08-21-00 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2000 - SPM MINUTES 1. Chair Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PM. ROLL CALL Planning Commissions Chair Carl Swenson, Jim Kolles, Arleen Nagel, Patrick Moonen, Steve Schuck, Christian M'Banefo, Ken Fry and Eugene Goenner. Staff: Michael Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, and Dan Licht, City Planner Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, CM Suzanne Ackerman, CM Virginia Wendel 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of.• A. Monday, August 7, 2000 - 8PM Steve Schuck noted that he had made the motion to approve the minutes of August 7, 2000 not Patrick Moonen. MOTION BY STEVE SCHUCK TO APPROVE THE MI.NUTES OF AUGUST 7, 2000 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AS CORRECTED. ARLEEN NAGEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. HEARING FOR Owners Kevin and Benita LeFebvre 8585 Parrish Avenue NE, Elk River, (Otsego) MN. Applicant is John Anderson Tollefson Dev • Inc 900 W 128TH ST. Suite #107, Burnsville, MN. 55337. Property is PID #118-500-221302 described as the NW1/4 of the SE1/4, the S. 2 -RDS. Thereof and except the tract described on Subdiv. #598371 and easements of record, located N of Otsego Elementary School and W of County Rod #42 (Parrish Ave. NE). Request is as follows: A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Map) B. Rezone from A-1 (General Agricultural) to R-4 (Residential, Urban Single Family) and R-6 (Townhouse, Quadraminium and Low Density Multiple Family District) C. PUD/CUP, Planned Unit Development, Conditional Use Permit (For Townhomes) D. Preliminary Plat of "Stonegate Estates" Chair Swenson explained the application. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings were completed. Dan Licht explained the planning report of August 15, 2000. He noted that this development is 146 townhome units and 17 single family . units. The overall density is 5.3 units, per acre. Applicant submitted a revised plan today with the majority of the changes in the townhouses. Now the plan shows mostly 2 -unit and some 4 and 6 units. The private cul-de-sac has been removed. The updated plan CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2000 - 8PM - PAGE 2 - has increased the total number of units by 3 units and is 13 units less than the original plan. The streets are subject to City Engineers review and may need additional changes. The on -street parking needs addressing. Applicant is seeking flexibility with front yard setbacks. The building design shows horizontal lap siding with brick. Oudot A is to be dedicated as a park, to be combined with the existing City property. There will be three phases to the project. The street needs to be extended to the park with the first phase. Staff recommends approval subject to the 17 conditions of NAC's Report of 8/15/00. John Anderson - Tollefson Development said they have an updated plan and they tried to address all the issues. They scaled down some of the townhouses and more parking can be provided. They are looking to move forward with approval. Chair Swenson explained the Hearing formal procedure and OPENED THE HEARING TO THE PUBLIC. Gary - 8435 Parnell Avenue NE. He thanked the P.C. for addressing their issues. He said that CM Heidner had mentioned that trees could possibly be planted along the bike path for screening. Mike Robertson said it had just been discussed as a possible way to address screening concerns. Jim Holzhen - 8336 Parnell - Asked if the cul-de-sac will be left or taken out? Answer: It will be taken out and that work will not be assessed to residents. Back to P.C. for discussion. CM Heidner - Noted that the cul-de-sac in the NW area of the plat would probably leave no room to stack the snow and the staff should review this. There is also an issue with the street going to 85th St. He felt the staff should discuss and make recommendations. Mike Robertson agreed that the 2nd access should not be a private street and also questioned why this was a cul-de-sac instead of a normal T intersection? Gary Harris - From John Oliver and Associates noted that as far as the design of the road being public is no problem. When we go to a public street we go with wider right of way and force all the townhouses into each other. Dan Licht said we can address this as part of the PUD revised plan. Steve Schuck - Was concerned with the second entrance going public. Christian NIBanefo - Still an issue is the additional building at the end of the cul- de-sac. Answer: This will change with the elimination of the cul-de-sac. If the driveway has to be 24', they will all be pulled in. Mike Robertson - Asked for a rough price range. Answer: Townhouses will range from $120,000 to $130,000 and up. The single family homes will be similar to existing neighborhood and on up. Steve Schuck - Asked who will take care of the property with the bike path? CM Heidner said it is City property now. City is responsible for it. CM Heidner - Said we should modify #11 of the conditions and require a portion of the Park and Trail dedication to remove the barb -wire and plant the trees. Patrick Moonen - Had no concerns, but felt there was a lot of private streets in the plat. DISCUSSION WENT BACK TO THE PUBLIC. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2000 - 8PM - PAGE 3 - Rick Nelson - 8335 Parnell - Questioned why the street going into their neighborhood needed to be a public street. Dan Licht explained that we need public streets through the neighborhoods and it has always been planned to be a through street. Gary Harris - If the street goes in from the N. over to the E. and back down as a public street, we could make the rest private streets by the townhomes. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. Back to the P.C. for discussion. MOTION BY STEVE SCHUCK TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AXIEND141ENT (MAP) TO MIRROR THE LAND USE PLAN. CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY JIM KOLLES TO RECOMMEND REZONING FROM A-1 (GENERAL AGRICULTURAL) TO R-4 (RESIDENTIAL URBAN SINGLE FAMILY) AND R-6 (TOWNHOUSE, QUADRAMINIUM AND LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT). CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTIONED BY CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PUD/CUP CONCEPT PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT, SUBJECT TO ALL CONDITIONS INCLUDING CHANGES TO ITEM #11. KEN FRY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Elaine Beatty noted that this will be on the August 28, 2000 - 6:30PM Council Meeting. 4. HEARING For Owners Darren and Dana M. Olson, 15460 88TH ST NE, Otsego. Mn. 55330 PID # Involved is 118-052-001010 in Sec. 22, Twp. 121, R. 23, Wright County, City of Otsego, Mn. Legal description if Lot 1, Block 1, Country Ridge Estates. Request is as follows: A. Conditional Use Permit to allow more than one curb cut for a single family residential use. Chair Swenson explained the application. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing, posting and mailings were completed. Dan Licht explained the planning report dated August 14, 2000. He noted that the topography prohibits the driveway from being brought off of the other driveway in front. Re -subdivision was provided for as part of the plat. A problem with having a second driveway is not anticipated. This driveway is required to be surfaced with blacktop. Approval of this CUP for a second driveway is recommended, subject to 5 -conditions in the planning report. Curt Engstrom - Said he is a representative of the Olsons. He was present to answer any questions and is in the excavating business. HEARING WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC BY CHAIR SWENSON No one spoke. Back to the P.C. for discussion. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2000 - 8PM - PAGE 4 - Christian M'Banefo - Questioned Dan Licht and Mike Robertson if this driveway could remain after this property is sub -divided? Dan Licht noted that this CUP would be in the file for reference. CM Heidner is not sure this land could be sub -divided, as the back yard is a deep drainage pond. Mike Robertson - Said that given the width in the front, he didn't see how it could be sub -divided Steve Schuck - Asked if item #3 indicated maximum width? It was agreed that "Maximum" should be added. MOTION BY CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CUP TO ALLOW MORE THAN ONE CURB CUT FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE, BASED ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE PLANNING REPORT. STEVE SCHUCK SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Elaine Beatty noted that this item will be on the August 28, 2000 - 6:30PM Council Meeting. 5. Any other P.C. Business A. Continue Discussion Re: Building MateriaLs Dan Licht explained the planning memo of August 13, 2000. He said this was discussed last meeting and was brought back for P.C. discussion and to set a hearing date. Christian MBanefo - His concern is that the percentage should be higher not lower. Steve Schuck - His discussion on shifting materials was only to simplify it. He is happy with the materials. Chair Swenson - We should attempt, with the limited amount of the industrial/commercial development, to shoot for higher standards, not lower standards. We can negotiate and discuss how high the standards. Steve Schuck - Agreed, we can go lower with a CUP or we could end up with something we don't like. Christian MBanefo - Set standards high and he is sure they will want to move in. Gene Goenner - Questioned #6 Re: Pole Building exception in highly unique or special cases. If we don't want to allow them, this statement should not be in there. Dan Licht - We can strike it out. It is written that way in the current ordinance. "Page 3 #6. Eliminate everything from "Except" to the end of the paragraph. ARLEEN NAGEL MOTIONED TO SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 AT 8PM. CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (Date and time was set after original motion and Arleen Nagel and Christian M'Banefo agreed to adding it). B. Discussion of Sign Ordinance and Seasonal Sales Dan Licht explained his planning memo of Aug ust 15, 2000. No change is recommended to off -premise sign. Highway #101 market sign, two structures of 16 sq. ft. put up and removed daily within 100' of the building. This is A-1, not commercial district. If it were commercial, considerable update of the site would be required. Steve Schuck - Agreed with no off -premise signs as it is a blight on the City. On- site signs, he suggests that the signs be kept up during the season. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 2000 - 8PM - PAGE 5 - Mike Robertson - Explained that the City had one complaint Re: Sign Ordinance on 101 Market. No action was taken. C. Update on Council Actions by CM Heidner CM Heidner updated the P.C. on Council Actions as follows: They approved the Mississippi Pines Final Plat. They approved Rezoning/Preliminary Plat of "River Pointe". They approved Rezonin ?reliminary Plat of Bauerlys Industrial Park They approved Pulte Homes (Big Ed's property) extension of time to final plat. 6. Adjourn by 1OPM STEVE SCHUCK MOTIONED TO ADJOURN THE P.C. MEETING. CHRISTIAN M'BANEFO SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:1OPM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY MINUTES BY: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, RECORDING SECRETARY EB File; 2-PC-MIN.WPS