07-06-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 6, 1999 - SPM 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson announced at 8PM that we do not have a quorum so there will be a slight delay. He also noted that the Bridgeland Development item on the agenda has asked for an extension to August 2, 1999 P.C. Meeting. Chair Swenson called meeting to order at 8:03PM. ROLL CALL: P. C. Members: Chair Carl Swenson, Gene Goenner, Patrick Moonan, Richard Nichols. Absent: Bruce Rask, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles and Christian Mbanefo, Alternate. Council Members: Larry Fournier, Mayor, CM Vern Heidner, CM Suzanne Ackerman. CM Mark Benning and CM Virginia Wendel did not attend. Staff Members: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of. A. June 7, 1999 P C Meeting RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 1999 P. C. MEETING AS WRITTEN. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. June 21, 1999 P C Meeting Gene Goenner noted that on Page 5, the recommendation should not be in bold print. It will be changed. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 21, 1999 P.C. MEETING AS CORRECTED. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Hearing for ADDlicant Jeff Ouhoven. JKO Holdings. LLC. 19315 Coun Road #30, Corcoran, Minnesota 55340. Owner is Shirley A Peterson (Jim Peterson, Jr. 486 Upland Avenue NW, Elk River, MN 55330. PID #118-155-001010 and #118-155-001020 in Section 2, Township 120, Range 23. Lots 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, Autumn Woods Commercial. This is on Queens Avenue NE, Just East of State Hwy #101, North of County Road #36 and South of MacAlpine Well Co. These two lots are currently Zoned B-3, General Business District. Request is as follows: Chair Swenson explained the request. Clerk Beatty noted the proper publication, posting and mailings have been completed. Dan Licht explained NAC 's Planning Report dated June 28, 1999. An overhead of site plan was shown. Some changes in landscaping were suggested. Utilities need more detailed plans, subject to City Engineers approval. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1999 8PM - PAGE 2 - A septic holding tank needs a variance and was discussed. Any fighting needs to be shown. Signage has not been indicated. Preliminary review of drainage and grading plans. A development contract would be required to regulate proposed septic tanks. (See planning report conditions Page 2). Applicant did not wish to add anything. Chair Swenson noted the Hearing procedure that was followed. HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. Cheryl and Tim Anderson - Lot 3 Block 1 Autumn Woods is where they live. She asked if the building site is on lot 2, South end? Answer: Yes. She noted that there tons of kids in that area and did not like the appearance of a metal bldg. Questioned how this industrial building would affect the property values of the residential lots. She asked how many employees for this business? She asked if this is a Monday through Friday company? Do they work evenings or weekends? Mr. Ophoven noted the time of operation 6AM to 3:30PM-or 4PNt-summer- hours with occasional 2nd shifts. The business is rarely run on weekends. Number of employees is currently 15. He would like 25 employees, but they are difficult to find. He noted that there should be no reason for a semi to go past the residential property. Cheryl Anderson noted she does not want to hear this noise. She bought her home to be in a residential area. She checked into zoning of land behind her before buying. She asked for an explanation of the difference between B-3 and I-3 zoning? Chair Swenson noted the area we are talking about was zoned commercial before it was annexed to Otsego. It was part of Frankfort Township and they allowed those metal buildings. Question from audience - Why I-3 Zoning? Dan explained. Uses in that area are more Industrial. There is a lower intensity use with industrial than with business zoning. The landscaping is to insure that the building is screened. Question From audience - Re: drainageway. Dan Licht explained that the City has an easement over the drainageway. They are not proposing to relocate it. They can suggest moving it in the future. The runoff was discussed. The City Engineer will review the drainage. What height is the building? 24' high answered Dan Licht. That district allows 35' high buildings. Questions about further building and the process. Mr. Licht noted there are restrictions regarding additional buildings and it requires the same process as the current one for any expansion. Jeff Carlson - 5544 Quilley - Questioned trucks coming in and if they keep them running in the winter as sound travels. Property values, he feels the existing MacAlpine building is an eyesore. It affects property value. Holding tank septic system, what happens if it leaks? Answer - holding tank pumped and watched. Tank will be removed when City sewer is available. Dan Licht - Explained that the holding tank operates the same as a septic system without the drainfield. Greg Ebert - Said an alarm is put on the tank and it has a light indicator when it needs to be pumped. If not working it backs up into the building. Jeff Carlson - Is not in favor of this application. It is a nice neighborhood. He recommended that the council does not pass it. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1999 8PM - PAGE 3 - Bill Dennison -5634 Quilley. I Hope they reconsider relocating somewhere else. Concern with runoff and septic blowing it's covers. I hope you reconsider. Paul Young - 5421 Quilley south of the property. Part of his back yard is the pond. Has Concerns with the septic holding tank overflowing. It is sealed, but there is some way to pump it out. Concern with trees on the east side. On the south side there is no screening. The building butts up to the property line with the exception of rear. Dan Licht - The building is within the setbacks. The PC can recommend additional landscaping. Bill Dennison - Again, asked about chemicals being used. No chemicals said Mr. Ophoven. He can get them information. Cheryl Anderson - Also did not want this to be approved. There are no trees to screen on the south side and the neighbors on lot 2 will be highly affected. If you have to pass it possibly maple or other deciduous trees for higher screenage, or fast growing trees. We have had runoff problems in this neighborhood before. DNR has been involved in that property before. This should be documented in Wright Co. Mike Robertson -We are aware of those problems. Cheryl Anderson - There is a high amount of runoff. I don't need my property being flooded out. Administrator Robertson noted that no provision was made for stormwater for this development. The rate of runoff for this property will probably be less than it is now. It should not be a huge impact on your property 5571 Quilley is Cheryl Anderson's street address, she noted. Paul Young - As far as runoff, with the parking lot and a large roof, the runoff would increase. Administrator Robertson noted that ponds will be built for storage of stormwater on the north side of the building. CM Heidner - Explained how the ponds are calculated. Dan Licht explained the pond and controlled rate of drainage. Paul Young - Was concerned with this development either raising or lowering his pond and felt it would be affected.. Administrator Robertson explained the stormwater flow rate and more discussion was had. Cheryl Anderson - The drainage issue scares her. She lives there and she feels the pond will not hold it. Her major concern is behind lot 4 and 3 and where it runs through the wetland as there are already water problems there. She did not see how you can hold that water in that pond. Spring runoff is really bad. She wanted to make sure people are aware of her concerns with existing problem and water issues. Chair Swenson reiterated the drainage issues were not addressed under the former township and that is a problem. We are now addressing the issue. We are not going to allow outflow to increase. We will hold the water and let it go gradually. That does not mean that drainage problems on your properties will be improved, though. DISCUSSION BACK TO THE P.C. Richard Nichols - The south side landscaping is that a problem? Greg Ebert - There is a large berm on the property line. The only way to do it is to do preliminary grading for Mr. Peterson. We took City guidelines and went with it. This is a nice quite little business, compatible with the area. I think the building will be nice. This is a tough lot to build on and Mr. Ophoven is willing to spend the money. He gave further CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1999 8PM - PAGE 4 - explanation. This is the third site plan we have done. Mr. Ophoven does not use the loading docks a lot, but is building it to have future use and value. He feels that the ponds will slow the water down. CM Heidner - Asked the applicant if he could deepen the ponds? Greg Ebert - We can make them big, but we want to leave the bigger trees. 25% greater ponding may be required said Mr. Heidner. He asked Mr. Ophoven if they were willing to fence the back. Applicant agreed it could be done. Mike Robertson - Given that drainage is the biggest problem, he will instruct the city engineer to have drainage maps at the next meeting. HEARING WAS SENT BACK TO THE PUBLIC Paul Young - If the drainage becomes a problem, if it passes, is the city going to take responsibility to fix it without charging the neighborhood? Mike Robertson - In a big rainstorm it will still have drainage problems. This property will not affect it. I will know if there is a problem by my pond said Mr. Young. Mike Robertson - With this building, we will address the water on this site. I will not let the city be blamed for an inadequate drainage system in your neighborhood that the City has inherited. Richard Nichols- A culvert will slowly drain from the pond on site. This lot is a small percentage of the water problem. Cheryl Anderson - To clarify, we lived there before Mr. Ophoven. I have concerns with frontage road when that was put in. There is major spring runoff. The water flow is run off directly behind this property. When Queens Ave. was put in there, there was problems. Hopefiilly the pond will work. I would appreciate having another meeting and we could see further details. Missy Schegl 16525 58th St.(Queens and 58th St.) - I can't understand the run off issue. I understand the road and the traffic. There are many children playing in this area. We can't walk down that frontage road. I would like to see consideration of changing that road with sidewalks, etc. This will add more traffic. It is not coming past my house, but it concerns me. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED BY CHAIR SWENSON Discussion Back to the P.C. A. Rezone Property from B-3, General Business District to I-3, Industrial District, RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A ZONING AMENDMENT TO REZONE THE APPLICANTS PROPERTY FROM B-3 TO I-3. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Variance to allow a holding tank Septic System Richard Nichols questioned the engineering issues - Dan Licht read comments from the City Engineers report. Richard Nichols asked if MPCA has to visit re: septic holding tank system? Dan Licht was not sure. Richard Nichols would like a review of the location of the holding tanks as well as the design and if it would be a benefit to move it CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1999 8PM - PAGE 5 - further away from the wetland for protection. Dan Licht - Council can recommend and state concern over site. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A VARIANCE OF OTSEGO'S SEPTIC ORDINANCE BASED ON FINDING SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS PROPERTY WARRANTING THE USE OF HOLDING TANKS. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Site and Building Plan Review Preliminary and Final Plat RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF AUTUMN WOODS SECOND ADDITION WITH THE TEN CONDITIONS OF STAFF PLANNING REPORT BEING REVISED TO INCLUDE, UNDER B, THAT THE LANDSCAPE PLAN BE REVIEWED FOR THE POTENTIAL OF ADDING SCREENING ON THE SOUTH SIDE. ITEM C. BE REVIEWED FOR LOCATION OF HOLDING TANKS FOR POTENTIAL OF MOVING THEM FURTHER AWAY FROM THE WETLANDS. THAT ITEM I. BE AMENDED TO INCLUDE RUNOFF FOR PONDING TO BE INCREASED BY 25%. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted that July 12, 1999 Council Meeting this will be on the Agenda. 4. Hearing Bridgeland Development Co., 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, Mn. 55044 for Myrtle C. Luconic (Owner) 8922 NE Nashua Ave. 1N -E, Otsego, MN 55330 PID #118-500-201200 (100 Acres). Legal description is the N1/2 of the NEI/4: Also the N1/4 of the S1/2 of the NE 1/4 all in Sec. 20 Twp 121, R23 Co of Wright, State of Mn. Property is Zoned A-1. (General Agricultural). Request is as follows: 1. PUD (Planned Unit Development) Concept Plan Review **(NOTE: Attached is a letter from Peter Knaeble, Terra Engr., Inc for Bridgeland Development Co. requesting this item to be continued again to August 2, 1999, Monday P. C. Meeting at 8PM. They are still working on the project, but need more time.) Chair Swenson noted that this item has been continued before and applicant again requests by letter to have this continued to August 2, 1999 8PM P.C. Meeting. PATRICK MOONEN MOTIONED TO CONTINUE THE BRIDGELAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY APPLICATION/AGENDA ITEM AS REQUESTED IN THEIR LETTER TO 8PM AUGUST 2, 1999 P.C. MEETING. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion: Mike Robertson noted that we should re -notice the meeting for the 2nd of August, 1999. 5. Any other P.C. Business CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JULY 6, 1999 8PM - PAGE 6 - a. Update on Council action by CM Vern Heidner CM Heidner noted that the Council has approved Crimson Ponds Preliminary Plat. The 85TH ST/Padgett intersection was moved 200' to the west, further away from Page Avenue NE which works out better. CM Heidner noted that the Sewer plant is being constructed. The concrete is in the ground and 1/3 of the trunk sewer and water system is in the ground. The water tower is being built. He explained the Council vote on Grenings Mississippi Hills property_ 6. Adjourn by 10PM GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE P.C. MEETING. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9:40PM MEETING ADJOURNED. CITY OF OTSEGO: ARLEEN NAGEL, S RETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/RECORDING SECRETARY EB FILE: PCMN99.WPS