09-20-99 PCN W^ e""** NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 15 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot B PUD Development Plan FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Mr. Chris Bulow has submitted Development Stage PUD plans for Outlot B of the Grenins Mississippi Hills project. Outlot B is to be developed with a 2,308 square foot clubhouse facility, which includes limited food service and retail display. The development of the parcel also includes construction of a 1,800 square foot storage building for maintenance and off-street parking for the associated golf course. The subject site is zoned R -C, Residential, Rural Cluster Open Space District, where commercial recreation is a conditional use. PUD concept plan approval for development of Outlot B as a clubhouse and related facilities was granted by the City Council on 23 June 1999. As part of this PUD development stage application, the applicant has submitted a preliminarynal plat entitled "Vintage Golf to establish Outlot B as a buildable lot. The applicant is again requesting that the area they anticipate to develop with a bed and breakfast use be platted as a separate outlot from the balance of the property. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit E: Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit B: Signage Concepts Exhibit F: Building Elevations Exhibit C: Site Plan Exhibit G: Building Floor Plans Exhibit D: Landscape Plan Exhibit H: Preliminary / Final Plat 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM Recommendation Review of the application for PUD Development Stage approval and the preliminary/final plat of Vintage Golf is generally consistent with applicable City plans, policies and Ordinances, as well as the approved PUD Concept Plan. Based upon the considerations outlined herein, our office recommends approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 1. An access easement for Outlot A is provided through Lot 1, Block 1 of the Vintage Golf addition and included within the development contract. 2. The area of Outlot A of Vintage Golf is at least one (1) acre. 3. The driveway is relocated seven feet to the east out of the drainage and utility easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The landscaping plan is revised, subject to City Staff review and approval, to address the following: a. Additional boulevard trees, evergreen trees and tall shrubs are provided adjacent to CSAH 39. b. The parking lot is revised to provide a 10 -foot wide median landscaped with trees and tall shrubs. C. Landscaping around the storage building is increased including a fence on the south and east sides of the building to screen service areas. d. The landscape plan is revised to indicate areas to be landscaped with small shrubs, bushes or perennial plantings. 5. Concrete curb is provided along the south and east sides of the surface on the east side of the storage building. 6. All final signage plans shall be generally consistent with the concepts presented in terms of number, materials and size, subject to review and approval of the City Staff. 7. An exterior light shall be provided at the property access at CSAH 39. 8. Exterior storage of landscaping materials associated with the golf course shall be permitted within concrete three sided bins with a concrete base. All exterior storage bins shall be completely screened from view of the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; outlot 8 Page 2 9. Any exterior trash receptacle shall be completely enclosed within a structure, subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 10. The site plan is corrected to illustrate the actual lot lines of Lot 1, Block 1 consistent with the preliminary/final plat of Vintage Golf. 11. The preliminary/final plat is revised to include proposed Outlot A as part of Lot 1, Block 1. 12. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. The applicant satisfy appropriate park dedication requirements. 14. Comments of other City Staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS PUD -CUP Criteria. Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance requires the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse impacts of the proposed planned unit development - conditional use, with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The proposed use is incidental to the approved golf course approved as the required open space preservation under the R -C Zoning District. Provided measures are taken in terms of architecture and site design to integrate the club house and maintenance facilities into the rural area, the proposed use would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: As part of the larger golf course and residential elements of the project, the proposed clubhouse and maintenance facilities will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area with appropriate attention to building and site design. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 3 Comment. The proposed use will conform to all applicable performance standards of the R -C District. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment. The proposed use is customary and incidental to the approved golf course use and therefore will not have any negative impact in the area which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: As part of the Final Plat approval, the applicant is required to install turn lanes from CSAH 39 to the subject site. These turn lanes will minimize the impacts of traffic generated by the proposed use. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Access. Access to the subject site is to be provided via one intersection with CSAH 39. The applicant has requested subdivision of their planned bed and breakfast project from the balance of the clubhouse uses. Although the proposed outlot has frontage to Kahler Avenue, access would be expected to be by sharing the main clubhouse access. If the subdivision of the outlot parcel is approved, an access easement should be provided and development contract amended providing permanent access to Outlot A through the clubhouse lot. Future access to Kahler Avenue from Outlot A would be prohibited. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 4 Performance Standards. The following table illustrates performance standards established for the R -C District applicable to the subject site: The development of the golf course is consistent with all required setbacks, except the driveway is only setback 3 feet from the side lot line with golf course outlot. The reduced side yard setback could be accommodated as part of the PUD -CUP, in that no negative impacts between the two uses would be anticipated. However, the driveway is within a required 10 foot drainage and utility easement. As such, the driveway should be shifted seven feet to the east. Other performance standard issues are that proposed Outlot A does not have the required minimum lot area or frontage to a public street. The lot lines of the final plat should be adjusted such that Outlot A, if approved is at least one acre is area. The street frontage issue can addressed as part of the PUD -CUP, provided the easement discussed in the previous paragraphs are satisfied. Architecture. The proposed clubhouse building has been designed to resemble an one and a half story residential dwelling. Overall, design of the building is positive and will integrate well with surrounding residential and rural uses. Materials used on the building include brick veneer and wainscoting, vinyl lap siding and asphalt shingles. No colors for the building have been specified. The Zoning Ordinance would require more use of brick or other high quality materials if the use were located within a commercial zoning district. Noting that the intent of the PUD and R -C district is to encourage enhanced developments that exceed minimum ordinance requirements, the Planning Commission and City Council may consider requiring additional brick treatments to the side and rear building elevations to enhance the building's overall appearance. The proposed storage building is to be constructed slab -on -grade with vinyl lap siding and asphalt shingles matching the clubhouse. The overhead doors into the building are on the north and east elevations. This design will prevent views of the storage area from clubhouse, golf course and parking lot. Appropriate screening will be required to ensure that these areas are not visible from the public right -of way and adjacent properties. As with the clubhouse, the design and size of the storage building is characteristic of a rural residential use and will be appropriate for the area. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 5 Lot Area L Lot width Setbacks Building Height Front Side Rear Parking Principal Acc. Required 1 ac. 100 ft. 65 f. 30 ft. 50 ft. 15 feet( street) 5 feet(side) 2.5 stories or 45 ft. 16 ft. Lot 1 3.06 416 ft. 150 ft. 78 ft. 190 ft. 30 ft. / 3 ft. 17.5 ft. 14.5 ft. Outlot A 0.97 25 ft. n/a In/a The development of the golf course is consistent with all required setbacks, except the driveway is only setback 3 feet from the side lot line with golf course outlot. The reduced side yard setback could be accommodated as part of the PUD -CUP, in that no negative impacts between the two uses would be anticipated. However, the driveway is within a required 10 foot drainage and utility easement. As such, the driveway should be shifted seven feet to the east. Other performance standard issues are that proposed Outlot A does not have the required minimum lot area or frontage to a public street. The lot lines of the final plat should be adjusted such that Outlot A, if approved is at least one acre is area. The street frontage issue can addressed as part of the PUD -CUP, provided the easement discussed in the previous paragraphs are satisfied. Architecture. The proposed clubhouse building has been designed to resemble an one and a half story residential dwelling. Overall, design of the building is positive and will integrate well with surrounding residential and rural uses. Materials used on the building include brick veneer and wainscoting, vinyl lap siding and asphalt shingles. No colors for the building have been specified. The Zoning Ordinance would require more use of brick or other high quality materials if the use were located within a commercial zoning district. Noting that the intent of the PUD and R -C district is to encourage enhanced developments that exceed minimum ordinance requirements, the Planning Commission and City Council may consider requiring additional brick treatments to the side and rear building elevations to enhance the building's overall appearance. The proposed storage building is to be constructed slab -on -grade with vinyl lap siding and asphalt shingles matching the clubhouse. The overhead doors into the building are on the north and east elevations. This design will prevent views of the storage area from clubhouse, golf course and parking lot. Appropriate screening will be required to ensure that these areas are not visible from the public right -of way and adjacent properties. As with the clubhouse, the design and size of the storage building is characteristic of a rural residential use and will be appropriate for the area. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 5 Landscaping. The submitted landscaping plan indicates the provision of three trees adjacent to CSAH 39 and decorative shrubs and plantings at the front of the clubhouse and south side of the storage building. Although not illustrated on the landscape plan, the applicant has indicated that perennials will be provided at the facility entrance and around the proposed sign. We offer the following comments pertaining to the landscape plan: The parking are is a relatively large expanse of asphalt which is uncharacteristic in this rural area. To minimize the visual impact of the parking lot, additional plantings must be provided to screen the view of the parking lot from CSAH 39. We would recommend a mix of additional boulevard trees, evergreen trees and tall shrubs be provided in the area between the parking lot and CSAH 39. Staff would also recommend that the parking lot be revised to provide a 10 -foot landscape median in the center rows of parking stalls to visually separate the parking area. Providing the median may require shifting the parking lot closer to CSAH 39 and/or moving the club house building to the north. Curb cuts would need to be provided to allow patrons to wheel golf carts through the median to the club house. At a minimum, the medians provided within the parking lot as proposed should be landscaped. The access side of the storage building needs to be completely screened. A fence and additional plantings should be provided on the south and east sides. The provision of screening to the northeast should be done in consideration of the applicant's plans for an inn, views of the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. Finally, landscaping consisting of shrubs and other low plantings should be provided on the west side of the storage building to visually break up the building facade, minimizing its size. The landscape plan should be revised to indicate planting areas adjacent to the driveway and sign, as well as other areas adjacent to the club house perimeter. Parking. Parking demand calculations were evaluated for the Concept Plan based upon the following formula: Four (4) stalls per green plus fifty (50) percent of the parking stall requirement for any other associated use. The uses within the clubhouse are, for the most part, customary to such facilities. The assocated uses include limited food service (possible on -sale liquor), retail sales of golf equptment and accessories, office space, meeting/reception rooms and seating areas. Based upon the proposed uses and the submitted floorplans, a total of 79 stalls are required. The submitted site plan provides 98 parking stalls, including three that are disability accessable. The surplus stalls are anticipated to support the applicant's planned inn, as well as event overflow parking. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 6 All parking stalls and drive aisle meet the dimensional requiements of the Ordinance. Concrete curb is provided around the permeter of the parking area and terminated to provide for extention of the drive aisle to serve the potential inn. No concrete curb has been provided to the east of the storage area, athough the area is surfaced. In that the applicant will be placing screening and constructing material storage bins, concrete curb should be provided in this area as part of this project. Signage. The only signage to be installed is a monument type sign at the entrance to the subject site. The applicant has submitted three concepts for the design of the signage. The proposed sign concepts are all monument style signs with sandblasted lettering ranging in size from 60 square feet to 63 square feet. The City does not have provisions regulating signs in the R -C District, but can accomodate them as part of the PUD -CUP. The size and type of signage proposed will be non -intrusive and would not be anticipated to imact the surrounding area. The final signage details should be made subject to City Staff review and approval. No additional signage will be permitted. Exterior Storage. The applicant is proposing to store materials associated with the golf course, such as sand, dirt, etc., outside to the east of the storage building. These materials will be required to be stored within three -sided bins constructed from concrete block, or other durable material and screened from view. The base of the bins must be hard surfaced, and concrete is recommended to prevent damage from a skidloader. Trash. The submitted site plan does not identify a location for an exterior trash recepticle. If any trash recepticles are planned, they must be stored within an enclosure. The design of the enclosure is subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. Exterior Lighting. No exterior site lighting is planned at this time except for sofet lighting on the clubhouse building and illumination of the freestanding sign. At least one exterior light should be provided at the driveway entrance at CSAH 39 for traffic safety purposes. Preliminary/Final Plat. A preliminaryfnal plat entitled "Vintage Golf Course" has been submitted to replat Outlot B of Grenins Mississippi Hills. The proposed plat includes one lot for the golfcouse clubhouse and one outlot anticipated by the applicant to be developed as a bed and breakfast inn. The lot lines on the plat and site plan are not consistent. The applicant will be required to correct the appropriate document such that the lot lines are consistent. The proposal to divide the property at this time is primarily for financing reasons. A future plat application is required whether the parcel is maintained as one lot or as a lot and outlot. Again, it is our opinion that platting the separate outlot may be premature at this time until decisions have been made regarding the necessary approvals (i.e., zoning ordinance amendment) required for development of the inn. The City Attorney has opinioned that the development contract could include a stipulation that the outlot be re- incorporated as part of the clubhouse property if development of the inn does not occur. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Oudot 8 Page 7 Grading and Drainage. The applicant has submitted grading and drainage plans. These plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Septic System and Well. The proposed grading plan illustrates the location of a septic system and well to serve the clubhouse use. As a commercial property, the design and installation of these systems for the clubhouse is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. The proposed preliminary/final plat requires dedication to the City's park and trail system for the creation of one lot. The dedication for commercial uses is to be in the form of 10% of the gross area being subdivided or 10% of the fair market value of the undeveloped land. CONCLUSION The proposed development and preliminary/final plat of the Vintage Golf clubhouse is generally consistent with the intent of development in the R -C District and other provisions of the City's development regulations. The primary outstanding issue requiring additional consideration is increased landscaping of the parking area. Other site details that must be resolved include lighting, trash storage and landscape material storage. These issues are all relatively minor and may be resolved at an administrative level base upon the decision of City officials. Specific direction also is required regarding the proposed preliminary/final plat and establishing the outlot for the applicant's planned inn. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot 8 Page 8 Q N/. C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD h !si,2w ZAj10A 'X';s ry- �1( aFON' 7bud !tet 51 X- -To-lZ'rbZi--on me can nt �m n,Y ee�Y�e -a�rl eror-.erl.r..0 trot-r°ilWif) MII .IIn,C l�kl •. �,.nvi ~I NV RIS NN �0�3S10 MnOHemo 3Sbn00 3100 30VINIA __..— --'-- — --.__ -- .IAM 1., _--"JMO :n - e7 mM77N7elmwwun —�1 AQ nMYtlO in 'ap WJI$NI — rzrnr---,Iro to I AMI$ WI 1. —1 ."1 ,spun ,..yeu� ua w.elmd M.„11 sr+M ei.pun �w,w rMl '•,"°•,� :�;°�o;;, .,,;:,'g; ;w le! s+rt-nrlrrll rt or-nrR nl erCt9 •I•.•w)rl '4•AIY .1° ""°'" °'° h•••IM r••. 'hW.•t Ml 'h+•n+r•. 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'�i . �' b ioi�nn I i .YS • NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS IPOINC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 110%PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 16 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Pheasant Ridge; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.16 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Arcon Development, Inc. has submitted an application for final plat approval of Pheasant Ridge. The first addition consists of 45 lots within three blocks and two outlots. The preliminary plat of Pheasant Ridge was approved by the City Council on July 23, 1999. The subject site is within the Sanitary Sealer Service District and is zoned R-4, Residential Single Family - Urban District. A PUD -CUP also regulates development of this parcel establishing a front yard setback based upon the building pad location as part of a coving design concept. Flexibility for 10 foot/ 5 foot side yard setbacks and minimum lot size was also approved as part of the PUD -CUP. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat Exhibit D: Grading Plan Recommendation The submitted Pheasant Ridge Final Plat that the application is consistent with the approved preliminary plat, including all applicable conditions of approval and adopted City Ordinances and policies. As such, our office recommends approval of the Pheasant Ridge Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 612-595.9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM I . A phasing plan is submitted indicating the anticipated schedule for final platting the remainder of the project for which a preliminary plat has been approved. 2. The applicant demonstrate how additional depth may be provided for future lots incumbered by the UPA easement, consistent with the preliminary plat approval. 3. The City Engineer review and approve of all proposed street right-of-way and street section designs. 4. The grading plan is revised to illustrate a 65 foot rear setback for double frontage lots backing up to Page Avenue and 78th Street. All grading, drainage and utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The applicant shall submit construction plans as required by the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. A park dedication fee in lieu of land in the amount of $48,375.00 is paid. 7. The applicant enter into a development contract with the City and post all required escrows and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 8. Comments of other City Staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS Consistency with Preliminary Plat. The proposed final plat is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat for Pheasant Ridge. The following summarize any changes: Lots. The submitted final plat includes 45 lots. The lot designs are consistent with those of the preliminary plat, except for minor revisions in the area of Lots 21-23, Block 1, Lots 8-13, Block 2 and Lots 2 and 3, Block 3. The number of lots in this area of the plat has not been changed. All lots are at least 12,000 square feet in area and all lots measure at least 75 feet wide at the proposed front yard setback, indicated by the building pad location. This flexibility was approved as part of the PUD -CUP and preliminary plat. Outlots. The proposed final plat includes two outlots. Outlot A represents the northern portion of the project area, previously preliminary platted. Outlot B is that portion of the project south of 78th Street for which the applicant has conceptually shown as twi n home/town home units. This area has only been preliminary platted as an outlot. Although not binding, the applicant should provide the City an anticipated phasing plan. Planning Report - Pheasant Ridge Final Plat Page 2 Right -of -Way. The proposed final plat provides for the dedication of right-of-way for the extension of 78th Street and Page Avenue adjacent to the project. Local street right-of-ways provide for one intersection with 78th street. While the width of the right-of-way is consistent with the requirements of the Engineering Manual, the City Engineer had noted concern with the curve radii as part of the preliminary plat review. This issue must be subject to further review and comment by the City Engineer, with possible modification of the corner radii or modification to the street sections. Finally, the street names illustrated on the final plat are consistent with the approved preliminary plat and the County naming system, provided the final plat is revised to indicate all streets as "N.E.". Layout. The approval of the preliminary plat required that the applicant provide additional depth for lots encumbered by the existing power line easement. In that the proposed final plat is virtually the same as the preliminary plat, the applicant should indicate how the additional lot depth can be provided. Although these specific lots are not being platted as part of this application, the layout of 81st Street may impact the ability to provided the additional lot depth. Easements. The final plat illustrates all drainage and utility easements required by the Subdivision Ordinance. This includes easements around the perimeter of individual lots as well as easements overlaying ponding areas and wetlands. All proposed easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Grading and Drainage. Plans for grading and drainage of the final plat have been submitted. These plans are subject to further review and approval by the City Engineer. One note, the required rear yard setback from 78th Street Page Avenue is 65 feet for double frontage lots due to that street being designated as a collector. The grading plan indicates 30 foot rear setback as being required. The grading plan should be corrected to illustrate the correct 65 foot rear setback requirement. Construction Plans. The applicant will need to submitt construction plans for elements of the project such as utilities, grading and drainage, sewer and watermain, storm sewer and street construction. All of these plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer for consistency with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. Park Dedication. The applicant is required to dedicate $1,075.00 as combined park/trail dedication in lieu of land per new lot. Based upon 45 new lots, the total dedication will be $48,375.00 as part of this first phase of the project. Development Contract. The applicant is required to enter into a development contract with the City and post all securities, as well as provide the financial commitment for sanitary sewer and water service as part of that contract. The development contract is subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. Planning Report - Pheasant Ridge Final Plat Page 3 CONCLUSION The proposed Final Plat of Pheasant Ridge is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat of the project, including all applicable conditions of approval. Our office specific recommendation regarding the application is outlined in the executive summary of this report. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Lary Koshak Rick Packer Planning Report - Pheasant Ridge Final Plat Page 4 N/. C BASE MAP. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD COUNTRY i w.r-: + a RIOCE I 1 I ;i'1 .. 1' it _.... .I 1 .l t . 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T. 124 K 2? p • OO g 1/2 .1 N.L U. 27. T. 12l N- 21 - -- N00'39'S 'W 1318.07 -- -- w g•; •; s'L m x x m 1 w Cs• . • y / I / •• € % N00'8.34 W 1318.34 -- n M O m " 1 I 14 -- N00'12'48'W 1318.03-- - -C..2 1...1 1N. M.0 1/2 .1 - SL 1/..4 IN. N.M. 1/4, S. 22. T. 124 K 2? p • OO g w g•; •; s'L m x x m 1 PHEASANT RIDGE -----� ( SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS ) --- -- MATCH LINE A ___-' \ s / MATCH LINE B — —' ( SEE SHEET 4 OF A SHUTS ) nas•n•13'w —33.00 -SL l—'d IM. S.L 1/. 01 1n. S.M. V. el 5... 22 T. 12, R. 21 N a IM M.E c— el p...L 1/..2 IM. M.M. 1/..r S— 21, T. Rt L ID. A "t Ca ty Y�t I CRAPHiC SCALE 100 0 SJ 101 210 ( 7C92 IX I'm ) 1s u. Omeka1e/.4we0nN.bsr M- 1/4 atlS— .nt l, ieT..sl . R. 2Sh Is 0., NU 00'047• E.rt 0 tr 1tt2 m.l . 1. o. 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