1997CITY of OTSEGO Council Approved PLANNING COMMISSION BYLAWS Amended: December 3, 1997 ORGANIZATION: 1. The Planning Commission officers shall be: Chair Vice Chair Secretary 2. Duties of the officers: A. Chair: The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission . The Chair shall preserve order and decorum and shall de,-- ide all questions of order. The Chair shall appoint any necessary committees and shell appoint any committees requested by a majority of the members. The Chair may call special or emergency meetings, proviafing notice pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, Minn. Stat. 471.705, Subd. lc. B. Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall preside at all meetings in the absenc : of the Chair and perform such duties as requested by the Chair. C. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for insuring that detai f d minutes of all Commission meetings shall be taken by the staff secretary and distributed to the members at least a week before the next commission : neeting. The Secretary shall also maintain records of site inspecti ; a attendance and attendance of Commission members at meetings and shal, submit these records to the staff upon a regular basis. WORK RULES: Page 2 1. There shall be two regularly scheduled meetings the first and third Wednesday of each month, unless an alternative is scheduled due to an unforeseen conflict. Notice of the change must be given in writing to members at least four days prior to the meeting date. 2. At the first meeting in February, the Commission shall elect from it's membership a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Secretary. 3. The membership of the Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the City Council, one alternate member appointed by the City Council, and a non-voting Council representative appointed by the Mayor. 4. The alternate member shall sit at the planning commission table during any scheduled meeting and participate in all sessions, but the alternate shall only vote if a member of the commission is absent. 5. A quorum shall consist of four members. 6. A member may be excused from an individual meeting for reasons of illness, work or out of town trips. Notice of the members absence should be communicated to the staff on the date of the meeting. 7. The order of business shall be as listed in the meeting agenda to be prepared by the Zoning Administrator before each meeting. 8. All Commission recommendations shall be sent to the City Council in written meeting minutes and shall include a record of the division of votes on each recommendation. 9. All meetings shall be open to the public. 10. Any site inspection involving 4 members or more as a group, shall be noticed as a special Planning Commission meeting. 11. Any resolution or motion, except the motion to adjourn, postpone, reconsider, table, or force the previous question shall be written and included in the meeting minutes. 12. Any resolution or motion may be withdrawn at any time before action is taken on it. Page 3 13. When a question is under debate, no other motion shall be entertained except to table or call for the question, act on the question, postpone, refer to committee, or amend. Motions shall take precedence in that order and the first two shall be without debate. 14. All motions shall be carried by a majority vote of the members and Chair present, except call for the "question". Any members or the Chair may call for a roll call vote on any issue. 15. Motions shall be made only by persons recognized by the Chair. 16. Call for the question is not a motion, but an indication to the Chair that the person making this statement is ready to have the motion or question acted upon without further discussion. 17. These rules shall not be repealed or amended except by a five member vote of the Commission and after notice has been given at a previous meeting. Changes in these By -Laws will become active upon approval by the City Council. 18. Ordinance # 97-13, CODE OF ETHICS, as amended. 19. Any rule not covered by these Work Rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. co/pcbylaws.wps