02-09CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2002-09 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN EXTENSION OF AN INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS WITHIN THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO AS SET FORTH IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND OFFICIAL MAP. WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has constructed a wastewater treatment plant which presently serves portions of Otsego and the City of Dayton; and WHEREAS, the constructed capacity of the plant allows for a maximum flow of 200,000 gallons per day, with 40,000 gallons per day reserved for the City of Dayton by contract; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has already ordered plans and specifications for and has ordered expansion of the wastewater treatment plant to a capacity of 400,000 gallons per day, which is its upper allowable limit under the current permit; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has undergone unprecedented residential development within the designated sanitary sewer service district within the past two years resulting in preliminary platting of approximately 1,342 residential units, as set forth in the attached memo from the City Engineer dated March 7, 2001; and WHEREAS, the City, through the adopted Comprehensive Plan has indicated that thirty percent (30%) of available sanitary sewer capacity should be allocated for commercial - industrial purposes; and WHEREAS, the number of residential units preliminarily platted meets or exceeds the capacity reserved for residential use lArithin the sanitary sewer service district; and WHEREAS, although the City only allocates sanitary sewer capacity upon final plat approval and upon Developer meeting all conditions of such approval, it is prudent for the City to halt further applications for residential development within the sanitary sewer district 1 until expansion of the wastewater treatment plant is ordered and appropriate changes, if necessary, are made to the City's Comprehensive plan and official controls; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also directed the City Planner to commence studies regarding needed amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, any further allocation of sanitary sewer is dependent upon expansion of the plant and determinations regarding the allocation of future capacity; and WHEREAS, the City needs an additional period of time to consider issues related to plant expansion and possible changes to the City Comprehensive Plan and official controls; and WHEREAS, the consideration of residential subdivisions within the sanitary sewer service area during the time period needed to further study these issues may lead to situations where both the City and Developers expend time and resources upon proposed subdivisions which will ultimately be determined to be premature; and WHEREAS, the timing and extent of plant expansion will fundamentally affect the Comprehensive Plan and official controls: and WHEREAS, the present Comprehensive Plan sets forth the following policies which indicate that reevaluation of aspects of the Comprehensive Plan should be initiated at this time: 1. When new or expected development necessitates, impact studies and cost analysis for public service improvements such as utility extensions or upgrading, fire and police protection, waste water treatment plant expansion, roadway network connections/improvements, recreation system elements, and schools shall be initiated. (Policy Plan, p. 41) 2. A minimum of 30 percent of wastewater treatment plant capacity shall be reserved for industrial (or commercial) development with a maximum of 60,000 gallons per day capacity reserved for the forthcoming 20 year planning period (based on initial plant capacity). (Policy Plan, p. 50) 3. Anticipated and to the extent possible, controlled demand for urban services shall be regulated to facilitate possible future orderly, fiscally responsible extension of service systems. (Policy Plan, p. 62) 4. The City shall periodically define the amount, type and rate of growth which must be absorbed to accommodate sanitary sewer demands. ( Policy Plan, p. 63); and WHEREAS, the City has received numerous applications for residential development within 2 the established sanitary sewer district within the last two years; and WHEREAS, at this point in the decision making process City staff find it difficult to give proper guidance and information to Developers regarding said residential developments because of the previous and contemplated allocation of sanitary sewer service ; and WHEREAS, expansion of the wastewater treatment facility will mean the assumption of a great financial burden by the City, and it is imperative that all available planning controls be reviewed to assure that development is properly controlled, wastewater treatment capacity properly allocated and correctly staged; and WHEREAS, the City needs to continue to consider and process applications for Commercial and Industrial development because of the crucial need to expand its tax base; and WHEREAS, while the City has the authority to adopt a moratorium which would affect those applicants already in process, it desires to allow those applicants already in process or preliminarily platted to proceed with their applications or to final plat, while preventing further applications which could potentially affect the City's service delivery capability; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the present situation requires a temporary halt to the receipt of applications for and processing of residential subdivisions within the sanitary sewer district, with those specific exceptions set forth in the Interim Ordinance; and WHEREAS, said specific exceptions are allowed upon the understanding that the number of residential units contemplated at time of final plant is substantially similar to the anticipated residential units as set forth in Exhibits A and B to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council previously adopted Interim Ordinance 2001-02, effective until March 26, 2002; and WHEREAS, the City needs additional time to complete expansion of the plant and make proper revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and official controls. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that said Council does hereby adopt by this Resolution an Extension of the Interim Ordinance Establishing A Moratorium On Residential Subdivisions Within Those Areas of the City Lying Within the Sanitary Sewer Service District As Established In The City's Comprehensive Plan And Official Map, extending said moratorium an additional eighteen months unless terminated earlier by Council resolution.. 3 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 2 5th day of February, 2002. IN FAVOR: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman, Virignia Wendel and Jerry Struthers. OPPOSED: NONE CITY OF OTSEGO PKWA—.—p RE UNEWra -