03-20-00 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 20, 2000 AT SPM MINUTES 1. Chair Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL Planning_ Commission: Chair Carl Swenson, Arleen Nagel, Jim Kolles, Patrick Moonen, Steve Schuck, Alternates Ken Fry and Gene Goenner. Richard Nichols and Christian Mbanefo had excused absences. City Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner. City Council: Vern Heidner and Mark Berning. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of- A. fA. Monday, March 6, 2000 - 8PM ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 0 WITH CARL SWENSON ABSTAINING AS HE WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE MEETING. 3. HEARING for Owner Applicant Rick Grupa, 19026 Zane St NW, Elk River, MN. 55330. PID 9118-500-364400 in Section 36, Township 121, Range 23. Legal description is on file at the City of Otsego City Clerks Office. Property is located at 6201 Richardson Avenue. (South of 62ND Lane and East of NE Rawlings Avenue.) Request is as follows: A. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Expand the Sanitary Sewer District B. Rezone to R-4 (Currently Zoned A-1) C. Preliminary Plat Chair Swenson explained the application. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publication, posting and mailings were completed. Dan Licht explained the Planning Report dated March 14, 2000 (attached). C.M. Heidner clarified that the sanitary sewer capacity will come from Otsego, not Dayton. Mike Robertson - explained some of the items on the City Engineering Report and and the Wright County Engineering letter (See Attached) Ed Otto, Land Surveyor, Ed Otto and Sons - They would like R-3 Zoning, rather than R-4. Mr. and Mrs. Grupa want to move to lot #6. There is no need forgrading, except the Dayton portion of the project. He referred to Mr. Hanson's Staff Report. (Dayton Engineer). The drainage issues per Mr. Hanson can be accomplished. The Dayton project is going on across the street from this project. If this is a go, we will have City sewer and water. The landfill is on Lot No. 6. It was outlined on the plan. Allegations of erosion, he did not see. Mr. Grupa plans on building on Lot #6. The building site on Lot #6 is N of the existing land fill. CITY OF OTSEGO PLAiNNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2000 AT SPM - PAGE 2 - HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC Chair Swenson explained the formal hearing process. Steve and Carol Orwell - Live next door to the dump. We were told it was zoned unbuildable. The drainage pipe was pointed at their property. We feel this should be cleaned up. This was an illegal landfill with no permits. We wanted to see this landfill get completed years ago as Wright County- plans show. The drainage area was totally mounded over. The drainage changed from the natural route. We want to see no action taken, Only completed restoration of the dumpsite. Discussion was brought back to the P.C. Gene Goenner - Asked if anyone had inspected the site? Mr. Licht said the Engineer knows about the landfill. Mike Robertson - As part of the process, if it was found illegal, it would need to be brought into compliance. That would be a condition. Gene Goenner - If it was zoned R-4, would it be possible to have 6 -lots in there? Mr. Licht - R-4 has a minimum lot size of 12,000 sq. ft. There is no maximum number. The issue is utilizing services available. The P. C. could recommend R-3 district if they wanted. Gene Goenner - If rezoned to R-4, would they have to be liable to show a second building site? Answer: Yes. If I would buy one of these lots could I subdivide it? Dan Licht - Yes. Under the circumstances, I would be more inclined to go with the higher densitv. Vern Heidner - Questioned Dayton's Engineer about their residents hooking up. He noted that sewer would need to be extended to Richardson Lane. Engr. Hanson - Dayton would say that Otsego is responsible for their residents. Earl Schulenberg - 6766 Rawlings - Are you saying 15 lots rather than 6 or 7? The roads would not handle that. Dayton's Engineer - stated that the updated project will be bid a week from tomorrow. The project is in front of the legislature and by the end of April they should have answers and be able to meet with the residents. HEARING CLOSED. Discussion brought back to the P.C. Gene Goenner - With a lot of things up in the air, Dayton bids and road construction, the plat is premature and I am inclined to table or decline the Comp. Plan Amendment at this time. There are too many loose ends. Carl Swenson No formal agreement between Otsego and Dayton governing service to this area is another factor. Arleen Nagel - Agrees with Mr. Goenner that this is premature. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO DENY THE COMP PLANT AMENDMENT TO EXPAND THE SEWER DISTRICT ON THE BASIS IT IS INCONSISTENT WITH THE CITY'S CONZP. PLAN. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. AFTER DISCUSSION THE MOTION WAS WITHDRAWN BY GENE GOENNER AND ARLEEN NAGEL WITHDREW HER SECOND. Discussion: CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2000 AT 8PM - PAGE 3 - Carl Swenson - Questioned Staff if the motion is correct. Mr. Licht - Yes, It can be made. The issue of serving the property has not yet been established. You could also table until the issues are worked out. Mr. Otto - The applicant will waive the 120 day requirement. Mr. Licht - If you table the application, it is simpler to bring it back. It is more efficient to table it. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO TABLE THE COMP. PLAN AMENDMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AN AGREEMENT IS REACHED WITH DAYTON FOR SEWER. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Note: This item will not be brought before the Council. It will come back to the Planning Commission. 4. HEARING for Owners Edwin F. and Leona M. Dauphinais. 16099 N.E. 72ND ST., Otsego, MN. 55330. Applicant is Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation. 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 300, Mendota Heights, MN. 55120-1112. PID #118- 500-274400 and #118-500-263301. Legal description is SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26 and part of the S-1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, State of Mn. This property is located N of 70TH ST NE (Co. Rd. #37) and West of State Highway #101. Request is as follows: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Land Use Plan) B. Rezoning to R-7 District (Currently Zoned A-1) C. PGD/CL'P for Town Home Development D. Preliminary Plat E. Site and Building Plan Review Dan Licht - Explained NAC's Planning Report of March 15, 2000. (See attached). He noted that the project is highly positive. Capacity of sewer needs addressing. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings were completed. Dennis Griswold, Director of Land from Pulte Homes - He noted that four housing types are proposed which will provide a type of housing not currently found in Otsego. We are in agreement with the Staff recommendation. Sewer availability is an issue. We are willing to make the connection with our potential reimbursement. We are looking at first and second time home buyers, singles and young marrieds as our primary market. We are hoping to get an indication from the Planning Commission tonight. HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC No one spoke Discussion back to the P.C. Jim Kolles - Questioned Quaday upgrading and asked what is the time frame? Mike Robertson - The issue has not been discussed yet. There is a half mile difference, do we update and assess it or leave it as a gravel street? The cost estimate is being brought to the next Council meeting. Ken Fry - What will they do with the drainage on the South side of #37? It winds up in the field on the West side of Parsons. Dan Licht answered that the pond in the SW corner of the site there will have depth added to it. Also a large pond in the middle of the CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2000 AT 8PM - PAGE 4 - court home development. They have to provide ponding on-site. Ken Fry - Noted he has seen the entire field flooded. Mike Robertson - A lot of the water will be directed North to LeFebvre Creek. That's the goal, to ditch it, or pipe it along Quaday. Vem Heidner - What type of phasing do you foresee, when will you start? Answer: Two years. Mike Robertson - Asked the price range? The Courthomes 5112,000. to $130,000., 1,100 to 1,350 sq. ft. 2 -story townhomes. The L-shaped Village Homes are 2 - story with tuck under garage priced at $100,000. to $110,000., 900-1150 sq. ft., serves first time home buyers. Gene Goenner - Since it is a PUD application, what amenities are the City of Otsego receiving, as far as trails, etc. I do not see what the City is getting back. Dan Licht noted that the intensity of the use is his concern. We encourage some amenities to be provided. Facades are a plus and higher quality building material is being used. The intensity we recommend be scaled back. to meet our requirements. Discussion went back to the Public. No one spoke. HEARING WAS CLOSED. Discussion back to the P.C. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECONIlIIENND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (LAND USE PLAN) TO EXPAND THE SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT TO INCLUDE THE ENNTIRE "THE POINTE" DEVELOPMENT PARCEL. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. JIM KOLLES MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND REZONING FROM A -I, (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) TO R-7 (RESIDENTIAL, HIGH DENSITY DISTRICT). KEN FRY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PATRICK MOONEN MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PUD/CUP FOR TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT, PRELIMINARY PLAT SITE AND BUILDING PLAN REVIEW WITH THE CONDITIONS A - 0 LISTED IN 1NAC'S REPORT DATED MARCH 15, 2000. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. "Note: This item will be on the Council Agenda of March 27, 2000 at 6:30PM. Discussion: Gene Goenner -Would like to see something in the way of amenities. He is pleased that the building material and design is above standard and he is proud it is that type of company. Dan Licht - Suggest amenities, or reduce the density intensity. Gene Goenner - Suggested individual landscaping around parcels under the homeowners association, especially with the higher density. Vern Heidner - Noted that trees and sod and (lots of trees) are proposed. It is substantial. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2000 AT SPM - PAGE 5 - 5 HEARING for Owners Edmond N and Mariette LeFebvere 7981 River Road N E Otsego MN. 55330 Applicant is Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation 1355 Mendota Heights Road, Suite 300, Mendota Heights, M_N 55120-1112. PID #118- 500-271100 (Original Parcel). Legal Description is Outlot A of Prairie Creek (2N'D Addition) 23.28 Acres of land at 7981 River Road in Section 27, Township 121, Range 23. Legal description is on file at the Otsego City Clerk's Office. This property is located at River Road NE (Co. Rd. 442) and Quaday Avenue NE). Request is as follows: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Land Use Plan) B. Rezoning to R-6 District (Currently Zoned A-1) C. PUD/CUP - Development State/Townhome Development D. Preliminary Plat E. Site and Building Plan Review Chair Swenson explained the application. Dan Licht reviewed NAC's Planning Report of March 15, 2000. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, postings, and mailings had been completed. Dennis Griswold, Pulte Homes - Explained that they will own and build 93 -units. A divided entrance with two separate driveways for traffic flow and emergency vehicles is in response to no access allowed on Co. Rd. #42. Mark Gunther - The product is for active adults, 55 years average age. These are single level townhomes. The maintenance is taken care of by a Homeowner's Association. They are 1,200 to 1,500 sq. ft in size and $125,000 to $160,000 cost, depending on options chosen. HEARING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. No one spoke. HEARING WAS CLOSED. Discussion brought back to the P.C. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND Ai1i AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FROM MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO HIGH-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, BASED ON NAC'S PLANNING REPORT DATED MARCH 15, 2000, AND INCLUDING CONDITIONS A - D. GENE GOENNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO REZONE FROM A-1, GENERAL AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT TO R-6 (RESIDENTIAL, TOWNHOUSE QUANDRAMINIUVI AND LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT). JIM KOLLES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PATRICK MOONEN MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PUD/CUP - TOWN HOME DEVELOPMENT OF "THE POINTE" (Cont. on Page #6) CITY" OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 20, 2000 AT SPM - PAGE 6 - PRELIMINARY PAT AND SITE AND BUILDING PLAN REVIEW, WITH THE CONDITIONS OF MAC'S REPORT DATED MARCH 15, 2000, AND INCLUDING CONDITIONS A - G. KEN FRY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. HEARING initiated by the City of Otsego Planning Commission. 8899 Nashua Avenue NE. Otsego, MN. 55330. The purpose of the proposed Hearing is as follows: TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE #99-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE TO RESPOND TO DIRECTIVES OUTLINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAIN UPDATE REGARDING FARMS AND FEEDLOT REGULATIONS) Chair Swenson explained the Ordinance Amendment. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing and postings were completed. Dan Licht explained NAC's Planning Report dated February 16, 2000. He recommends that another six month (6) registration period be established by Ordinance. HEARING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC. No one spoke. HEARING WAS CLOSED. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO ORDINTANCE 99-03. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Note: This will be on the Council's Agenda of March 27, 2000 at 6:30PM. 7. Anv other P.C. Business A. Update on Council Action by CM Vern Heidner C. M. Heidner - Updated the P.C. on Mississippi Pines Development. The Council approved with changes and that the Swiggum Industrial/Commercial use was tabled due to a Council Member's having to leave the meeting early. Mike Robertson - 7PM, Monday April 3rd, the Council set up a special Workshop with the P.C. to look at the triangle area by Albertville, S of I-94. He also explained that Staff had recommended Concept Plan only for Rick Grupa. 8. Adjourn by IOPM GENE GOEN_NER MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE P.C. MEETING. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEET NG ADJOURNED AT 10:00PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY FILE::-PC.MIN.WPS MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. - Recording Clerk.