05-17-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM MINUTES 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: ROLL CALL: Planning Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Eugene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Patrick Moonen and Christian Mbanefo, Alternate. Bruce Rask arrived late. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht. City Council Members: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning and Virginia Wendel. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. April 19, 1999 RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED ADOPTION OF THE APRIL 19, 1999 P.C. MINUTES AS WRITTEN. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chair Swenson asked Jack Grotkin, R. J. Ryan if he had any statement. He said no. Mr. Licht reviewed the Staff Report of May 10, 1999 (See attached). Mr. Licht has received revised plans with parking lot changes. Mr. Licht also confirmed he had received the grading and drainage plans on Friday. He recommends approval of the applicants grading and drainage plan. Gene Goenner - Concerned with the vacant lot to the South and not knowing the future use, a better landscape design to buffer along the lot line was needed. Richard Nichols - #3 of staff report would address the concern on landscaping. Mr. Licht - The proposed tree line could be extended to the east building line. Mr. Grotkin stated that was acceptable to him. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE REVIEW OF THE SITE AND BUILDING PLANS FOR AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN THE PLANNING REPORT, EXTENSION OF THE TREE LINE FOR A BUFFER, AND ALSO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEERS REPORT. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This will he on the Council Agenda of May 24, 1999 at 6:30PM. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 2. 4. Rick Packer, ARGON Development, 7625 Metro Blvd., Edina, Minnesota Property is PID 118-500-222400 Lay�rence R Vorderbruggenn, 521 7TH 4T Elk River, MN. 35.92 Acres in Section 22, Twp. 121 R23 and PID 118-500-272100 Russell V & Sbaron F Martie, 2998 - 150TH 4T NW, Monticello, Minnesota 80 Acres in Section 27, Twn. 121, R23, City of Otsego, These properties are in between Fabian Sadowski and Fd L.eFebvr properties Request is -for-.. A. Sketch Plan Review 4 the Plat Mr. Licht - reviewed NAC's Report of May 11, 1999. (See Attached). He noted Rezoning was needed from the current A-1 Ag. Zoning to R-4 for single family area and R-6 for townhouse and that a PUD/CUP was needed. Mike Robertson - Asked that everyone concentrate on land use issues and not engineering or development agreement issues. Rick Packer He said that the northern 80 acres is proposed for single family residential. He explained their street design (called Coving) and the use of varied setbacks. On the southern 40 acres he presented a concept plan of slab on grade multi- family attached dwellings. He noted that the one of the blocks in the northern portion is over the block length maximum of 1200'. He said that to change this he would need to extend two streets and thinks this would reduce the attractiveness of the proposed subdivision. Though the proposed plan shows the trail going through backyards he has changed his mind and prefers to use the street for the trail. People see trails in their back yards as bad and then build fences to block them off and the fences collect garbage. He would be happy to put in a sidewalk if it is necessary. He would like the P.C. to recommend how the trail should access the school property. Richard Nichols - Is the block length maximum of 1200' necessary? Mr. Licht said that wherever possible it should be 1200' or less. The reason is to provide reasonable access to property. Eugene Goenner - He would like the trail along the street, because there is not a lot of additional space in the back yard due to curved streets. He said he liked the proposed coving concept and the architectural control. With regard to the multi -family he asked which roads are private and public and what is in the middle of the development. Mr. Packer - Explained that he is working with Tony Emmerich and is disregarding the current property lines and instead designing a subdivision based on the layout of the land. They have not yet settled on a design so this is a very preliminary concept. The large streets are public and the smaller ones private. He would build private streets to public street standards. Richard Nichols - Do you have completed areas you have designed like this? Answer: Nothing completed, several are currently under construction. Richard Nichols - Stated he liked the plan as it was laid out. He indicated he was interested in the twin home concept. He would like to see other developers come in with similar creativity. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17,1999-8PM- PAGE 3 - Eugene Goenner - As multi -family develops and Page Avenue is built, he has some concern with the traffic flow and headlights from cars shining on homes. Mr. Packer - We can do a better job of screening headlights and instead of another street we can landscape and build a berm. The Planning Commission was in consensus that the concepts as presented were generally acceptable. 5 Public Hearing for applicant/owner Dennis A Backes, Backes Companies. Inc 7026 Brooklyn Boulevard Booklyn Center, MN. 55429. The proper is the former 120 acre Fabian Sadowski farm located S of 85TH ST and NE of Page Ave NF, and Packard Ave NE PID#'s 118-500-223200 and 118-500-272200 in Section 22, Twp 121, R23 and Sec. 27, T$p121, R23, Otsego, NIN. All the property -is zoned A-1, General Agricultural, Request is s follows: A. Rezone from A-1, General Agricultural Rural Service District to R-4, Residential - Urban Single Family District. B. Subdivision C. Preliminary Plat of "Crimson Ponds" Elaine Beatty - Noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailing of the Hearing had been completed. Dan Licht - Gave NAC's Report dated May 12, 1999 (See attached) Larry Koshak - Finds the current engineering related information inadequate. He referred to his report dated May 12, 1999 (See attached). He noted he is unable to make a recommendation at this time. Tom Loucks, representing the developer, noted that some items lacking in the engineers report are part of the design development phase and will be provided as the development proposal proceeds. He strongly agrees with the planners report. He requested rezoning to R-4 and to move the preliminary plat forward to the Council for review. Chair Swenson - Opened the Public Hearing and explained the request. Julie Schoen - 15108 - 85th ST. - On 85th St, is it appropriate to be asking at this time for the bike path to be constructed? Mr. Licht noted the bike paths will be constructed on all streets as they are built. The bike path on 85th Street will not be built until 85th Street has been reconstructed. Ms. Schoen - Will 85th St be widened soon? Will they be assessed? Mr. Koshak stated the City plans to reconstruct and widen the narrow part of 85th ST. There is no schedule for this and he cannot predict a date but it is a high priority. 85th St. residents will be assessed for a portion of the costs when 85th St. is completed in the future. The developer also will be paying a portion of the costs for Page, 78th Street, and the reconstruction of 85th Street. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17,1999-8PM- PAGE 4 - Kevin Rudek - 15160 85TH ST - My concern is the road coming out on 85TH ST. There is nothing to stop the lights from shining in our windows. Mr. Licht indicated the access has to be a certain distance from the intersection with Page Avenue. Their ability to move it is limited. Greg Strommen - 8433 Palmgren Ave NE. - I am on the East side of this development. I question extending Page Avenue. Who does it? Are we getting assessed for adding Paae and bike path? Mr. Robertson stated that he would not be assessed for Page because none of your driveways go out on it. Mr. Strommen asked if curb and gutter will be added on Page and where will the stormwater be directed? Mr. Koshak said the stormwater will run north. There are ponding and retention basins located north of 85th St. Mr. Koshak also indicated that Page will have curb and gutter and that there was already right-of-way dedicated for the extension of Page street and that the City would not be taking any of Mr. Strommen's property. Richard Nichols - Asked if the access could be eliminated on to 85th St. Tom Loucks said that it could be but it would require a major redesign of the plat. Gary Lesborsky - 8399 Palmgren - When is the Page extension being built? Dan Licht explained it would be built in stages as it is needed. Mr. Lesborsky asked will the bike path be on the roadway or separated? Mr. Koshak noted that on new sections the bike path will be separated from the street on both Page and 85th. Hearing no further comments the Public Hearing was closed by Chair Swenson. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF REZONING THE SUBJECT SITE FROM A-1 to R-4 DISTRICT URBAN SINGLE FAMILY. EUGENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE NEXT P. C. MEETING OF JUNE 7, 1998 AT 8PM. AT THAT TIME, THE PLAT BE REVIEWED TO POSSIBLY ELIMINATE THE ACCESS ON 85TH ST. AND THE ENGINEERING REPORT BE COMPLETED. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Loucks expressed concern with the 85TH ST access being eliminated. That would create 1300 to 1400 ft. long blocks. 85TH Avenue is a collector street and is intended to move residential traffic onto thoroughfares so he feels they should be able to have one access on to it. He will look at the issue but can't give much assurance that it can be changed. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 5. 6. Public Hearing for ITlmer Constniction, Inc, Dennis Ulmer "Prairie Creek" Development - Prope�ty is located in Section 27, Twp. 121, Rang, City of Otsego 8019 River Road NE Edmond N. and Mar.ette L4ebyre, owner of record PID #118-500-271100 80 Acres and PID #118-500-224401. 2.65 acres in Section 22, TND_ 121, Range 23 Randal N Le ebvre and M Matheny, owners of record. Total of 82.46 Acres. Request is as follows• A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ree density B. Rezone from A-1, General Agricultural Rural Service District to R-4, Residential - Urban Single Family 'strict and R-5, Residential - Single and Two Family 'strict C. PUD/CUP (Planned Unit Develonm nt/Conditional Tisa Peru] Y to allow unit and base lot subdivision. D. Preliminary Plat Dan Licht gave NAC's Planning Report dated May 10, 1999. (See attached). The engineering issues are reviewed in Larry Koshak's report of May 13, 1999 (See Attached). Mr. Koshak noted that most of the issues are solvable and he can recommend approval. He explained the issues in his report, including the statement that the County would not allow an access to County Road #42. Hearing Opened to the Public by Chair Swenson. Greg Strommen - 8433 Palmgren Ave NE - Questioned why the twinhomes. Maybe should have all single family units. Mr. Licht stated that portion of the land was guided in Otsego's Comprehensive Plan for medium density development. Mr. Robertson noted that a Comprehensive Plan amendment is needed because this plat actually has less density than called for in the Comprehensive Plan. Hearing brought back to Planning Commission. Mr. Goenner - Would like the City Engineer's comments on setting up an emergency access to County Road #42. Mr. Koshak said that in most cases it is not practical. The other option is an emergency route from 78th Street to the cul-de-sac. Two accesses to the subdivision are needed for safety and traffic circulation. As the density of the twin home area is higher, it should be connected to the other neighborhoods. He suggested an access to the N. cul-de-sac by the multi -family twin home area. He said that widening the entrance with an entrance median is also worth looking at. Christian Mbanefo asked if a 4 -lane entrance was appropriate for this density? Mr. Licht noted that an emergency access is common but the width is the safety concern. Mr. Robertson said he met with the school district regarding trail access to the south side of the school and no decisions have been made yet. He thought the trail would go from the north road between two lots. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ML 1UTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 6. Mr. Plowe - Some areas of the back yards are being used for stormwater treatment and nerp ponds at a 10 to 1 slope grade and so would be unsuitable for a trail. Eugene Goenner - Has a concern whether the high density and low density areas should be connected. He also was concerned with the amount of cul-de-sacs and would like some eliminated. Mr. Licht said they could recommend a connection as part of approval. Hearing brought back to the public. Dennis Ulmer, Developer, felt strongly that the design should not be changed. He also indicated he didn't want a road connection between the single family and multi -family areas as it would have a dramatic affect on both sides of the creek due to topography and ponding concerns. Hearing no further comments the Public Hearing was closed by Chair Swenson. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO REZONE THE PRAIRIE CREEK DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY FROM A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) TO R-4 RESIDENTIAL. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS MOTION. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PREVIOUS MOTION WAS F.SCM .D 1. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO GUIDE THE ENTIRE SINGLE FAMILY PORTION OF THE SUBJECT SITE FOR LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO REZONE THE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PORTION OF THE PRAIRIE CREEK PRELIMINARY PLAT FROM A-1 DISTRICT TO R-4 DISTRICT. JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PUD -CUP CONCEPT PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF 68 TWIN HOME UNITS IN A BASE LOT/UNIT LOT CONFIGURATION, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. a. APPROVAL OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO GUIDE THE SUBJECT PARCEL FOR LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17,1999 - 8PM - PAGE 7 - b. APPROVAL OF A REZONING FROM A-1 DISTRICT TO R-6 DISTRICT. c. APPROVAL OF A PUD -CUP DEVELOPMENT STAGE APPLICATION. CHRISTIAN MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PRAIRIE CREEK, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. a. PROPOSED ACCESS TO CSAH 42 IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. b. THE PROPOSED ACCESS TO QUADAY AVENUE SHALL BE SUBJECT TO REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER. c. THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IS REVISED TO DESIGNATE THE PROPOSED TWIN HOME UNITS AS OUTLOT A. d. THE PRELIMINARY PLAT IS REVISED SUCH THAT ALL CUL- DE-SACS ARE NOT LONGER THAN 500 FEET. e. ALL PARK AND TRAIL DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS ARE SATISFIED AT THE TIME OF FINAL PLAT APPROVAL. f. THE PROPOSED STREET NAMES SHALL BE REVISED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COUNTY NAMING PATTERN AND CITY POLICIES, SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND APPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL. g. A LANDSCAPE PLAN BE SUBMITTED FOR ALL PROPOSED PONDING AREAS PROVIDING APPROPRIATE LOW MAINT- ENANCE PLANTINGS IN AREAS SUBJECT TO INTERMITTENT FLOODING. h. AN EAW IS PREPARED (IF DETERMINED TO BE NECESSARY) AND PROCESSED PURSUANT TO SECTION 39 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. i. A PHASING PLAN IS SUBMITTED FOR ANTICIPATED DEVELOP- MENT OF THE SUBDIVISION. j. COMMENTS OF OTHER CITY STAFF. AFTER DISCUSSION, ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH EUGENE GOENNER VOTING NO. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 8 Discussion: Cul-de-sac issue has to be resolved, along with a decision if the high-density area is to be connected to single family residential area, and how to provide a second entrance into the high density area. Mr. Goenner noted that there are viable options other than connecting the two uses. They could use a divided entrance or emergency entrance on to County Road 42 if it is OK'd by Wright Co. Mr. Nichols - Did not feel with this plan we should connect the two uses. Planning Commission members were in consensus to not connect the two areas. Mr. Ulmer was told that a cul-de-sac length change could be a variance and that it would be a public hearing before the Planning Commission. THIS ITEM WILL BE ON THE COUNCIL AGENDA FOR CONSIDERATION MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1999 AT 6:30PM . 7. Public Hearing by Applicant Chris Bulow, Bulow, Inc P O box 506 E]k River, Mn. for owners Donald and Phyllis Greningerr, 9383 Kadler Ave NE, Otsego, MN. PID #118-800-142402, in Section 14, Township 121, Range 24,PropeM is NE o_f_CO. RD. #39 and Kadler Ave.NE and tely 82 46 acres total Request is as follows: A. Rezone from A-1, General Agricultural to R -C, Residential OM Space Cluster District, B. Concurrent Concept/Development Stage PUD -CUP to allow a privately owned commerciaf recreational use as required open space and establishment of proposed staggered setbacks for residential los in an R -C Dis ri t C. Preliminary Plat Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, postings and mailings had been completed. Dan Licht reviewed NAC's Planning Report dated May 12, 1999 (See attached). NAC is not recommending approval at this time. Larry Koshak reviewed his report dated May 3, 1999 (See attached). He noted that he could not make a recommendation due to lack of information. Mike Robertson gave the Parks and Recreation report in which they recommended a sidewalklbike trail be put on Kadler from County Road 39 to the north. Chris Bulow gave an overview of his project. The parcel is 82 acres plus. There are 20 single family lots proposed. There are some dramatic topography changes which put limits on development, but are good for a golf course. Kadler Ave. will be improved by them from their lot line south to County Road 39. He met with the Park Board and they recommended a trail (bike/walking) on the west side of Kadler. A park next to a golf course is extremely dangerous and not realistic. He is on a fast track schedule to construct the golf course. He would like to grade and seed by the middle of August in order to open in June 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNLNG COMMISSION MEETING MLNUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8Pi-vt - PAGE 9. Chair Swenson stated that this is just a review because the developer did not provide enough engineering information. Hearing opened to the Public. Craig Tules, 10254 - 99th Street - located on the end of 99th Street. Why do we need another cul-de-sac? Dan Licht explained that there is no recorded easement and one is needed. Terry Kohler - 10034 99th Street - I live on the end of the street and I don't understand why it can't be a private drive. I favor this development because it will be like the 100 homes already there. Why not have something that looks like the rest of the development already there? Mary Kavanah - 10088 Kadler - How far off the lot line can the building be? Dan Licht said the R -C side yard setback is 30', same as the R-3 District. Ms. Kavanah said she liked the idea of the golf course but felt the homes would be sandwiched in. She hoped there would be discounted golf passes for residents. Discussion went back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Goenner - I told Mr. Bulow before that I don't see uniqueness in the design. Richard Nichols - I have the same concern, we changed the Zoning Ordinance to allow a density premium for unique concept. Golf course is a good idea. This plan as laid out I don't feel will work. Bruce Rask - There is no uniqueness to this design. I can't remember granting a 84 acre parcel development without one road on it. The homes are crammed in together. The developer should either make this just a golf course or go to regular agricultural zoning development rights without a clustering bonus. I don't see this design working out. Has Wright County approved the exit access on to County Road 39? Larry Koshak - The County Engineer said they would prefer no access to 39 and suggested that they run their access to Kadler and come out on Kalenda. Terry Kohler - The people who live on 99th St. don't want to see it turned into a through road. Dan Reed - My mother-in-law lives at 10002 Kadler. If you bring 99th Street through, people on 99th Street could take it as a shortcut and go through to Kadler and 39 and cause more traffic in the neighborhood. Bonnie Heinz - 10017 Kadler - There is a lot of traffic with a road in there, I hate to see 12 houses go in there. However, I would rather see a golf course there than 500 homes. Nobody likes to see a new through street there. Kathy Haugen - 10275 - 99th Street - On Kadler would the houses be sideways? 105' wide lots said Mr. Bulow with 45' wide house fronts. Hearing no further comments, Chair Swenson closed Public Hearing. Chair Swenson noted that the Engineer has indicated he cannot make a recommendation because of the lack of data. Should we continue the hearing? Mr. Licht - You can give specific information to applicant to revise the plan or otherwise act on the concept plan and sent to the Council. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 10 - Richard Nichols - My preference is to continue the hearing to June 7, 1999 at 8PM and give the applicant time to think about the plan and review it to be more fitting for the district. I would like an opportunity for applicant to reconsider. Bruce Rask - It doesn't fit the cluster district regulations. Shouldn't it be a PUD with A-2 Zoning? Mr. Swenson - If base zoning is used on the project, only 8 homes would be allowed. Cluster development goes out of the picture. Mr. Licht - R -C cluster district allows for density bonuses if the majority of the buildable portion of the site remains as open space. The golf course is proposed as part of that open space. The question for the Planning Commission is, is this development consistent with the R -C District, or is it an A-2 district development with a golf course? RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO REOPEN THE HEARING. CHRISTIAN MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE HEARING TO THE JUNE 7, 1999 P.C. AT 8PM. CHRISTIAN MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chris Bulow asked for direction from the Planning Commission. Chair Swenson - You heard the comments from the commission. They are saying that the innovative intent of the cluster district is not met. He gave further explanation. Richard Nichols - Or you can come back with a proposal for an A-2 zoned 4 per 40 development with a bed and breakfast/golf course. 8. Discussion of Otsego Subdivision Ordinance Re* septic System Sites. (See Attached Proposed Update of Zoning Ordinance) Mr. Licht - explained the revised ordinance. Allow larger scale development with undisturbed soil and standard septic system borings allowed as part of the subdivision. Richard Nichols - It looks good and works. EUGENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO SET THE HEARING DATE FOR THE SEPTIC SYSTEM ORDINANCE WITH THE NEXT PUBLIC HEARING. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Licht noted that this requires a public hearing and that a hearing can be scheduled at the same time as the public hearing planned for the recodification of the entire ordinance. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 17, 1999 - 8PM - PAGE 11 - 9. Any other P.C. Business A. Vern Heidner -Council updat: CM Heidner informed Planning Commission that construction has started on the sewer and water system. The preliminary cost estimate for the sewer and water system was $7.5 million and the bids have come in $500,000 under that estimate. He also updated the Planning Commission on the City's plans for the improvement of Odean Avenue and the overlay of many of the older streets in the City. CITY OF OTSEGO: ARL EN NAGEL, SEC TARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/RECORDING SECRETARY FILE: 99PC459M. WPS eb