06-19-00 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 19, 2000 - 8PM MINUTES 1. Chair Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the P.C. Meeting to order at 8PM ROLL CALL: Chair, Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Arleen Nagel, Steve Schuck, Christian M'Banefo, Jim Kolles-8:03PM and Gene Goenner, 2nd Alternate. Patrick Moonen and Ken Fry, 1st Alternate - excused absence. STAFF: 1\,'Iike Robertson, City Administrator - Arrived Late from an EDAAC Meeting, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner. CITY COUNCIL: Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, and CM Suzanne Ackerman 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of.- A. f:A. Monday, June 5, 2000 - 8PM STEVE SCHUCK MOTIONED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES AS WRITTEN. CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ARLEEN NAGEL ABSTAINING DUE TO THE FACT SHE DID NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING. 3. 'Note: This item was tabled at the March 20, 2000 P.C. Meeting. It is now being taken off the table because Dayton is proceeding with their sewer and water project. Owner Applicant Rick Grupa, 19026 Zane St NW, Elk River, MN. 55330. PID #118-500-364400 in Section 36, Township 121, Range 23. Legal description is on file at the City of Otsego City Clerks Office. Property is located at 6201 Richardson Avenue. (South of 62ND Lane and East of NE Rawlings Avenue.) Request is as follows: A. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Expand the Sanitary Sewer District B. Rezone to R-4 (Currently Zoned A-1) C. Preliminary Plat * This item was tabled until Mr. Grupa can obtain municipal sewer and water from Davton. Chair Swenson explained the application request. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publication, posting and mailing had been completed. Dan Licht gave a brief overview of the tabled item. (See report from NAC dated June 13, 2000). He noted that the City of Dayton has received a grant and low interest loan from the state to proceed with the sanitary sewer and water through capacity, purchased from the Otsego wastewater treatment plant. The two communities must still formally approve an agreement and hold necessary assessment hearings for the cost of the project. The Otsego Engineer needs to review this project. Zoning policy is an issue (Current zoning A-1, General Agriculture) to either R-3 or R-4. Planning Commission needs to give direction on either a 6 -lot or 16 -lot subdivision, with conditions A- G suggested. Applicant, Rick Grupa did not wish to speak. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2000, 8PM - PAGE 2 - CHAIR SWENSON OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING. No one spoke Discussion back to the P.C. Christian M'Banefo - questioned if it is preferable to approve the 15 -lot subdivision instead of the 6 -lot subdivision? Mr. Licht explained that the comprehensive plan is written to discourage access onto County Road #36. Chair Swenson - noted that there are six lots that may be divided in the future and more accesses onto #36 would be needed. Mr. Licht explained that no divisions of the six lots would be allowed in the future. Richard Nichols - questioned Mr. Grupa if the no further subdivision allowed would it be agreeable with him. Applicant Grupa said it would be fine with him to have no further subdivisions. HEARING BACK TO THE PUBLIC. No one spoke. HEARING CLOSED BY CHAIR SWENSON. Discussion back to the P.C. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL TO AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO EXPAND THE SANITARY SEWER TO THE DISTRICT TO COVER THIS AREA. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CM Heidner questioned Mr. Licht if the property is rezoned to R-3 if it could develop with septic systems? Mr. Licht - Noted it is to be developed only with sanitary sewer and no septic systems. Richard Nichols - Asked Mr. Licht to review the reasons for 15 -lot sub -division being recommended. Mr. Licht - It is a better use of land and the cost necessary for street and cul-de-sac could be paid for by sale of additional lots. It would offset the street construction costs. Mr. Nichols - Concerned with potential precedent of this property. The concern with further sub -division could be taken care of with a Development Agreement. The only concern is do we want one acre sewered lots throughout the City? Chair Swenson - Development to the East has one acre lots also so the character of the neighborhood would stay the same. Gene Goenner - Asked how size of accessory buildings allowed in the R-3 Zone? Answer: 1,000 sq. ft. attached and 1,000 sq. ft. detached R-4 allows 1,000 sq. ft. attached and 150 sq. ft. garden shed. Richard Nichols - Didn't feel it mattered if it is sewered or not for the bigger accessory buildings. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE ZONING MAP AMENDMENT TO REZONE THE SUBJECT PARCEL TO R-3 DISTRICT BASED UPON A FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS CONSISTENT WITH THE POLICIES OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND ADD A NEW CONDITION "G" THAT THE PROPERTY BE RESTRICTED TO NO FURTHER SUBDIVISION ON ALL SIX LOTS. CHRISTIAN M'BANEEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED FOUR TO THREE, WITH CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2000, 8PM - PAGE 3 - CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO, STEVE SCHUCK, RICI-LARD NICHOLS AND JIM KOLLES APPROVING AND ARLEEN NAGEL, GENE GOENNER AND CHAIR SWENSON OPPOSED Arleen Nagel and Chair Swenson noted they had a problem with this R-3 Zoning because of Staff recommendation. RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO THE COUNCIL AND INCLUDED CONDITIONS A- G WITH A NEW CONDITION "G" BEING ADDED TO REQUIRE THE PROPERTY TO BE DEED RESTRICTED FROM ANY FURTHER SUBDIVISION OF THE SIX LOTS. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED FIVE TO TWO WITH ARLEEN NAGEL AND GENE GOENNER OPPOSED. It was noted that this item will be on the Council Agenda of June 26, 2000 (Monday)at 6:30PM. 4. Hearing for Owners Kevin and Benita LeFebvre. 8585 Parrish Ave. NE., Otsego 55330. Applicant is John Anderson, Tollefson Development. Inc, 900 W 128TH ST, Suite #107, Burnsville, Mn. 55337. Property is PID #118-500-221302 described as the NWI/4 of the SEI/4, Division #598371 and easements of record, located N. of Otsego Elementary School and W. of County Road #42 (Parrish Ave. NE). Request is as follows: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Map) B. Rezone from A-1 (General Agricultural) to R-4 (Residential, Urban Single Family) and R-6 (Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multiple Family District) C. PUD/CUP, Planned Unit Development, Conditional Use Permit (For Townhomes) D. Preliminary Plat of "Stonegate Estates". Chair Swenson explained the application request. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper posting, publishing and mailings were completed. Dan Licht reviewed the planning report dated June 13, 2000 for Stonegate Estates proposed development. He noted that this development is consistent with the comprehensive plan intent with 6.2 units per acre. Property is currently A-1 zoned. R-4 and R-6 zoning are needed. This is the first infill development with all the major utilities in place. 85TH ST is the major access with the secondary access through Country Ridge Estates. The public streets provide the primary circulation and townhouses are accessed from private driveways. The looped street exceeds the regulations and needs City Engineer's approval, but is acceptable because of the school lying S. of this development. There is one lot below the 12,000 sq. ft. minimum. The townhouses exceed the required sq. ft. per unit. This is for concept plan only as the developers builder has backed out of the project. The Preliminary and Final Plat can be brought back through to P.C. and Council together. (See planning report). CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2000, 8PM - PAGE 4 - John Anderson - Tollefson Development said he will answer any questions. Jerry Harris - John Oliver & Associates noted he can answer questions as well. He noted that lot 5 is not undersized. It is 11,300 sq. ft on the plan, but there is an error in the numbers and should be 12,314 sq. ft. As to the trees on the site, Tollefson Development is a strong advocate of planting, berming and hedge rows. Mature trees will be added. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED BY CHAIR SWENSON. Larry Fraz, 8467 Parell Ave NE - Concerned with the amount of townhomes and the price of homes being too low and increased crime. Mr. Licht noted that the price information will be received at the next stage of the process. There are 164 townhomes planned with 15 single family lots, with 6.2 units per acre for townhomes. We do not know the dollar value at this stage of development. Gary Trum, 8435 Parnell - Concerned with dollar value. His home is $148,800 and felt that the $60,000. townhome would bring his value down. He also had a concern with the school. It is full of kids. Dan Licht -Informed him that the school has our plans and we have received nothing back from them. Mr. Trum - was concerned with the value of the homes. Mike Robertson - He expects the single family houses to start at $150, 000. to $15 5, 000. and the townhomes to be in the range from $100,000. to $175,000. We will receive more information on the price range of the homes when the Preliminary and Final Plat are brought in. We did require that the Western part, next to the existing neighborhood, be single family homes. Our actions regarding the school are minor compared to the growth Rogers and Elk River. Dan Licht - The purpose of multiple family is because of the Industrial Zone on County Road #42 planned. Discussion went back to the P.C. Gene Goenner - Questioned the developers intent of the building structure. Mr. Anderson noted it would be similar to what Mike Robertson stated, all owner -occupied, no rental units. The single, one level homes will have values typical of the existing neighborhood. Richard Nichols - Asked Mr. Licht if we have enough sewer capacity to approve this plat. Mr. Licht noted that we can work with it with the ability to expand the plant to 400,000 gallons capacity. The P.C. and Council need to make a formal policy on same. We need to plan on the 400,000 gallons. The flexibility is there for the Council. The final plat with the financial commitment from the developer will lock the sewer capacity in. CM Heidner - We are in an enviable position regarding sewer, with over one million in fees already paid. We can expand the plant and have the capacity doubled by this time next year if we want to. Discussion back to the public. No one spoke CHAIR SWENSON CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECONEVIEND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO REVISE THE LAND USE PLAN CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING CONLMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 19, 2000, SPM - PAGE 5 - (MAP). CHRISTI.AN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CHRISTIAN M'B.ANEFO MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO REZONE THE PROPERTY FROM A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) TO R-4 (RESIDENTIAL, URBAN SINGLE FAiMILY) AND R-6 (TOWNHOUSE, QUADRAMINIIIUM AND LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT). ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PUD/CUP (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT/CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW TOWNHOMES), CONCEPT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OF STONEGATE ESTATES. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CM Heidner - Noted that there would be a more detailed plan for the housing at the fmal plat and it does require a Public Hearing. It was noted that this item will be on the Council Agenda of June 26, 2000 at 6:30PM. Dan Licht explained that Christ Lutheran Church has applied for a CUP Re: building material and this issue will be reviewed at that time. 5. Dan Licht will conduct Planning Commission Training and Orientation (See Attached) (Continued from 6/5/2000) If time allows. Dan Licht completed review of his outline for Planning Commission Training and Orientation. 6. Anv other P.C. Business CM Heidner - Noted the BauerlysBajari request was reviewed by the Council and was approved to allow the temporary concrete plant only if the permanent plant was being built and that Bauerlys enter into a Developers Agreement with the City of Otsego and security was posted. Gene Goenner -Requested larger plans as the ones they received today were hard to read. 7. Adjourn by 1OPM RICHARD NICHOLS MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE P.C. MEETING. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:20PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SEC ETARY MINUTES BY: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator - Recording Secretary File: 2-PC-b1IN.WPS