MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1999 - 8PM
1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order;
Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM.
Chair Carl Swenson, Commissioners Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles and Eugene
Goenner. Excused absence: Bruce Rask, Richard Nichols and Christian Mbanefo
Mayor Larry Fournier, Council Members Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman.
Absent: Mark Berning and Virginia Wendel
Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, NAC from Staff.
2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of:
A. December 9, 1998 P. C. Joint P.C./Council Meeting
Minutes will be considered at the P.C. Meeting of February 1, 1999.
3. Continue Review of Accessory Buildings for the Large Lot Unsewered
Development ( with updated information from NAC) and any other proposed
Zoning Ordinance change
Dan Licht explained January 12, 1999 memo from NAC RE: Otsego Zoning
Ordinance update - Accessory Building Changes.
The Gazebo issue was discussed and less than 150 sq. ft is incidental. Anything
over that amount will require a building permit. Setbacks were reviewed and over 1,000
sq. ft in size accessory building is required to have the same setback as the principal
CM Heidner noted that in R-1, 2 and 3 Districts of large lots, the restriction of
2,000 sq. ft for accessory buildings, but have it in two (2) buildings, not one (1). (Mr.
Licht brought up that the down side is increased maintenance issues on property and if the
buildings are built at different times, they could be very different in appearance.)
Mayor Fournier asked Mr. Licht to define major building setbacks and he asked if
two accessory buildings would look better than one.
Mr. Goenner noted that two detached accessory buildings would need a minimum
lot size that it could go on. A smaller lot maybe would not be able to have two accessory
Mayor Fournier - On a larger lot, maybe two buildings would look better.
Mr. Heidner stated he is willing to set this issue aside until more information can
be gathered.
Chair Swenson noted that we will probably set the hearing date tonight.
Ms. Nagel - Did not like to see a lot of garages, but would rather see two than one
huge one.
Mr. Kolles - Would like two smaller, rather than one larg garage, if the property
is 4 acres or more.
Mr. Heidner - You could say no single building larger than 1200 sq. ft.
Ms. Ackerman agreed with two smaller buildings.
Mr. Licht - We need to state the maximum size for the detached garage that
automatically triggers the need for the second building (not larger than X size).
-PAGE 2 -
Mayor Fournier asked if we need to include the basement area as part of the
total space for a home. Mr. Licht noted that the finished floor area includes up and down.
The Hearing for Accessory Building portion of the Ordinance will be on
February 16, 1999 (Tuesday at 8PM)
Mr. Licht reviewed January 13, 1998 Zoning Ordinance Update on Feedlots (Sec.
Mayor Fournier asked if we can call the legal non -conforming use a "legal
permitted use"?
Mr. Licht explained that those feedlots that meet registration requirements would
be legal. The others not meeting regulations would be non -conforming, which is a legally
defined term in the Zoning Ordinance.
Mayor Fournier didn't like the negative feeling of it. He would like it more
positive. Mr. Licht noted that we can not change it.
Mr. Licht explained further how the ordinance views the feedlot designation
"Legal non -conformity" and we can only operate under same. The registered feedlot is
not non -conforming. More discussion on the legal non -conformity.
Page 38-2. Allowed Feedlots.
A. Urban Service Area
1. Existing Feedlots
No's. 1 through 7 allow flexibility from the existing ordinance.
Ms. Nagel - At what point does a feedlot need an MPCA Permit? Mr. Goenner
answered ten (10) animal units, but said that the MPCA doesn't enforce it until it is fifty
(50) animal units.
Page 38-3 Rural Service Area Feedlots. Subsection explained. All feedlots
required to register within six months of the ordinance publication. There may be a
problem with allowing subdivisions, then feedlot protection with registration. Discussion
was had on how to determine the size of the feedlot.
Mr. Goenner felt a six month date was good for registration window. Questioned
if that was completed, or started? Answer is it requires more than six months to get an
MPCA Permit. Mr. Heidner said it could be pending and Mr. Swenson said if it is in
process - It's the intent.
Mr. Goenner asked if there is a problem with the maximum number of animal units
allowed on site. (There is a certain number that can be handled on each site). Mr. Licht
noted that some documentation of animal units is needed. More discussion of how city is
going to document animal units. Chair Swenson felt we need to ask the farmers. Mr.
Licht will get U of M guidelines Mr. Kolles didn't know if that would work, especially
with dairy animals. Mr. Heidner thought the real issue was waste material. Mr.. Goenner
agreed. Mayor Fournier thought we should bring guidelines back, either from the U of M
or Wright Co. Mr. Licht will bring back guidelines for PC/CC to review.
Mr. Goenner said eliminate a, b c and d. Mr. Licht will check "d" before removing
it. P.C. & CC asked Mr. Licht to get the newest waste management plan.
38-4 a.1. Change to owner's and operator take out "or".
-PAGE 3 -
Page 38-5 c. (bottom of page) Mr. Goenner suggested to delete "operator"
from owner/operator. Mayor Fournier asked if the owner is the only one who can cancel
the registration? Answer: City can if they are non-compliant.
Page 38-5 (2) a. Mr. Goenner suggested it be tied to capital improvements. Mr.
Licht will review this and rewrite it.
Page 38-6. Remove "operator".
Mr. Licht noted that if the owner terminates registration, it goes back to a legal
non -conforming use.
Mr. Heidner - Asked what if the farm is sold and no forms were filled out? Can
they reconstruct the farm? More discussion of the registration being handled as an
Administrative Permit and the document to be recorded at Wright County similar to the
existing Administrative Permits.
20-38-3, Page 38-6 change "20-38-4" to correct reference on 4th line.
38-7 A, 1, 2 and 3. Revise to reflect registered number of animal units.
Mr. Goenner - If a person would drop their registration, would they be able to
double the size? Mr. Heidner didn't feel we could go back to the old ordinance. Mr.
Goenner said put in a clause - "No expansion would be permitted once the registration
is dropped by the owner".
38 - 9 - 3. Non conformity "Mr. Licht will change this with his wording."
Mr. Goenner - 3. Add "Not to encroach closer than 300ft". Mayor Fournier
asked Mr. Goenner what is the problem with 300'? He explained the different situations
and would require a CUP. Mr. Licht explained 300' in close proximity to the existing
building. If your concern is on conditions imposed, we can define that further. Mr.
Heidner noted that we need this in black and white, not subjective. Mr. Licht noted that
beyond 300' they have to show cause to move more than 300'. Mr. Heidner asked if you
are looking at a variance? Discussion of a drawback with the economics feature instead of
physical. It was decided to go with the CUP - not Variance.
Mr. Licht - The direction I am hearing is work on item C. Chair Swenson noted
that is with further consideration that you not take rights away from someone else.
38-10 Table. Mr. Heidner questioned public or private ditch (road ditch)? Mr.
Licht with check this with the City Engineer. That was all the changes.
Mayor Fournier asked on registering feedlots, how would we handle it?
Newspaper, Otsego View? It was decided that we would send a mailing to all people in
the Rural Service Area.
5. Any other P.C. Business
A. Establish an alternate meeting date for the second Planning Commission
meeting in January as January 1 9th is Martin Luther King Day
It was decided that the P.C. would handle their meetings like the Council and
if the holiday falls on the regular scheduled meeting, the meeting would be the next
day " Tuesday".
Ms. Nagel noted that in the Zoning Ordinance #106. Hobby Farm Definition, we
need to look at it and be consistant.
-PAGE 4 -
Ms. Beatty brought up the fact that she received a call from Rita Johnson who
worked formerly with the State Planning Agency and has now resigned to take another
job. There is around $600.00 in the account that can be used to hold a planning seminar at
Otsego. Arleen Nagel has agreed to help with a seminar to be held at Otsego this Spring.
All agreed that this would be a good idea and in March, Elaine/Rita/Arleen will meet to
plan a seminar at Otsego.
6. Adjourn by 1OPM
Minutes by Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Recording Secretary.
(File: 99-PCMIN.WPS)