03-06-00 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 6, 2000 - SPM MINUTES 1. Chair Swenson will call the Planning Commission -Meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8P' -\I. He also noted that there was a procedural problem with two (2) alternates being appointed. Administrator Robertson said it is a minor change to the by-laws to recognize we have two (2) alternates. He also noted that the alternates should be seated if the meeting starts and member members are not present. ROLL CALL Planning Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Patrick Moonen, Steve Schuck, Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles and Christian Mbanefo. Also Ken Fry, Alternate. Citv Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City ClerL'Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner. v Citv Council: Citi Heidner, CSI Wendel, CM Berning and CII Ackerman. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A. Tuesday, February 22, 2000 - 8P:.I ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE PLANNING CO-NMISSION MINUTES OF TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2000 - 8P --\l AS N`RITTEN. CHRISTIAN 'MBANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANII•IOLTSLY. 3. HEARING for Owners .Janet E Bridgland and C. Hartell 9244 - 95TH ST NE Monticello (Otsego), 1IN. 55362 and Carl A and Joy A Swenson 9484 - 95TH ST NE, Monticello (Otsego) -XIN. 35362. Applicant is AJE Companies, Inc, 10738 Hanson Boulevard, Coon Rapids, .\,L . PID ='s involved are 118-800-103301. 118-800- 103400, 118-800-152100 and 118-800-151301, all in Sections 10 and 15, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, City of Otsego, :Minnesota. Legal description is on file at the City Clerk's Office, City of Otsego. This property is located NSU of County Road #39 (95TH ST NE) and Kadler Avenue \ . Request is as follows: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding density. B. Zoning Amendment (test) pertaining to density allowed in the R -C, Residential- Rural Open Space Cluster District. C. Zoning Amendment (3lap) to rezone the subject propertyfrom A-1 District to R -C District. D. PUD -CUP concept/development plan (concurrent) to allow clustered development within the XN•S District. E. Preliminary Plat of Mississippi Pines. CITY OH OTSEGO PLANNING CO-NBIISSION NIEETING OF XIARCH 6, 2000 8PNI - PAGE 2 - F. Vacation of the Northeriv 356+ feet of Jambor Avenue NE, right-of-way easement. NOTE: This item was continued from the February 22, 2000 P.C. Meeting The Public Portion of the Hearing was Closed. A recommendation to Council was not made and needs to be made. Chair Swenson noted that he had a conflict of interest with this application and turned the meeting over to Vice Chair Richard Nichols and removed himself from the Planning Commission for the evening. Vice Chair Nichols explained the application and that the Public Hearing had been held and then closed at the February 22nd P.C. meeting and that discussion and decision is with the Planning Commission this evening. Dan Licht noted that the recommendation to the P.C. is that option A or B is appropriate and the City Attorney has reviewed this memo and agrees. DISCUSSION OPENED TO THE P.C. Arleen Nagel - liked option 'B" the best because you have flexibility without having to increase the density and it eliminates the cap. Christian Xlbanefo - Questioned if any other requirements are needed to change the ordinance from 10 per 40 density? Answer: No, this is the second request for cluster development. The first development started at density of 10 per 40 and was reduced. V.C. Nichols -.Agreed with Mrs. Nagel that Option B is the best plan. It seems to be a good one, at 12 per 40 density and fits the area. With "B" change we have allowance to stay at that level or decrease or increase density slightly. It does not set up a precedent through an ordinance change. Christian Mbanefo - In the original discussion it was felt that there may be too many requests to go with a higher density. This development looks good. We want to accommodate developments that meet the intent of the Comp. Plan. Vice Chair Nichols - Reviewed the options A, B, C or D outlined in the Planning Report. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 20-77-6 AS OUTLINED IST OPTION "B" OF THE PLANNING REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 2-1, 2000. PATRICK MOOtiEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED ITNANI\1OL"SLY. JIM KOLLES _MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO CHANGE THE ZONING FROM A-1 DISTRICT TO R -C DISTRICT. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO RECONEMEND APPROVAL OF THE PL-I)/CL-P TO ALLO«' CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE WILD ANI) SCENIC OVER LAN' DISTRICT AtiND TI-kT THE DEVELOPER HAVE DESIGN FLEXIBILITY FOR THE PRE:LIZIINARY PLAT OF MISSISSIPPI PINES, QC CITY OF(OTSEGO PLANNING. CO-,NRIISSION NIEF,TING OF NIARCH 6, 2000 S r _` I- PAGE 3 - SUBJECT TO THE 13 CONDITIONS LISTED IN THE PLANNING REPORT. .JINI KOLLES SECONDED THE -MOTION. 'MOTION CARRIED 6 TO 1 WITH PATRICK MOONEN VOTING AGAINST THE MOTION. Discussion: Patrick Moonen - In condition G, if the City Council accepts cash in lieu of park dedication, he recommends that Lots 1 - 7 be moved into the proposed park area. Arleen Nagel questioned if all 7 -lots would fit in Outlot G. Xlr. Moonen - Based on 1.7 acres per lot, they may. Mr. Licht - It might be worthwhile to ask the applicant if that change is possible. The Applicant felt they would not all fit in that area. Mr. -\,Ioonen did not feel it was contingent on that, but could be worked out. Patrick Moonen - The reason is because of public comments. It would open space up and create a buffer between current and new residents and utilize the trail. Arleen Nagel - diel not agree with moving all seven of the lots. maybe a few. Jim Kolles - Agreed with Ms. Nagel. Maybe move lots #4 - 7 but does not see a reason for moping all seven lots. He likes the development as it is. Arleen Nagel and Jim Kolles did not agree with the amendment - Amendment failed. 1 -like Gair - These are one acre lots for single family development and we are transporting trees to areas where needed. If it is important, we can transport trees to this area to provide additional screening. He preferred to not have to move the lots around. Steve Schuck agreed with Mr. Moonen Re: If park land is not accepted it makes sense to loop the trails. Mike Gair - If we locate those seven lots someplace else, more streets will be needed. More asphalt is counter-productive to open space, cluster development. CHRISTIAN MIB ANEFO MOTIONED TO RECO'L\,IE-NTD TO THE COUNCIL TO VACATE 356 PLUS FT. OF JAtiIBOR AVENUE NE RIGHT OF NIVAY EASEMENT. ARLEEN 1AGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. _MOTIO CARRIED L7NANIlIOUSLY. It was noted that this item will be on the 3-13-2000 Council Agenda at 6:30PM 4. HEARING initiated by owner Philia H. Swiagum. 8500 Parrish avenue NE OtseaoLlLN. and ADDlicant T -X H Development. 3200 Main Street. Coon Rapids. ALN, 55448 (lIil e Dq for PID #118-500-224100 and #118-500-233201 in Section 22, Township 121, Range 23. Legal description is on file at the Otsego City Clerk's Office. This property is located at 8500 Parrish avenue NE (E of County Rd. #42, S of County Road #39 and Sti` of State Highway #101). Request is as follows: A. Rezone currently Zoned A-1 (General Agricultural) to B -W (Business Warehouse District) B. Site and Building Plan Review Dan Licht reviewed the Planning Report of February 24. 2000. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings Kaye been completed. CITE- OF OTSEGO PLANNING CMLMISSION MEETING OF NL-VRCH 6.2000 8P__Xt- PAGE 4- Applicant Robert Day - «'lien 85TH ST is extended. we will have to tear 3200 Main Street the buildin!? down. Thev %vould like to see 85,TH ST Coon Rapids. \IN. extended to the East. They can't investing a lot of money into the building if they will have to tear the building down. Vice Chair Nichols explained the Public Hearing formal process. HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. Mike Dai• - Is TMH business owner. He said the company started in 1976 and in 1993 he took over. They desire to move to Otsego. The building they are at in Corcoran is sub -standard. Thev want to use the building as is until they can locate additional tenants and buyers. When 85TH ST goes through. it will excelerate the building of a new industrial building. They would like to use the building as is and not put too much money into the building. There are 18 people in his company with 3 to 6 people in the office. They install energy management controls. It is a hi -tech. business. He is an electrical contractor by trade. The only outside storage is a trash container with screening. They would clean up the existing outside junk. N o one else spoke. Discussion went back to the P.C. Christian Mbanefo - Questioned the applicant;"ow-ner why they plan to have a two stage process instead of platting a lot? ;Luke Day - For financing they look at income generated. We have to show that we can show income from my business. We need to involve other people. not just the value of the land. 'New building will be 15 to 20 thousand square foot building. Nke will need rented out space to have the larger building built. He explained how- he can grow the business. If the City, builds 85TH ST, it would excelerate our ability to sub -divide the property and sell it. They have enough income and wealth to support the property as it is. We can, and strongly desire to develop this property in the next ten nears. Mike Robertson - Xlr. Day contacted him after seeing the sign regarding economic development. In talking with him; I was aware that the property was not an ideal fit. `Iy thinking was when this area develops with commercial and industrial, people owning residential property may have the most objections, It's a point I saw as positive. The suggestions are very reasonable and could be included in the developers agreement. w Steve Schuck - Do we have any plan for 85TH ST extension? .answer: It would be driven by development of the property and the developer would pay as much as possible. CM Heidner showed how- 85TH ST would be extended on the map. %*.C. Nichols - Personally. I'm uncornfortable with the application as presented. I would like to see the proper cleaned up. I don't see allowing a business to move in as it is. It is not in the best interest of the City. In the next five years, it may be developed. I don't feel this is the type of development the City needs. Discussion went back to the Public. No discussion. PL-13L.IC HF.aRING WAS CLOSED. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING C'OWMISSION MEETING OF �L-\RCfI 6, ?000 SP -M - PAGE ; - Discussion went back to the P.C. for final comment and action. Patrick \loonen - .-agreed with V.C. Nichols. He is %willing to consider it if it were tied with some other conditions and tie it to the development of that area. It would be required to be upgraded at that time. -V.C. Nichols - Consider that also how do we know that? There is two to five years interest in the propene . Patrick Moonen - Liked the neer building being built not to be tied to the lot. but be tied to development of the area. VC Nichols - How do we enforce that'? \ Ir. Day - asked if there was any way of doing a CLAP to allow it with conditions and yearly renewal of CUP"? Dan Licht explained it would be a problem. Patrick 'Moonen - Would like to figure out some wavy to do it. but doesn't want it to stay in the old house for 20 years. \Ir. Dav - The building is in the right of war of 85TH ST. If it is tied to that, it would be a normal process. It would be acceptable to us. Connecting to sewer and water is prohibitive now. v Dan Licht - The future layout of 85TH ST is not established. \".C. Nichols - That is a Council issue and we can take it into account. C\I Heidner - When we allow someone to develop their land for the future, we get easements for free. The P.C. would need to recommend on that. Dan Licht - That house is 56' from the one property line. Jim Kolles - Felt easement would come up to their front doorstep. \Ir. Day - Our desire is not to stay in that house. Christian'ibanefo - In the future what do you see as your best tune schedule to build a building? Two years said Mr. Day. 5 -rears is guaranteed the old house would be removed. We do not Wyant to put 50 to 60 thousand dollars into the building and then have to remove it. Two years puts a lot of pressure on us. `-C Nichols - NA -hat is keeping you from getting tenants? Mr. Day - In order to buy property we have to have the rezoning and to show we can rent the building. VC Nichols - Asked if they could get tenants and build a new building on ;42 and 85TH ST? Mr. Day - Would like to preserve the front comer as a prime lot. They would build behind that. Preliminary if there were a big tenant with lots of land, we would work with that. More discussion with Dan Licht and what would be needed. He said in the minimum we should have a site plan with a plat. CHRISTI.-.` MBANEFO MOTIONED TO DENY THE REZONING FROM A-1 TO B -NY BASED ON THE PLANNI`G REPORT RECO1L11ENDATION :�ND POLICIES FRO\I THE CO -NIP. PLAN ARE AS NOT BEING'MET. PATRICK MOONE` SECONDED THE MOTION. \IOTIO` CARRIED 6 TO 1 WITH JI -11 KOLLES `'OTING AGAINST. CHRISTIA_\ \IBA.NEFO MOTIONED TO DENY THE SITE AND BUILDING PLAN REVIEW. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE -MOTION. _MOTION CARRIED 6 TO 1 wITIi .11M KOLLES VOTING AGAINST. CITE• OF O"CSEGO PUNNING CON LVIISSIONMEETING OF'\L-1RCUI 6.2000 SPM - PAGE 6 - It was noted that tlus will be on the Council Agenda of .\larch 13. 2000 at 6:30P.I HEARING initiated by Owner of the Estate of Lvnn Hillman, Carol Osborn f/Wa Carol Saastamoinen personal representative of the Estate. Applicant is Tanner J. Anderson, 19411 Irving Circle, Elk River, M1N 55330. PID 4118-037-001010 in Section 21, Township 121, Range 23. Legal description is Lot 1. Block 1, �k alesch Estates. 2ND addition. Property is located at 14210 NE 82ND Street, Otsego. 1IN. 55330. Request is as follows: A. Conditional Use Permit to allow relocation of a home to a R-3 Zoned Residential lot. Dan Licht reviewed the planning report of February 24, 2000. He recommended approval subject to the conditions in the report. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper postings, publishing and mailings were completed. HEARING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. None Discussion back to the P.C. None. Discussion back to the Public. None. PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Discussion back to P.C. MOTION BY PATRICK MOONEN TO RECON IEND APPRO`"AL OF THE CUP TO ALLOW RELOCATION OF A HOME TO A R-3 ZONED RESIDENTI.aL LOT WITH SIX CONDITIONS IN THE PLANNING REPORT. JI`i KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED L'N ANIMOUSLY. It was noted that this item will be on the Council meeting of Mondav March 13. 2000 at 6:30PN- 4. 6. Anv other P.C. Business A. Update on Council Action by CM Fern Heidner C\1 Heidner updated the P.C. that the Council had re -appointed Arleen Nagel and Jim Kolles to the P.C. Christian Mbanefo - asked about the land use planning classes. Richard Nichols recommends the classes. Dan Licht - said he and Carl Swenson had discussed Dan haying a refresher course for P.C. members. CITU OF OTSEGO PLANNING G CONEMISSION MEETING OF \LARCH 6, 2000 8P -\I - PAGE 7 - 7. adjourn by IOPNI PATRICK 1IOUNEN MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. CHRISTIA -IBA.rEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED ',.N:A-NIMOL-SLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:27P'M. ARLEEN NAGEL, SE ETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Recording Secretary eb - He: 2-Pc-hffiv-U-PS