04-05-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 5, 1999 - 8PM MINUTES 1. Chair Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM ROLL CALL: Planning Commission: Carl Swenson, Chair, Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Patrick Moonen. Commissioners Gene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Bruce Rask and Christian Mbanefo, Alternate were absent. Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman and Mark Berning. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. March 15, 1999 RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE P.C. MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 1999 AS WRITTEN. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Hearing requested by Property Owner Keith Knutson, 6630 Odean Avenue NE Otsego MN. 55330 PID #118-500-332401 in Section 343, Twp. 121, R23. A-1 Zoned land. Request is as follows: 1. Conditional Use Permit Amendment to allow: a. Flexibility from the Accessory Building Height Reguirements (Allow an Accessory Building higher than the principal structure). Dan Licht explained NAC's Report of March 23, 1999 RE: CUP Re: Height of accessory building. He noted that the proposed accessory building will not appear any higher than the principal structure. The gambrel style roof is considered rural in character. The Staff findings is that the criteria for the height exception is met and the building style is an amenity to the area. The Staff recommends approval of the CUP Amendment and conditions of approval were read by Mr. Licht. Chair Swenson asked Mr. Knutson if he wished to add anything. Mr. Knutson stated he felt Mr. Licht had covered it well. He felt that the gambrel style roof is an improvement. Elaine Beatty confirmed that the proper publication, posting and mailings had been completed. Chair Swenson explained the Public Hearing Procedure and HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. No one spoke. Discussion was brought back to the P.C. CM Heidner questioned if the building permit has been issued yet? Answer: No. Hearing was brought back to the Public. No one spoke. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED BY CHAIR SWENSON. RICHARD NICHOLS, BASED ON STAFF REPORT AND SEEING NO ISSUES, RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF THE CUP AMENDMENT RE: HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE TO EXCEED THE PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - This item will be on the Council Agenda of 4/12/99 at 6:30PM. 4 Hearing requested by PropeM Owners Dennis G and Judith A Havel. 10415 Cain Road, Rogers MN. for property PID #118-500-173400, The South 1/2 of the SW 1/4 property located at 9115 Nashua Avenue NE, Sec. 17, Twp. 121, R23, A-1 Gen. Ag. Zoned property 74.955 Acres. Request is as follows: 1. Conditional Use Permit to allow: a. An Administrative Subdivision of the existin hg_ ome and buildings of greater than 2-1/2 acres (Lot size of 4.955 acres). Elaine Beatty confirmed that the proper publication, posting and mailings had been completed. Dan Licht explained NAC's Report of March 26, 1999. Applicants wish to divide 4.955 acre parcel with the existing buildings and home, the lot size is allowed if the criteria is satisfied. He noted that the site plan may require a larger lot size to square off the parcel. He noted that poor soils are on this parcel and suitable for pasture or small grains. The density is consistent with the comprehensive plan and future land uses in the area. The Subdivision can be processed Administratively. Proof of septic system adequacy and payment of park and trail fees are required. Staff recommends approval of the CUP with conditions on Page 2 of NAC's report, numbers 1-7 which were read. Chair Swenson asked Dennis Havel if he wished to provide any further information? MR. Havel did not and noted that Mr. Licht had covered the issues well. HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC, by Chair Swenson. Ruth Nordine, 95TH Street. She questioned when the moratorium is lifted would there be any consideration of further development of this parcel? Also how many additional homes are allowed? Mike Robertson - Explained that 4 per 40 is allowed in this area by the Comprehensive Plan. The existing homes are taken into consideration when the 4 per 40 is figured. No one else spoke. Discussion back to the P.C. Richard Nichols - Not sure he understands Exhibit D. Dan Licht explained the proposed lot line adjustment, Hearing back to the public for comment. Dennis Havel - Noted he had a surveyor draw a line and moved it over and he showed the new survey with the line changed to meet Staffs recommendation. Mr. Licht noted that it is what the Staff intended and it is the same amount of acreage as before. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED, by Chair Swenson. No further P. C. discussion. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE CUP TO ALLOW AN ADMINISTRATIVE SUBDIVISION OF THE EXISTING HOME AND BUILDINGS OF GREATER THAN 2-1/2 ACRES (LOT SIZE OF 4.955 ACRES) WITH THE SEVEN CONDITIONS LISTED IN NAC'S PLANNING REPORT. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This item will be on the 4/12/99 Council Meeting at 6:30PM. 5 Discussion of Otsego Subdivision Ordinance Re: Septic System Sites. Dan Licht explained the March 29, 1999 Planning Report. The City Engineer recommended that, 1). 23,000 sq. ft. of undisturbed soil be required for a lot of one acre. 2). Mound system is considered a standard system where it is appropriate. The draft ordinance was explained as an amendment to Section 21 of the City Code. CM Heidner - Soil Borings, what does it cost to have them provide this information? Mike Robertson explained that the City Engineer felt they needed more soils work done with more septic sites identified. Mr. Heidner noted he is concerned with the cost. Arleen Nagel - $50.00 is the cost to get one site identified. $400.00 for several sites to identify. Chris Bulow - If the soil boring and perk test is done in each location, the cost is substantially different. Dan Licht - If the P.C. is comfortable with the language as written, they should set a Public Hearing date. Arleen Nagel - I get the impression that you also need a survey with the perk test. Mike Robertson - One advantage to having a survey is having the topographical information. CM Heidner - We require one septic site, plus a second site. Mr. Licht noted that both sites fit into the 23,000 ft. Richard Nichols - How does the language change from what is currently in place? Mr. Licht explained. Mr. Nichols felt it left it quite open-ended. Chair Swenson - You have to satisfy the building official that you have two septic sites. Richard Nichols - This could be a potential problem that one-half of the lot has to be set aside. Is a one acre lot size adequate? If so, there needs to be a minimum of one buildable acre. Chris Bulow - How is 23,000 ft arrived at? The City Engineer said one-half acre of undisturbed soil said Mr. Licht. Decision was to not set a hearing date at this time as the P.C. needs to discuss this item further. Richard Nichols - Would like to see where we were before with this and would like to know if this could be worded differently so as not to be so open-ended. We don't want to make it difficult for people to know what they are dealing with. Chair Swenson - Is the problem that there is trouble with the septic sites? Mr. Licht - Concern is 1 acre lots have enough adequate area for septic systems. Mike Robertson - The next P.C. we have a development hearing. I will ask the City Engineer to attend this meeting. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO TABLE THE DISCUSSION ON THE ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATE FOR SEPTIC SYSTEMS UNTIL THE APRIL 19, 1999 P.C. MEETING. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - 6. Chris Bulow, Bulow, Inc.- Site Plan discussion for the property NE of Co. Rd. #39 and Kadler Ave (Next to Island View Estates) 188-800-142402 in Sec. 14, Twp 121, R24, City of Otsego, MN. Dan Licht explained the sketch plan is in the cluster district where creative interpretation is encouraged as well as sought by the P.C. Chris Bulow - Gave a presentation for PID #118-800-142402, Greninger property NE of Kadler and Co. Rd. #39. He showed several possible development scenarios. One to extend 99TH ST through the R -C District with one-half of the property set aside for the open area required in the district. An equine facility or golf course would be planned for the open space. He feels the golf course is good and fits with the Riverwood Conference Center, but with the road going through, the North properties do not have good access to the golf course. With a longer road they can fit in more lots, but only 20 lots are allowed. A sketch with the golf course was shown that the surveyor had drawn with a cul - du -sac road off of Co. Rd. #39, a cul -du -sac off of Kadler and three lots on Kahler. A 18 - hole golf course still can be built, but the lots are close to the golf course. Another option showed 20 lots on Kadler and Kahler. Chris felt this meets the ordinance better with Kadler and Kahler as the main accesses. The houses can be set off the roads 200 to 300 ft. Chris felt adding new streets would be more for the City to maintain. These would be upper -end type homes. The site is approximately 80 acres. 75% of the land would be left open -vs- 50% requirement. Adjoining property will have beautiful scenery, open with trees for buffers. The only other scenario would loop the street on Kadler (in and out). The increased traffic on Kadler is one of the Engineer's concerns. Chris would improve Kadler from the end of our property to Co. #39. Richard Nichols - Asked what sizes are the lots? All are 1 -acre lots said Mr. Bulow. 430 x 100 ft. More discussion of where the houses are set and house price, and that the P.C. and Council would like strong assurance of this. Mr. Bulow said it could be in the covenant as far as house pads. If we need to, we can construct the house pads. CM Heidner - Covenants are meaningless. Chris Bulow - We can plat that as a buildable space. CM Heidner - I was under the impression that people would own that open space. Mr. Nichols noted that was an assumption. Mr. Licht - The ordinance presented 3 -options to be approved by the Council. A PUD could address ownership. Mr. Nichols noted that the homes all on the roads in a row didn't meet the ordinance intent with the cluster concept. The homes following the contours has merit. We had hoped the developers would come in with different kinds of plans. This looks the same as every other development. Chris Bulow - This is the only property that has roads and no river frontage in the R -C District from OBrian to Kadler. This is a unique situation and a precedent won't be set. Any road added will detract from the beauty of the golf course. Mr. Bulow noted that Monday night he will be asking the Council to remove this property from the Moritorium. 7. Any other P.C. Business a. Vern Heidner - Council Update CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - CM Heidner - Explained the groundbreaking for the new sewer plant and that NAC has been asked to re -codify the Zoning Ordinance for $750.00 approximate cost. The Council has approved the Engineering Manual. Our current ordinance deals with those items now. We would like to remove some of those items form the ordinance and insert into the Engineering Manual. Dan Licht explained the process. We are almost finished with the Zoning Ordinance Update, lot sizes are yet to be resolved. Subdivision Ordinance needs minor changes and process of P.C. is to approve the changes in a summary fashion. A-1 and A-2 Subdivision Ordinance information can be discussed next P.C. Meeting. Patrick Moonen will be in North Carolina on business next P.C. Meeting. 8. Adjourn by 1OPM RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9:13PM THE MEETING ADJOURNED. CITY OF OTSEGO. " CL^ ARLEEN NAGEL, S C TARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. - Recording Secretary eb File: 99PC45M.WPS.