05-15-00 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLACN.-N \G C'OU\lISSIO\ N1I_ U ES '\LAN' 15, 2000 - 8P -\l 1. Chair Swenson will call the Planning, Commission Meeting, to order. Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission '.\ Ieeting to order at 8P\ 1. ROLL CALL: v Planning Commis. ion• Chair Carl Swenson. Richard Nichols.. -\1 -leen Nagel, Patrick Moonen, Stere Schuck, and Igen Fry. Tire Kolles, excused absence and Christian M'Banefo, Absent. Citi, Council: Mayor Larn- Fournier, Vern Heidner. Vira Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman. Council Members. Staff- -Michael Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beam, City Clerk"Zonins< Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner 2. Consideration of the Planning, Commission Minutes of A. Monday, May 1, 2000 - 8PM Arleen Nagel motioned to approve the minutes of May 1, 2000 as written. Patrick Xfoonen seconded the motion. 2\1otion carried unanimously. 3. HEARING for Rud, & Margaret Thibodeau owners' Godfather's Pizza Sign Variance from sideyard setback. Property location is 9100 Park Avenue, Otsego, tiEv. Legal description is Lots 3 & 4, Block 1, '_�\Zississippi Shores 6TH Addition, PID A118-038-001040. Property is located NW of Parrish Ave NE (Co. Rd. #42) and 90TH ST 'NE (Co. Rd. F39) and S of Park Avenue NE. Request is as follows: A. A Variance from the Sign Ordinance #20-37.2'E. Re: Setback Distance. Chair Swenson explained the request. Elaine Beatty noted that proper publishing, posting and mailings were completed. Dan Licht reviewed the Planning Report of -May 2, 2000 (6 -pages). Chair S�tienson explained how the hearing is conducted. Virginia Wendel, 9357 - 65TH ST NE, Albertville, XIn. - Questioned what signs We are reviewing" No one else spoke. P.C. discussion. Richard Nichols - Questioned if the distance was stated wrong. Dan Licht explained that the extra distance could be service drive as it curves away from where the sign is. Discussion back to the Public. No one spoke HEARING CLOSED by Chair Swenson. 4( CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COL\IISSION MEETING MINUTES OF \L_VV 15, 2000 AT 8P_\I - PAGE -2 PATRICK NIOONEN yIOTIONED TO RECOL\IEND APPROVAL TO THE COUNCIL OF THE VARIANCE WITH THE CON-DITIONS I\ THE STAFF REPORT. STEVE SCHVCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED L=\ \I'MOUSLV. It was noted that this item will be on the 'Monday, -May 22, 2000 6:30P_XI Council yleeting. 4. Planning Commission Review of Final Plat for Big Ed's Land "The Pointe" Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corp., Dennis Griswold. (Mark Gant) Dan Licht explained that this is the P. C. review of the Final Plat of Big Ed's land "The Pointe". At the last Council Meeting this was tabled for lack of information and is being brought back to the P. C. tonight for review. He reviewed the Planning Memo. of May 15, 2000 for "The Pointe". There are 11 conditions on page #3 of the report. Richard Nichols - Questioned Item #6 of the conditions and asked Dan Licht to bring him up to date as he was unable to attend the last P.C. meeting. XIr. Licht explained that the ordinance says 2,800 sq. ft per unit and to bring the amount up to that. they would have to eliminate 12 -units. It was noted that Commissioner Goenner had suggested landscaping would need to be added at the hearing. \Ir. Nichols :asked if in the 11 -conditions, are all the outstanding issues from the Preliminary Plat handled? .answer: Yes, by Dan Licht and that the Final Plat cannot be filed until all issues are satisfied. Mr. Robertson -Noted that the City Attornev is working on the Developers Agreement now. NIr. Nichols - .asked _lark Gant -when the date for construction was planned. Answer: Noted that the grading would be early_ June and the building permits planned to be pulled August -September. Mr. Nichols - Was troubled by the trade off of area for landscaping. Dan Licht - Noted that the area on the crest exceeds 4,500 sq. ft. If you consider it combined, it meets regulations. The east side would be 3,000 sq. ft if 12 -units are removed. CSI Heidner - Felt this should be looked at as an overall project, not as two separate projects. Dan Licht explained why_ it was looked at this way. Dan Licht noted that the overall density would be 5,062 sq. ft. without removing 12 -units. Mark Gant, from Pulte - Discussed the right of wav chance along 4101 and the fact that it will be a MN DCCT ponding area with a significant buffer 'between the buildings and RICLLARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECO-NnIE-N-D APPROVAL OF "THE POINTE" FINAL PLAT TO THE COUNCIL, SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS IN NAC'S REPORT. PATRICK MOONEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED L"'� NIMOUSLX CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING CO.ILIIISSION -NIEETING 1IINZ-TES OF Lal" 15, 2000 AT SPN I - PAGE -3 5. Am, other P.C. Business A. Discussion of Sanitary Sewer District with Cite Council. Dan Licht Qave a brief overview of Otseao's Comprehensive Plan and the process by which it was adopted in 1998. He noted that the plan was set up under generalized concepts. The sanitary sewer service district was discussed and that we are trying to concentrate urban development in this area. He noted that this was intended to be a 10 to 20 year plan and the City- will maintain the A-1 Zoning until adequate sewer sen -ice is available to sen.e them. 6. adjourn by 1OPM RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE P.C. MEETING. ARLEEN \. GEL SECONDED THE MOTIOti. MOTIO\ CARRIED LTN N-NI-XIOL-SLY. MEETIl�TG ADJOL'RINED AT 9:50PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY Minutes by: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning administrator, Recording Secretary eb File::-PC-MIN.WPS