03-01-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COTM IISSION MEETING MARCH 1, 1999 (MONDAY) 8PM MINUTES 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL: Planning Commissioners: Chair Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Patrick Moonen, Gene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, and Jim Kolles. Bruce Rask and Christian Mbanefo, Alt. were absent. Staff: I\/Iike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner. City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. February 16, 1999 Otsego P.C./CC Meeting This was tabled to next P.C. Agenda of 3/15/99 3 Public Hearing to consider the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Re: Feedlots Hearing was opened by Carl Swenson. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing and posting was completed. Chair Swenson explained the proper hearings procedure. Dan Licht explained NAC's Memo of February 2, 1999 RE: Zoning Ordinance Update; Feedlots. (See Attached). 300' setback has been added. Section 2 definitions have been changed to clarify. Section 3, Page 12 has been changed Re: Building Permits (If it is a farm operation structure - It requires no permit). Hearing was opened to the Public Lloyd Beaudry Do you supersede what the County is doing? Dan Licht noted that Otsego's Ordinance supersedes the County Ordinance. Tony Berning 1\/Ir. Licht, the County is saying Otsego is coming under the County Ordinance. Who is right? 1\/1ike Robertson explained that when the City incorporated, They were no longer under the jurisdiction of Wright County. Dan Licht - MPCA has designated their review authority to Wright County. It is a separate process, but you still have to get a MPCA Permit. Otsego's Ordinance governs the actual land use. Gene Goenner - Page 46, Item D reads six months. Is it six months to start the process? Dan indicated that if they initiate the process within 6 months that they qualify. Gene Goenner - Page 4, Item 1, subsection, we decided to delete this. Dan noted that all deleted items were in Item #6. Gene Goenner said #3 and 4 also fall under that category. Dan Licht noted that #3 is for the Cities process to evaluate. Hearing was re -opened to the Public. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - Lloyd Beaudry If you go to Wright County and get inspected, what will registering in Otsego do? Dan Licht noted that County inspection is regarding County MPCA regulations at Soils and Water. Gene Goenner Understands that we will receive ?v1PCA permits through Wright County instead of the State. The same funding sources will be available to Otsego. Mike Robertson explained the buffer zone advantage that came from registering with the City. Larry Fournier You discussed regulating the feedlot administratively. Will 16632 NE 70TH ST you explain that amendment. Dan Licht explained that the amendment done administratively and allows the City to see if there are any changes in the operation. It is a new process. Hearing was Closed. Discussion brought back to the Planning Commission. Virginia Wendel - If an existing farmer wants to enlarge his animals, can he take animals to a farm where no fanning has been done and re-establish a feedlot?- Dan eedlot?Dan Licht - It is considered a new feedlot. It is not allowed under either the existing or proposed ordinance. If it's been over one year closed, you cannot re-establish a feedlot. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION ON FEEDLOTS. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. RICHARD NICHOLS AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT SECTION 2 AND SECTION 26 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This item will be on the 3/8/99 Council Agenda at 6:30PM. 4. A&M other P.C. Business A. AM prgposed updates to review a Consider pole buildings in the Urban Service Area of Otsep-o Dan Licht reviewed NAC's Memo of 24 February, 1999 Re: Accessory Building update. He noted that the Council had directed the P.C. to review this. CUP information dating back to 1991 were provided. Dan Licht also noted that there are a number of parcels of 5 acres or more in the Urban Service Area. Richard Nichols - Based on the Staff Report and looking at the past 8 years, the ordinance recommendation by the P.C. and passed by the Council is probably the right one. All of the Commissioners agreed. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THE ORDINANCE STAND AS APPROVED ON ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - B. Anv other P.C. Business a Update P.C. on Council Decision on Accessory Building proposed changes. Reviewed by Dan Licht above. Mike Robertson brought up the training seminars to the P.C. and encouraged attendance. Vern Heidner noted that the Council had approved the contractor for the sewer plant at their last meeting. 5. Adjourn by l OPM GENE GOENNER MOTIONED AND RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN, MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:50PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY MKNUTES BY ELAINE B ATTY, CITY LERK/ZONING ADM. RECORDING SECRETARY. FILE. 9931 PCMN. WPS