10-18-99 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 18, 1999 - 8PM MINUTES Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order* Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. The following Commission Members attended the Saturday, October 9, 1999 Site Inspection: Christian Mbanefo, Richard Nichols, Gene Goenner, Jim Kolles, Arleen Nagel. Carl Swenson, Chair attended on his own. (Vern Heidner, CM also attended) ROLL CALL: Planning Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Commissioners Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Christian Mbanefo and Patrick Moonen. Commissioners Jim Kolles and Gene Goenner had excused absences. City Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, and Dan Licht, City Planner City Council: CM Vern Heidner, CM Suzanne Ackerman arrived AT 8:18P.M. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. October 4, Monday, 1999 P C Meeting RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE P.C. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 4, 1999 AS WRITTEN. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY WITH ONE ABSTENTION BY ARLEEN NAGEL WHO HAD NOT ATTENDED THIS MEETING. 3. Continued Hearing from P.C. of 10/4/99 due to site inspection for applicants/owners Rudy_ JR. Thibodeau and Margaret Thibodeau, 20120 Vance Street, Elk River, MN for PID #118-038-001040 in Section 15, Twp. 121, Range 23. Legal description is Block 1, Lots 3 &4, Mississippi Shores 6TH Addition. Property address is 9100 Park Avenue NE. Request is as follows: A. Site and Building Plan Review B. Variance to allow less sideyard setback than required by Otsego's Zoning Ordinance. C. Conditional Use Permit/Planned Unit Development (CUP/PUD) Amendment Dan Licht explained that the requested variance, a change in the setback from 20' to 10', should be pursued by amendment of the City of Otsego Zoning Ordinance. Christian Mbanefo asked if it should be 10' or 0' like other downtowns? Mr. Licht noted that Otsego is more of a suburban downtown and he thinks a 10' setback is more appropriate. Richard Nichols commented on the parking lot being only 3' from the street. Mr. Licht explained that it is a legal, non -conforming use which is allowed as long as it is not intensified. Continuation of the HEARING was opened by Chair Swenson. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 2 - JOHN WEICHT, 13330 Island View Drive, Elk River, Mn. - Stated he represents Thibodeau's and wants to hear comments about where the P.C. is RE: City Engineers report. He felt that the drainage will be addressed, but it is not the appropriate time to try to correct the drainage at this time. He asked the P.C. to not send this to the City Council with a recommendation to deny. DAVID GILGENBACH, 15670 90TH ST NE - His property is between Rainbow Daycare and the Riverview Liquorette. - He asked about the drainage on the North side of the property and the Engineer's recommendation. Mike Robertson explained the issues are not only ponding, but drainage off site. David Gilgenbach - Is concerned about the one culvert being taken out affecting drainage and his property. He noted that his property is slated for further development in the future and drainage is a concern. He does not encourage closing off any drainage in the area. Mike Robertson - Explained that Mr. Gilgenbach has summed up the City Engineer's concerns and if any drainage is affected, alternate drainage must be supplied by the applicants. JOHN WEICHT - This is not an issue of backing water upstream from Minn -E -Golf. The problem the Engineer has is a concern of not having adequate drainage for County Road #42 and the frontage road. There is one foot of overflow for the Minn -E -Golf. He could not imagine there is a problem with that. If Dr. Gilgenbach adds development, he will have to address the drainage also. Each one pays their share and Mr. Thibodeau expects to pay for his drainage. Chair Swenson - Asked about the very deep ditch E. of the parking lot. Are you considering filling it? Mr. Weicht - We are asking for some filling so we can re -grade to a 3 to 1 slope per the City standards. CM Ackerman - Arrived at 8:18PM No one else spoke. HEARING CLOSED by Chair Swenson and brought back to P.C. Chair Swenson - Asked the P.C. to discuss the issue of screening planting. He noted that he paced off the parking lot and 80' is approximately the width. There should be room for screening. Richard Nichols - Didn't like the idea of tearing up existing parking lot to plant screening and noted that not all existing Commercial/Industrial lots in Otsego have screening. He also talked about other Cities and that they don't always have screening. Dan Licht noted that the N. end of the parking lot and the E. side adjacent to the building should have screening. Mr. Nichols agreed. Chair Swenson - Noted that Tom Thumb was not required to screen. If we don't require screening, it should not be in the ordinance. We do not want to make an example of this developer. Patrick Moonen - Agreed screening should be done as much as possible, but we shouldn't make them rip up an existing parking lot. Richard Nichols - Agrees screening should be around trash receptacles. Maybe we should revisit the ordinance. It seems it should be more around commercial than retail. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Chair Swenson noted that screening is nice to deflect glare of lights from cars in parking lots. He also noted that he feels that the batting cage lighting should be adjusted to comply with the City Ordinance. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCE OF THE BUILDING YARD SETBACK, BASED ON THE COUNCIL DIRECTING THE P.C. TO REVISE THE CURRENT ORDINANCE FROM 20' TO 10' SETBACK AND FINDINGS THAT THE EXISTING REGULATION IMPOSES A HARDSHIP. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONEI) TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE PUD/CUP TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A BUILDING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A RESTAURANT USE IN ADDITION TO EXISTING COMMERCIAL RECREATIONAL USES AND TO INCLUDE THAT THE LIGHTING ON THE BATTING CAGES BE COMPLIANT WITH THE CITY LIGHTING POLICY. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.* CM Heidner asked if the intention is for one of the Park Avenue entrances to be removed? RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECONSIDER THE CUP/CUP AMENDMENT MOTION ABOVE. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. *RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED THAT THE AMENDMENT MOTION TO THE PUD/CUP ABOVE BE REVISED TO DELETE ITEM D. OF THE STAFF REPORT WHICH READS AS FOLLOWS: d. The site plan is revised eliminate access to Park Avenue and provide access to the Service Road." TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT TO CLOSE PARK AVENUE ACCESS. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Note: This item will be on October 25, 1999 6:30PM Council Meeting. 4. Timothy P Steinbe k, Council President - Christ Lutheran Church _ Expansion Site Plan Review 15849 NE 90TH ST, Otsego, MN 55330 Carey Lyons of Architects and Builders Vanman Companies said that the request is to allow the addition of a 11,200 GSF multi-purpose space to the existing church. Dan Licht reviewed the Planning Staff Report dated October 12, 1999. He noted that only 50% of exposed metal siding is allowed in this district. He noted that the applicant wanted to continue with the site plan review, but may be back in the future with an application for a CUP to allow metal siding. Mr. Licht also noted that 78 parking stalls are required, but 141 are proposed which is 63 extra. Existing lighting is proposed to be moved and directed to comply with City Ordinance. The drainage plans are not adequate, as additional stormwater management plans are needed. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 AT SPM - PAGE 4 - Mike Robertson - Added that regarding the sewer and water, he did tell the church representative that connection to sewer and water was required as part of this development. He gave them an estimated price to hook-up. Carey Lyons - Stated that Christ Lutheran Church has a budget for utilities and a plan to hook up to sanitary sewer and water. Richard Nichols - Questioned the intent on the CUP for metal siding instead of matching existing wood siding. Our concern is maintenance, said Carey Lyons. It would match the building, but we would like to have less maintenance. Wood siding is a budget concern. The site plan was distributed for the Planning Commission to review at Richard Nichols request. Mr. Lyons noted that 24,000 square feet is being added. 50,000 square feet in addition is planned after this phase. The proposed multi-purpose room is intended to be the future sanctuary and classroom space, and to create a U-shaped building with a court area. Noted that in the future the parking lot would be moved east to the floodplain. Mr. Nichols - Noted that the ultimate plan would add more additional floorspace and it will be a huge facility at the entrance of the City. It is even more important that this meets highest standards. The all metal siding does not sound like an attractive option to me. He asked if this is the last time the P.C. will review this? Patrick Moonen - Asked if the steel siding would be the lap siding as used in residential construction? Mr. Lyons answered yes, as in the higher end houses. Mike Robertson - Asked if the construction plans are to start this fall. Answer: Yes. Mr. Lyons - Bids to be received in November and building start shortly thereafter. Mike Robertson - Previously I said no problem to extend sewer and water this fall. I am not sure I can make that promise now, this late in the season. Mr. Lyons - We could make temporary connections and work it out with the City Engi.ieer. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE SITE AND BUILDING PLANS FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1 MARY DARE CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ADDITION AND #2 OF THE PLANNING REPORT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE REVISED. CHRISTIAN MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Note: This item will be on the City Council Agenda for October 25, 1999 at 6:30PM. Mike Robertson asked how the P.C. would like to consider an amendment to the Ordinance Re: Setbacks. It was the consensus of the P.C. to have Dan Licht do as much as possible and come back to the P.C. to review. 5. Any other P.C. Business A. Update on Council action by CM Vern Heidner There was no update, due to a short Council Meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF OCTOBER 18, 1999 AT 8PM - PAGE 5 - 6. Adjourn by1QPM RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:53P.M. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETAiRY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/RECORDING SECRETARY EB FILE: 10"PCM.WPS