12-06-99 PCJAN -11-2000 11:51 NAC 612 595 9837 P 31/04 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULT..NTS NSPTINCNA1111111111111111111�COMMUNITY PLANNING - pESIGN - MARKET RESLARC H MEMORANDUM- via fax transmission TO.- Lary Koshak FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 11 January 2000 RE: Otsego - AJE Tower Site Mining Permit FILE NO.; 176.02 - 99.26 PAGES: 4 AJE Companies has submitted an application for a mining permit for a parcel located south of CSAH 37 and west of T.H. 101. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. The Comprehensive Plan Update includes the subject parcel within the sanitary sewer service district and guides future medium to high density residential use. The proposed mining operation is intended to prepare the subject site for eventual development and is considered temporary. Mining operations within the A-1 District require consideration of a conditional use permit, as well as a mining permit. In reviewing our files regarding similar applications, past practice has been for your office to prepare to formal report for such requests. The purpose of this memorandum, therefore, is to offer the following comments for your consideration. Please note that these comments relate only to the planning aspects of the proposed use an$ you should feel free to incorporate them into your review as you believe appropriate. If you would like to discuss this application or my comments further, please do not hesitate to give me a call. CUP Criteria. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. Their judgement is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAII, NAC@DWINTERNET.COM JAN -11-2000 11:52 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02iO4 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Reclamation. Our office's main issue with the mining permit is the reclamation of the site to allow for planned urban uses. A concept pian illustrating a 196 -unit townhome development (5.9 du/ac) has been submitted. At this stage the concept plan is only being reviewed as part of a mining permit and no implicit approvals should be construed. in review of the reclamation concept plan, we offer the following comments: The subject site is presently elevated above CSAH 27 and T. H. 101 and may be characterized as "roiling". The proposed excavation of the site would result in a level development area at an elevation approximately equal to that of CSAH 37, which facilitates extension of the north -south frontage road and access to the subject site. However, we would suggest that some variation in topography to the site would benefit the development. The excavation results in significant slopes on the west and south edges of the site. The elevation on the south property line may be constrained by an existing gas line that must be relocated. However, these steep slopes prevent any connection between the subject 'property and adjacent parcels, creating an isolated environment. Further, the development would open towards the impacts of T.H. 101, future commercial uses and the frontage road. If no provision were made for inter -neighborhood connections, the need for open space within the project is made more important. The present concept plan provides for minimal open space, other than ponding areas within the development. A centrally located open -space courtyard would be highly desirable in this situation The site plan would be anticipated to be revised to provide additional open space opportunities as part of the necessary PUD and zoning applications. Access to the development is provided by connections to CSAH 37 and the future north -south collector street. If possible, the intersection to CSAH 37, which is designated as a minor arterial, should be eliminated to minimize congestion. A second access onto the north -south collector street would be more appropriate, subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 2 of 4 JAN -11-2000 11:52 NAC 612 595 9837 P 03/04 • The development includes an internal street that is less than City standards, wl- ich is assumed to be private. A private street may be appropriate provided thz:t it allows for maintaining the desired density and open space along with adequate access. We do have some concern regarding the numerous dead-end terminuses. The future north -south collector street is designated as a collector street. The Zoning Ordinance requires a 65 foot setback from streets of this classification. This is noted for reference for future revisions of the preliminary concept plan, which only provides 35 foot setbacks from this street. There are existing tree stands in the north and west portions of the property that will be lost by the proposed mining of the site. The City may be inclined to have further information provided as to the significance of trees to be removed and possibly try to protect them if necessary. Temporary Use. As the Comprehensive Plan anticipates eventual urban development of the subject parcel and surrounding area, the proposed mining of the subject site is considered a temporary use. Under Section 20-25--9 of the Zoning Ordinance, mining permits automatically expire 90 days from the date of issuance, but the City Council may extend the expiration of the mining permit to a specified date. In that this facility is to be an interim use, the applicant should provide a schedule for completion of the mining operation. Operational Characteristics. In review of the proposed use, specific attention must be given to the operation of the mine. Specific areas of concern include: • Hours of Operation (limited to 7:OOAM to 6:OOPM per Section 20-25-6) • Traffic generation/Road capacity • Noise • Vibrations • Dust control • Top soil preservation • Water pollution Land Use Compatibility. To ensure compatibility with existing and planned land uses in the area, the following conditions should be considered as part of the CUP: Storage of materials or equipment other than incidental to the mining use, inoperable machinery and/or rubbish is prohibited. Screening should be provided as necessary to minimize the impacts of the mining operation, using where practical, material stockpiles. Security fencing should be provided at entrances and wherever deemed necessary. 3 0f4 JAN -11-2000 11:53 NAC 612 595 9837 P 04/04 Chapter 25. As you are aware, the Zoning Ordinance has spec performance stands, ds for mining uses outlined in Chapter 25. As a condition of the CUP, the proposed operW Ion must be required to meet all of these applicable standards. Security. The City typically requires approved mining permit operations to post a sect:ity for the reclamation of the site pursuant to Section 20-25-9.6 of the Zoning Ordinance_ Such a security should be required as part of the CUP based upon your office's estimation of the costs for reclamation. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 4 of 4 TOTAL P.04 JAN.11.2000 2:20PM TO:OTSEGO Halonson ENGINEERING REVIEW lAnderson Tower Site Assoc,jnQ Mining Permit for City of Otsego by Hakalnson Anderson Associates, Inc. NO. 994 P.1 6 Review No. 1 Submitted to: AJE Companies, John Jackels cc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk David L. Putnam, P.E,; Midwest Land Surv. & Civil Eng., Inc. Dan Licht, NAC Andy MacArthur, Attorney Reviewed by: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE/Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Date: January 11, 2000 Proposed Development: Street Location of Part of NE 1/4 Section 34, Township 121, Range 23 & part Property: of NW 1/4 Section 35, Township 121, Range 23. Generally the mine is 1/4 mile west of TH 101 on CSAH 37. Applicant/Developer: AJE Companies, John Jackels 10738 Hanson Blvd. N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Owners of Record: Ralph Lavedure 5743 Juneau Dane Plymouth, MN 55446 Purpose: Mining approx. 1.3 million cubic yards of sand & gravel from site in preparation for townhouse development. Jurisdictional Agencies City of Otsego, Wright County Highway Department (but not limited to): Permits Required (but not limited to): NPDES PAGE 1 OF 1 1 {Ha0VShared D=lMunlcipaMO75EGO1903lor9o3#7RVWi. doc JAN.11.2000 2:20PM N0.994 P.F 6 INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW: • Mining Permit Application, 12/16/99 • Zoning Request Application, 12/2/99 • Narrative Report: Midwest Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers, Inc.; dated 12/1/99 Appendix A — Geotechnical Reports 1) Braun Intertec — 12/3/92 for ext. of Quayle Ave. 2) STS Consultants — 9/2/99 Appendix B -- HydroCAD Output — Stormwater Management Midwest Land Surveyors & Civil Engineering, Inc. • South Mississippi Watershed Study: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. • Plan Sheets C1 through C6, 1 set 22" x 34", 1 set 11" x 1T' C, — Existing Site C2 —Stage 1 C.3 — Stage 2 04 — Stage 3 C6 — Stage 4 Cs-- Future Development Cross Section -- Sheet 1 to 10 City of Otsego Ordinance No. 94-4 • National Wetlands Inventory, 1991 • Protected Waters & Wetlands Map, Anoka County, 1984 • Mark Hurd maps for Otsego • Revisions to Mark Hurd for STH 101 • City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan • City of Otsego Engineering Manual COMMENTS COVER SHEET A cover sheet with the following items is missing: 1) Project Title 2) Sheet Index 3) Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers of following: a) Owner b) Applicant C) Surveyor d) Geologist/Soils Engineer e) Engineer f) Preparer of Plans PAGE 2 OF 2 MaOIIShared Ao"lMunicipalLg07'SEGOl9O3lot90.3#7RVWi.doc JAN.11.2000 2:21PN N0.994 P.'-:".6 4) Location Map — 1" = 2000' 5) Signature by Registered Professional Engineer SHEET C1 -- EXISTING CONDITIONS 1) The current zoning for the land and the abutting lands must be shown. 2) All structures within 350' must be shown. The residential structures are shown but not highlighted and identified. The water tower site must be added. Find accompanying a copy of that site plan. a) Water Tower b) House near NW comer of site C) House near SW comer of;site 3) All underground utilities within 100' of site must be shown. Missing utilities of note are; a) Watermain crossing CSAH 37 to water tower site b) Gas, electric power and telephone should be shown if within 100 ft. of the site. 4) All significant surface features. Some of note are; a) Wooded areas b) Telephone poles or power lines c) Wetland in SE comer of site 5) Soil borings shown on revised drawing 1/07/00. 6) Floodway elevation for wetland in SE comer of site (901.6). All wetlands within 100' of the site must be shown. The low area in the SE comer of the site is considered a wetland according to the 1991 NWI. 7) All names, addresses and PID numbers & property lines within 500' of site must be shown. 8) Certificate of Survey signed 13y a Registered Land Surveyor must be provided. 9) The contours on the water tower site must be shown (see attached site grading plan G-8 of 8 and refer to item 2 above. 10) Contours requirement of 1 foot is waived to allow 2 foot contours due to the steep terrain. SHEETS C2 to C5 1) The location of proposed temporary structures to be utilized In the operation must be shown. Examples — Sanitary facilities, offices, trash receptacles, and processing plant, if any, 2) The parking areas for employees and visitors must be shown. 3) The vehicular circulation for the site must be shown. 4) Perimeter fencing and lockable gate must be installed due to unsafe conditions within the site. Alternates such as earth berms will be acceptable in lieu of perimeter fencing. 5) Culverts under entrance to site and water tower entrance must be shown. 6) Temporary topsoil storage areas must be shown. 7) Each pond must show high water elevation. PAGE 3 OF 3 IIH8011Shared AocsIMuniclpai AOTSED019031of903#7AyW1.doc JAN.11.2000 2:21PN N0.994 P.J S SHEET C6 — CLOSURE/Rr:HABILITATION PLAN 1) The areas of revegetation shall be noted. The areas to be landscaped and typl-, of landscaping shall be noted. 2) The final slopes cannot exceed 5 to 1 slopes according to ordinance. 3) The current zoning for the land and the abutting lands must be shown. 4) All structures within 350' must be shown. Some of the structures noted that aro missing are: a) Water Tower 5) All underground utilities within 100' of site must be shown. Missing utilities of note are: a) Watermain on water tower site. b) Culverts under entrance to water tower and entrance to site 6) All significant surface features. Some of note are: a) Telephone poles or power lines b) Wetland in SE comer of site 7) Floodway elevation for wetland in SE comer of site (901.6). 8) All wetlands within 100' of the site must be shown. The low area in the SE comer of the site is considered a wetland and property lines according to the 1991 NWI, 9) The new contours on the water tower site must be shown. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1) A Traffic Control Plan sheet needs to be included in the submittal package. It must contain the following: a) North Arrow b) Scale c) Title Block d) Name, Address, Telephone Number and Registration Number of the person responsible for preparing the plan, with signature e) Location Map f) Roadway Right -of -Way Widths g) Roadway Widths h) Location and Type of Traffic Control Signing Devices i) Notes referencing the Mn/MUTCD j) Traffic Control Signs and Device Details NARRATIVE REPORT 1) Drainage Control Plan a) Each temporary pond during each stage must be sized to contain at least 100 -year storm runoff events. b) The final site ponds must be sized without using infiltration from the bottom of the pond, and if no positive outlet is provided, the pond capacity must be two back-to-back 104 -year event storms. PAGE4 OF4 11Ha011Shared DocelMunk1pagAOTSCGOWo31of9o3#7RVW1.doo JAN.11.2000 2:22PM N0.994 P. C5 b 2) Prevention plan must be discussed with methods to minimize wind erosion to topsoil piles. Alternative dust control on the site during windy conditions when use of pond water is not available must be provided. Possible use of municipal water for this purpose. 3) A schematic showing haul routes must be included in the narrative report. BORING LOGS 1) The quantity and quality of borings for this mining permit are acceptable. ABSTRACT LISTING 1) A certified abstract listing of the names of all landowners owning property within 500' of the site must be included. RIGHT -OF -ENTRY 1) A written right -of -entry which cannot be terminated for one year after anticipated closure date to the city for its officers or agents to enter the land must be included with signatures by owner/applicants. COMMENT LETTERS 1 } Comment letter from the following agencies or utilities must be submitted after they have been allowed to review a plan set. a) Wright County Highway Dept. b) Mn/DNR C) MPCA d) Mn/DOT e) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers f) Northern Natural Pipeline PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG Photographs of following: 1) Existing on-site conditions and significant features 2) Site perimeter with views of adjacent properties 3) Wetland in SE comer of property 4) Site access views of CSAH 37 and the immediate vicinity of the access point CROSS SECTIONS 1) Cross sections submitted at 100' per inch horizontally are acceptable. NORTHERN NATURAL GAS LINE The easement must be shown along with the pipe line location. The approximate profile location of the pipelines must be shown on the cross-sections. There must be a letter PAGE 5 OF 5 IU AOASharsd DocslMunkipaMOTSEGOI903lot903#7RVW1.doc JAN.11.2000 2:22PM N0.994 P.6.6 from Northern Natural Pipeline acknowledging the Mining operation and that the relocation of the pipelines in the future is acceptable to them. WETLAND Site wetlands must be delineated by a qualified delineator. The applicant must file a complete form stating whether the wetland will be impacted. The completed forms are required by the City for landowners making application for permits of any kind. SECURITY ON SITE The site must have lockable gates at the entrances. Any conditions such as ponds or slopes that impose a potential hazard or liability must be secured by fencing and minimal slopes. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Certificate of Survey is required along with a map that includes properly owner names and PID #'s of surrounding properties within 500 feet as required by the ordinances. SITE PLAN APPROVAL This plan, according to the ordinance can only be approved if it meets the City's ordinances and Comprehensive Plan. Please note that the west part of this proposal in Section 34 does not conform with the present Comprehensive Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The data provided appears to be adequate for preliminary review and appearance before the Planning Commission at a public hearing. However, some information is required to be available for public hearings, such as name, address, location and PID #'s of surrounding property owners. As long as the appropriate notices have been published, a hearing is legal. We would not recommend approval by the City Council until the submittals are completed in a form that substantially meets the Mining Ordinance No. 94.4. As of this review, the submittal is not acceptable to recommend for approval. PAGE 6 OF 6 IINaOiISharedAocsIMunic1paMO7SEGO19031of9O3#7PVWi.doc JAN -12-2000 14:24 NAC 612 595 9837 F 02/09 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULT \NTS NING COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RES _ARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 11 January 2000 RE: Otsego - Pearson Building Relocation CUP FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Applicant Dwain Pearson, on behalf of owner Charles Klein, is proposing to relocate an existing manufactured single family dwelling to 8132 Packard Avenue (Lot 13, Block 1, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates, 1st Addition). The one acre subject site is zoned R-3, Residential - Long mange Urban Service District (General). Single family uses are a permitted use in this District. The relocation of existing buildings to lots within the City requires consideration of a conditional use permit (CUP) as per Section 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. � _w Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Site Plan (Proposed) Exhibit C: Safety Disclosure Statement Recommendation The proposed relocation of an existing manufactured single family dwelling to Lot 13, Block 1, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates, 1 st Addition is generally consistent with the requirements for building relocations, as well as Comprehensive Plan policies supporting neighborhood improvements. As such, our office recommends approval of the requested CUP, subject to the following conditions: 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 P -AX 612-595-9937 E-MAIL NACO WINTERNET.COM JAN -12-2000 14:24 NAC 612 s95 9e37 F 03/09- 9. A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official pri..r to relocation of the structure. 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from, the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. 3. The existing septic system and well are evaluated and subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 4. A security as required by Section 20-19-3 of the zoning Ordinance as determined by the building official is posted. 5. Comments of other City Staff. ISSUES ANALYSIS Building Relocation. The relocation of existing structures to lots within the City of Otsego requires compliance with the performance standards outlined in Section 20-19-2, below. A. Upon relocation, the building shall comply with applicable requirements of the State Uniform Building Code. Comment. A building permit is required prior to relocation of any structure.. Conformance with the Uniform Building Code should be made a condition of any approval, subject to review and approval of the Building Oficial. B. The proposed relocated building shall comply with the character of the neighborhood in which it is being relocated as determined by the City Council. Comment. The neighborhood is fully developed with single family dwellings consisting of a mix of manufactured housing and stick built structures. The existing structure to be relocated to the subject site is consistent with this character. C. The relocated use will not result in a depreciation of the neighborhood or adjacent property values. Comment: Provided the structure has a similar assessed value as adjacent dwellings and is in conformance with applicable performance standards, no depreciation is anticipated. D. The relocated structure shall be similar to the market valuation of adjacent principal structures as determined by the City or County Assessor. Planning Report - Pearson CUP Page 2 JAN -12-2000 14:25 NAC 612 595 9837 P 04/09 Comment: The structure was purchased by the applicant for $28,500 from a ales lot, which is not always equal to an appraised value. The structures present., the neighboring properties have an assessed market value of $20,900 and $3:.600 ($27,250 average). Based upon the available information, the value o the proposed structure is comparable with those of adjacent properties. E. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site. Comment_ This requirement should be made a condition of any approval. Lot Standards, The following table illustrates required performance standards for single family lots and dwellings in the R-3 District. As indicated, the subject property and proposed location of the relocated single family house will conform with applicable performance standards. Single Family Dwelling Standards. Section 20-17-11 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines minimum design standards for single family uses, which apply to this application. The basic requirements are for a perimeter foundation, minimum dimensions of 30 feet by 24 feet, a shingled roof, and minimum overhangs of 1 foot. Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the. existing structure is in conformance with these requirements. Additionally, the structure has vinyl lap siding consistent with the requirements of Section 20-17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. CUP Criteria. In considering CUP applications, the Planning Commission and City Council must also take into consideration the possible adverse impacts of the building relocation based upon (but not limited to) the following factors outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment_ The following policies may be cited in support the applicant's request. The character of individual neighborhoods shall be reinforced, maintained and upgraded. (Policy Plan, pg. 40) Planning Report - Pearson CUP Page 3 Lot Lot Lot Lot Building Setbacks Area Width Depth Cover Height Front Side Rear Required 1.0 ac. 150 ft. 100 ft. 30-A 2.5 stories 35 ft. 15 ft. 20 ft. Proposed 1.0 ac. 150 ft. 291 ft. 5% 1 story 69 fit. 35/55 ft. 196 ft. Single Family Dwelling Standards. Section 20-17-11 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines minimum design standards for single family uses, which apply to this application. The basic requirements are for a perimeter foundation, minimum dimensions of 30 feet by 24 feet, a shingled roof, and minimum overhangs of 1 foot. Based upon the information provided by the applicant, the. existing structure is in conformance with these requirements. Additionally, the structure has vinyl lap siding consistent with the requirements of Section 20-17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance. CUP Criteria. In considering CUP applications, the Planning Commission and City Council must also take into consideration the possible adverse impacts of the building relocation based upon (but not limited to) the following factors outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment_ The following policies may be cited in support the applicant's request. The character of individual neighborhoods shall be reinforced, maintained and upgraded. (Policy Plan, pg. 40) Planning Report - Pearson CUP Page 3 JAN -12-2000 14:25 NAC 612 595 9837 F 05/09 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the ar, ,-a. Comment. The area is developed with low density single family residential c ses, which are planned to continue by the Comprehensive Plan. As such, the proposed use will be compatible with present and future land uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in. the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment. • As noted above, the subject site and relocated structure conform with all applicable performance standards. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The relocated dwelling and single family use of the property will not have a negative impact to the area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment. The relocated structure will not generate any additional traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity_ Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Septic System. The applicant is proposing all-new septic and well facilities to serve the proposed dwelling. These systems are subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. Security. Section 2019-3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that a security escrow be posted for the relocation of existing structures. This security is required primarily to cover any costs that may be incurred due to damage of public facilities or infrastructure during the relocation. Such a security as determined by the building official must be required as a condition of approval. Planning Report - Pearson CUP Page 4 JAN -12-2000 14:26 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06/09 CONCLUSION The applicant's request to relocate an existing mobile home unit is generally consi:ent with all applicable performance standards and the Comprehensive Plan. Our spy --ific recommendation is outlined in the executive summary of this report. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty ,ferry Olson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Dwain Pearson Charles Klein Norman Carlson Planning Report -Pearson CUP Page 5 JAN -12-2000 14:26 NAC 612 595 9837 P 07/09 U 191,z EXHIBIT A-1 JAN -12-2000 14:27 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08i09 1 ttooHe r� peon ,2,20ten-sl 12 t'o ' j 7 8 5 PO4o pv„ aiao- o 83rd STREET 9 w 1 11 2 3 4 5 1214= /2at2ol B r+wo alas 4 �-W Q bees � 9� 2 ,1100 � 1 netr.7o C ,alto 4 11 � nwr.ae 12. WKWIo #4130 13 H 1� h, p1t-ae 15 Hole rmo g 28 ,rote 1 rzM27 #C .Me..te 322"*' .ne->re 26 X71 s„ IMO 25 2 4 tx. on" .7rt-7o rs7.o 24 pogo 5 am -M 23 f}0e, 4J r Z2 ttooe-eo t� 7 OfOt -� �} 21 tmf�o 8 � aM-yv 20� �V�yJ � too 'T 10 Prim 19 1$ , ti 1►1t4,�ao ' Mts-7n "t it1a7D/. _ 17 %11ao 12 g7M1.7O a� 16�p i3 15 14 trots 1 2 ^1670 J vale. 4r�� 0106 5 to7rye t+� 6 r,o�o 7 10 7tYti-.1D � 111106 -M06 -M 11 � rttn e�12 rnx tt 110 14 N.E. 81 st ST. Iliv 15 rt,w s6s-: —IL -M 18 4 3 2 1 "7~' tit" s 17'72 polo r� poxo 1°°' dao 1 tswo 2 27 pos6 4 EXHIBIT A-2 JAN -12-2000 14:28 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09i09 5jTE LAY OUT 9132 PAGKARV Avt (PO f 0 sed) 7,- P „ kDA9sed 25.9 r� pry}r were * I gx l5v I/ Ir CrAleaye x sla b rQP Q�'► yr way Or `'' 4� PSG K�RI Avg dr5EG0 ---- - , �- � o P No Nor -ro 5 c A L.r 1k T EXHIBIT B TOTHL P.09 MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME SAFE' F•EATUP,E DISCLOSURE FORM Minnaoto Statutes 327007 The Safery Future Disclosure Form relates to in-Vark gala on7•. The seller must pry idc the ditciasvr_ to the beaver prior to the signing of the purchase agreement. The seller is Msponsibta for the mformation provided in the drschscure, the bailding official is not. nor is the buyer. The buyer is responsible for the corrections and has up to three veers to complete the repairs. See 'Compiiancc with S+fety Futures' on Disclosure Form. The Building Ofri ial is reiponsibie for issuing permits for and providing inspection of all re -work pursuant to the disclosure. The Safety Disdoeure is path of the Manufactured Home Park Lot Rental Law•, and the specific section 327.C7 u titled 'in Park Salts,' MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOME accordance with the manufactures s gvideiines. A buildinf. SAFETY FEATURE DISCLOSURE FORM permit for this stove was issued by the city T -.is form is required by taw to be fltied out and given to the pratpective buyer of and this stove installation has been Of any used manulaelured home by All privatt parties, dealers, and brokers. approved by the building official. EXTiS AND EGRESS WINDOWS YES N011(� This home has at least one ep%=-in3o- in each bedroom, or a window in This hone contains a solid fuel bumtng frrepiatee. The fireplare each bedroom that metu the specifications of the American National Standard was installed by the manufacturer of the home after June 15, institute ?9'e2 Standard A119.1 ctrvermp manufactured homes trade ir. 1976, and was inspected for compliance with the U.S. Minnesota. This standard requires that the window be al lead 22 irvchcz in leas~ Department of }lousing and Urban Development Ma ufactured dimension, and at Is= f+ve square feet m tire&, and that the window he not Home Standards YES NO= more than four feet ori the floor. i:47= windows installed in compliance with 'Iles home contains a solid fuel burning frteplacc. This fueplate the U.S. Department of Housing and Urhan Dewlepen"t Manufactured Horne' unit is approved for installation in manufactured homes. It was Standards or the State Building Code are deemed to meet the requirements of installed try in accordance with the this section manufactuter's guidelines. A building permit for this ftreplsm YES NO was issued by the city q! and this This home hwc;L(rtumber) of erica. Tlt,4y are located jr _ firepbcciirlstatlation hp been approved try the building ofiteiaL SMOKE DETECI'tORS ARID FIRE E)MN(1URSil . . . r • 'YEi NO This home is equipped with fare eztinpuishers as required by the Minnesot�a/ State Health Department, YES NO /� . SUPRT SYSTEM , • EO This home is by a They arc located sbpfroned tupport'systcm. as required state code since September 1, 1974, This home is equipped with at feast one listed automatic smoke detector outside YES NO each sleeping area as required in homes built in accordancezanP the state RECOMMENDATIONS TD PROSPEC I"VE BUYERS building cede. YES %�- NO flFATTAPE ALUMINUM ELECTRICAL WIRING It is siso recommended that the buyer check the home's hat This home Its alumintmt'ekmirical wiring. YES NO tape. Did and worm hear tape, and imprc+per installation of heat A)urnmum eicetrieal wiring an present a fire hazard in domes. The special tape, an cause a fire hazard. harards presented by Muminem efettriea] wiring an be eiiminsted by certain FURNACE AND WATER HEATER repairs, as recommended by the L'S. Consumer Product Safery Commission. It it recommended that the buyer have i Qualified utility A. The wiring eosrtrectiarts to the outic a in this home have been crimped, ae}d rcprrxntathm Meek the furnace and water hater to are that the mstneerion point is nor copper. YES NO they are both in good working orde-,. If this home.was B. T1his home hart eteetrieai outlets and switches compatible with aluminum convened from oil to natural gas heat_ there could be safety electrical wiring. YF -1Z NO probkms.if the conversion was not done correctly. A utility G Other action has been taken to eliminate or reduce the danger caused by representative or building official can inspect the condition and aluminum electrical wiring in this installation of this equipment. They may charge a rsisonable har„e•(De:`�;be) (cc to do w. it is also recommmded that the burr check the floor area around the wsrer beater and furnace compartments: ('The buvtf may otter the effectiveness of these methods by contacting the US_ A weakened floor on create a firs hazard. Comsumcr Product Safety Commission.) ENERGY AUDiT It is also recommended that the buyer have a utility approved FURNACE AND WATER HFATER enerV audit of the home_ The furnace Min rtment in this home is lined with gypsum board, as specified COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY FEATURES in the 1976 US Depammenl and Urban Dvveioptnent ruing if you purchase the horns, you will be required to install egress manufactured housing construction. YES A NO windows within one vcar and smoke detectors and firs The water heater enclosure in this home is lined with r.vVfiu9n board, as specified ertinguishers within JO day -L. You will be required to comply in the 1976 U.S. Dcpartnient of Hotaing and Urban Devc ens cedes with all of the fcty fcalu consisted its this form within governing manufactured housing eort:truetiost, YES NO three '� �t'7�� SOLID FUEL BURNING STOVE AND Fi PLACE.�U r�thc undcrsipned, This home cmixins a solid fuel burning stove. This stovt we& inststted by hertbv dcclarc t e above informs t a true and eorrat to manufacturer of the home after June 15, I976, and was inspected for compliance the best of env nowt ge. with the U5. Department of Housing and Union Devclopmcni Manufa Dome Standards. YES NO Sebe Sig This home contains a solid fuel burning stove. This stove: unit is appNfor installation in manufactured homes. Jr was installed by in Bttve:SipnalL. BaverSignamtre Props n''Addze.ss Date [ 4 —0-99 SGiallso. 5a