ITEM 4.1ITEM 4.1 0 � ST� F 0 MINNESOTA TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager DATE: October 15, 2015 RE: Northwood Park Concept Plan and Budget Review Background: At the June 2015 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, Commissioners met with neighbors from the Wildlflower Meadows Development and reviewed 2 concepts from SRF Consulting Group Inc. The purpose of the meeting was for the Commission to recommend a concept design that integrated aspects from neighborhood input while maintaining and incorporated components from the City's Park Masterplan. The original Capital Improve Plan (CIP) amount that was budgeted for this project was $640,000 which is funded through the Park Dedication Fund that receives it's funding from per lot or acre fees collected from new development. The $640,000 that was originally budgeted was the amount that was spent to develop Beaudry Meadows Park in 2006. Since 2007, this estimate has not been adjusted for inflation, however, the park dedication fee has been adjusted. SRF has put together a final concept plan and project estimate for the Parks and Recreation Commission to review and make a recommendation for approval to the City Council. The project estimate for Northwood Park is $750,868.65, in addition to their planning and project oversight fee of $41,600 which brings the total cost of the park to $792,468.65. The current park dedication fee does support the proposed amount for Northwood Park while supporting future park develop in conjunction with the Parks Masterplan. Once a recommendation goes before the City Council and is approved, SRF will being the process of preparing construction plans and bid documents. They will then advertise for bids, get quotes, and award contracts. With the goal of starting the construction process in the spring of 2016 with a fall 2016 completion. ITEM 4.1 Staff have attached the concept plan and a breakdown of the project costs to this memo. Staff will review both of these documents at the October Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and make a recommendation to the City Council on the project costs and the final concept design.