eugene Goenner. Motion carried 5-1. Commissioner Goenner stated that he could not support the Development Framework because he thought that the four per forty residential density allowed in the Agriculture Preserve Area would cause too many conflicts with agricultural uses. Administrator Robertson noted this item will be on the September 14, 1998 City Council Agenda. Council Representative Heidner thanked the Planning Commission, the members of the audience, and all citizens who participated for all their hard work and comments which helped to prepare a good Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Goenner motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Michael Robertson