1. Chair Swenson will Call the. Planning Commission Meeting to order.
Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8 PM.
ROLL CALL: Carl Swenson, Eugene Goenner, Patrick Moonen, Ken Fry,
Christian Mbanefo, Steve Schuck.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk, Cindy Sherman,
Assistant City Planner.
City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner and Richard Nichols.
2. Consideration of the -Planning Commission Minutes of -
A. Monday, Au1, us 1, 2000 - SPM
Eugene Goenner asked for a correction in the Roll Call, with his lame being added since
he was in attendance.
Commissioner Goenner motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded by
Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
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B. FMlimmary and Final Plat of the "Winter AddkLnL
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:02 PM.
Judy Hudson stated the proper noticing, posting and publishing were completed.
Cindy Sherman presented the attached Planner's Report.
Rod Winter, applicant. His son wants to build a house on Lot 2. He doesn't want to
remove the accessory building since it is currently being used. He offered to change the
proposed lot line to include the additional land where the building sits in Lot 1. Mr.
Winter feels that the accessory building and the 150 foot piece of land will all be part of
the future development of all his property and there will be lot line changes at that time.
Mr. Winter will provide the easements that are being requested. The Perc Tests have been
done and this piece of property will support a septic system.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for Public Comment.
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson opened for Planning Commission discussion at 8:12 PM.
Commissioner Goenner questioned why there are no Park and Trail Fees being required.
Mike Robertson stated he will check on this. Commissioner Goenner also stated he would
Planning Commission Meeting of September 5, 2000, cont'd. Page 2.
Eke to see the 150 foot piece of land included in Lot 1 and also move the lot line to
include the outer building.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing back up for Public Comment.
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:16 PM.
Commissioner Goenner motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit to allow Indirect Access and lot size greater than 2.5 acres in an A-1 District.
Seconded by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Moonen motioned to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat of the
Winter Addition subject to the seven (7) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact
with a clarification from staff on any Park and Trail Fees being due. Seconded by
Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. HEARING for Owners Louis and Sylvia Barthel, 13236 60TH ST- NE,Rogers
(Otsego) MN_ 55374. Applicant is John Dahlman 10270 Pierce Place NE, Blaine, MN.
55434. PID # is 118-500-323300_ Legal description is on file at Otsego City Hall
Property is in Sec. 32, Twn 121, R. 23 City of Otsego. County of Wright. Minnesota and
is located at 13236 NE 60TH ST.
A. Rezone from A-1 (General Agricultural District) to A-2
(Long Range Urban Service Area)
B. PreLminary and Final Plat of D and I Estates
Chair Swenson opened Public Hearing at 8:19 PM
Judy Hudson stated the property noticing, posting and publishing was done.
Cindy Sherman presented the Planner's Report.
The applicant had no comments.
Chair Swenson opened Hearing for public comment at 8:24 PM
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for Planning Commission discussion.
Planning Commission Discussion:
Commissioner Goenner asked if a Concept Plan has been submitted for future subdivision.
Cindy wasn't aware if a Concept Plan has been provided but assumed that because the two
lots were in the corner of the property that one was not needed.
Chair Swenson asked for any Public Comment and there was none. He closed the Public
Hearing at 8:27 PM.
Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to rezone from A-1 to A-2, Long Range Urban
Service Area. Seconded by Commissioner Fry. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat and D
and J Estates subject to the seven (7) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact.
Seconded by Commissioner Moonen.
Discussion: Commissioner Goenner asked to note that there is no Concept Plan for
future subdivision.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Planning Commission Meeting of September 5, 2000, cont'd. Page 3.
S. HEARING for Owner iKO Holdings, 1 r .C. 19315, 5781 Queens Ave NE Otsego
MN 55330 and Applicant Pioneer Marine. L.L,_C, 19315 at 5781 Queens Avenue &E
Otsego. MN, Locaied E of State Hwy. #101 and N of Co Rd #36 Property is in
Twn. 120. R. 23 City of Otsego, County of Wright. MN
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:30 PM.
Judy Hudson stated the proper noticing, posting and publishing was done.
Cindy Sherman presented the Planner's Report. Ms. Sherman recommended adding
another condition to remove the current temporary sign.
Jeff Ophoven, owner, said the temporary sign currently there belongs to mini -storage and
this was permitted by the City as part of the original permit. When Precision Line Motor
Sports received approval to go into this site, blacktopping was not required and he
requested the City not require Pioneer Marine to blacktop.
Deb Jensen, applicant, stated she doesn't see boats providing any compacting or dust
problems of the grass area and is concerned that blacktopping would increase runoff and
would be a slippery area. Mrs. Jensen suggested the option that if in one year they weren't
meeting the conditions the City would impose the blacktopping requirement.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for Public Comment at 8:39 PM.
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson opened for Planning Commission discussion.
CM Heidner asked what type of boats with weight would be sold. Mr. Jensen replied he
would be primarily selling aluminum boats, 35% fiberglass and 35% pontoons with weight
from 1300 to 1600 with trailer but no motors unless inboard/outboard ones.
Ken Fry asked how many boats would be displayed outside. Mr. Jensen said from 20 to
30 but would be divided up into two areas in the front and side areas.
The Planning Commission discussed that the boats would leave tire marks, and were
concerned lawn maintenance would be difficult with so many boats. Mr. Jensen felt any
tire marks would disappear by the next day.
Mrs. Jensen said they will work with maintaining the lawn around the boats.
Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:50 PM.
A. Conditional Use Permit to allow Outside Sales
and Storage in an I-1 (Limited industrial D's ric 1
The Planning Commission discussed what method could be used to enforce blacktopping
in the future. Mike Robertson suggested to make it a condition of the CUP.
Commissioner Mbanefo felt allowing this was not consistent with the Comp. Plan.
Commissioner Moonen wants to see this business in Otsego and doesn't see a benefit to
blacktopping. He would like to give the applicant an opportunity to maintain the property
with a time frame the City could impose if they are not maintaining. Commissioner
Goenner views this as a nonconformity to City Ordinance and sees this as an opportunity
for the City to rectify the nonconformity. Chair Swenson stated this use was allowed
before and therefore existing and is a CUP and if these concern happen, the City could
reconsider the permit.
Planning Commission Meeting of September 5, 2000, cont'd. Page 4.
Commissioner Moonen motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit to allow Outside Sales and Storage in an I-1, Limited Industrial District,
with Conditions 2, 4, 5, 6 listed in the Findings of Fact with the additional condition
that the City has the right to discontinue the display area until brought into
compliance with City Ordinance by blacktopping it or bring in an approved
alternative option. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck.
Voting For the Motion: Chair Swenson, Commissioner Moonen, Commissioner
Fry, Commissioner Schuck.
Voting Against the Motion: Commissioner Goenner, Commissioner Mbanefo.
Motion carried four (4) to two (2).
6 Any other P_ Business
A. Update on Council Actions by CM Heidner
CM Heidner said the City Council tabled the Stonegate Estates while the developer and
staff work out a few changes such as the 83rd Street alignment, drainage and phasing.
The Council took no action on Signage issue.
Steve Schuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Ken Fry. All in favor. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Arleen Nagel, Secretary
Minutes by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk