01-04-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL MEETLYG MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1999 - SPM MINUTES 1 Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL: Chair, Carl Swenson, Bruce Rask, Eugene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles and Richard Nichols, Commissioners and Christian Mbanefo, Alternate. Mayor, Larry Fournier, Council Members Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman. Staff present, Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerl&Zor ing Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner 2 Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A December 9,1998 P.C. Joint P.C./Council Meeting Arleen Nagel noted that on Page #3, first paragraph, a typo, change R-2 to "R-1". RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES WITH THE NOTED CORRECTION ON PAGE THREE. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Continue Review of Accessory Buildings for the Large Lot Unsewered Development ()Yith updated information from NAS and any other proposed Zoning Ordinance changes. Dan Licht explained NAC's Memo dated December 21, 1998, December 28, 1998 and Memo of November 1, 1990. Exhibit A was reviewed, which is a matrix of accessory building requirements. Farms and hobby farms greater than 10 acres in size are exempt. Gene Goenner felt that 500 sq. ft of accessory space up to the size cap amount, for each additional acre of land over the first acre, may be an excessive amount. Dan Licht explained that the 1% of impervious surface rounded up is where the 500 sq. ft came from. CM Heidner questioned if a gazebo is classified as an accessory building and if so, can it be redefined? Dan Licht said a gazebo is an accessory building. Bruce Rask questioned passing a regulation on a non -conforming mobile home regarding accessory buildings. He felt we should get rid of the CUP condition regarding R -MH District, Mobile Home area.. CM Heidner noted he did not agree with allowing an accessory building more than twice the size of the home. The primary purpose of the land is residential. He felt it should be tied to the size of the home. Mr. Rask thought we were totally eliminating the house size being tied into the accessory building size. Mayor Fournier thought we should tie the accessory building size to the lot size. A small house size, people may have toys and need storage. He felt if you go by lot size, leave the CUP process in. Mr. Nichols felt just because you have a lot of toys, doesn't mean you need to store them all on your lot. He liked what was recommended by Dan Licht, except in the rural service area a larger accessory building should be allowed. CITY OF OTSEGO PC/CC MEETING OF JANUARY 4,1999 AT 8PNI - PAGE 2 - Mayor Fournier had a problem with a large house gets a large accessory building and a small house can't have a large accessory building. CM Heidner noted we are trying to build a community with higher property values and if people know what is allowed, maybe they will build a larger house. CM Wendel disagreed with that. What if people don't want a large house, but have money to buy lots of toys? She wanted them to put stuff inside. CM Heidner noted it is our community and we need to decide what we want it to look like for the future. CM Ackerman agreed with CM Wendel and said she felt people care about their property and need larger accessory buildings for their storage. Mr. Robertson noted that people who wanted larger accessory buildings could go to the rural area where 10 acre lots are allowed. CM Wendel felt we should tie the accessory building to the size of the lot. Chair Swenson noted one reason we talked about not tying it to larger lots, we have larger residential lots in the sewered area. CM Berning didn't have a problem with the accessory building twice the size of the house, but suggested that in the sewered area allow a maximum of 1150 sq. ft. accessory building space. He noted in the rural service area there are presently a large number of accessory buildings. He felt we should go with the size of the lot in the rural service area. Mr. Nichols is in favor of eliminating the house size and going with 1150 sq. ft. in the sewered area. All agreed. Dan Licht noted it should read: "Total accessory structure may not exceed twice the size of the principal structure up to the 3000 sq. ft cap" for the sewer expansion area. Rural Service Area: " Total accessory structure shall not exceed twice the size of the principal structure up to 3000 sq. ft cap". After discussion of hobby farms and definition, it was decided that all references to hobby farms would be removed and any lot over 10 acres in size is exempt from the regulations. Dan Licht will discuss with the building official the issues of no more than one detached structure and gazebos. Dan Licht will put the information from tonight's meeting in final form and have it for the next meeting on January 20, Wednesday, 1999, 8PM for review. 4. Any other P.C. Business A Establish an alternate meeting date for the second Planning Commission meeting in January as January I Sth is Martin Luther King D.ay. It was noted that January 20, 1999 8PM will be the next P.C./CC Meeting. Bruce Rask noted he would not be able to attend this meeting. Discussion of February 1, 1999 - 8PM P.C. Agenda will have Elections for P.C. Officers. CITY OF OTSEGO PC/CC MEETING OF JANUARY 4,1999 AT SPM - PAGE 3 - 5. Adjourn by 10PM BRUCE RASK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Fdc: "-Pcrmv.Vin