08-02-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1999 - 8PM * * MINUTES * * 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL: Planning Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Commissioners, Arleen Nagel, Richard Nichols, Gene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Patrick Moonen and Christian Lfbanefo, Alternate City Council: Larry Fournier, Mayor, Council Members Mark Berning, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman City Staff Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner (Some Staff and Council Members arrived late due to a Budget Meeting being held.) 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. July 19, 1999 P C Meeting C1v1R Nagel noted that Carl Swenson, Chair was absent from the July 19, 1999 P.C. Meeting and minutes should be changed to reflect same. CMR NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE MINUTES OF JULY 19, 1999 P.C. MEETING WITH CORRECTION. CMR MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 TO 0 CHAIR SWENSON ABSTAINING AS HE WAS NOT PRESENT AT THIS MEETING. 3. Hearing for applicant Bridgeland Development Co., 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MN. 55044 for owner Myrtle C LuConic 8922 NE Nashua Ave, Otsego, MN. 55330 PID #118-500-201200 (100 -acres). Legal description is the N1/2 of the NE 1/4: Also the N1/4 of the S1/2 of the NE 1/4 all in Sec. 20, Twp 121, R23 Co. of Wright. State of Mn. Property is Zoned A-1 (General Agricultural). Request is as follows: 1. PUD (Planned Unit Development) Concept Plan Review of a 50 lot subdivision. with proposed community drainfield area. Dan Licht reviewed NAC's Report dated July 28, 1999 Re: Bridgeland PUD Concept plan. He noted that the PUD Concept Plan requires action and a recommendation to the City Council. He noted that the sewer system can be designed to connect into the City sewer and water system in the future. The performance standards for the most part are satisfied. A North through street is recommended and is seen as a positive impact on the area. No traffic impact is anticipated. The three lots having direct access to Nashua is strongly discouraged. The City Engineer has recommended that 90TH Street be realigned to match up with the existing right of way and construct a street east to O'Brian. The utilities proposed are considered a positive, but there is some concern with the location of the central drainfield system. The policy issue of increased density and a central drainfield needs to be decided by the City Council. The Staff recommends that the sewer system be turned over to the City for maintenance and should be considered as part of the evaluation. Park dedication of 16.5 acres of land, is subject to review and approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Planning Commission needs to discuss the CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - appropriateness of this development. NAC recommends approval, subject to the conditions and option A in the Planning Report. Peter Kneable, Engineer for the project from Terra Engineering spoke. He noted that Steve Nelson and Neil Krzyzaniak, were present and Curt Sparks, who would talk about community drainfields. He noted that the stormwater drainage was a problem that they were not aware of previously, but there was a history of down -stream flooding. He noted they propose a NW stormwater flow instead of NE waterflow. They proposed a public space for a trail around the drainage pond. They are looking for an indication of approval to allow them to continue to refine the design as the next phase. There is minor redesign of the street system. The NE corner, he sees no issues. They can connect to 90TH ST. A cul-de-sac on 87TH ST is an easy connection to access points. The final issue, connecting the E - W street to the North he didn't see it as a major issue. They have set aside extra land for the drainfield to make sure there is enough room. Curt Sparks from North American Wetland Engineering made a presentation about wetland treatment systems. He noted that he worked 20 years for Mn. Pollution Control, Water Quality Division. He showed what the developer is proposing for this project, a septic system/communal drainfield, and also showed similar systems he has designed in the past. A constructed wetland was shown. It contains 18" of gravel, 6 to 8" mulch (bio - filter). The water is kept below ground in the gravel (not ponded). All of the treatment is underground. He talked about the advantages and disadvantages of a constructed wetland. One acre of land is required to treat sewage for 50 homes. A large septic tank is proposed. He talked about the number and kind of plants used in the constructed wetland. Chair Swenson explained the P.C. formal hearing procedure. Elaine Beatty noted the proper posting, publishing and mailings had been completed. THE HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. Chris Bulow 9380 Napier Ave NE. - Felt this was a fine design, looks like a good deal. Had concern with water running N & W in the ditch by his house. He wants to be sure that the ditch is cleaned out. Steve Buckholtz 13921 - 91 ST ST NE - His only question is his 5 -acre lot on the North side and more explanation on the road being moved. As proposed now, it land - locks him. Steve Wiltermuth 8937 NE OBrian Ave - Concerned with the City Engineer making sure that 90th St lines up and also asked that a culvert be looked at on 90th and O'Brian. Tom Constant 13376 - 85TH ST - 87TH St curves up to the cul-de-sac. That would allow people to the South to develop. Does that mean 87TH ST will eventually come all the way to Nashua? Dan Licht noted it was only a temporary cul-de-sac and because the cul-de-sac is there, it does not mean they will be able to develop right away. Mr. Constant asked the price range of the homes? $175,000 plus is anticipated said the developer. C1VIR Mbanefo, wondered what happens to the plants in the constructed wetlands in the winter months. 'N Ir. Sparks explained that the system is designed to accommodate the temperature in the winter months. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - CIVIR Nichols - Can this system be walked on? Mr. Sparks noted that the only reason to fence it was to keep cars and three wheelers and snowmobiles from driving on it. You can walk on it with no problems and people do pick the flowers. The Engineer noted that the developer prefers not to fence this area and many of these areas have no fences. CM Heidner questioned Mr. Sparks if he would be attending the Council Meeting on Monday. He said he can. CM Heidner questioned yearly maintenance of the constructed wetland system. Mr. Sparks - It depends on conditions for monitoring. The septic tank is checked two times a year and pumps have maintenance. There are normally two pumps. The treatment system needs no maintenance, but check it once in awhile and check the berm to see if it's still intact. Health of plants will be checked, and disposal area is checked. The septic tank is 12, 000 gals. A typical residential system is 1, 500 gals. The tank is pumped every two years and there is a cost for pumping. CM Heidner noted that funding for maintaining the system is encouraged, either by the developer or the association. The life expectancy is 30 year design said Mr. Sparks. The new system cost is approximately $4.00 per square foot. 20,000 sq. ft. - $80,000. cost for replacement of a system. Operation, maintenance and replacement should be escrowed for any type of system noted Mr. Sparks. CMR Nichols - If it fails, what happens to outflow from the homes? Mr. Sparks noted that the system has a septic tank that can be pumped on a daily basis if needed. In two days the system can be replaced. It probably would not require complete replacement. A monitoring, maintenance and mitigation plan is put together for every system. CMR Nichols - Questioned outflow and ground infusion and treating it and putting it in the ground, is that a problem? Mr. Sparks - It depends on soils, can put in .8 sq. ft per gallon. The entire system is 1 to 1-1/2 acres, depending on soils. The liquid and disposal area is large enough for two systems. Chair Swenson brought discussion back to the public. No one spoke CHAIR SWENSON CLOSED THE HEARING Back to P.C. for Discussion. CMR Goenner - Felt that the stormwater outflow is positive, but was concerned with the timing. We are strongly discouraging any further development and I have reservations on that. I feel if the stormwater problem could be remedied without the 50 houses it would be much more positive. CMR Nichols - Agreed in principal with CMR Goenner, but we have not been able to do that. He felt that by mitigating the stormwater problem, and because we have platted so many homes in the sewer district, it looks like a good project and plays into future expansion of the sewer system and development moving this way. Mike Robertson - Agreed with CMR Goenner Re: Timing. If this were the only 40 per 40 acre one acre development, it wouldn't bother me. I assume I am going to be facing a parade of people wanting similar developments. Is the stormwater mitigation improvement enough to give the increase in higher density? He recommended to the City that the developer give the easement and pay all the costs to alter lot 17 and connect to 90TH ST if it is found to be a benefit to residents in the area. The developer should also CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING CON 1ISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT SPM - PAGE 4 - pay all costs of obtaining necessary easements to connect their stormwater ditch NE to the Mississippi River. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PLD/CLP CONCEPT PLAN SUBJECT TO ALL THE ITEMS LST THE STAFF REPORT AND ADDITION OF ITEM #10. APPLICANT OBTAIN A DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO THE WEST AND PAY FOR THE COST OF THE DITCH. CNIR NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Discussion: CMR Goenner questioned the cost of 87th St. connection and if we needed to get a proposal from the owner at this point? Dan Licht encouraged the developer to explore the extension of 87TH. CMR Nichols - Had a problem with two landowners being needed to sell land to get 87th St. extended. CMR Mbanefo - The intent is to connect 87TH ST eventually. It needs to be resolved. It may not go through. CM Nichols noted he is reluctant to push development to put the road in as residents may not want to develop. Adm. Robertson made it clear he is not recommending the road go through 87th to Nashua, but hated to leave it up in the air. He would like to see the issue resolved so that the City is not trying to remove a cul-de-sac and extend the road in the future. That would be unfair to everyone who bought a house thinking that they would be on a cul-de-sac forever. Chair Swenson noted that for concept review maybe the motion with the discussion is OK. It was noted that this item will be on the Council Meeting of August 9, Monday, 1999 at 6:30PM. 4. Final Plat Review - Applicant Chris Bulow for Grennins Mississippi Hills. Golf Course/Residential Homes project. Dan Licht of NAC explained his report dated July 27, 1999. He noted that approval of the final plat was recommended by NAC. Mike Robertson - Noted that the grade separated trail proposed for Kadler Avenue was a condition of plat approval offered by the developer and may not be used to satisfy the Park dedication requirements. Chris Bulow - We submitted to the Park Board that we would do the trail in lieu of the Park dedication. $27,000 was the trail cost vs. 517,000 our Park dedication fee. He also explained that the golf cart easements cannot be shown on the final plat as Wright Countv will not allow us to show them. The golf course grading is going well and is right on schedule. Chair Swenson OPENED THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC. No one spoke Discussion back to the P.C. CN,IR Nichols - Questioned Mr. Bulow about the three homes removed from the preliminary plat. You did not change the golf course. i'\/Ir. Bulow noted that space will be maintained with the golf course. It will be planted with grass and lined with CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - trees and will be a practice area in the future. The reason the lots were not larger was soils problems as the engineer reported. We put the houses where the suitable soils were and widened the lots by 5'. CMR Nichols questioned the loss of charter membership privileges. The implication is that the future owners would not be charter owners. Also objected that the Outlots B & C started as one piece of property and it now being split in two. Chris Bulow said the property was split because of the bed and breakfast not being built now and strictly for financing. CMR Goenner - B and C outlots, my main concern is that with two separate lots the bed and breakfast could be sold separate from the golf course. If it is sold it needs to meet the minimum frontage. Mr. Bulow said that if the site plan is not approved, Outlot C would be absorbed into Outlot B. Mr. Licht - Outlot C would need further discussion as a non -conforming lot. The P.C. was concerned with a non -conforming lot. Mr. Bulow noted that originally the lot had 150' frontage on Co. Rd. #39 and Dan Licht thought it was not a good idea. He could still do that. Mr. Licht stated he did not know if Wright County would agree to that. Richard Nichols questioned if the access can be brought back to Kahler because of the short distance from County Road #39. Then if it is not a bed and breakfast, it can be sold as a private home. Dan Licht - Noted that it is commercial property, not residential zoning. Mr. Robertson -Noted he is familiar with a bed and breakfast that failed as a bed and breakfast and was sold as a separate home. It could be sold and the City wouldn't know about it. He didn't know how we would enforce the Zoning. Mike Robertson noted that he observed that the protective covenants Architectural Control Board is dissolved 30 days after the last house is built. He would like some other way to address this. Mr. Bulow - Said he can keep it up for 10 -years. CMR Goenner - Re: Charter membership and purchases of the golf course, I never viewed the cluster development as a decreased benefit to the property owners. The P.C. consensus felt Charter Membership should be passed on with the home ownership. 1\/Ir. Bulow agreed to this. CMR Nichols - Tie it into the homeowners association. C_XI Heidner - If they disband the homeowners association, they loose their privileges. Chris Bulow - Agreed that it would be part of the Homeowners Association. CHAIR S WENSON CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING CMR NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECO X, ,END APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT OF GRENNINS MISSISSIPPI HILLS, SUBJECT TO FIVE CONDITIONS OF THE STAFF REPORT AND IN ADDITION TO INCORPORATING THAT THE REVIEW BY THE ARCHITECTURE REVIEW BOARD BE COMPRISED OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AMD THE GOLF COURSE AS PART OF THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. MOTION SECONDED BY CMR NAGEL AMENDMENT ALSO INCLUDED: CMR NICHOLS ADDED THAT OUTLOTS B and C BE CONFIGURED WITH THE ACCESS TO KAHLER AVENUE NE AND THAT THE LOT BE MADE TO MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS AND INCORPORATE BAND C OUTLOTS CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 6 - INTO ONE LOT. CMR NAGEL SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CHRIS BULOW AGREED THAT IT WOULD GO BACK TO ONE LOT. Mr. Licht noted that the Preliminary Plat had just one Outlot B. CMR NICHOLS AMENDED HIS MOTION THAT OUTLOT B AND C BE COMBINED INTO ONE LOT. CMR NAGEL AGREED WITH THE SECOND OF THE AMENDMENT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was noted that this item will be on the City Council Agenda of August 9, 1999 at 6:30PM. Mr. Bulow asked if this would conflict with the proposal for a Bed and Breakfast? Mr. Robertson said no and explained. 5. Any other P.C. Business a. Update on Council action by CM Vern Heidner CM Heidner updated the P.C. on JKO Holdings, LLD, Jeff Ophoven's buildingisite plans. He also updated the P.C. on Jim LeFebvres Variance Application. b. Discussion of changing meeting day from Monday to Wednesday (or other)Gene Goenner will have a conflict starting September 1999. Discussion of changing the meeting date for the P.C. was had and it was agreed to not change the date when due to personal conflicts. 6. Adjourn by 1OPM CMR NICHOLS MOTIONED AND CMR MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:45PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/RECORDING SECRETARY EB FILE: PCNIN99.WPS