ITEM 4.1 ISD 728P Otkgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 26 October 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 4.1— ISD 728 E-8 School AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: staff recommends approval of the applications for ISD 728 for development of an E-8 School. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes. Held by Planning Commission 8 September 2015. BACKGROU ND/J USTI FICATION: Elk River Area School District (ISD 728) has submitted plans for development of a proposed E-8 school facility, with a design capacity for 750 students to open for the 2017-18 school year. The proposed E-8 school is to be developed on 82.84 acres owned by ISD 728 at the northeast corner of Maclver Avenue and 80th Street. The proposed development requires consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD-CUP) and preliminary/final plat. A public hearing to consider these applications was noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 8 September 2015. At ISD 728's request, the public hearing was opened and continued to the Planning Commission on 5 October 2015 to allow ISD 278 to make substantial revisions based on internal project issues. Representatives of Wold Architects attended the Planning Commission meeting to represent ISD 728. There were no public comments. The Planning Commission was very positive regarding the overall project and the proposed design of the E-8 school. They discussed vehicular and pedestrian access to the site based on existing and planned streets and surrounding development as well as internal circulation. Following their discussion, the Planning Commission closed the public hearing and voted 5- 0 to recommend approval of the applications. Documents approving the application consistent with the recommendations of the Planning Commission have been drafted by City staff for consideration by the City Council, including approval of the site and building plans and preliminary/final plat subject to 13 conditions. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report addendum dated 20 October 2015 B. Engineering Review dated September 23, 2015 C. Resolution 2015-64 Amending the Comprehensive Plan D. Findings of Fact re: Zoning Map amendment E. Ordinance 2015-09 re: Zoning Map amendment F. Findings of Fact re: PUD-CUP and Preliminary/Final Plat G. Resolution 2015-65 approving a Development Agreement H. Development Agreement POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to adopt Resolution 2015-64 amending the Comprehensive Plan; adopt Ordinance 2015-09 amending the Zoning Map; approve a PUD-CUP and the preliminary/final plat of ISD 728 Otsego E-8 School Addition for development of an E-8 School subject to the findings of fact and decision dated October 20, 2015; and, adopt Resolution 2015-65 approving a development agreement with ISD 728. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA o NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427,0520 TPCTPC@ Plan ni ngCo. com PLANNING REPORT - addendum TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 20 October 2015 ACTION DATE: 10 December 2015 RE: Otsego — ISD 728; E-8 School Facility TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Elk River Area School District (ISD 728) has submitted plans for development of a proposed E-8 school facility, with a design capacity for 750 students to open for the 2017-18 school year. The proposed E-8 school is to be developed on 82.84 acres owned by ISD 728 at the northeast corner of Maclver Avenue and 80t" Street. The proposed development requires consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment, Zoning Map amendment, Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit (PUD-CUP) and preliminary/final plat. A public hearing to consider these applications was noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 8 September 2015. At ISD 728's request, the public hearing was opened and continued to the Planning Commission on 5 October 2015 to allow ISD 278 to make substantial revisions based on internal project issues. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Urban Service Staging Plan Map C. Future Land Use Plan Map D. Architectural Plans dated August 10, 2015 (4 sheets) E. Construction Documents dated 10/13/15 (27 sheets) F. Preliminary Plat G. Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is located within Urban Service Expansion Area W2 and guided for future low density residential uses by the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Development of the proposed E-8 school, to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities, requires amendment of the Urban Service Staging Plan to include the subject site within the West Sewer District and to change the future land use designation to public/quasi-public land uses. The School District acquired the subject site in 2006 after working with City staff to identify suitable locations for a future elementary school and/or middle school to meet the facility needs of Otsego's residents. This effort is consistent with the policy established by the Comprehensive Plan to "assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use." The location of the subject site is accessible to both utilities and transportation systems needed to develop the proposed E-8 school and the site will be compatible with surrounding planned residential uses. Zoning. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District based on its location outside of the West Sewer District and current cultivated use consistent with the Interim Land Use policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. Development of the proposed E-8 school requires consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site to INS District, which allows elementary and middle school facilities as a permitted use. ISD 728 is also requesting consideration of a PUD-CUP to allow establishment of specific lot requirements and setbacks for the proposed development. Consideration of the Zoning Map amendment and PUD-CUP is to be based upon, but not limited to, the following criteria: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes a goal to provide for proper school facilities by working with school district officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed E-8 school addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed E-8 school is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points and are accessible and compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site: 2 Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture South LD Residential R-6 District A-1 District Single Family Rural Residential West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Based on the area of the subject site and site plan, the proposed school facility will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. Note that the agricultural use to the west includes a registered feedlot, for which the Zoning Ordinance establishes minimum separation requirements for new residential dwellings, but not for facilities such as the proposed E-8 school. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Comment: The development of the proposed E-8 School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, including any modifications approved as part of the PUD-CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Service boundaries for the proposed E-8 school are not defined. Existing streets accessing the subject site include MaclverAvenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a residential collector street, 80th Street and Marlowe Avenue/83rd Street. In conjunction with the site development, ISD is funding a City project to improve 80th Street east of MaclverAvenue to accommodate vehicle access to the proposed E-8 school. The City will complete construction of 70th Street for traffic between Odeon Avenue and MaclverAvenue in 2015 providing an east -west connection across the City. The 2015 Capital Improvement Plan includes construction of 85th Street between Nashua Avenue and Mason Avenue in 2018 using Minnesota State Aid (MSA) funding allocated to the City from gas taxes. Future improvements to extend Maclver Avenue and 85th Street on the east and north sides of the property, respectively, will be undertaken in the future to increase access to the subject site. The capocity of Maclver Avenue, improvements to 80th Street and other exiting public streets is sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed E-8 school. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed E-8 school. Building Design. The proposed E-8 school has 122,000 square feet of total floor area between two floors and an 87,500 square foot footprint. The building is 32.75 feet in height, which is within the 40 foot height limit allowed for principal buildings within the INS District. Section 20- 17-4.D.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that the exterior finish of the facades of the proposed building facing a public street (west and south for the proposed E-8 School) to consist of 65 percent brick, stone, glass walls or textured precast concrete panels, the use of precast concrete panels, rockface block or EIFS materials used for 90 percent of the other facades. The proposed exterior finish of the E-8 school utilizes with two types of brick, two types of glass walls, three types of finished metal panels and metal louvers to create a varied appearance for the exterior of the building on all four elevations that is enhanced further by its sectioned design that minimizes mass. The overall appearance of the building is contemporary and aesthetically will serve as an example for private development and create a source of community identity and pride consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan and the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping. The submitted plans include a landscape plan for the proposed site. Currently, the property is cultivated and there are no trees in the area to be developed for the proposed E-8 school. The submitted landscape plan provides for installation of trees at the building perimeter and along the interior driveways, parking lot islands. The sizes of the proposed trees comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-7.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. The types of trees are also appropriate. Areas of the subject site shown to be sodded or seeded with turf grass, including the ballfield and playfield areas, are also identified on the landscape plan to have an irrigation system installed as required by Section 5-7-3.B.4.b of the City Code. Lot Requirements. The INS District establishes a minimum lot requirement of 15 acres for elementary schools and 30 acres for middle schools. There is no minimum lot width requirement in the INS District. ISD 728 intends to develop 27.56 acres of the subject site for the proposed E-8 school, with the remaining portion of the site reserved for future facility expansions. The lot area requirements are to be considered with the PUD-CUP in relation to the site plan for the initial E-8 school and anticipated school campus. Setbacks. The table below indicates the setbacks required in the INS District: ROW Side Rear Wetland Required 30ft. 100ft. 100ft. 40ft. Proposed 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 40ft. Site Plan 470ft. 170ft. NA NA The site plan has been developed based upon a 30 foot setback at the perimeter of the platted lot for all site improvements. Based on the planned school campus to be developed on the subject site, this approach is appropriate for internal setbacks. Future residential uses to the east will be anticipated to have rear lots abutting the subject site, so the proposed 30 foot setback is appropriate along that lot line as well. However, the site plan as presented does comply with the standard 100 foot setback from the east lot line. The proposed setback M requirements will be established as a condition of the PUD-CUP governing the initial site plan for the plat and future expansions of the proposed E-8 school. Right -of -Way. The preliminary and final plat for the development of the E-8 school includes dedication of right-of-way for the east one-half of Maclver Avenue north of 80th Street along the west line of the subject site, the south one-half right-of-way for future 85th Street along the north line of the subject site and additional right-of-way required for the improvements to 80th Street funded by ISD 728 along the south side of the subject site. ISD 728 will be further responsible for the proportional cost of future construction for Maclver Avenue north of 80th Street and 85th Street abutting the north line of the subject site. Based on the Future Land Use and Transportation Plans included within the 2012 Comprehensive Plan, the existing right-of- way for Marlowe Avenue abutting the east side of the subject site is anticipated to be vacated at such time as the property to the east is developed. All right-of-way issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Vehicle Access. The subject site will be accessed via two driveways from 801h Street. ISD 728 is funding a City project to improve 80th Street from Maclver Avenue east to widen the existing roadway to an urban section street with turn lanes to accommodate traffic exiting and entering the site, as well as turning movements at the Maclver Avenue and 80th Street intersection. The driveways to the subject site separate visitor/staff vehicle access and parking from school bus and delivery traffic for safety reasons. The width of the visitor/staff parking area driveway is designed to allow for two outbound traffic lanes and one in -bound traffic lane for efficient movement and to minimize congestion during peak traffic periods. The one-way driveway adjacent to the building is three lanes wide to accommodate for student drop off and pick up. Service vehicles and buses will enter and exit the site via a two-lane driveway to access the loading area on the south side of the building and bus corral on the east side of the building. Adequate pavement space is provided for delivery vehicle and school bus turning movements. A 20 foot wide fire access driveway extends around the north side of the building connecting the two parking areas for emergency vehicle access. Pedestrian Access. The site plan for the proposed E-8 School facility includes a concrete sidewalk extending from the building entrance to 80th Street adjacent to the visitor/staff driveway. City staff and ISD 728 discussed moving this sidewalk to the west side of the visitor/staff driveway and parking area to avoid having children crossing the site entrance at 80th Street, which is to be incorporated on a revised site plan. The public improvements to 80th Street will include a bituminous trail along the north side of 80th Street to connect with the existing trail on the east side of Maclver Avenue south of 80th Street. Additional sidewalk connections from the existing residential neighborhoods to the south and future residential neighborhoods will be provided at the time surrounding agriculture or rural residential parcels are developed. The sidewalk on the east side of the visitor/staff driveway should be extended straight south from the building to connect to the trail on 80th Street in anticipation of students walking to school from the east in the future. 5 Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9.G of the Zoning Ordinance requires one off-street parking stall per classroom, plus one additional stall per 50 students based on the designed capacity of the building for elementary and middle school facilities. The proposed E-8 school has 37 class rooms and a designed capacity of 750 students, which equates to a parking requirement of only 52 off-street parking stalls. ISD 728 has designed the site plan based upon the parking demand experienced at other facilities within the School District. The site plan provides for initial construction of 124 off-street parking stalls with potential expansion up to 243 parking stalls. Additionally, the bus corral can be striped to provide 61 off-street parking stalls for special events in the gymnasiums. The supply of off-street parking stalls will be adequate for the proposed E-8 school. Parking stalls are nine feet wide by 20 feet deep and accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles as required by Section 20-21-4.H.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The parking areas, drive aisles, bus corral and fire lane are all paved surfaces, striped and surrounded by perimeter concrete curb as required by Section 20-21-4.H.12, 13 and 15 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior Lighting. Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes performance standards regulating exterior lighting requiring that all light be cast downward and that glare to public streets or adjacent properties be prevented. ISD 728 has provided a photometric lighting plan for the subject site indicating the location and illumination pattern of proposed exterior lighting. The proposed lighting plan complies with Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance. City staff recommends that two additional light fixtures be added at each of the site entrances off of 80th Street. Signs. Uses within the INS District are allowed signs as provided for by Section 20-37-5.D of the Zoning Ordinance. One freestanding sign with an area up to 100 square feet and up to 20 feet in height is allowed and must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from any property line. There is no limit on the number or area of wall signs for the proposed E-8 school. No sign located on the property may use electronic changeable copy or dynamic displays, which are prohibited for all uses by the Zoning Ordinance. The submitted plans do not indicate a free standing sign. The architectural plans indicate one 40 square foot sign and one 352 square foot sign on the south fagade facing 80th Street. A sign on the west fagade that is visible from future Maclver Avenue, which will be the major roadway abutting the subject site, may also be advisable. Installation of any signs upon the property is subject to issuance of a sign permit approved by the Zoning Administrator. Trash. The receiving area of the proposed E-8 School is at the southwest corner of the building accessed by the service truck/school bus access. Trash storage facilities are not specifically identified on the site plan or architectural plans, but there is a fence shown on the south elevation architectural plans adjacent to the loading area. Section 20-16-15.13.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requires any exterior trash container storage be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same material as the principal building. Details regarding trash storage and plans for an enclosure using materials consistent with that of the principal building are to be submitted and are subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Ce Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance establishes provisions for dedication of land or cash fees in lieu of land for development of the City's parks and trails system. Based on these provisions, the City may require ISD 728 to dedicate 12% of the land being platted or an equivalent cash fee to the City to be used for park development purposes. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan policies promote joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students. The proposed E-8 school will include open recreation area for outdoor playfields, one developed ballfield and two indoor gymnasiums, which would be operated by ISD 728 as part of its core educational program for students and also community education programs for recreational users. Additionally, the public improvements on 80th Street being funded by ISD 728 include an off-street trail. These facilities and programing contribute to the overall parks and trails system within Otsego available to the public and satisfy the intent of the City's park and trail dedication requirements. Utilities. The proposed E-8 school is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities. The public improvements being funded by ISD 728 include extension of a trunk sewer forcemain north of 80th Street within the Maclver Avenue right-of-way to a temporary lift station, where the proposed E-8 school will connect via a gravity sewer line. Trunk water will also be extended north of 80th Street within the Maclver Avenue right-of-way to a service connection to the school building. The water service is looped to the north side of the building to provide for a second connection to the east in the future when the abutting property develops to ensure continuous water supply and water quality for the proposed E-8 school. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. The extension of the trunk sewer forcemain will be a City cost but the temporary lift station will be funded by ISD 728 as part of their project costs. The extension of trunk water will be a City cost. ISD 728 will pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval, as well as sewer and water connection charges at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. Grading. ISD 728 has provided a grading plan for the proposed site development that minimizes the extent of earthwork within the subject site in contrast to the initial site plan, which would have required extensive importation of material. The grading plan provides for two storm water basins to the northeast and southeast of the proposed E-8 school for water quality and rate control such that water leaving the subject site after development is not greater than predevelopment conditions. Additional storm water basins will also be constructed at the southwest corner of the subject site to capture storm water from the playfields and 80th Street/Maclver Avenue intersection, which will be designed in coordination with the public street improvements. The storm water basin at the southeast corner of the subject site impacts a degraded farmed wetland that is proposed to be filled and mitigated adjacent to the storm water basin at the northeast corner of the proposed E-8 school. All storm water issues, wetland impacts/mitigation and grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. ISD 728 is also required to pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 0 Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of 10 foot drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the proposed preliminary plat. Drainage and utility easements are also shown over storm water basins, mitigated wetlands, wetland buffers, and the proposed water service loop within the subject site. All drainage and utility easements are to be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Preliminary/Final Plat. ISD 728 is proposing to plat 27.56 acres of the 82.84 acre subject site for development of the E-8 school. The plat will consist of a 17.54 acre lot for the building and accessory improvements and 10.02 acre Outlot A encompassing the playfield/ballfield area of the proposed development. Outlot B is 47.57 acres as the balance of the property reserved for future development. All preliminary and final plat documents are subject to review and approval by City staff. Development Agreement. The City Attorney has drafted a development agreement related to the proposed E-8 school and plat to provide for construction of the project, completion of all public improvements, establishment of required securities, and payment of applicable fees. ISD 728 has previously entered into an agreement with the City regarding payment for the public street and utility improvements to be undertaken by the City in relation to the proposed E-8 school. The Development Agreement is to be adopted by resolution and executed prior to recording of the final plat. RECOMMENDATION The applications from ISD 728 for development of a proposed E-8 school are consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. City staff recommends approval of the applications as outlined below. POSSIBLE MOTIONS Decision 1— Comprehensive Plan Amendment A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan to include the preliminary/final plat for the proposed E-8 school within the West Sewer District and guide the subject site for public/quasi-public land uses based on the following policies: ■ Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. ■ Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. ■ Enter into agreements for joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students. ■ Establish safe and convenient trail access to each school site within the community. B. Motion to recommend denial of the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Decision 2 — Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the preliminary/final plat for the proposed E-8 school to INS, Institutional District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance criteria. Decision 3 — PUD-CUP and Preliminary/Final Plat A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a PUD-CUP and Preliminary/Final Plat for the proposed E-8 school on a finding that the request is consistent Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The principal buildings and accessory uses within preliminary/final plat shall be subject to the following setback requirements: ROW Side Rear Wetland 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 40ft. 17 3. The site plan shall be revised to provide for extension of the sidewalk adjacent to the drop-off/pick-up drive aisle directly south to 801h Street, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. The submitted lighting plan shall be revised to include two additional light fixtures at each of the site entrances off of 80th Street, subject to review and approval of City staff. 5. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. Any outdoor storage of trash containers shall be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same exterior materials as used for the principal building in compliance with Section 20-16-15.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. ISD 728 shall pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval, as well as sewer and water connection charges at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 9. All grading, drainage, erosion control, wetland impacts and wetland mitigation plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. ISD 728 shall pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 11. The preliminary and final plat shall dedicate all drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. ISD 728 shall submit preliminary and final plat documents incorporating all of the data required by Section 21-6-2 and 21-6-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance, including the dedication of right-of-way and drainage and utility easements, subject to review and approval of City staff. 13. ISD 728 shall execute a Development Agreement with the City prior to recording of the final plat, subject to review of the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. 10 B. Motion to recommend the application be denied based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and does not comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Ron Wagner, City Engineer Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Greg Hein, ISD 728 Josh Grenier, Wold Architects and Engineers 11 IS® 728 E-8 SCHOOL SITE LOCATION Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL MUNICL — PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑c ❑t ❑� Parcels EXHIBIT A t � • 1� _•:`fir � , `-�..-�� �li... -°i�� � r ,�Il•' �'' -`'fir � �■ ��a��. r7 ���IiQlllllnn■'11111%::i�liii:==�jin�9'�II r.�; e ■ �Op �-1/'Cq� p 1. �i d■Ir111117: �9^u:=_- � ='-.. c �F,� :;..N iLmnnldCD7s;;,,,:;(::�Y:;=:��1., ■IIII�� n nL -u.. n.o n llllllllllllln■` ! II �: � i����ie � .di:::,I����llllllllllllll �l'l"/�• ° �� �� ��Nr .`�A.--�Inlllln• Milli REMINAS i►��/.L_Iliiiii i_■GIIII-. I,�t�'1 III��I��J�� ■, 9 �i���C7O7---�I/� —N Ida\ ■I���.. �i�q O �1 �1■ ili��I„���i mll.�-�Ilnlllll;\III/J�■�//�ainu � ��►�n. � mnunnunn ■ ■ � ■ ■ r ���aji�r■Illllllllln:��� !� Yii� O�IP_��:= 1►=11111111111111111 ��1-1IN .1������ ■� .n111C- -Milli Iles am. sm ANIZE .Illlllllllllllllr 1■III.., ■f■EN.�h��■ I� :, : �qgpww-,Ilm ,, 50UTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION 1/16' = V-O' INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #728 Otsego New E-8 School DATE: August 10, 2015 EXHIBIT D CITY SUBMITTAL ONORTM �L51114TION 1 �10a�'t/ O 1 2s' 2 WE5T ELEV,4710h1 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #728 Otsego New E-8 School DATE: August 10, 2015 CITY SUBMITTAL w z H N OG LO r = CV V y o C� W R 3 Q ~ z � y 0 G � O o O G� y I-- Z LU C� Z W G. W 0 ? -s a_ CU Z u"ONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ELK Rl I/ER lSD # 72co-) : OTSEGO Eo�—a SCHOOL GENERAL NOTES: A. TOPOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY SURVEY. INCLUDING PROPERTY LINES. LEGAL DESCRIPTION. EXISTING UTILITIES. SITE TOPOGRAPHY WITH SPOT ELEVATIONS, OUTSTANDING PHYSICAL FEATURES AND EXISTING STRUCTURE LOCATIONS WAS PROVIDED BY THE FOLLOWING COMPANY. AS A CONTRACTOR TO THE SELLER/OWNER: TOPOGRAPHY: C09NERSTONE LANDSURVEYING. INC. 6750 STILLWATER 8LVD. N.. SUITE it STILLWATER, MN 55082 PHONE 651.275.8969 FAX 651.275.8976 EMAIL: DAN@CSSURVEY.NET CEI ENGINEERING AND ITS ASSOCATES WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE SURVEY OR FOR DESIGN ERRORS OR OMISSIONS RESULTING FROM SURVEY INACCURACIES. B. ALL PHASES OF SITE WORK FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL MEET OR EXCEED THE OWNER / DEVELOPER SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURES. RELATED UTILITIES. PAVING, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS AND ANY OT HER EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS AS NOTED. SEE SITE WORK SPECIFICATIONS. D. CONTRACTOR IS TO REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ALL DEBRIS. RUBBISH AND OTHER MATERIALS RESULTING FROM PREVIOUS AND CURRENT DEMOLITION OPERATIONS. DISPOSAL WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL. STATE AND/OR FEDERAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING SUCH OPERATIONS. E EACH CONTRACTOR WILL BE HELD SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR AND SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THIS PROJECT. F. WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER: THE DESIGNS REPRESENTED IN THESE PLANS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ESTABLISHED PRACTICES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING FOR THE DESIGN FUNCTIONS AND USES INTENDED BY THE OWNER AT THIS TIME. HOWEVER, NEITHER THE ENGINEER NOR ITS PERSONNEL CAN OR DO WARRANT THESE DESIGNS OR PLANS AS CONSTRUCTED EXCEPT IN THE SPECIFIC CASES WHERE THE ENGINEER INSPECTS AND CONTROLS THE PHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION ON A CONTEMPORANEOUS BASIS AT THE SITE. G. SAFETY NOTICE TO ALL CONTRACTORS: IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED LET ON PRACTICES. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY AND COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDITIONS OF THE JOB SITE. INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY DURING PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. THIS REQUIREMENT WILL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMBED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS. ANY CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION BY THE ENGINEER OF THE CONTRACTOR'S PERFORMANCE IS NOT INTENDED TO INCLUDE REVIEW OF THE ADEQUACY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY MEASURES. IN, ON OR NEAR THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. H. ALL CONSTRUCTION IN STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT RESIDENT ENGINEER. I. WETI ANDS NOTE ANY DEVELOPMENT. EXCAVATION. CONSTRUCTION. OR FILLING IN A U.S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS DESIGNATED WETLAND IS SUBJECT TO LOCAL STATE AND FEDERAL APPROVALS EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS AND/OR RESTRICTIONS AND ANY VIOLATION WILL BE SUBJECT TO FEDERAL PENALTY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HOLD THE OWNER/DEVELOPER, THE ENGINEER AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCIES HARMLESS AGAINST SUCH VIOLATION. PLAN INDEX: CO COVER SHEET SURVEY SHEETS C2.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN C2.1 SITE PLAN NORTHWEST C2.2 SITE PLAN NORTHEAST C2.3 SITE PLAN SOUTHEAST C2.4 SITE PLAN SOUTHWEST C3.0 OVERALL GRADING PLAN C3.1 GRADING PLAN NORTHWEST C3.2 GRADING PLAN NORTHEAST C3.3 GRADING PLAN SOUTHEAST C3.4 GRADING PLAN SOUTHWEST C4.0 UTILITY SITE PLAN C4.1 UTILITY PLAN NORTHWEST C4.2 UTILITY PLAN NORTHEAST C4.3 UTILITY PLAN SOUTHEAST C4.4 UTILITY PLAN SOUTHWEST C5.0 OVERALL SWPPP 05.1 SWPPP NORTHWEST C5.2 SWPPP NORTHEAST C5.3 SWPPP SOUTHEAST C5.4 SWPPP SOUTHWEST C5.5 SWPPP NOTES LI.O OVERALL LANDSCAPE PLAID T�yEx��7��lNI 951h kNE: - 95th Z Prm'Ark 3 i Ail Si NE PROJECT SITE c d3v 51 NE 6Qth5+NE dOths+N 17fi,S NY „NE, _ TNAANC ('v 9 T5d+51 NE t9 m 7dM Si NE E 7611ist NE Nth S+:NE. 6kh St,,, Mud 67tk1A NE �- G,a,N1PR.. iP emlas Vicinity Map NOT TO SCALE Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd., Suite 210 (650452-8960 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (650452-1149 9;1 91R St NE - 6TIfi 5 G �O Ad I' APPROVED DATE RESOURCE LIST: Arkonsos * California * Georgia * Minnesota * Pennsyl vonia * Texas MCCEprION AREA DETAIL � I i I I SCALE: I—W ----------------------, NE CORNER OF WEST 1/2 OF SW 1/4 I LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Wright County tax records): I SiO 14 TwP Rt RNG. � I } The west half of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 121, Range 23. I EXCEPT: I I AI' ' til V That part of the hereinbefore described property described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said west half tying 28 feet South of the t¢4 I I r " northeast corner thereof; thence North a distance of 28 feet along said east I �' 'i0 1 - line: thence West a distance of 21 feet along the north line of said west half; 1 '`+ ''i;� yt' ,;vf• I thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning. BARB WRE FE1ALT�Y s2B•OO I C!( \ Wright County, Minnesota I I _I EXCEED AREA SEE DETAIL I I WEsT QUARTER CORNER DF SEC. K TWP. r21, RNC. 23 TITLE NOTES: }1. I iroM.fEFn)--ems N36'44'09"lI , N89'29'03"IY ---1345.84---'---35.17 Title work was not provided forthis survey. L--------------------J I — I — — — %' y I I L- — — — --------J BENCHMARKS I } ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDOT GEODETIC WEBSITE. SURVEY DISK C 121 23 WITH AN ELEVATION OF 943.90 WAS USED TO ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD Bin We SHUT 2 OF 4 FOR PETALS •S' AI1', SURVEY NOTES: M�: _ , ,({• 1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE WRIGHT COUNTY �; � ti" I SURVEYORS OFFICE i f ,lf vr, f l 2. THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT .�: •��' SHOWN OR LOCATED. ?• �� , r� C,'xs 3, DURING THE COURSE OF THIS SURVEY NO WETLAND DELINEATION FLAGS .2' I WERE FOUND OR LOCATED. . C-;" OF G. 23 — — — — — — — — — — �� I I� I II I II � I� I N Lh FOUNT 1/2 NCH IRON 4' 9rd: %tacr 3 OF 4 FOR MTALS i� is A; w x. f iV �•��• � rrry• o! 20.W. BA_ap ON TRAVELLED CENTERLfE. ACTUAL WIDTH HAY BE j _--'- BASED ON USE. 33 FOOT WDiH SWWJ FOR REfERENGE ONLY—+1- SEE SHEET 4 OF 4 FO4 DETALS l i y A APPRO%t'NTE NORTH 9-O.W. LOP OF BON 41REET NE. 1 81 S ' ►— T — ——f3B1.08— — — IV g •� ��.1 II T • :tJ• A1� 5' AREA SUMMARY: PARCEL AREA PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I 3,608,647 sq. ft., being 8Z.84 acres, more or less APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AREA: 87,886 sq. ft., being 2.02 acres, more or less PARCEL AREA LESS APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 3,520.761 sq. ft., being 80.83 acres, more or less OTSEGO SCHOOL SITE 80th ST N E OTSEGO, MN CONTACT: } NEIL TESSIER 5AFEngineering, PLLC 6574 Sioux Lane Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone:612-213-9859 COUNTY/CITY: }WR�G HT C O LJ 1V TY C STY O F O T—S E G O VICINITY MAP } m et,a (NOT TO SCALD n NE SEC. HI, TWP. I21, RNC. 23. CITY OF OTSEGO. WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA REVISIONS: } DATE REVISION 01-07-15 INITIAL ISSUE 04-23-15 WETLAND LOCATES CERTIFICATION: } by UNDERGROUND UTIUMES NOTES: mbe o�u,dnffy y ml�ahtspPe.Yl:m , apdcn # a duly Licensed lam survey., under the law: or I THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD mesvte or Mlnnesov. SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALL SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE 1 SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTIUTIES Daniel L. Thurmm Registmtlon Numb 2571B SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY Dar`: of-0T-is THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE I INFORMATION AVAILABLE THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET NUMBER(S) 150070133. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTIUT IES DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. OTHER UTILITIES MAY EXIST ON THIS SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED UP. PROJECT LOCATION: } CALL BffORE YOU DiGI X X X X Gopher State One Call 8 0 t h ST NE I TOLL FREY.ARI 800.252511662 PID#,118500193200 LEGEND: I } FOUND MONUMENT NS NOTED) ae OVmHEAD ELEcMaC } F— GUY WE > SANITARY SEWER y Sulte #1 �Y — — — -6 Powmnu —>>—STORM SEWER —x WIRE FENCE (AS NOTED) 5750 Stillwater Blvd. N. Stillwater, MN 5508Z ® TELEPHONE PEDESTAL CURB fIYHCAU Phone 651.275.9969 1- 651.275.9976 O SANIT RY MANHOLE —230 CONTOURS dan4a ® CATCH BASIN —urvey .net ® ON FIAREDEND5ECEI ® STORM MANHOLE ® WATERCONTROLSTIUCTURE ffi T ea WATER VALVE WATER ®-x CORNERSTONE x %..0 SPOTELWAnON NORTH LAND SURVEYING, INC. 0 200 400 FILE NAME SURVSAF15 PROJECT NO. SAF14015 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET 1 OF 4 1 \ 9,s -�--WI/4 CORDER P. 121, RNC. 23 OF SEC. R. TW (FOLW W5S HT CO. CAST RON MOW1PNT) w' mz.9 + i"--ORANAGE DITCH o so 100 DE CORDER OF WEST 1/2 OF SW I/4 ---- - SEC. CORK TWP. 121, RNG. 23- - ` w _ iD +gz'aM1 �'1 �3 ° xws %9rzo `/ x93sa NORTH —NORTH LINE OF WEST 1/2 OF SW 1/4 + xm3.. + XWA SEC. 19, TWP. 124 RNG. 23 X + o X9 1 m5.q M1 %w� 9 ,x t X9ub %wxa Xwxb ,` Xwx xwlb wze %943J x a 1 It ° k v i a9n5 x m.3.e fix+ -_ .._ } x aw.z e'y♦a ma.'/ x �a �9 � e'�9 + 3 ` x9, a -9X - d7 Q —z BARB .FENCE-.. �. a!, XwxJ p>. _. y,9A w♦ _. 495 — — x TREES NOf SHOWN xm3b ,` + f kq,oz a BARB WIRE FENCE z - w X9 X %%9,v a� �>20.00 3 �+ an Sn �x m,b x �z 9w A xm3a 9va �r X x9ws o o a #,t 9 x9,za x 9w.a ;ys+''ys ° E%6TNG iREF3 Nor SHOWN a] xwle xwza °T %9H.1 w� x ss �p xyHa� xwxJ xwxb 3> x94 a e % + + ., a3ss � x + cs"F x9',.• + ,+ m'. x9w.f X9u.] Xwxa % + •—mot 9.0 Xm3.9 x9nx993s x9mx xw] \ �' s ,m> 3 6 a Xw3, t-,,.,� msf E%Pm 6 NLE CH ORAN TEND--ix 995bx 4 - + FIX - - x9X3.s m,.0 • z9a39 e 9 - _ X9H,x X9,3> ws.9 +a!%p I mob F { or i x + xm3a 'X xwga X xwu xe- 9a39 • Xwdi xwv $ xw,., 99pb X 9a,.a � xwu 3 xwz., X w3A n P � zws o x9wg a 9,d.d z me.q +o +'934 %9w., 0�kl op x } �� a 93.0 o X9,ab x t1 % ^♦°'9 a+e, I a Xm,.x9w. XmJ xaA, }ss X9�p x #wxa m P X n x n.q X xwPJ zwz.l "+ + Q zaw.z xm5.z t zm9n 9,txx s was g +� + ^ Xmf.. +- P+ P xa3sx s Xm9J�- xmaz q3A ♦ x953.1 + x9s,.> +�2 +9ar'xwxb _ xwl9 �6 + 9w9 %93,6 x ----_-.. xm91 M1 �^ %95,. - } x9>a9 %4M.9 k %99l.> X 9 J +a♦, xwt XwOa o z996.1 xmlw xm>a zme.6 X49E3 x4Rl +�6 _ + v X 93e.6 435 ry x9wa en°* +$.> + dp: x99ea k xassals + x93pJ A-° + a3a xmeb - XmsJ xae.a x93sa wd.l % _ 4Rz 9mJz X 9xJi z93,.9 x2a.a �' x¢na yaf x: X9w.z =� x9us + + aX W, Y4 x99ea xexl x9,aa x99e.c x9m.9 X • 9n.9 z a > x 4R5 x99eb .f x 99la - xwpa X '...w z9xA z 95t> tea+ +tea} tv %93f., _ x4353 ' X-1 ' /, zwA2 Q 939x +4 x xq,yA Xw°.>d D`.' zm9a x¢w.z +T - - " xX q5q +&v '1'% 9,OJ zana x9 N o:� x 1 ot,J x9,°3 X9bb me.f z9m.1 " X e% - xwo> } X.9wb xmds x9nb q30 xmaa zm9a ��,�•',W. Jop� - xwq, + - u - ti +_. > e!° + - -. -_- xwu X z. � - b". °fig 96J +Y[.�P ., xmea / z9,pb xwoa ++a 4EB + m3b # - '939 xwu.... zw z9s11 Tft> ., a + =T a J +S zawa 4 z939I / xwlb a x ww : ,,. w >+ +°¢y. `>•{-�'-+ 9rb9 i a xwa.> u + x d _ _ ♦° xwx., /�, ` / xwl.l xwq.> xwxA + z x x9na 963, �'„> X45e9 -. {,kox x9x, 4fo xm9a _ X_ - . + wssx X9wb e+ gt # 9sea _- �pl �. `} X9l9f 4 g + %9faLx �e �5> } wpJx x9stf Y i� xwa3 xw3.> i z xwt° X 9,alx sa 9 + waa. =-F xwuv .. — � .. xaxa x x9,o> z9wJ w3.z I I \ } 9re.9x. z xwz"9y2,X Xwu x c a 9sc] a m g awlb Xw� xwx.] '* X h X-4 z 9ws X +, + J n6 +& xwx.d x,'-t " Xwx.z x9«.f + 9aA x � +� + �, + x-.> xwu wx + J k $ x,le. wte X 9 S.r, a{ +_ x + X an°' xwu xwtp --- dP xwza + %4f + 1-- X X m ' a X wxa Xwt1 xw1.] xwza - x9a1n xwob +�> Xwts - xw9.e Xwtx \ �, +9.y, } xw1.a Xwu X\ o aa-5 %9—kp x 9 zX 7 d x9ua wz.z xwt> _ + - z Xwu 9w., z 1 wL xwn Xw:a Xw3s x9wJ xwl.. Xwz> xwlb / Xws s a y \+ k x + 967 c gob + % ... xwz> wxb xwu Xw1., �dT+ xw3> # zwsb xwu zw99- k '+ osf.o q 6S Cr � °'' x9u �� a xwv . ➢ x xwza w�- xwu +-o xwu X to w 9w.] xw xwx,aT i c., �v3 z9bv jI 9 e xc x_wa.o xwu ,+ x9,ln xa zwu xwv R' ,a �% +°,y u z w9b g 4 xwxb zwx> x9,ab xwu x9,u Xwta °`' wzn Y. ' xwx.l d♦. �sw''_ p +gs w rn xws. u +- p 4,. y_ xw�.9 a} " X '. b X 9v X x9,sl xw3.a xw3F x9U3 x9ax.l xwza x 9,1b 410. ° d xw5.a 9 X—V zwa.l o +N 9 git xwxJ 9 a xw9., xw9b ! xw]a �xAx x9wx X9,l9 + X9w xwe] +$a # +° X wx.> + YQ X113 a6 RS Xwza ^! x was X9,5s x +� „ ,. z9a3J + et, _ wa X ,41 9 - # Xw3.1 Xwz> _. x9„ 9 xw3a fir,+ a d +. +. - xwza x9,u o.,a # - 943 X9u1 x9w.l xwsb z9,v 9 - *� + z9ssa Xwlb wa.o 9axa x9mz %w3.1 Xw3n xw3., 9wax +� - 9f as x9 xw= zwz. 49?x o. � b Xw30 a 9e tail OTS EG O SCHOOL SITE 80th ST NE OTSEGO, MN CONTACT: + NEIL TESSIER SAFEngineering, PLLC 6574 Sioux Lane Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone:612-213-9859 COUNTY/CITY: +W F2� G HT C O U r-j C I T V O F OTS EG O VICINITY MAP INOT TO SCALP am sr ra li, SEC. 19,TwP. 121. RNG.23. CUT OF —EGO. wRICHT COUNTY. MINNESOTA REVISIONS: + DATE REVISION 01-07-15 INITIAL ISSUE 04-23-1S WETLAND LOCATES CERTIFICATION: + I hereby certify that this plan — prepared by m ..... my.....Supervl_.,and that Iam a duly Licensed land surveyor under the laws of the state or Minnesota. / —16LThurmu R,q1—t-Nu.b,r 25]16 Date: 01-07-I5 PROJECT LOCATION: +xxxx 80thi ST NE PID#118500193200 suite #1 6750 Stillwater Blvd. N. Stillwater MN 55082 Phone 651.275.8969 \51.2 55.8976 don@ net CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. FILE NAME SURVSAF15 PROJECT NO. SAF14015 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET 2 OF 4 w, Xw]a ♦ Xw9 9K1 ,9.;.1 _q43 xw,1 X9K.1 xw,a .— ll.?.+ xm,e OTS EG O X w.o xwu X9]a - 9 ., >, x + SCHOOL SITE Qa'X x„za Xw9ax xa]J x94s. X9+s X,a9.e XwJa %wza + '+ y3 X waa xwn x 9K3 Xw,9 xwz9 +•p... xwzi' %,+]a x9Ka xwve x9ba xvas.l xws, X vb.d p- �a2 9 x9K9 xwK 9,. 8 O t h ST NE x,,,l x9+>9 XwJa xwJ, 9a — xK; xws, Xw]a 9&,+w , 3I�" OTSEGO, MN 'c+ . Q >e 9'F,' v } xw4 d9 MiJx Xw]a z9Kw xw,z ,,.0 x9a,.a x9a69 .v ;f, xwze xw + vl I z x-4 X9K9 ,.I xw47 zJ +''a> s CONTACT: �q+ xw°6 zw°s xwu X9av xw9., xwu x9w xwsa _ X xwu w,.z x9K.9,�+ x9ua xw xwz,= q4 „+4�'♦+,�+NEIL TESSIER 6 n �zox Xwso x"'� - x9Ko % SAFEngineering, PLLC Xwv x9w.] n x xwz, ° 6574 Sioux Lane �'•,+ xwu a �' wz9 s.o Xwv x _ + "2 X Lino Lakes, MN 55014 + Xw X 4 xwzz wx4 xwJz X9Ka asJ xws. xwsa ao o-^ ty+ w9oX x.. wz.X w -- Xwa.v Xwv X xwz+ J.i "s+ +11 4:+YI X 0• NORTH 50 100 Phone: 612-213-9859 z ° w X— a,R,zw % + ' W9J x xwze 9yP x9a93 xwsa 'x0 w0 + %9Nb xwz.P x`W7ax xwa �� �9x X9999 `� a,Tu+ xwz., e+ x9Ka ,+ a p x .,x,soa a Xwsc xwvz xX9 o +_c COUNTY/CITY: a a]x X9av wz,x. xwsa - _- + x,Ka 9xz- xwzz x9bz w6.9x d x,si. m•'+ �C,b zw..l 9 z9,9z - J .I 9a C O U IV TV x wd.c d(9„' 9,s6x „ A],.I Xwu Xwte X9K ,+ X9b4 X '+ x Sxa+m` xwu ` xmla + xwv xw14 ,,u C T"Y O F w01 xwu xwJx w,9X. X x9szz2 b ° Xws9 + Xw4.. xwJa XwJa xwJa X,oa xwJ, ^a4.o q„ ,+ Xwu Xwa: X9sia a X X OTS EG O .4 Ix._ �+ FOLM 1/2 NON RON We x a,vs X q xwz.l x,+va - %94fJ ---N. UNE OF SWI/4 OF 3W1/4 x„z.] �+' xwv 9aa wv, x9K.l 9+3.] MARKED R�575--- _-----`• P VICINITY MAP ap°ry xww .o+ SEC. N.z� P. 24 RNG. 23 X .9. xwv x x9ua 4,s al s,l ^ a + x w4a *I xas Xv % X9Ka xw9., �� 9a _ xwv x w+.+ ]♦ %9+.L4 ya, py� va9x xva° g4o9X 0. x,az.l xwJa + ' _ - Ja xwA9 w ♦ i M __ 450 z-1 A' x9,a9 x9K9 xw9e � x x xvz. n - x9a2o K J x + o -- d x4K.0 z 9,as xwl.z 8 x9n.] _. _ -x ava xwsa s x9,9.1 xwu ,Y X z9s2, xwsa 0,+ wz.9X ec �,Ex a 9y xw` - X p1 (NOT TO SCALD x wte?+ w,az } - - x9K, - xw,a xwva a3.]� ,^X dn. + xvz g qC! xwu xws9 x—---- - - . x9Ka xwa6 a M1 Xw9.v X/ x9/ e°u,<,6: �+ �q+ .1 x9Ka u - weTx xw41 +a4O -• - - -- - - _ +m0s _ __ - d` xwsa x9ba ,.+, g / / �� X'e 4 I d �O + °a xwu xwsa Kg9tz '''� xw,.l F4 xw]a _ _ x9K] xws %d SEC. I9, TWP. 121. RNG. 23, x999a b3 °+ - --- I OTY OF —CO. WRIGW COUNTY, \ X99e.6 z994s wt0 bx xw,.a d' +R' xw99 _. XweA xw40 w"z9b , w] A MINNESOTA qi9x -EX. CATCH BASH p4 + X .] a , REVISIONS: R APPROIL 937.6 + x,ae l - X w69 v, Nv W=9345 B' PT x +,F9 x .4 x9aes +i_ +y" 6 xws., +, SI + DATE REVISION x 9Ks W S-R345 UNABLE TO SEE S+ZE zc9ea 939-.. x99,a ws.a °' xw]a y4 PS 01-07-15 INITIAL ISSUE NV 5=4345 0' Of .'i 9K,x - - - - Rat II d NV N�934.4 R' RLP x9,e., xwzz a]e - xwsa --f- I 04-23-15 WETLAND LOCATES .TOP OF'STRUCTURE l3 TLTEO Xw xwze xw,s .I 24' RCP-- 'O xw°a w4]x xw,c,x - 11411 i+ zawa EX FES xI t BI Ex. Fes Xw].6 xw]9 x9n., xwe.l X�' p Qy ear" s NV=94L3 I I NVN41.i X9„a '' qe%+ - xw. xwsa x,+aa as xw9, X9b> Xw9a �i xvwA x a,azx xve.l wp '�• xwao a °, 'nd a al + ,! + X X9K9 CERTIFICATION. X X,n., Xa,Bs �'• "'bX - - __.._. ----. "'erX. xwes ?, ' aq � �^ q,,,,+ 3I + - 9n., x w,.z x wB9 + gybX %93]b wsTx � x IM1eree ed Y certfy hat thisI Pt an was PrePar Cy _ ,,,n X,Ka w,, a I I me °r unaer my dlren suvenlsl°n, and rlmt I am �m xa99.a Wa°X Xwa.O xw x9wb _ %9,e.s + x9b5 Xw,.a 'X aK" zwSa 4} v 6' V C/or un a tlul Licensed Land Sury tler the laws of I� [he state °f Minnesota. �/ �yj x9],a �°x. Xwlz xwJ3 a Xw z99°3 z ° x9ala 9 w51 Yp`^ x9Kb � I Tj vl l'94z6 �1 // (! Ne4x z9„S 94,1X q`qq w +q` I 'r ;'�a •�1 ry Lx xWt6 - +9. Xwea + z9+,s %w,., Dan1elLl,rmes Re91z[ratlon Number 25]IB Xa909 X99,.] X9,93 I 9+0 v+ayX xw,3 %9,Ib x9,+ -_ -_ - X x % } ♦+�. ,P d fi9+P. Date 01 07-I5 w]z a d-`x xana xa9e.l x9na zws9 •+ I P� ff �1 9'bsx n 3 b0q'/. x9,z z9,2b w xwa9 + xws9 X9Ka A"8x dw X I X„,.I x a x9s:.9 x9wa - a Lu Ka x9K + x9,za P,> xw,.6 Xw6a %P I x >'v dI 9,c,, x9szs Xw6a Xw,., X— +I W I m PROJECT LOCATION: ar a a �sx Xa9a.] x99e.�3 x9ae.a x X9x, + x + x xv]a X x9sz] �O. zw,.6 Y z9K9 X a I a a8I �� t Y Y Y •• vo zm + X xw6a X-4 X9uc zw4J xwsa n xI Q a x I 3-t" Ot/ �/ �/ X9�., ay _ xw,. X— + Xwaa aI a"ns BI 9,9sX xaxa X9J9a + � ._ x999a x�J.� xa�.a ,_,• Xm°a x9+,., PID#1 18500193200 - -- __ _ �'•�' +qb. x9wa Xwsa xws. 13 «9su Xw,a xws9 X9Ka x9w.a Xw9a ,+ s X �a X-1 + aJa,x x9»., x9J9a - zaxz 9+�J + x�J.o xvoa z 990a x94y, x web x 9Ka r xwsa+� +. + g�95l + 4o,+ F9 - _ H Sui[e Nl v9aX +a�o P _ —_. x99vz x99a,r oa ;} 2x xwzz xw9e I % d ♦ I 6750 Stillwater Blvd. N. 5tillwater, MN 55082 wag X9.as z xwve a,.2 + I Phone 651.275.8969 ° zwu '♦s_ + +' - X— a Fax 651.275.8976 xwu I a" I danO a,ax X,9a, xa9, n - X9ux X9bz x xwv ' c9su rvey +- xw9e x9wc .net xwu xwo.9 X$'y F a•' __.OSI. x9K., a 9Ka x4u.4 x9bb ' + qb. wJ v,°zX xas99 gwax xw°3 xwsa 6f az a - J.z �. z d5 a X—goat+, xwu 9K cao •, x9a6 °'Pa , +I rs U xwsa '•, + xwva wan +�4 0 X 9a09 X +x, X9K9 xwz3 ➢ +, a. x x9a]] + a xwt9 d+ Xwt6 d I o' X9ba 9�9 Xva, +� v 'N"x X Ia � �� I X x Ka wz.l + Xw,a x9Ka X9444 .� CORNERSTONE a°' xwu x9K p+ + +T wa4 x9,]a + — a a" LAND SURVEYING, INC. ' ,t ,x I ry I 9,0.4 d`n > + ; xwvz x14 %Xw„ I x ryg I +FILE NAME SURVSAFIS x w°b +% nrt xwsa x9n.9xw,a xw4a xws9 - x I a° < e I PROJECT SAFT4015 9 we.°x TOPOGRAPHIC xw �.° . wKx t° . X9w.l Xwv b wz xws. wo,�4 x9b9 X � + w.., . xwz.+ I j I tt] x xw°a SURVEY SHEET 3 OF 4 o-IFSEGO SCHOOL SITE 80th ST NE \ 442 +� apX xz*aa- U xxzxw9ww4uu1aEz % tx_ xaw2�3u� xxx«aauza�za +°x^ 9a'].°_XW_ _tI .-_- x- +_a- _X-2..9aw4taO2`l'ry 9•o Xa9TLaI°t /e/F� X %9/ / / a.A,s��9^°+z+xxas> -- - :-' � . x`+Xae4..-`]•. - \ 1„_. _ _�_'90�'\X~".9..4.8..,\\ s d3 a3x_a°ex-.Jsw3�u R ., xx9495u-Ac � .2az9Aa3, axi/Xpx'Mx,a,_,a 92+uao9b_A . :b - _ /--*- a„-9z"• Jt-b.1 z + .+ x9X ,x4law.s -+-x /\n z6 A r ' qlIIII�IIII �. `nn ,#,��•OI Pi' H B�R5 II IIIIIIII ++ OCCO TO T�S'TEUS GY ENG H2O ' TM OTY N Xato xa4 %w1 x+ 9a2A CONTACT: Xv xa1 a3 >\6 M1%9> XS Xaa9XabNEILTESSIER -147 SAFEngineering, PLLCxs p/ce„p+ ,, xc X-1 947 6574 Sioux Lane Lino Lakes, MN 55014 + Phone:612-213-9859Xa T2am 9- W X-4 x,aJ _ xaX-9 X-1 %% '�_ ka n wz xas x 955COUNTY/CITY' Xs /av W F2 9-- X-1 +X-1 9474 Xa as.9x Xax> xF= xau xasa a�7 x x%a.\ \ itxX9VICINTMAP \x 2 x xb %aIp u XaXQ %ass _-_-- -- - ?6 zaB3 xw6.] LLj aj %9H6 ' x9464 a _xW %3 % 4 X394/ x94. xaXW.7 II`5J rv� 1I A3�lex>9 ®_ cQc I� x9a>9 MOTTO SCALP m xw.9 xas.4 Xa4a x9M7 � esnnrb "&z9a4s x. X.94ss 9119 x946.p x9.o2 xa9:] a"o x s + ; Ia I qcR} \Wrs Sn Xaa.• v m RCP SEC. 19, TWP. 121. MC. a, xws° � xa]s � � xws - _ °+b � qSO .1 x94sb + xa , x9.zs zav Ix Y NV�14L9 zalJ x941, ,: Xaas A / J •, °+ --WETLAND AS OEWEATEO ,un M4t* ,S 45 ai.] CnY OFO MINNFSO AHr COUN1Y. Xw4 x9as.b x,dsa z9nJ I xaaz�' :� za6s X,Isa xn<.R 9so *� P wsax BY u. sERvlcts. +°"M1° sez__ r q q. � REVISIONS' 3 %asa 1 ' A. * x9w> xws.. x,U NC�ON APw. 22• 2015 - _ e ap' i 7 } zav - _. _ _ x - x94zs DATE REVISION X94e.2 a.s Nv=atu 01-07-15 INITIAL ISSUE xasz xasz xwaa xa>s ! xa>b ,uox w\ Xwa.6 zav - I �� ; P 04-23-15 WETLAND LOCATES X94e] -ia- %,90.2 xae.p x a x I w5D x,46s xass 1I/y1 I% Sao %a6.1 j� x z 9490 x9a5b x916J' ax,43.] Xa63 ,X94W X-1 + x,as9 X9ua / Sx : a x axl X-1 xaa ,�° ��X �° �` xa>3 �6 xaa.Tl xa2> p9, I I x asA Aro + ---- g x9su X,4ec m x9w3 2X < zav Xwa� � "°'��s �Qx I X '>� CERTIFICATION: 5oUMWE3T CoRt" OFX9 xa4b x9w3 x i x944A II SECTION P; ToWNsw RL x,a.A xase x9at6 xa>3 XMaa >. x z, 24 RT>D - i + +Ihe, hatthis unr s (FRIfO WWaRr C01.NTY A %9Mb aa, 7 U. X,b., Xa>6 xa6B z944A + %a2] Xg4tA %aab xaii aNV- II adul lce s dtlantl Surveyor undve[he laws °f RAIJLE 23 i „e R,z y pewisien, and nut I am CAST RRJ NONCOLN xass x o - xasA E%. FE9 1 warm ,,S sn )---- } -EX F(S d` as3 xwu &v wslx %9444 xaaa MsaX. X9i2.). 940.a- a ylnz o ^ 8. au% %S• 1 ��'r'[y9M.] xgN.l %asb 2 t x,%I6 %A zal3 9+ za9.> ` �I {� [he sia[eNMI/nne'so�tL�/'' M>,'.. k t %94Va A 'x.6L9 +.. %P5 pxvsss ax xwaa-. >34>J M x M4.4. X, NV A3.x a10X f/,[�`U• t 'F �FZ 5M1 3 y.°�A- i %90> Jt911_ 3 a3 e.l X a V �� ._-�_ 95. %,sp.] x940-.... 94].> zqa xa>b xa66 aSA xa43 X9HA\ Xa19 xa.x>"AI w xa R , t' w'� !/IY6r� x43x �-xg4p.9 �A- �a5 fit- Xa -_� '�-� �Xa> _.9M3 I 'a/ w9 a} A �a)bn xwas MR 43l - i Dame LThurmes Reglmtl°n Numbe. 25716 ax F4B-1tS4ca �=- J J O of-o7-15 9st�__ - M1re - >a X° r 3'ti� Xya.t.. x a. xwa> x94,s,� s xaeb y xa ,s a>s x9w> R 46:4- _ ,w x'gc,> m. Y ® m >+ r--� nu x.uzJ 93u I .M' a" a4�,�w> Npa *wu -+�} I+� + --x--�_`x,ws R�T 'hi]aj zx4f1a = g.K_�'-IB' RWI 44s-6� ,a�a -w=------- ------------=--°--� = _-�m--w.> "J \, x x I 9y x xas.> D 9a eY FES N✓ Nm4443 I I I 9p -__- \. v ' v E� F� i S Ex FEs-- ' I9• RCP-1 d i_- Fes 22Nv�wo.4 a� PROJECT LOCATION: RN E�444b °a' 6 PRO x a € IBL FES 4 `,``. j ICE IB"-1449 web 1 I W-143.5-> �� 90V1H LNE OF W 14 �.-"m ovw-wW i7 T_�____T SECTION R. TOWtiStP RL RANGE 25--- i ` Ex. Go--- I d I --E1(• F" STRUcnm I �_� PRo�ECf &7 /I I SR7nEA5T CORDER OF WEST 1/2 OF SW aI + Rt1-447.2 71/4Y X NVm443.7 1 TOP PPER Im RM W-4 �TN+x x X P � NV W�9{5.0 SECTION p. TOWNSV rlL RANLi 23 ___-> � 1 NVMAOER ICE I ISRW PER PLAN) I IZ=S a' \ Via- LE m994.1 / 8 0 t it ST N E w W }-gin I I PID#1 185001 93200 I >IZ LU • LEGEND: } SNlte#1 FDLIND MONUMEM N5 NOTED) -fiOVERHEAD ELECTRIC >- SANITARY SEWER 39 50 I I \ / <- GUYWIRE _»-STORM SEWER 67SillwatertMN550 2 WIRE FENCE CAS NOTED) �pt 19N4 I q.. POWER PDLE -X-X Phone 657.275.8969 TEEEPHONE PEDESTAL Fax 651.275.8976 6 NVd1425 V ✓ • ` V • • • O CSSD Iy cu.ITyP1cAU uweI WW I I V O SANRARY M4NHDLE �c30 CONTOURS NeCATCH R Rl .net N Z I I Z LU / I NORTH ® FNREDIULI ENDSECTION / I O S O TOO ® STORM MANHOLE U W I I c Q ... .. .S'u ax. , ,.... I ®WATER CONTROLSTRUCTURE C \ a I 1� HYDRANT p4 WATER VALVE CORNERSTONE ® MAIL [IO% %9 SPOT ELEVATION LAND SURVEYING, INC. FILE NAME SURVSAF15 PROJECT NO. SAF14015 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHEET 4 OF 4 RTHWEST QRI'El s 8 9 11 -19 1,14 "E Ir ;S:71ON Po:� Re 14L ss ro 0 80, 120' ISO cN II SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED G TILE/ELECBOX WELL ELECTRICIGASMETER WATER VALVES GASVALVE HYDRANT CURB ,Z Zi CATCH 8ASINjSrDRM MHOCONCRETE p CULVERT/ F. E.Sm ELECTRIC LINE 0SANITARY MANHOLE ^ 'TELEPHONE LINE • CLEAN OUT —FIBER OPTIC UNE SIGN — WATER UNE --STORMSEWERUNE UTILRY POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE FENCE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND UTrER* SEE DETAIL GIA101B. CUH8 INLET OIIIOPOIED -111116 SPACES LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS I N RTHWEST ORT EAST I n � S IUTHWES THEAS 0 LIFT STATION FFE 939.6 y. BEFORE y�41111 N s� >ts 5 0 40so, so, SOrH ONE CPK'� yi SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED -. TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/CAS METER WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT)F.ES. - ELECTRIC LINE ONE SANITARY MANHOLE - —TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT " " FIBER UNE SIGN WATER LINE - STORM SEWER LINE UTILITY POLE —� SANITARY SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE FENCE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. SEE DETAIL GW01 B. ® CURB INLET OPROPOSED PARKIIJG SPACES LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS GENERAL SITE NOTES A. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. S. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 70A. PAVEMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL OBA OVER THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT AREA AND ALL APPROACH DRIVES. C. ALL PARKING LOT SIGN BASE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 12F. 0. ALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS SHALL HAVE SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 095. O SITE NOTES 12A 4 INCH TRAFFIC YELLOW LANE STRIPE 12B 4INCH TRAFFIC YELLOW ALIGNMENT STRIPES (TYPICAU 12D 41NCH WOE PAINTED YELLOW STRIPES. 2.0 FOOT O.C. ® 45 DEGREES (SEE SIZE INDICATED AT SYMBOL) 16E MONUME Tr SIGN 70A PLAYGROUND, SEEARCH PLANS 708 LIFT STATION. BY CITY 70C RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS ❑ SITE DETAILS 03C 03C WHEELCHAIR RAMP IN SIDEWALK (TYPICAL AT EACH DRIVEWAY CURB RETURN) 03D CONCRETE SIDEWALK v Oa4 STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING 080 HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING 09S ACCESSIBLE/ VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN ,1K 09U ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL (SEE PAINT COLOR INDICATED AT SYMBOL) 10A TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW 0Bq 11A :DO NOT ENT'SIGN ^' 11G 'LEFTTURNONLY"SIGN ` 11K °FIRE LANE - NO PARKING" SIGN 12G STOP SIGN R910 IIK NB 70A 86-12 CURB AND GUTTER 70B D4-12 CURB AND GUTTER R190' 700 CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP 70D CONCRETE AT ENTRANCE 70E FOURSOUARECOURT m ® COURT IELD B70G SOCCER FIELD NA70H BASEBALL DIAMOND 70J DROP OFF/ PICK UP MARKINGS T03 70C 70K STAND UP CURB 70L INTEGRAL CURB I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIRCATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION,AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED I I!; PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UN�DOM THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 04 030 70C 26364 NEILTESSIER, PE OATS REGISTRATION NO. LJ SAFEngineering, PLLC ro9 Site and Athletic Facility Engineering IIK ouK fare 612-213-9859 - 030 U5na Lal7. LlaKes. MN 55014 nitessierpomeil.com Q O 20' 31' 1'K 29013 !0/!3/!51 NT CMB CMSCA)B CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW OSA 73KELK ..`•y RIVER 1SD # 728 O IX3C RS' - RS' R30' - Engineering Associates, Inc. OJs TYPE - 70E 2025Centre Pointe Blvd_;I iWe210 (65I)452-B950 11K Mentlo)e Hei9hfs. MN 5520 (65!)452-1149 T� SITE PLAN NORTHWEST pA3g ISHIR56' e M/y�FE-8 ECHO 2.53 PM \ 17A aatB 1 REV-2 yply.pt(gt "- mFACIlHBIO ASP!'A1F$we I' IN RTHWEST ORTH€AST I II�II � mmml UTHWES S i HEAS a //' `\\ / 1 1 I 1 / / / / gETEWION BA51� I / NWL 941.5 I r/ \ / R1C0' \ // R80 B6D ;oE DBl I,� 11K 1fk 70D C 01"m O E - 8 FIFE - 950.50 s/ F� BEFORE y�10& ., N s s` �sQ 5 0 40' 60' (♦D' SOrA CNE CFYY 5i SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND - HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED _, TELE/ELEC BOX WELL - ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT -- — CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE -- - TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT - — - FIBER OPTIC LINE --- -WATERLINE SIGN —STORM SE UTILITY POLE rt_ ' SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE -- — -SANITARY S — -- FENCE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. SEED AILOIAXI S. ® CURB INLET OPROPOSED PARKING SPACES LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS GENERAL SITE NOTES A ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. S. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 70A. PAVEMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL ORA OVER THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT AREA AND ALL APPROACH DRIVES, C. ALL PARKING LOT SIGN BASE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 12F. D. ALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS SHALL HAVE SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 09S. O SITE NOTES 12A 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW LANE STRIPE 12B 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW ALIGNMENT STRIPES (TYPICAL) 12D 41NCH WIDE PAINTED YELLOW STRIPES. 2.0 FOOT O.C. 45 DEGREES (SEE SIZE INDICATED AT SYMBOL) ISE MONUMENT SIGN 70A PLAYGROUND, SEE ARCH PLANS 70B LIFT STATION. BY CITY 70C RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS ❑ SITE DETAILS 03C WHEELCHAIR DAMP IN SIDEWALK (TYPICAL AT EACH DRIVEWAY CURB RETURN) 03D CONCRETE SIDEWALK ORA STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING 08C HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING 09S ACCESSIBLE /VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 09LL ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL (SEE PAINT COLOR INDICATED AT SYMBOL) 10A TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW 11A .00 NOT EWER" SIGN 116 'LEFT TURN ONLY SIGN 11K 'FIRE LANE- NO PARKING' SIGN 120 STOP SIGN 70A 36-12 CURB AND GUTTER 70B Da 12 CURB AND GUTTER 70C CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP 700 CONCRETE AT ENTRANCE 70E FOURSOUARE COURT 70F BASKETBALL COURT 70G SOCCER FIELD 70H BASEBALL DIAMOND 701 DROP OFF/ PICK UP MARKINGS 70K STAND UP CURB 70L INTEGRAL CURB 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THATTHIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 10/I312015 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Bi— Lane 612-213_9859 Lino Lakes. MN 55014 nNes I.Q.—il.com 29013 '0113175 N] CMa CMB CUB CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENpNEII25 PLANNERS • SURVEYORS LAND ITE R MlNT7 202Cenk, —. e Blvd 2ble210 MednlaHeihtsMN55r0 (651)A62-B960 (65I)452-1149 SITE PLAN NORTHEAST l0"�,5 SHEET NO OTSEW Ere SCHOM 456 PM C2.2 REV-2 - ._ UK OMEGO FFE — 950.50 11 MAO ioa , l � II ® �III ` ICJ m \ m ® ® I' r go m LI oil ®] Bill r 0�.♦�, ®L I'U UM INSKING /gy STALLS CPl�lCP7 �>L� BiZ�LVCT ,�■r © �I�nlr ©a■�r SARKING II, ■20 24 1 20 I® ■w w-m I dlm I- E P265' `R240' IIK / 1 / 1 / I / I I � I � I I RNTNWL 941.0 ! I l I ' W I I � I - � 1 / t V FEN u PCP IN e l._ —1 "POF l *t I / { �I ------------- EA FES - a. N I RTHWEST RT ,A T II ;q �I S �UTHWES i HEAS BEFORE y� ss, N P SQ O Z �2 ti� 5 0 e0' 60, 60' �sOrq ONE G 5i SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL .. ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT -- CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. --ELECTRICUNE SANITARY MANHOLE -- TELEPHONEUNE CLEAN OUT - - _FIBER OPTIC LINE -- SIGN -- -WATERLINE UTILITY POLE — - - -STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE — SANITARY SEINER LINE —FENCE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. SEE DETAIL 01A/01 B. ® CURB INLET OPROPOSED PARKING SPACES LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS GENERAL SITE NOTES A. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. B. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 70A. PAVEMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL IDEA OVER THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT AREA AND ALL APPROACH DRIVES. C. ALL PARKING LOT SIGN BASE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 12F. D. ALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS SHALL HAVE SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 09S. SITE NOTES 12A 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW LANE STRIPE 12B 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW ALIGNMENT STRIPES (TYPICAL) 120 41NCH WIDE PAINTED YELLOW STRIPES, 2.0 FOOT O.C. @ 45 DEGREES (SEE SIZE INDICATED AT SYMBOL) 16E MONUMENT SIGN 70A PLAYGROUND, SEE ARCH PLANS 708 LIFT STATION, BY CITY 70C RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS ❑ SITE DETAILS 03C WHEELCHAIR RAMP IN SIDEWALK (TYPICAL AT EACH DRIVEWAY CURB RETURN) 03D CONCRETE SIDEWALK OBA STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING OBC HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING 093 ACCESSIBLE / VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 09U ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL (SEE PAINT COLOR INDICATED AT SYMBOL) IOR TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW JtA 'DONOT ENTER' SIGN 11G 'LEFT TURN ONLY' SIGN 11K 'FIRE LANE- NO PARKING' SIGN 12G STOP SIGN 70A B6-12 CURB AND GUTTER 708 D4-12 CURB AND GUTTER 70C CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP 70D CONCRETE AT ENTRANCE 70E FOUR SQUARE COURT 70F BASKETBALL COURT 70G SOCCER FIELD 70H BASEBALL DIAMOND 70J DROP OFF/ PICK UP MARKINGS 70K STAND UP CURB 70L INTEGRAL CURB I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTSUPERVISION, AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OFTHE STATE OF MINNESOTA. / / L O 10/ 13/2015 26364 NELL TESSIER. PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Saux Lane 612-213-9559 Una Lakes. AN 55014 nNessler@Omell.com 29013 i IWKV15 1 AT CMB CUB CAl9 OEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 rEngineering Associates, Inc. 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd.. Suite 210 (651)452-6960 Mendota Heichls. MN 55120 (650452-1149 SITE PLAN SOUTHWEST IalOS ND'o E-8 2:53 PM .� :C2 REV 2 asm�-eeal mla m n�Trr�Ta�o A�vAT� vec I 11N -- _—. MO 030 O 20' 31' I'K 6 OEWRE y NQRTHWEST FIT D [A&L oK~n Cr n ® Sj QS R3' .Lij R3'3' � Y 0 BO' iCNTH ae SCALE IN FEETSI{B - 11K E BO' R55� 70K 47.1E 1 EXISTING LEGEND 11A R3 R3' �� 30 - ;`IG1 } - - DENOTES FOUND - HAND HOLE _1 MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE)ELEC BOX M RS Ia4, R3r� f. .'� WELL - - ELECTRIC/CAS METER .. ': WATER VALVES GAS VALVE Rq 7BK RS' 11G 7. RG • HYDRANT - "' CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH .__ CONCRETE ' 70K R3' CULVERT/F.ES. - — ELECTRIC LINE R3 SANITARY MANHOLE 'TELEPHONELINE I 1 29' 20' 20' 24' 20 20 24' 20' 20' CLAN OUT --FIBER OPTIC LINE — SIGN WATER UNE _ - UTILITY POLE -STORM SEWE0. UNE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE 126 126 FENCE I IOB I PROPOSED MINIMUM CONCRETE CURB ANO GUTTER. 24 STALL PARKING S SEE DETAIL 01A/018. 1 IX ® CURB INLET P # O PROPOSED PARKING SPACES LIMITS OF SIDEWALKS i i 33 33 * 33 33 i * 33 33 GENERAL SITE NOTES A. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, B. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, CALLED CUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL CURB AND GUTTER ADJACENT TO ASPHALT PAVING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 70A. PAVEMENT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL OBA OVER THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT AREA AND ALL APPROACH DRIVES. C. ALL PARKING LOT SIGN BASE SUPPORTS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 12F. D. ALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS SHALL HAVE SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 09S. BID ALTERNATIVE MAK PARKING SITE NOTES 243 STALLS 12A 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW LANE STRIPE 1 12B 41NCH TRAFFIC YELLOW ALIGNMENT STRIPES (TYPICAL) - 12D 41NCH WIDE PAINTED YELLOW STRIPES. 2.0 FOOT O.C. 9 45 DEGREES (SEE SIZE INDICATED AT SYMBOL) 24' 2 20' 24' 20' 20' 24' 20' 20' 16E MONUMENT SIGN. 70A PLAYGROUND. BEE ARCH PLANS 70B UFT STATION. BY CITY iM TOO RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS ilA R3 1Zf R3 ZN i * * ❑ SITE DETAILS RS' 03C WHEELCHAIR RAMP IN SIDEWALK iTYPICALAT EACH DRIVEWAY CURB RETURN) RVl ( 'Di nK RII 030 CONCRETE SIDEWALK 18A STANDARD DUTY ASPHALT PAVING ' { OBR ib 09S HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE PAVING 095 ACCESSIBLE (VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN 09U ACCESSIBLE PARKING SYMBOL (SEE PAINT COLOR INDICATED AT SYMBOL) » y m ' m y IA - IOA TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW 1DON 1G 'LEFT TURN ONERLY'SIGN SIGN 7M I 166.64' 11K 'FIRE -LANE- NO PARKING' SIGN " 12G STOP SIGN »]Y 70A 86-12 CURB AND GUTTER / - R50' 70A D4-12 CURB AND GUTTER 70C CONCRETE MAINTENANCE STRIP I 70E FOUR SD CONCRETE AT ACE SQUARE T C R IN OM 70F BASKETBALL COURT 70SOCCER FIELD G I7A - BAL DIAMOND 70J DROP OFFPICKUP MARKINGS ,I 70K STAND UP CURB 70L IWEGRAL CURB I I 1IiE - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BYMEORUNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED — PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ,;- � I / LD/1 � I0/7312015 26364 - IOA NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGIST;T ON NO. SAFEd Facility R25' ^l �5'_-- - Site an Athletic F nhleneacili Enginearina ` --- _" r• 6574 Smm Lane 612 213-9859 - - - - -- TD 01 H T E E E T NE Lino LBKBs. MN 55014 nrt 290I3 15 C8 MB CRIB CEIPROJECTNO. NADADRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. TS C t ENpNEE175 AR17E PLANNERS SURW-YOBS BEY/�.- J , • — \ .. may, :J. q 2025 Canine Pointe Bf1d.. Sure 2 l0 (651)452-8960 _ -E - T' LI.' E I il:" .. .;5 Mendota Heights. MN55120 OATS i)95215HEETNa J -r SITE PLAN SOUTHFr4ST ) q _ �1l - 0T.W-W E4 Sf HOM 2.53 pu _ 2%53r.2.4 smrs.ww YJIS m rxaxmero AssvoA7Fs we I IORTHWEST 0RT__'R 1 1 = n S �UTHWES S i HEAS ill I \ X // �I I I 1, 1��-3 0/ 1.o -- gEf-0RE yOG cF N ss A SA 0 80' 120160' Tq ONE CP' �� SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENTA$MA0.KE0 TELE/EIEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE - SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE PROPOSED - - - - - - - GRADE BREAK OD 8 MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN ===--== STORM DRAIN XXX - CONTOUR ELEVATIONS X XX.XX SPOT ELEVATIONS: TO - TOP OF CURB - ALL SHOTS ARE FINISHED GRACE FS = FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED OUT. GENERAL GRADING NOTES A. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE, VERIFY. AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFOR14 THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER V/ILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS. B. ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH AND 4' OF TOPSOIL APPLIED. IF ADEQUATE TOPSOIL IS NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TOPSOIL, APPROVED BY THE OWNER. AS NEEDED. THE AREA SHALL THEN BE SEEDED. FERTILIZED. MULCHED. WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTA IS ESTABLISHED IN ALL AREAS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED MIX AND PROPER APPLICATION RATE). ANY AREAS DISTURBED FOR ANY REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. AND WHERE POSSIBLE. MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. D. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL PEA. ALL STORM DRAIN PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLARED END SECTIONS. E. ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP STALLS/CROSS HATCHING TO BE INSTALLED PER CURRENT ADA GUIDEUNES/REGULATIONS WITH A MAXIMUM 21; CROSS SLOPE AND 5% RUN SLOPE. ANYTHING OUTSIDE THESE SLOPES WILL BE REMOVED/REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. O GRADING NOTES 09C CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CATCH BASIN. (SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR EXACT NO. AND LOCATION OF DOWN 090 FLARED END SECTION WITH RIP -RAP 130 LIMITS OF RETAINING WALL. SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 1TA CURB CUT ❑ GRADING DETAILS 2:A CURB INLET 21B CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW yI ' I NORTHWEST ORT E/AIST I S UH asa EAS. H CIA CBI' 12 REPLACE EX. STRUCTURE RIM 937.6 RETAIN ALL EX. INVERTS AND PIPES NEW INV. 934.E 6' PVC SE SUMP 932.4 r r r r I r r r r r r r r r r II II FG 939.50 x I II II I II II II II u TO TO G BEFORE YOG c s N s., ,7 SQ Z ooa2 0 0 40' 60' 80' �SOrq ONE OP�-�' SJ SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC(LAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERTIF.ES. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE - SIGN - WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE PROPOSED - - - - - - - - - - GRADE BREAK 0 ® MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN _====== STORM DRAIN XXX - CONTOUR ELEVATIONS x XX.XX SPOT ELEVATIONS: TO = TOP OF CURB • ALL SHOTS ARE FINISHED GRADE FS = FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED OUT. GENERAL GRADING NOTES A. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY, AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFORM THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER WILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS. B. ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH AND 4' OF TOPSOIL APPLIED. IF ADEQUATE TOPSOIL IS NOT AVAILABLE SITE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TOPSOIL. APPROVED BY THE / OWNER. AS NEEDED. THE AREA SHALL THEN RE SEEDED. MULCHED, CV WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTHTH IS IS ESTABLISHED IN / ALL AREAS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED MIX AND PROPER APPLICATION RATE). ANY AREAS DISTURBED FOR ANY REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. AND WHERE POSSIBLE. MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. D. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PEA DETAIL 28A. ALL STORM DRAIN PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF a" 95 STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLARED END SECTIONS. I / E. ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP ETALL6/CROSS HATCHING TO BE INSTALLED v PER CURRENT ADA GUIDEUNES/REGULATIONS WITH A MAXIMUM'I CROSS SLOPE AND " RUN SLOPE. ANYTHING OUTSIDE THESE SLOPES WILL BE / REMOVED/REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. C) GRADING NOTES / 09C CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CATCH BASIN. (SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR AND LOCATION OF DOWN FG 9.I- / 090 FLARED END SECTION WITH RIP -RAP 13C LIMITS OF RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 1, CURB CUT ❑ GRADING DETAILS TO 9< 21A CURB INLET G 9< 21B CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 73A OUTLET CONTROL STRUCI I I I 4 =: .II � :\ / � gEpORE y � 4IRTHWEST ���lll ORTI-1T o 4 I,I /tea �ccsOTq ONE CP�-�' o eo' fio' RO' C iUTHWEb _S i HEAS �1 Lail TII SCALE IN FEE EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE V MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX ELECTRIC/GAS METER WE L -' x } - x - z >• �\ WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB /. :. CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE X. ELECTRICLINE CULVERT/F.E.S. - T * - TELLEPHOEPHONE LINE �. j --_--- - SANITARY MANHOLE FIBER OPTIC LINE CLEAN OUT SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE - -- STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE - - - - SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE , '-� PROPOSED I `h[ !! �---------- GRADE BREAK r O e MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN rgv------- STORM DRAIN 940 $� 'F X'XX _ CONTOUR ELEVATIONS I x Xi..XX SPOT ELEVATIONS: ! G TC = TOP OF CURB - ALL SHOTS ARE FINISHED GRADE j FS = FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED OUT. EX. CLS 1 GENERAL GRADING NOTES Ir. .1 3 EX, A. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE, VERIFY. AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFORM THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE RIP-RPP I ENGINEER WILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE ENGINEER IS NOT RETENTION BASIN OVERFLOW 944.5 II t NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS. 1 NWL 941.5 B. ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED 949 1 - I ONSITE.ATOPSOIL THE CONTRACTOR BHAPROVIDE TOPSOIIL.TOPSOIL AVAILABLE APPROVED BY ATHE OWNER, AS NEEDED. THE AREA SHALL THEN BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED. MULCHED, WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTH IS ESTABLISHED IN qp8 q4T gp6 gpS qpA 9a 9a 9 9,6a50, avj gy 9,6Fgy3 g3P g3g�p0 q4V py N„'�' JIB ALL AREAS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED MIX AND PROPER APPLICATION 9 9p 90. RATE). ANY AREAS DISTURBED FOR ANY REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CORRECTED 8Y THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 950.00 C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR INV. 942.0 ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON 7SD jI RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. AND WHERE POSSIBLE, I MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED FG 944.2 2 I ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE 30 LF 21' RCP i74 APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION G� D.50°e - TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. D. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN TO 946.74 THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED TC 946.85 G 946.24; PER DETAIL 2BA. ALL STORM DRAIN PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF G 946.35 _ 1= I STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLARED END SECTIONS. g50 g49 g46 gpT q46 946 947 94J CBW10 Y` I?IE "IF CIM 945.]0 I�� EALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP STALLS/CROSS HATCHING TO BE INSTALLED INV.942. 0NE PFA CURRENT AGA GUIDELINESMEGULATIONS WITH A MAXIMUM 2% CROSS 120 LF 18' PVC / v - I SLOPE AND 5% RUN SLOPE. ANYTHING OUTSIDE THESE SLOPES WILL BE NV. 942.2DSW \ 0.50% i i SUMP 940.15 TC 9 LBBI) S PEMOVED/REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. ` - 130 LF I CP TC 947.25 G 946.30 CBp11 - Tc948.51 t .�%' M"al 21A @DSO=> G946.=s I O GRADING NOTES RIM 947.60 / G 948.01 1 / ® RIM 948.30 - NV. 942.B5 NE INV. 944.1 BE RIM 940 5 21R / 4T LF 12• PVC �® INV. 942.90 SW 1 09C CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CATCH BASIN. (SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR EXACT NO. SUMP 942.1 -, i__ AND LOCATION OF DOWN .r INV. 943.5 NE °e D.50% o INV. 943.55 SW �\ 9 AM 09D FLARED END SECTION WITH RIP -RAP 950 c6. 13C LIMITS OF RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 17A CURB CUT II B.SB F I7 PVC SIC II ❑GRADING DETAILS 948 TC94 G 946.00 @ 0.5090 1 : 21A CURB INLET 0.91 ' 110 LF 15' PVC ' � � H 21 B CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 8.41 0 0.50% 73A OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE PC FG 950.50 I' 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED 95 FG 946.00 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, I I � 49.50 -.I 26364 9,00 - FG 950.5D EI (L D� 10DATE 15 REGISTRATION NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. 1 TC 946.91 G946.41 SAFEngineering, PLLC EG 950.50 Ir Site and Athletic Facility Engineering TC 947J8 612-213-sB59 G 947 28 6574 Si... Lane Lino Lekes. MN 55014 nrtessie C-O iI-. J 29013 10//3/15 I A'T CMB CMD CAI9 TC 947,6o , CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW G 947.10 ELK RIVER /SD # 728 FG 950.50 Engineering Associates, Inc. FG 950.50 ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURINYORS s OTMGO E-8 \TC ENNR M• A S /ENR 948.2t G 947.7t `TO 949.89 FFE - 950.50 FG 950.5D 2025 Cenfre Pointe 6lvd.. Suife 210 (651i452-8960 51 G 949.39 Mentlola HeiStl15. MN 55120 DA13/7E/SHEET NO. FG 950.50 GRADING PLAN NORTHEAST 0/IS .56 FG 950.50 OTSEW E-8 SCHWI Zt53 PM ri3.2 .06 REV-2 pppl}Fpy YOI� 0 FN]NEDMVf AAOOAh$ WC LTC 949.41 G 948.91 TO 949.56 G BAD OR { TO 949.50 J G 949.00 / C8M6 2IA 21F M 99].60 INV. 9443 .S r INV.. 9994 �4 1 S C 94 G 94 LF 12' PVC @0.50% II CBHS 21A RIM 948.0 ` �\ INV. 944.0 SE INV. 944.05 N G 950.16 `Nye TO 951 .87 G 951.37 \ a 9S TO 952.93 G 952.43 TO 951.96 �9`'1 TC 950.74 9­­4951.48 G G TO 951.50 G 951. Do TO 952.19 G 951,69 9S� \ 'PS C 953.81 9S3 TC 953.35 G 953.31 �G 95288 FIFE - 950.50 .,50 SO FG 950.50 950.50 Im Is RIM 949.0 145 LF 12' PVC INV. 945.0W C @ 0.401 � y0 0 TO 349.53 / 4 -18 LF 12' PVC @ 0.50% FG 950.50 CBM7 -TO E50.D5 RIM 946.3 41A FG 950.17G 949.55 INV/ 942.E NW FG 950.50 ----- INV. 942.55 SE FG 950.50 SUMP 940.55 FG 950.50 -FFE 950.50 FIFE 950.50 FG R46.50 G 949.03 TC 949.36 FFE 950.50 °j / / G 948.86 - FG 946.50 y h a// TC 949.12 g G 946.62 FFE 9.50 c� FG 95050.50 - % 9 % TO 948.69 / G 948.39 FIRE 947.04 Al �a / FG 946.90 4 TW 950.50 13C BW 947.53 J L TW 947.45 % g50 BW 946.90 FIRE 950.50 �\ / TG 945.40 ` - O %210 LF 12" RCP % TO 948.67 O9 6. C.0.50% G 948.17 0947.86 6 s O TW 948.37 9X9/ 9 \\ BW 948.370 b TO 947.93 9p \ G 947.43 % -TC949.DD \ \ Al\ TC 949.20 G 9a8.50 TW 949.80 G 948.70 /p`` b BW 948.00 TW 9�49.25 235 LF 15" PVCJ \ �' 60 LF 21' RCP L a 130 BW _48.42 9p, /TC 947 C-0.50% C.0.50% F m\ gt.0 G 947 Q C-E 0 RIM 946.6 INV. 942.4 SE TC 949.DD TC 948.88 INV. 942.45 NW G 948 50 G 9a8.38 SUMP 940.4 \ CB04 \ q4S � 216 21f RIM 947.00 INV. 942.75E \\\ 130LF 24" RCP INV. 94280 NW F ?�@ 0,50% / SUMP 940.]5 / 21B 21A CBM2 RIM 946.6 / INV. 941.5 MO 99 IN . 941.7 SE V. 941.75 NW / IN 941.7 8W / TC 948.53 SUMP 939.3 G 94B.03 g� TC 947.80 G 94].30 \ TC X 948 130 LF 24' RCP G 946.82 PIT32 sqE X 0 L� D' HDP/ TO 949.64 TO 949.39 INV. 941.5 I m G 949.14\ G 948.B9 ® C90 rnI I I I I I I TC 949.51 9I E KIP 49.05 G 949.01� G948.55 ® ///---RETENTION BASIN I YC11I / q* � � AWL 941.0 4 ' I C8#1 9kg 2IA RIM 947.30 %t - ' ( RC4 INV. 942.35 - t SUMP 940.35 t TC 947.81 { �j#1f ; G 947.31 1 9 I I'-' I.: IN' `I4`:P 1 C 948.26 aaj G 94].]6 G 948.19 INV. 942.0 SUMP 940.0 60 LF 18' RCP @ 0.50% TO 949.1 B I ' G 948.68 t INV. 933.5 / t 50 LF 24" RCP Pi @I5.0% / II I1 III \ 935 936 \ \ \ 940 / i3A IRA 9/.4.01 _ 941 _ i 944.75 942----- INV. IN 941.0 INV. 940S W0 943 INV. OUT 94t.0 1 1 _----. 944 945 �i 70 LF 24'RCI III NO INV. 945.15 m 945 g4A� -jI'` -__ INV. 944.15 NO j 942 I 1 I - - - - 945-943 lt• -- _ AM 944 - - 945 100 LF 24' RCP - - --- ,-- - -- _ - -- _ -- _ i 1 ES IF`8`RCP IN 240= E.. tZFeSS - II IcecL.1 II li RTHWEST RT EA T ® � I LTHEE _S THEA' BEFORE YOU J 63. J� F SF � oDD2 W D N 60, 80, y��sOrq ONE CP SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTESFOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC! GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.5. ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LJNE FENCE PROPOSED -- - - - - - - GRADE BREAK O ® MANHOLE/ CATCH BASIN ____--- STORM DRAIN XXX - CONTOUR ELEVATIONS x XX.XX SPOT ELEVATIONS: TO = TOP OF CURB ALL SHOTS ARE FINISHED GRACE FS = FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED OUT. GENERAL GRADING NOTES A. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY. AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFORM THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEEH WILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS, B. ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH AND 4' OF TOPSOIL APPLIED. IF ADEQUATE TOPSOIL IS NOT AVAILABLE ON SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TOPSOIL. APPROVED BY THE OWNER. AS NEEDED. THE AREA SHALL THEN BE SEEDED. FERTILIZED, MULCHED. WATERED AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTH IS ESTABLISHED IN ALL AREAS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED MIX AND PROPER APPLICATION RATE). ANY AREAS DISTURBED FOR ANY REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER, C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UI'ILTTY COMPANIES. AND WHERE POSSIBLE. MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. D. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 28A. ALL STORM DRAIN PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLARED END SECTIONS. E ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP STALLS/CROSS HATCHING TO BE INSTALLED PER CURRENT ADA GUIDELINES/REGULATIONS WITH A MAXIMUM 2% CROSS SLOPE AND 5% RUN SLOPE. ANYTHING OUTSIDE THESE SLOPES WILL BE REMOVED/REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. Q GRADING NOTES 09C CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CATCH BASIN. (SEE ARCH. PLANS FOR EXACT N0. AND LOCATION OF DOWN 09D FLARED END SECTION WITH PIP -RAP 130 LIMITS OF RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 17A CURB CUT ❑ GRADING DETAILS 21A CURB INLET 213 CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 73A OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED PROOF�EESSSSION U_ ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. / � L D71g_� 9I.E.11 26364 NEIL TESSIER. PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Si- L2 612-213-9859 Lino Lakes. MN 55014 nrless er@Oma com 29013 10/13/15 NT CRAB CRAB CRIB CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURLEttHtS LAND P C R S wn 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd.. Suite 2tO (551)452-8960 Mend- HI MN 55120 (65!)452-1149 GRADING PLAN SOUTHEAST , DIAL 5 SHEET ND. OTSEW E-8 SCHOM 2r53 PM C3.3 REV �Y(3-PM61 20I! m fT�VO ASOdA14 WC I NORTHWEST ORT BAST I ® I 1 - )UTHyVE$ -S I HERS d II 4, I IkI Y p 0 1 0 720 LF BPERFORATED DRAIN TILE G 0 �u 1 I I II II II I II u II II II II - I I II II I II I II II II II \_FG 939 50 II II II I II I II I II I. II II II I u 1 u I II D II II I II I II II I II II I o 1 I II I II II II u II � II I II T II I u FG 945.2 II I II 6'6RAII 6 PAIN TILE 1 I I � I FG 939.50 941 942• FG 945.2 e - 944 946 947 -- 1 .T F I , , �1 1 • �. I � 1 14 \I I i IIIIh` I i I,1,L' O ------------ \ FG 950. TC 950.06 TC 949.76 ". 949.56 G 94926 ' BEFORE YpG TO 949.B9 �C TC 949.41 G 949,39 G �TC 948.91 @3. \ "949.56 Ast; G 949.Ofi { \ Z oDD2 ��b sorq 0 N y 60' BO' C \ E TO 949.50 y �SCALE IN FEET G 949.00 15 LF 12' ` CIM947,60 21A 2l8 tl �' EXISTING LEGEND INV.944.35 TO 948.75 INV. 944'4 %>,� - DENOTES FOUND - HAND HOLE G 948.25 TC 949.50 MONUMENT AS MARKED - TELE/ELEC BOX G 949.00 TC WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER G WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB 45 LF72' PVC C� 0.50% -II- CATCH BASIN/STORM MH __, CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - -ELECTRIC LINE - SANITARY MANHOLE - TELEPHONE LINE / - FIBER OPTIC LINE 2IS 21A CBS / CLEAN OUT _ RIM 948.0 ,� / SIGN - - WATER LINE INV. 944.0 SE UTILITY - - STORM SEWER LINE INV. 944.05 N �� `' / POLESTORM SEWER LINE iEIGHT POLE FENCE / PROPOSED gy19 \\Q ____-_--- GRADE BREAK MANHOLE CATCH BASIN STORM DRAIN \ / `; // 235 L C� 0_ - XXX - CONTOUR ELEVATIONS \ _ 4 XX.XX SPOT ELEVATIONS: \ '9f TO TOP OF CURB . ALL SHOTS. ARE FINISHED GRADE '7C 950.65 / - FS= FINISHED SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE CALLED OUT. G 950.16 \\ � GENERAL GRADING NOTES A. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STORM OR SANITARY SEWER, THE CONTRACTOR 00, SHALL EXCAVATE, VERIFY. AND CALCULATE ALL CROSSINGS AND INFORM THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER OF ANY CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER WILL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THE ENGINEER IS NOT NOTIFIED OF DESIGN CONFLICTS. B. ALL SLOPES AND AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE GRADED SMOOTH AND 4' OF TOPSOIL APPLIED. IF ADEQUATE TOPSOIL 15 MOT AVAILABLE ON SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TOPSOIL APPROVED BY THE -_ - OWNER. AS NEEDED. THE AREA SHALL THEN BE SEEDED, FERTILIZED. MULCHED. TC 951.87 WATERFo AND MAINTAINED UNTIL HARDY GRASS GROWTH IS ESTABLISHED IN G 951.37 ALL AREAS (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR SEED MIX AND PROPER APPLICATION RATE). ANY AREAS DISTURBED FOR ANY REASON PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE CORRECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT NO `tl ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. C. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS IS BASED ON sy. RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES. AND WHERE POSSIBLE. MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD, THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE REINED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE _ APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATION OF UTILITIES. TC 952.93 D. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN G 952.43 - THE SPECIFICATIONS: ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 2BA. ALL STORM GRAIN PIPES ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OF STRUCTURES AND ENDS OF FLARED END SECTIONS. / E. ALL SIDEWALKS AND HANDICAP STALLS/CROSS HATCHING TO BE INSTALLED gyp PER CURRENT AM GUIDEUNES/REGULATIONS WITH A MAXIMUM 2% CROSS TC 950.]4 SLOPE AND 5% RUN SLOPE ANYTHING OUTSIDE THESE SLOPES WILL BE TO 951.98 G 950.24 / HEMOVED/REPLACED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. G 951.48 !` � GRADING NOTES TO 951,50 Dec CONNECT ROOF DRAINS TO CATCH BASIN, (BEE ARCH. PLANS FOR EXACT N0. G 951.00 AND LOCATION OF GOWN 091) FLARED END SECTION WITH HIP -RAP _ 13C LIMITS OF RETAINING WALL SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS 17A CURB CUT TC 952.19 G951.69 ❑ GRADING DETAILS 9S2 \ - 218 CATCH B 27CATCH BASIN PLAN VIEW 73A OUTLETCONTROL STRUCTURE 110 s I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET R P ION. AN D SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER GI DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA 10/13/2015 26364 ITC.953:81 9`Sd TO 953:38 - - NEIL TESSIER. PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. G 953.31 G 952.BB -- -_-_ SAFEngineering, PLLC g53 _ Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux 612 213 9859 _ - Una Lakes. MN MN 55014 nrtess'erCw9me Isom 29013 10/I3/I5 i NT i CMB i CMB CMB -- -- -- __ _ __ __ CEI PROJECT NO. I INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DR. - ELK RIVER I SD # 728 _- - - - _ - --- . ---- - -- - - - Engineering Associates, Inc. -- --_ _ - _ _ _ ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURY£YORS LAND AR• 1F fNNRONM• T7 7S L o �_/ 4" � ^ ) 2025 Certlre Pointe BlW., 6ulfe 2!0 (651)452-8960 \ EX 11 E='FLl �1'1 I Mentlafa NeiOhls. MN 55120 (651)d52-1149 E.; - TR CTUI :E 171 JEC L r GRADING PLAN SO DATE SHEET NO. T')P FIPL. I `..c FIc9 , 5. IvH J`U. ". 10/13/!5 1\.-nI CEP, I-E I:;: u n OTSEGO E8 SCHOM 2:53 PM C3.4 L.E ... REV-2 zvm.T-Paa aura ®sar®rxa .asoaAas we I .1I NORTHWEST RT EAST I1 I I 1 1-� S �UTHWE$ _S HEAS L Y-OR ETBACK m / � 1 ,ILA I i 5' I 'I I - 1 / 1 / r-RETENTION POND / � \L 1 1 � I / / I RETENTION POND 1 --\ I I 1 I / -- BEFORE yp� 4 c s N S� pSQ 5 0 RO120' 160' FSOrq ONE C 5� SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENTAS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.5. ELECTRIC LINE SANRARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE U E CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILfIY POLE STORM SEWER UNE LIGHT POLE SANRARY SEWER LINE FENCE GENERAL UTILITY NOTES A. ALL WATER UNES SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52 WITH MIN. P COVER. B. ALL SANRARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE BOB 26 WITH MIN. Z' COVER. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY DISRUPTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. D. ALL ELECTRIELC. TELEPHONE AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE U14ES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPAI.'Y SPECIFICATIONS. ALL UTILITY DISCON14ECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. E. CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT START ON ANY PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER, F. PAID TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR CONNECTION TO ANY STORIA DRAIN. SANITARY SEWER. WATER MAIN OR ANY OF THE DRY UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY ANC CALCULATE ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION AND ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS AND INFORM CEI ENGINEERING AND THE OWNEIDIEVELOPER OF ANY CONFLICT OR REODIRED DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. NOTIFICATION SHALL BE MADE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CEI ENGINEERING AND ITS CLIENTS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO MAKE SUCH NOTIFICATION. G. UIJLEBB OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON CR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS: ALL WATER ONE FITTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING PER DETAIL 31A. ALL WATER LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL KM ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 426. ❑ UTILITY DETAILS 36A PIPE HIDRANT A50=_MBLY 39B PRECAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE Q UTILITY NOTES 22A POINT OF CONNECTION - WATER SERVICE (PER LOCAL CODES). 226 IA.J.TAP PING SLEEVE VIRH 1-TAPPING VALVE AND THRUST BLOCKING WITH DJUSTABLE VALYE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22C MJ.GATE VALVE WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX ISEE SIZES THIS SL-). CO IA J.TEE WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE 52E5 THIS SHEFT). 22F IA.JCAP/PLUG WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 22H 45 DEGREE I- BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 221 22-112 DEGREE M.J. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22J I -1,4 DEGREE M.J. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). Z2K S NKLER ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 22L METERBD DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH. PIANS(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) ZZX INTERIOR WATER METER (PER LOCAL CODES) PZYFAIOR BACK FLOW PREVENTER (PER ARCH. PLANS) 23A POINT OFCONNECTION-ETNITAM SEWER SERVICE )PER LOCAL CODES). 23E SANITARY SESVER SERVICE ENTRY (PER ARCH. PLANS). 4 MAINTAIN MIN. f B INCHES VERTICAL SEPARATION. 260 MAINTAIN MIN. f B FEET HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. 31A LOCATION FOR THIS UTILRY AS SHOWN IS FOR DRAWING PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION INFIELD PRIOR TO THE CONETRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED UTILITY LINE TO BE CONNECTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY BE ENG114EFRING IF THE DESIGN AS SHOWN 15 iAC 1- LE- )84 IAETEPEO FRI-AT-N SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH PLANS. (SEE SIZES THIS BEET) 1I1 i . I — NORTHWEST RT /EAST I I I ti SI?, UTH— S i HEt LIFT STATION FEE 939.E ss. FS yy5 0 40' 60, 80' Olq ONE C!", SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND - DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED = TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT - - — CURB - CATCH BASIN/STORM MH _ __ CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - - ELECTRIC LINE ... SANITARY MANHOLE - --TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT — FIBER OPTIC LINE -- SIGN — WATERLINE Mom, POLL --STORM SEWER LINE .. LIGHT POLE - — -SANITARY SEWER LINE — — -- FENCE GENERAL UTILITY NOTES A ALL WATER UIJES SHALL BE DIP CLASS SZ WITH MIN. T COVER. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE 60R 26 WNH MIN. 7' COVER. C. COMPACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY DISRUPTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. D. ALL ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE UIJES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS: ALL UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE DESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. E. DENOTED ION SHALL NOT START ON ANY PUBUO UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHOR" AND CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. F. PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR CONNECTION TO ANY STORM BRAIN, SANITARY SEWER. WATER MIN OR ANY OF THE CRY UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VESIFY AND CALCULATE ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION AND ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS AND INFORM CIA ENGINEERING AND THE OWNER/DEVELOPER OF ANY CONFLICT OR REQUIRED DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. NOTIFICATION SHALL SE MADE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CEI ENGINEERING AND ITS CLIENTS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO MAKE SUCH NOTIFICATION. G. UIJLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS: ALL WATER LINE FITTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING PER DETAIL SIA, ALL WATER LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DUPA.42A ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 428. ❑ UTILITY DETAILS 3BA FlRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY NO PRECAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE w Q UTILITY NOTES � 10'z6'X70' /10 22A POINT OF CONNECTION - WATEfl SERVICE (PEP LOCAL CODES). IN 220 M.J.TAPPING SLEEVE WITH NJ. TAPPING VALVE AND THRUST BLOCKING WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX($BE SIZES THIS SHEEn. — _ = • 22C M.J.GATE VALVE WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET): 220 M.J.TEE WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEER, 36A 22F M.J. MI BLOCKING ZES SHEET) 1�'W IG . BENDITTHRUST THRUST BLOCKSEE ING (SEE SOS THIS 22H 45 DEGREE BEND WITH HUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS DEGREE IT HIS SHEET). DEGREE MJ. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 221 DEGREE 11-114 231 11-1,A DEGREE MJ. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE THIS SHEEN. EST) 22K METEREDNKLEENTRY DOMETPEWAPCH.PIANS (EEE NTRY HER THIS ARCH. PLAN 22L METERED DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS CO. SIZES THIS SHEET) 22% INTERIOR -TER T0' W f 22Y INTERIOR BACK FLOW.PPEVENTFNI(PEEARCH. RVICEPLANS) ER (. POINT OF CONNECTION- SANTRY PLANS). EP LOCAL CODES). 22 10• 4A (PER ARCH. ME 29A MAINTAIN MIN.1B CSEW R RES ENTRY LSEPAGA ION. 10"W' 10"W 1O,W 10'YV 10"W 29B MAINTAIN MIN. IO FEET HDEIZDNTAL 3EPAMTON. 31A LOCATION FOE THIS UTILITY AS SHOWN IS FOR OR4WING PUEPOSES ONLY. _R SS 'SS 8' SS CONCTOSTRUCTR N OF THERIFY THE E%ACT LOCATION IN E CONNECTOMRIOR THE GONSiflUCTION A THE PRO POSED UTILITYLINETOBECONNECTED. �B"SS CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CEI ENGINEERING IF THE DESIGN AS SHOWN IS 275 LEE 8' SDR 26 @1.50% 3B3 SS.MHR3 RIM942.9 275 LF B' SDfl 26 @7.50% 39B RIM 947 � INV. 936.9 NOT ACHIEVABLE. 764 METERED IRRIGATION SERVICE ENTRY PERARCH PLANS.(SEESSESTHIS INV. 932.E SHEET) [HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED 185 LF 8' SDfl 26 f BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED @ 7.SOYe PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINN ESOTA. /� 10/13/2015 26364 NEIL TESSIER. PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. u SAFEngineering, PLLC o Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux Lane 61e-213-9859 t Lino Lakes. MN 55014 RTlessler@Omeil.Dam O 29Of3 1 I IT311S 1 NT ICMBI CMB CMB D \ 23E ELK RIVER ISD # 728 0 .= Engineering Associates, Inc. 7 ENGNEERS PLANNERS SURVEYOR ANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSENviRoNmENrAL B,.SS 150 LF{{e'SOR 26 8 EIC 10'x6'X10' :I'_ 3FA MH,^., __.� RIM 948.7 �oG 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd., 5u(le 210 (651)452-8960 Mendota Hefeh . MN 55,20 (651)452-ft49 UTILITY PLAN NORTHWEST 075 W E-8 /a.-5Shwr 2:53 PM " C4.I W. 939.9 REV-2 I NORTHWEST ORTH€A T 1 I S LUTHWES S i HERS i LF 8' SDR 26 @ 1.50% 150 LE 8" SOR 26 (a 1.50% RIM 948.]I INV. 939.9 OTSEGO E-8 FFE - 950.50 i / I 1 I / / RETENTION BASI� i / NWL 941.5 / / / I / / i / I / I L a, k BEFORE yO� ci s s� F SF N Z��SOrq 0 40' 60' BO' OtVE CP — '— SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENTAS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE PENCE GENERAL UTILITY NOTES A. ALL WATER LINES SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52 WITH MIN. T COVER B. ALL SANITARY SEWEH LINES SHALL BE SDR 25 WITH MAIN. ]' CDVER. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY DISRUPTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES WITH AGJACEt4T PROPERTY OWNERS. D. ALL ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE LINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE IfTILRY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS. ALL UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE DESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. e II E. CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT START ON ANY PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE APPROPRATE GOVERNING AUTHORTTY AND CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. F. PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR CORNECTION TO AI4Y STOR14 DR IN SANITARY SEWER. WATER MAIN OR ANY OF THE DRY UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY AND CALCULATE ALL POINTS CONNECTION AND ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS AND INFLICT CFI ENGINEERING AND THE OWNERIDIEVELOPEROTIF OF ANY CONFLICT OR EN REQUIRED DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. NOTIFICATION SHALL BE MADE A MINIMUM OF 46 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CEI ENGINEERING AND THE ITS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE TCLIENTSEACTO CONTRACTOR FAILS TO MgNS SUCH NOTIFlCP.TION. G. UNLESS OTHFRNISE SHOWN, CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS ALL WATER LINE FIRINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING r _ PER DETAIL 31A. ALL -TEN LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL— ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE OECOING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 42B. ❑ UTILITY DETAILS SEA FIRE IT RANT ASSEMBLY 39B 'CADSANITARY SENER MANHOLE Q UTILITY NOTES it 22A POINT OF CONNECTION-VYATER SERVICE (PER LOCALCODES). SLEEVE VHTHM.J- TAPPING VALVE AND THRUST BLOCKING WITH 22B M.J.iAPPING ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22C M.J.GATE VALVE WITHADJUSTABLEVALVE BOX(SEE SILESTHIS SHEET). 22D 1AJ.TEE WITH THRUST S'OCNNG(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22F M J.CAF/PLUG WITH THE ST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 22H 45 DEGREE IAA BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING )SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 221 22-I'2 DEGREE M.J. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22J 11 FEGREE M.J.BEND—THRUST BLOCKING(SEE SIZES THIS SHEEN. (,j 22K SPRINKLER ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS (BE- SIZES THIS SHEET) 22L METERED DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 22X IYATER METER (PER LOCAL CDDES) I.WERIOP.. TEIIOR BACK FLOVI PREVENTS PER ARCH. PLANS) 234 POINT OF CONNECTION- SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (PER LOCAL CODES). b 23E SANITARY SEVER SERVICE ENTRY (PER ARCH. PLANS). 29A MAINTNN MIN. IS INCHES VERTICAL SEPARATION. 290 IAAINTNN MIN. ID FEET HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. 31A LOCATION FOR THIS UTILITY AS SHOWN IS FOR DRAWING PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACIO'n SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO THE UTUTTY LINE TO BE CONNECTED. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CEI ENGINEERING IF THE DESIGN AS SHONN 15 NETACHIEVABLE. ]64 METERED IRRIGATION SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH PI-ANS. (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION. AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROOFFEESSSSIONAALL UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA JENGINEER / / L 9/I6/2015 26364 NEIL TESSIER. PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC i Site and Athletic Facility Engineering a 6574 Sioux lane 612-213-9859 I Lin. Lakes. MN 55014 nrtessierCLBmeil.com NT CMB CM8 CMB 29013 10AL CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW O ELK RIVER LSD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. LWGNEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS N 17EC RpJMENTAL S IENR 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd.. Suite 210 (650452-8960 Mendota Hei9hls. MN 55120 (651)452-1149 UTILITY PLAN NORTHEAST MCZ4.2 07SEW E-8 2Z3 PM REV-2 '�B••55 YBA 150 LF B' SOR 26 Q I.50% 720 10'z6'X10' �. S M i c9 RIM 948.7 INV. 939.9 OMEGO E-8 FFE — 950.50 .11 C EX.FE EX. FFS 91 gEWRE ypG �s A SQ N O Cs y,5 0 �Tq e0' 60 80, CN SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND - HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED. TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH RASIN/STORM MH _ CONCRETE CULVERT/F.ES. -ELECTRICUNE SANITARY MANHOLE —'TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT --"'— FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN - -- - - WATER LINE UTILITY POLE - —STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE " — SANITARY SEWER LINE — FENCE GENERAL UTILITY NOTES A ALL WATER UNES SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52 WITH MIN. TCOVER. S. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE SDR 2S WTH MIN. T COVER. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY OSSUPTTONE TO POSTING LRILRY SERVICES WITH ADJACENT PFlOPEgTY OWNERS. D. ALL ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE AND GAS E NSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE UIJES SHALL B'c CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS. ALL UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE DESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. E, CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT START ON ANY PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE MR PRATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN NOTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. F. PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR CONNECTION TO ANY STORM GRAIN, SANITARY SEWER. WATER MAIN OR ANY OF THE DRY UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY AND CALCULATE ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION AND ALL UTILITY CROSSINGS AND INFORM CO ENGINEERING AND THE OWNERIDEVELOPER OF ANY CONFLICT OR REDUIRED DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. NOTIFICATION SHALL BE MADE A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CEI ENGINEERING AND TS CLIENTS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO MAKE SUCH NOTIFICATION. G. UIJ— OTHERWISE SHOWN, CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS: ALL WATER LINE HTTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING PER DETAIL 31A. ALL WATER LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 42A ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 425. ❑ UTILITY DETAILS 3m FIRE WORANT ASSEMBLY 39B PPE -CAST SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE C) UTILITY NOTES ZZA POINT OF CONNECTION - WATER SERVICE (PER LOCAL COUEEL 226 M J.TAPPING SLEEVE WITH M.J. TAPPING VALVE AND THRUST BLOCKING WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22C M.J.GATE VALVE WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22D MJ.TEE WITH THRUST RLOCKING(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22F M.J.CAP/PLUG WTH THRUST SLO-NG (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) ZPH ASDEGREE M-L BFND WDH THRUST BLDCP.ING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 221 22-112 DEGREE MJ. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22I 11-14 DEGREE M.J. BEND WTH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22K SPRINKLER ENTRY PER ARCH. PLAN.(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 22L METERED DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS (SEE SIZES THIS ENE 22K INTERIOR IVATER METER (PDT LOCAL CODES) Z2Y INTERIOR BACKFLOW PREVFNTEA E. ARCH, PLANS) 23.4 POINT OF CONVECTION -SANITARY E—EE-CE IF. LOCAL CODE). 23E SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH.PLANS). ZSA MAINTAIN MIN. iB INCHES VFRTICAL SEPAPATON. a$ MAINTAIN MIN. 10 FEET HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. 31A LOCATION FOR THIS UTILITY AS SHOWN IS FOR DRAWING PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OE THE PROPOSED UTILITY LINE TO BE CONNECTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY CET ENGINEERING IF THE DESIGN.AS SHO'NN IS NOT ACHIEVABLE IBA METERED FRIGATIDN SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH PLANE. (SEE 5¢E3 THIS SHEET) [HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONALSSSIONALLL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. / f 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Siom Le- 612-213-9859 Lino Lakes. MN 55014 NesslarQOmail,com ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYW ND C • ENMRONMENTAL S ENR T Ny 2025 Centre FbiNt. 81"d Suite210 (650452-0950 Mendota Heights. MN 55,20 (651)452-1149 UTILITYPLAN SOUTHWEST D°A 5 �'A O%.' [O E8 SCfOM 7.S3 PM �.3 REV-2 N AST I RTHWESY—S, II ®I II I ��UTH1�/ESAS I II I III u I fl I ' I flp I I N III u o BEFORE y v 5.,55 P94 (sD LF B® 1.50%.. ONE CPS J-1 -J— SS H41 RIM 946.7 W. 939.9 10' o\ EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL - ELECTRIC/CAS METER WATER VALVES OAS VALVE HYDRANT -- - .CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH _ CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - - -ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE ----TELEPHONELINE CLEAN OUT - ---- FIBER 0Pi1C LINE SIGN _ WATER LINE UTILITY POLE --'-STORM SEWER LINE UOFiT POLE ----SANITARY SEWER LINE — -- - FENCE GENERAL UTILITY NOTES A. ALL WATER LINES SHALL BE DIP CUBS52 WITH MIN. 7- COVER. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE MR 26 WITH MIN. T COVER. C. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ANY DISRUPTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICES WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. D. ALL ELECTRIC. TELEPHONE AND GAS EXTENSIONS INCLUDING SERVICE LINES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMRMY SPECIFICATIONS. ALL UTILITY DISCONNECTIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE DESIGNATED UTILITY COMPANIES. E. CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT START ON ANY PUBLIC UTILITY SYSTEM UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL HAS BEEN RECEIVED BY THE ENGINEER FROM THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND CONTRACTOR HAS. BEEN NOTIFIED SY THE ENGINEER. F. PRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF OR 0014NMTICN TO ANY STORM DRAIN. SANITABY FEWER. WATER MAIN OR ANY OF THE DRY UTILRIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE. VERIFY AND CALCULATE ALLPOIMS OF CONNECTION AND ALL UTIUTY CROSSINGS AND INFORM GO ENGINEERING AND THE OWNER/DEWTOPER OF ANY CONFLICT OR REQUIRED DEVIATIONS FROM THE PLAN. NOTIFICATION SHALL BE WOE A MINIMUM OF AS HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, CEI ENGINEERING AND ITS CLIENTS SHALL BE HELD HARMLESS IN THE EVENT THAT THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO MARE SUCH NOTIFICATION. G UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, CALLED OUT OR SPECIFIED HEREON OR WITHIN SPECIFICATIONS; ALL WATER LINE FITTINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THRUST BLOCKING PER DETAIL 311 ALL WATER LINE PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 4 ALL SANRARY SEWER PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL 42B. ❑ UTILITY DETAILS 36. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY a. PRECAST._TBRY SEWER MANHOLE C) UTILITY NOTES ® O O 220 MJ.NTTAPPI.YG 9LELVE WITH MITAPPING VAPVEANODTHNUSTBLOCKING WITH ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22C M.J.GATEVALVE WITH ADJ.USTABIE VALVE OD%(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22D M J.TEE WITH THRUST BLOCKNG (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22F MJ.CARPIIIG WITH THRUST BLOCKING(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) 2PH A5 DEGREE MJ. SEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE S¢ S THIS s.En. 221 22-112 DEGREE MI. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET). 22) 11-14 DEGREE MI. BEND WITH THRUST BLOCKING IS SIZES THIS SHEFD. SPRINKLER ENTRY ADS ARCH. PLANS (SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) ESTICWATER3EBVICE ENTRY PER ARCH. PLANS SEETHIS SHE22X INTERIOR WATER METER (PER LOCAL CODES 22Y INTERIOR BACK FLOW PREISWER (PER ARCH. PLANS rr22K 23A POINT OF CONNECTION- SANITARY SEWER SERVICE (PER LOCAL CODES, 23E SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ENTRY (PER ARCH. PLANS). 29A MAI—NMIN. IBINCHESVERTICALSEPAMTION. 29B MAINTAINMIN.10FEET HDRIZOMALSEPARATION. 3fA LOCATION FOR THIS UTILITI' AS SHOWN B FOR DRAWING PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION IN FIELD PRIOR TO THE - CONSTRUCTION DF THE PROPOSED UTILITYLINETO SE CONNECTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OR ENGINEERING IF THE DESIGN AS SHO'AN IS NOT ACHIEVABLE. 76A METERED IRRIGATION SERVICE ENTRY PER ARCH PIANS.(SEE SIZES THIS SHEET) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED — — — — — PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UN�DERR THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 1D/13/2015 26354 NELL TESSIER, PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux LSne 612 213 9869 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - Ll" LSkes. AN 55014 nrtessier@gmall.com 29013 1 10/Ia/15 I PIT I CvID I CMB I CRAB ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. 2025 Centte Poirne alvd., Suite 210 (651)452-8960 Mendota HeiOh(s. MN 55T20 ("0452-L f49 UTILITYPLAN SOUTHWEST 10-111E "Na - O S QD &S .55CH L 2-m PM 1 04.4 YIA9 fa REV-2 aVtH9M9 ASIDQAlES an Ir H I I /r NIORTHWEST OR'IA AST SIUTH -S 1HEAS F\ _ O C 949 gyp qy 9h4 0'3 '40348 94 948 O nFO� --4 ♦/\/`//aj 130- 02 --- u `REi ENiION PONp BEFORE YOU A*k C UP s s` v sQ N Zo002 � 5 0 F`3,OTq 80' 120' 160' (ONE OP $PALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE EROSION DETAILS ® TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (CE) — SF — TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (SF) ® TEMPDRARY SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION (HP6) ® TEMPORARY DANDY EAO INLET PROTECTION 019) BID LOG SILT DIKE BY OR WORKS, INSTALL PER MAIIUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS ION EXISTING PAVEMENT)(SO) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT 1 AMA DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UUN�DEERR THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. .9/17/2015 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sl— Lane 612 213 9859 Lino Lakes. AN 55014 ndess'erC-g—fl cam 29013 1 10113115 1 NT CMB C"" C41B CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS LAN WRCNMENTAL SUENTISTS 2025 Centre Painte Blvd.. Suite 210 (651)452-8960 Mend_ Heigh(s. MN 55,20 (651)452-1149 OVEIMLL SWPPP °AT Sh�T N0 10/13/!5 OTSEW E8 SXV p 2.53 PM C5.0 REV-2 asm.�-� svra m na AsoaATFs we BEFORE ypG oP C s S, Y SY � moo F Z�,soq ONE cP y�5 A�& N 0 30' 45' 60, SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVE CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN — WATER LINE UTILITY POLE -- - STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT MILE - SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE EROSION DETAILS �F �5 / -SF--SF—�3F— — — — — — — — — - / BE `_ OMITS OF DISTURBANCE /y f32.I5 ACRES ` SF�—SF�� \ �_--SF C /gp1 9qz 0 A 4. LIFT STATION FFE 939.6 ® TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (CE) — 3 — TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (SE) ® TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION IIP6) ® TEMPORARY DANDY HAG INLET PROTECTION (IRS) RIO LOG SILT DIKE BY GE] WORKS, INSTALL PER MAIIUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS ION EXISTING PAVEMENT)(SDI I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT 1 AMA DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESO-rk l L D2E� ID/13/2015 26364 NEIL TESSIER. PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux Lane 612-213-9859 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 nTlessielC�Omeil.sOm ELK RIVER /SD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGINEERS , PLANNERS P£ SURYDR PE LAND AR17E ENT ENR i 2025 Centre Pointe Slvd.. Suite 210 (650452-3960 Mend- HeiOhfs. MN 55120 (651)452-1149 SWPPPNORIHWEST DAB 1'�T " 0113115 07SEW E8 SC/TOOL 2.53 PM Cyr. t REV-2 i i — -- ----- -- — -- -- 1 I� i i / 940 / / RETENTION BASIN _-----__ ' 'NI. NWL 941.5 SF—SF SF \ \ \ ' ---949 ' 9°d g 9a 9 AA�i d d >.5 g3 g3Fg'i'I y3F'g,'9,SlD gA1 pV, 9p3 g°o- 9°p. 4 I III OTSEGO E-8 FFE - 950.50 k OEFORE 141r c s N s, Q S� 5 0 30, <5- 60, Fsorq ONE OP` y> scaLE Irl EEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT(F.ES. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN - WATER LINE ITTILfiY POLE - - STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE EROSION DETAILS ® TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE(CE) — 9 — TEMPORARY SILT FENCE ISF) ® TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION (I16) ® TEMPORARY DANDY SAG INLET PROTECTION (IP9) BID LOG SILT DIKE BY GEI WORKS. INSTALL PER MAI IUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (ON EXISTING PAVEMENT)(SD) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AMA DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 9/17/2015 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REG15TPATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux Lane 612-2:3-9859 Lino Lakes. MN 55014 nrtessierC�Omeil.com (RIVER /SD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. 2025 C— Pointe Blvd.. Suite 210 (651)452-8960 Mendota Heights. MN 55120 (650) 2-1149 SWPPPNORTHEAST 10��5I-SHEITNO. OTSEW E-8 SCHOp(, 253 PM C5.2 REV-2 7 `3 I I' N RTHWEST RT EA T 1 I S �UTHWES _ U7HEAST BEFORE yOG N s s` Y SQ ZoC�2 ti� 0 40' 60, so' O/q ONE SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE _ SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE EROSION DETAILS ® TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ICE) — g — TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (SF) ® TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION URBI ® TEMPORARY DANDY BAG INLET PROTECTION llP9) BID LOG SILT DIKE BY GEI WORKS. INSTALL PER MA14UFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS (ON EXISTING PAVEMENT) (SD) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SET OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY DCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE DATE REGISTRATION NO. SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering 6574 Sioux Lane 612-213-059 Uno Lakes. MN 55014 nNessier@Bmail.com 29013 10/13/15 NT CMB C4 6 CRIB CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD # 728 Engineering Associates, Inc. ENGNEERS PLANNERS PT-SURYEttNtS N C 61R MEN 2025 Cerme Pointe Blvd.. Suite 210 (651)452-8960 Mendota Heights. MN 55120 (651)Q 2-1149 SWPPP SOUTHEAST 0/A133�5 1-- OTSEW E g SC OM 2 53 PM C5.3 REV-2 2aors-ma m�a ca v�axmsoTa Asaa�TFs we 1 I ORTHWEST ORTIn AS I I S �UTH -S HEAST I t LLj > ::D J LLJ �1> �1< { - 1 gEFORE y0L ss { 4 S4 o y o002 �� yScSO cn 0 40' 60' 80, ONE cP I - SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND NANO HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTRIC/CAS METER WATER VALVES GAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASIN/STORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. - ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE j UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE / U HT POLE SANITARY SEWER DNE FENCE / i EROSION DETAILS ® TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (CE) — SF — TEMPORARY SILT FENCE (SF) ® TEMPORARY SILT FENCE INLET PROTECTION (IPB) ® TEMPORARY DANDY BAG INLET PROTECTION (IP.I 610 LOG SILT DIKE BY BE] WORKS. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS ION EXISTING PAVEMENT) (SD) - ----- _ ����� -949� / 950 f/ - --MEORUNDER C THEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SETOF RPLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WASPREPARED GI DIRECT SUPERVISION, AN, THE S ATE DULY LICENSE, PR/O�FE/S7SIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNEBOT0. - _ -- - --_ _ __ -'� - -- - 105 /13/2 26364 NEIL TESSIER, PE. DATE REGISTRATION NO. �_ 6% - -- -_ _ -- r jF11 SAFEngineering, PLLC Site and Athletic Facility Engineering �—F ' Plif� � / 6574 S—, Lane 612 2'3 9859 l.com \ C Lino Lakes AN 55014 nrtesslelCOpma 29013 10/13/15 NT I CMB I CMB I CRIB ill LE � TOP 1 .-7.c STR JCTrE 1 Rut n L Pft I Erl ..-.1 CEI PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DPOR PM DES DRW ELK RIVER ISD#728 I i 15'P..P 'PER r L=,m I'E aI.' � � I, Engineering Associates, Inc. Rlnrbl I3. MF-gJ I � 1 2025 Centre Pointe Blvd., Suite 210 Mendota Heiohf . MN 55120 SWPPP SOUTHWEST O SEGO E-8 SCHOOL (651)452-8960 (651)452-I 1d9 DATE SHEET NO. 01,3115 2-53 PM C5.4 REV-2 rwrmrwo .I�oRTEx we NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN THE PERMITTEE(S) MUST IMPLEMENT THE EROSION CONTROLISWPPP AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PART. THE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANS AND IN THIS PERMIT MUST BE INSTALLED IN AN APPROPRIATE AND FUNCTIONAL MANNER. B. EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICES 1. THE PERMITTEE(S) MUST PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT APPROPRIATE CONSTRUCTION PHASING. VEGETATIVE BUFFER STRIPS. HORIZONTAL SLOPE GRADING, AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES THAT MINIMIZE EROSION, SO THAT THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS OF PART N.E. ARE COMPLIED WITH. THE LOCATION OF AREAS NOT TO BE DISTURBED MUST BE DELINEATED (E.G. WITH FLAGS. STAKES. SIGNS, SILT FENCE ETC.) ON THE DEVELOPMENT SITE BEFORE WORK BEGINS. 2. ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITH A CONTINUOUS POSITIVE SLOPE WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET OF A SURFACE WATER. MUST HAVE TEMPORARY EROSION PROTECTION OR PERMANENT COVER FOR THE "POSED SOIL AREAS YEAR ROUND, ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING TABLE OF SLOPES AND TIME FRAMES: TYPE OF SLOPE TIME (MAXIMUM TIME AN AREA CAN REMAIN OPEN WHEN THE AREA STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IS NOT ACTIVELY BEING WORKED.) 10:1 TO 3:1 7 DAYS FLATTER THAN 10:1 7 DAYS THESE AREAS INCLUDE CONSTRUCTED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT POND SIDE SLOPES, AND ANY EXPOSED SOIL AREAS WITH A POSITIVE SLOPE TO A STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM. SUCH AS A CURB AND GUTTER SYSTEM. STORM SEWER INLET. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH OR OTHER NATURAL OR MAN MADE SYSTEMS THAT DISCHARGE TO A SURFACE WATER. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES WITHOUT SIGNIFICANT SILT. CLAY OR ORGANIC COMPONENTS (E.G.. CLEAN AGGREGATE STOCKPILES. DEMOLITION CONCRETE STOCKPILES. SAND STOCKPILES) ARE EXEMPT FROM THIS REQUIREMENT BUT MUST COMPLY WITH PART W.C.S. 3. ADDITIONAL BMP'S TOGETHER WITH ENHANCED RUNOFF CONTROLS ARE REQUIRED FOR DISCHARGES TO SPECIAL AND IMPAIRED WATERS. THE BMPS IDENTIFIED FOR EACH SPECIAL OR IMPAIRED WATER ARE REQUIRED FOR THOSE AREAS OF THE PROJECT DRAINING TO A DISCHARGE POINT ON THE PROJECT THAT IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF A SPECIAL OR IMPAIRED WATER AND FLOWS TO THAT WATER. 4. THE NORMAL WETTED PERIMETER OF ANY TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCH THAT GRAINS WATER FROM A CONSTRUCTION SITE, OR DIVERTS WATER AROUND A SITE. MUST BE.STABOJZED WITHIN 200 UNEAL FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE, OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE TO ANY SURFACE WATER. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTING TO A SURFACE WATER. 5. PIPE OUTLETS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ENERGY DISSIPATION BEFORE CONNECTION TO A SURFACE WATER. B. WHEN POSSIBLE. ALL SLOPES MUST BE GRADED IN SUCH A FASHION SO THAT TRACKING MARKS MADE FROM HEAVY EQUIPMENT ARE PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE. 7, ALL AREAS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE RESTORED AS DETAILED IN THESE REQUIREMENTS. THE TYPE OF PERMANENT RESTORATION SHALL BE CLEARLY SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SOD. SEED, IMPERVIOUS COVER AND STRUCTURES. A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES OF TOPSOIL MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PERMANENT RESTORATION. AREAS IN WHICH THE TOP SOIL HAS BEEN PLACED AND FINISH GRADED OR AREAS THAT HAVE BEEN DISTURBED AND OTHER GRADING OR SITE BUILDING CONSTRU I ION OPERATIONS ARE NOT ACTIVELY UNDERWAY MUST BE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY RESTORED AS SET FORTH IN THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS. A AREAS WITH SLOPES THAT ARE LESS THAN 3:1 MUST BE. SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE AREA NOT BEING ACTIVELY WORKED. B. AREAS WITH SLOPES THAT ARE GREATER THAN 2NI MUST BE SEEDED AND EROSION CONTROL BLANKET PLACED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THE AREA NOT BEING ACTIVELY WORKED. C. ALL SEEDED AREAS MUST BE EITHER MULCHED AND DISC ANCHORED, HYDRO -MULCHED. OR COVERED BY EROSION. CONTROL BLANKET TO REDUCE EROSION AND PROTECT THE SEED. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT MULCH MUST BE DISC ANCHORED AND APPLIED AT A UNIFORM RATE OF 2 TONS PER ACRE AND HAVE 90% COVERAGE. D. IF THE DISTURBED AREA WILL BE REDISTURBED WITHIN A SIX MONTH PERIOD, TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE REQUIRED CONSISTING DEAN APPROVED SEED MIXTURE AND APPLICATION RATE. E. IF THE DISTURBED AREA WILL NOT BE RE -DISTURBED WITHIN A:SIX MONTH PERIOD. PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE REQUIRED CONSISTING OF AN APPROVED SEED MIXTURE AND APPLICATION RATE. F. ALL AREAS THAT WILL NOT HAVE MAINTENANCE DONE SUCH AS MOWING AS PART OF THE FINAL DESIGN SHALL BE PERMANENTLY RESTORED USING AN APPROVED SEED MIXTURE AND APPLICATION RATE. G. RESTORATION OF DISTURBED WETLAND AREAS SHALL BE ACCOMPUSHED USING AN APPROVED SEED MIXTURE AND APPLICATION RATE. B. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I REQUIREMENTS. IF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS OR NATURAL EVENTS DAMAGE OR INTERFERE WITH ANY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. THEY SHALL BE RESTORED TO SERVE THEIR INTENDED FUNCTION. 9. ADDITIONAL EROSION. CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE ADDED AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTIVELY PROTECT THE NATURAL .RESOURCES OF THE CITY. THE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL PLANS SHALL BE REVISED AS NEEDED BASED ON CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. C. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 1. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE ESTABLISHED ON ALL DOWN GRADIENT PERIMETERS BEFORE ANY UPGRADIENT LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES BEGIN. THESE PRACTICES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FINAL STABILIZATION, 2. IF THE DOWN GRADIENT TREATMENT SYSTEM IS OVERLOADED, ADDITIONAL UPGRADIENT SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES MUST BE INSTALLED TO ELIMINATE THE OVERLOADING. AND THE SWPPP MUST BE AMENDED TO IDENTIFY THESE ADDITIONAL PRACTICES. S. THERE SHALL BE NO UNBROKEN SLOPE LENGTH OF GREATER THAN 75 FEET FOR SLOPES WITH A GRADE OF 3:1 OR STEEPER. 4. ALL STORM DRAIN INLETS MUST BE PROTECTED BY APPROPRIATE BMPS DURING CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL SOURCES WITH POTENTIAL FOR DISCHARGING TO THE INLET HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. THESE DEVICES MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. INLET PROTECTION MAY BE REMOVED IF A SPECIFIC SAFETY CONCERN (STREET FLOODMOSIMEEZING) HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED. 5.TEMPORARY SOIL STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE OR OTHER EFFECTIVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS ON THE DOWN GRADIENT SIDE OF THE STOCKPILE AND SHALL NOT BE PLACED AT LEAST TWENTY FIVE (25) FEET FROM ANY ROAD. WETLAND, PROTECTED WATER. DRAINAGE CHANNEL, OR STORM WATER INLETS. STOCKPILE LEFT FOR MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS MUST BE STABILIZED WITH MULCH. VEGETATION, TARPS OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. 6.VEHIDUE TRACKING OF SEDIMENT FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE MINIMIZED BY APPROVED BMPS. THESE SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT THE CITY APPROVED ENTRANCES. INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL EACH BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ENTRANCES THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION BUILDING UNTIL A PAVED DRIVEWAY IS INSTALLED. ].SEDIMENT THAT HAS WASHED OR TRACKED FROM THE SITE BY MOTOR VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE CLEANED FROM THE PAVED SURFACES THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. B.SILT FENCE OF OTHER APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE INSTALLED IN ALL AREAS AS SHOWN ON THE SWPPP. MILE FENCE OR OTHER APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REQUIRED ALONG THE ENTIRE CURB UNE, EXCEPT FOR APPROVED OPENINGS WHERE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WILL BE INSTALLED OR DRAINAGE FLOWS AWAY FROM THE CURB. THIS DEVICE MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) I O.DUST CONTROL MEASURES, SUCH AS APPLICATION OF WATER MUST BE PERFORMED PERIODICALLY DUE TO WEATHER. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY. I I.FLOWS FROM DIVERSION CHANNELS OR PIPES (TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT) MUST BE ROUTED TO SEDIMENTATION BASINS OR APPROPRIATE ENERGY DISSIPATERS TO PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO OUTFLOW OR LITERAL CONVEYORS AND TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT BUILDUP WHEN RUNOFF FLOWS INTO THE CONVEYORS. 12.A CONCRETE WASHOUT SHALL BE INSTALLED ON PROJECTS THAT REQUIRE THE USE OF CONCRETE ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY CONCRETE WASHOUT OPERATIONS MUST BE CONTAINED IN A LEAK -PROOF CONTAINMENT FACILITY OR IMPERMEABLE LINER. A SIGN MUST BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO EACH WASHOUT FACIUTY TO INFORM OPERATORS TO UTILIZE THE PROPER FACILITIES. 13.ALL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED AND MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED ACCORDANCE WITH CITY REQUIREMENTS. IF CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS OR NATURAL EVENTS DAMAGE OR INTERFERE WITH ANY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. THEY MUST BE RESTORED TO SERVE THEIR INTENDED FUNCTION. 14.ADDDONAL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE ADDED AS NECESSARY TO EFFECTIVELY PROTECT THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE CITY. THE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL PLANS SHALL BE REVISED AS NEEDED BASED ON CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS. 15.19ESTRICT CLEARING AND GRADING WITHIN 20 FEET OF AN EXISTING WETLAND BOUNDARY TO PROVIDE FOR A PROTECTIVE BUFFER STRIP OF NATURAL VEGETATION. D. DEWATERINO AND BASIN GRAINING I. DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING (E.G., PUMPED DISCHARGES, TRENCH/DITCH CUTS FOR DRAINAGE) RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THAT MAY HAVE TURBID OR SEDIMENT LADEN DISCHARGE WATER MUST BE DISCHARGED TO A TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION BASIN ON THE PROJECT SITE WHENEVER POSSIBLE IF THE WATER CANNOT BE DISCHARGED TO A SEDIMENTATION BASIN PRIOR TO ENTERING THE SURFACE WATER, IT MUST BE TREATED WITH THE APPROPRIATE BMPS. SUCH THAT THE DISCHARGE DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE RECEIVING WATER OR DOWNSTREAM LANDOWNERS. THE PERMITTEE(S) MUST ENSURE THAT DISCHARGE POINTS ARE ADEQUATELY PROTECTED FROM EROSION AND SCOUR. THE DISCHARGE MUST BE DISPERSED OVER NATURAL ROCK RIPRAP. SAND BAGS. PLASTIC SHEETING OR OTHER ACCEPTED ENERGY DISSIPATION MEASURES. ADEQUATE SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES ARE REQUIRED FOR DISCHARGE WATER THAT CONTAINS SUSPENDED SCOLDS. 2. ALLWATER FROM DEWATERING OR BASIN DRAINING ACTIVITIES MUST BE DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT CAUSE NUISANCE CONDITIONS. EROSION IN RECEIVING CHANNELS OR ON DOWNSLOPE PROPERTIES, OR INUNDATION IN WETLANDS CAUSING SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACT TO THE WETLAND. WIpl•H m U-mmma5 u I, THE PERMITTEE(S) (EITHER THE OWNER OR OPERATOR, WHOEVER IS IDENTIFIED IN THE SWPPP) MUST ROUTINELY INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONCE EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS. DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 0.5 INCHES IN 24 HOURS. 2. ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONDUCTED DURING CONSTRUCTION MUST BE RECORDED IN WRITING AND THESE RECORDS MUST BE RETAINED WITH THE SWPPP TIN ACCORDANCE WITH PART III.D. RECORDS OF EACH INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITY SHALL INCLUDE: A.DATE AND TIME OF INSPECTIONS: B. NAME OF PERSON(S) CONDUCTING INSPECTIONS: C.FINDINGS OF INSPECTIONS, INCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS: D.CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN (INCLUDING DATES. TIMES. AND PARTY COMPLETING MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES): E. DATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RAINFALL EVENTS GREATER THAN I/2 INCH (0.5 INCHES) IN 24 HOURS: AND F. DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGES MADE TO THE SWPPP AS REQUIRED IN PART III.A4. 3. WHERE PARTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE HAVE UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION. BUT WORK REMAINS ON OTHER PARTS OF THE SITE, INSPECTIONS OF THE STABILIZED AREAS MAY BE REDUCED TO ONCE PER MONTH. WHERE WORK HAS BEEN SUSPENDED DUE TO FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS. THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE MUST TAKE PLACE AS SOON AS RUNOFF OCCURS AT THE SITE OR PRIOR TO RESUMING CONSTRUCTION. WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 4. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT SMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS. ALL NONFUNCTIONAL BMPS' SHALL BE REPAIRED. REPLACED On SUPPLEMENTED WITH A FUNCTIONAL BMP. THE PER INF EE SHALL INVESTIGATE AND COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS, 5. ALL SILT FENCES SHALL BE REPAIRED, REPLACED. OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES } OF THE HEIGHT OF THE FENCE, THESE REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE WITH 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. 6. SURFACE WATERS. INCLUDING DRAINAGE DITCHES AND CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. MUST BE INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF SEDIMENT BEING DEPOSITED BY EROSION. THE PERMITTEE SHALL REMOVE ALL DELTAS AND SEDIMENT DEPOSITED IN SURFACE WATERS, INCLUDING DRAINAGE WAYS, CATCH BASINS, AND OTHER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. AND RESTABILIZE THE AREAS WHERE SEDIMENT REMOVAL RESULTS IN EXPOSED SOILS. THE REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 7 DAYS OF DISCOVERY UNLESS PRECLUDED BY LEGAL. REGULATORY. OR PHYSICAL ACCESS CONSTRAINTS. THE PERMRTEE SHALL USE ALL REASONABLE EFFORTS TO OBTAIN ACCESS. IF PRECLUDED. REMOVAL AND STABILIZATION SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS OF OBTAINING ACCESS. THE PERMNTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL LOCAL REGIONAL. STATE AND FEDERAL AUTHORITIES AND RECEIVING ANY APPLICABLE PERMITS. PRIORTO CONDUCTING ANY WORK. 7. CONSTRUCTION SITE VEHICLE EXIT LOCATIONS SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR EVIDENCE OF OFF -SITE SEDIMENT TRACKING ONTO PAVED SURFACES. TRACKED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ALL OFF -SITE PAVED SURFACES WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY. OR IF APPLICABLE. WITHIN A SHORTER TIME, B. THE PERMITTEES) ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BMPS. AS WELL AS ALL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SNIPS. FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION WORK AT THE SITE. THE PERMITTEE(S) ARE RESPONSIBLE UNTIL ANOTHER PERMITTEE HAS ASSUMED CONTROL ACCORDING TO PART II.B.5 OVER ALL AREAS OF THE SITE THAT HAVE NOT BEEN FINALLY STABILIZED OR THE SITE HAS UNDERGONE FINAL STABILIZATION. AND A NOT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE MPCA. 9, IF SEDIMENT ESCAPES THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, OFF -SITE ACCUMULATIONS OF SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED IN A MANNER AND AT A FREQUENCY SUFFICIENT TO MINIMIZE OFF -SIZE IMPACTS (EG.. FUGITIVE SEDIMENT IN STREETS COULD BE WASHED IWO STORM SEWERS BY THE NEXT RAIN AND/OR POSE A SAFETY HAZARD TO USERS OF PUBLIC STREETS). 10' ALL INFILTRATION AREAS MUST BE INSPECTED TO ENSURE THAT NO SEDIMENT FROM ONGOING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IS REACHING THE INFILTRATION AREA AND THESE AREAS ARE PROTECTED FROM COMPACTION DUE TO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT DRIVING ACROSS THE INFILTRATION AREA. NPDES CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) OTSEGO E8 - OTSEGO, MN - SITE INTRODUCTION (CONT.) G. FINAL STABILIZATION 1. THE PERMITTEE(S) MUST ENSURE FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE PROJECT. FINAL STABILIZATION CAN BE ACHIEVED IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS. 2. ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AT THE SITE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND ALL SOILS WILLS BE STABILIZED BY A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE OVER WITH A DENSITY OF AT LEAST 70 PERCENT OVER THE ENTIRE PERVIOUS SURFACE AREA, OR OTHER EQUIVALENT MEANS NECESSARY TO PREVENT SOIL FAILURE UNDER EROSIVE CONDITIONS AND: AALL DRAINAGE DITCHES, CONSTRUCTED TO DRAIN WATER FROM THE SITE AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE. MUST BE STABILIZED TO PRECLUDE EROSION. B. ALL TEMPORARY SYNTHETIC. AND STRUCTURAL EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMP'S (SUCH AS SILT FENCES/ DIKES) MUST BE REMOVED AS PART OF THE SITE FINAL STABILIZATION: C.THE PERMITTEE MUST CLEAN OUT ALL SEDIMENT FROM CONVEYANCES AND FROM TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION BASINSTHAT ARE TO BE USED AS PERMANENT WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT BASINS. SEDIMENT MUST BE STABILIZED TO PREVENT IT FROM WASHING BACK INTO. THE BASIN. CONVEYANCES OR DRAINAGE WAYS DISCHARGING OFF -SITE OR TO SURFACE WATERS. THE CLEANOUT OF PERMANENT BASINS MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO RETURN THE BASIN TO DESIGN CAPACITY. H. TRAINING I.TRAINING IS REQUIRED FOR THOSE THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION CIE THE SWPPP. MANAGEMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND INSPECTIONS. 2.1HE SWPPP MUST PROVIDE A CHAIN OF COMMAND SHOWING WHO PREPARED THE SWPPP. WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION SITE AND INSPECTIONS. 3.THE TRAINING SHALL CONSIST OF A COURSE DEVELOPED BY A LOCAL. STATE. OR FEDERAL AGENCY, PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION. WATER MGMT. ORGANIZATION, OR SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT AND MUST CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS RELATED TO EROSION PREVENTION. SEDIMENT CONTROL, OR PERMANENT STORMWATER MGMT AND MUST RELATE TO THE WORK THAT YOUR ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MANAGING, OTSEGO E8 - OTSEGO, MN - SITE INTRODUCTION THE IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SWPPP WILL PROVIDE THE CONTRACTOR AND OWNER WITH THE FRAMEWORK TO REDUCE SOIL EROSION AND MINIMIZE POLLUTANTS IN THE STORM WATER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SENIOR LIVING SITE. THE SWPPP WILL DEFINE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SITE AND THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TO OCCUR: INCLUDE A SUE PLAN SHOWING THE CONSTRUCTION: DESCRIBE THE PRACTICES THAT WILL BE USED TO CONTROL ERDS1014 AND THE RELEASE OF POLLUTANTS IN THE STORM WATER INDICATE A SCHEDULE TO HELP ENSURE THAT THE PRACTICES INDICATED ARE IMPLEMENTED AND TO HELP EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRACTICES IN REDUCING EROSION AND POLLUTANTS DISCHARGED FROM THE SITE: AND TO DESCRIBE THE FINAL STABILIZATION MEASURES REQUIRED TO HELP MINIMIZE EROSION AND OTHER STORM WATER IMPACTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN COORDINATION: THE SITE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE OWNER. WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE FIELD SUPERVISOR FOR THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTING AND MONITORING THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVEWIDN PLAN DURING CONSTRUCTION. THIS. WILL INCLUDE OVERSEEING THE MAINTENANCE OF THE BMPS THAT ARE IMPLEMENTED, PROVIDE INSPECTIONS AND MONITORING OF THE RMPS. IDENTIFY AND CORRECT ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE SWPPP. AND MONITOR THAT ANY CHANGES TO THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE ADDRESSED BY THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES A LIST OF STABILIZATION MEASURES HAS BEEN TABULATED BELOW AND THE LOCATIONS OF THESE MEASURES ARE SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EROSION CONTROL PLAN. THIS PROJECT WILL USE A NUMBER OF BMP'S TO HELP CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENT. THOSE MEASURES INCLUDE: I. STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2. SILT FENCE 3. SILT DINE 3. CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION 4. CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAILS FOR THESE CAN BE FOUND ON THE DETAILS SHEETS. THE FOLLOW TABLE PROVIDES A SCHEDULE FOR STABILIZING DISTURBED AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION: DIRT IRED A F4 WORKIN •DAB VS TT1 S�ARIZF S TOT AND STEEPER SLOPES 7 DAYS SLOPES FLATTER THAN 3 TO / DAYS ALL DITCHES. WITHIN 20D' OF OUTLET 1 1 DAY ALL OUTLETS 1 DAY ALLR1 DAY TEMPORARY Y SEDIMENT BASINS AND TRAPS 1 DAY SOIL STOCKPILES 7 DAYS SEE THE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FINAL PLANT AND TURF COVERAGE OF THE SITE, CONSTRUCTION TYPE: THE PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF AN AUDITORIUM AND CLASS ROOM ADDITION TO THE EXISTING MIDDLE SCHOOL/ HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING. ALONG WITH ASSOCIATED SURFACE PARKING LOT. SIDEWALKS. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND OTHER ASSOCIATED UTILITIES. SITE GRADING AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IS ANTICIPATED TO BEGIN IN THE FALL OF 2015 WITH COMPLETION OF THE SITE IN 201 S. EXISTING DFAMAGE/SOIL CONDITIONS: SEE DRAINAGE REPORT BY CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC SITE WIDE CONTROL MEASURES TO PREVENT EROSION SEDIMENTS FROM LEAVING THE SUE, THE FOLLOWING BMPS WILL BE USED: • SILT FENCE. TO BE MACHINE OR HAND INSTALLED ALONG THE PERIMETER OF AREAS TO BE GRADED BEFORE GRADING BEGINS. ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE SHOULD BE KEPT ON -SITE FOR REPAIRS, REPLACEMENT OR PROTECTION OF ADDITIONAL AREAS. SILT PENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED ONCE A WEEK AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF ANY }' RAIN EVENT. SEDIMENT REMOVAL REQUIRED WHEN SEDIMEMS REACH 113 THE HEIGHT OF THE SILT FENCE. SILT FENCE CAN BE REMOVED WHEN VEGETATION FOR FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ADEQUATELY ESTABLISHED (70%). • ALL EXPOSED AREAS WITHIN 200 FEET OF A SURFACE WATER MUST BE STABIUZED NO LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS. TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. • AFTER ALL AREAS ARE FINAL GRADED, THE ENTIRE SITE SHALL BE SEEDED AND FERTILIZED. SLOPES WITH GRADES GREATER THAN 3 TO 1, OR WHERE CONCENTRATED FLOWS WILL OCCUR EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS AND FIBER LOGS SHALL BE INSTALLED (MAXIMUM SPACING 75 FEET). • AREAS FLOWING INTO THE STORM WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WILL BE STABILIZED THE DAY THE STRUCTURES ARE INSTALLED. CATCH BASIN SEDIMENT BAGS. WILL BE INSTALLED THE SAME DAY AND LEFT IN PLACE UNTIL THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. SEDIMENTS SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF WHEN 9 THE CAPACITY IS REACHED. • TOPSOIL STOCKPILES WILL BE STABILIZED WITH TEMPORARY SEED. MULCH AND FERTIUZER WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM THE LAST CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY THAT CREATED THE STOCKPILE • DUST WILL BE CONTROLLED BY WATER APPLICATION AND/OR SWEEPING AS NEEDED. • VEGETATIVE SUFFERS WILL BE MAINTAINED AT THE PERIMETER OF THE SITE • GRADING OPERATIONS SHOULD INCORPORATE HORIZONTAL SLOPE TRACKING WHEN POSSIBLE TO HELP REDUCE EROSION. • CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. • ALL LIQUID AND SOLID WASTES GENERATED BY CONCRETE WASHOUT OPERATIONS. MUST BE CONTAINED IN A LEAK -PROOF CONTAINMENT FACILITY OR IMPERMEABLE LINER. A COMPACTED CLAY LINER THAT GOES NOT ALLOW WASHOUT LIQUIDS TO ENTER GROUND WATER I$ CONSIDERED AN IMPERMEABLE UNER. CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES TO MINIMIZE STORM WATER CONTAMINATION: ALL NON -HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIALS WILL BE COLLECTED AND STORED IN A SECURE LOCATION, PREFERABLY A LOCKABLE METAL DUMPSTER, AT THE END OF EACH DAY. ALL TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHOULD BE DEPOSITED IN THE DUMPSTER AT THE END OF EACH DAY AND WILL BE EMPTIED AS NECESSARY. NO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL BE BURIED ON -SITE. A LICENSED SANITARY WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY WILL COLLECT ALL SANITARY WASTE FROM PORTABLE UNITS. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AND SPILL CONTROL PRACTICES SHOULD BE FOLLOWED TO MINIMIZE STORM WATER CONTAMINATION. THE FOLLOWING BMPS WILL BE USED: • FERTILIZER SHALL NOT BE STORED ON-SRE. ALL UNUSED PORTIONS SHALL BE PLACED IN A SEALED BIN AND REMOVED FROM THE SITE BY APPLICATOR. • ALL VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT USED ON -SITE SHALL BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND REGULARLY INSPECTED FOR LEAKS. • PETROLEUM PRODUCTS SHALL BE STORED IN LABELED AND SEALED CONTAINERS. • SPILL KITS SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL FUELING AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO USE SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MEASURES ON -SITE. • ALL ASPHALT PRODUCTS USED ON SITE SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE. MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. • ALL PAINT CONTAINERS AND CURING COMPOUNDS WILL BE KEPT IN TIGHTLY SEAL CONTAINERS, AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF AFTER USE. EXCESS PAINT CANNOT BE DISCHARGED INTO THE STORM WATER SYSTEM. • SPILL CONTAINMENT MATERIALS (SAW DUST, KITTY LITTER OIL ABSORBENT PRODUCTS. GLOVES. TRASH LINERS) SHALL BE KEPT ON -SITE INCASE OF A SPILL. ALL SPILLS SHALL BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY UPON DISCOVERY. • CONCRETE TRUCKS WILL BE ALLOWED TO WASH OUT ONLY IN DESIGNATED AREAS. OR ARE NOT ALLOWED TO WASH OUT ON -SITE. • ALL WORK AREAS SHOULD BE KEPT GRADED RELATIVELY SMOOTH TO PREVENT CONCENTRATED FLOWS AND THE FORMATION OF OUTS AND GULLEYS. AND THE COLLECTION OF STORM WATER. • A STABILIZED ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED. • ALL ADJACENT PAVED SURFACES AND STREETS SHALL BE SWEPT DAILY TO REMOVE ALL DUST AND SEDIMENTS. OPEN-AIR BROOMS WILL BE ALLOWED ONLY IF THE DUST AND SEDIMENTS ARE WET. • TRUCKS' HAULING SOILS TO AND MOM THE SITE SHALL COVER THEIR LOADS. GENERAL EROSION NOTES A. ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS INVOLVED WITH STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM GENERAL PERMIT (NPDES PERMIT) AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THEIR CONTENTS. B. THE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA SHALL. ALSO. BE USED AS THE EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AREA. EQUIPMENT CLEANING AREA. EMPLOYEE BREAK AREA, AND AREA FOR LOCATING PORTABLE FACILITIES. OFFICE TRAILERS AND TOILET FACILITIES. THE EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. C. ALL WASH WATER (CONCRETE TRUCKS, VEHICLE CLEANING, EQUIPMENT CLEANING. ETC.) SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A MANNER THAT PREVENTS CONTACT BETWEEN THESE MATERIALS AND STORM WATER THAT IS DISCHARGED FROM THE SITE. D. MAINTAIN ON THE SITE OR HAVE READILY AVAILABLE SUFFICIENT OIL AND GREASE ABSORBING MATERIALS AND FLOTATION BOOMS TO CONTAIN AND CLEAN UP FUEL OR CHEMICAL SPILLS AND LEAKS. E. DUST ON THE SITE SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY SPRAYING WATER ON DRY AREAS OF THE SITE. THE USE OF MOTOR OILS AND OTHER PETROLEUM BASED OR TOXIC UQUIDS FOR DUST SUPPRESSION OPERATIONS IS PROHIBITED, F. NO RUBBISH. TRASH, GARBAGE OR OTHER SUCH MATERIALS SHALL BE DISCHARGED INTO DRAINAGE DITCHES OR WATERS OF THE STATE. G. ALL STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION MEASURES PRESENTED ON THIS PLAN. AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN. SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE H. DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY WILL STOP FOR AT LEAST 21 DAYS. SHALL BE TEMPORARILY SEEDED WITHIN 7 DAYS. I. DISTURBED PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY STOPPED SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED. THESE AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED NO LATER THAN 7 DAYS AFTER THE LAST CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY OCCURRING IN THESEAREAS. REFER TO THE LANDSCAPING PLAN. J. IF THE ACTION OF VEHICLES TRAVELING OVER THE GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES 15 NOT SUFFICIENT TO REMOVE THE MAJORITY OF DIRT OR MUD, THEN THE TIRES MUST BE WASHED BEFORE THE VEHICLES ENTER A PUBLIC ROAD. IF WASHING IS USED. PROVISIONS MUST BE MADE TO INTERCEPT THE WASH WATER AND TRAP THE SEDIMENT BEFORE IT IS CARRIED OFF THE SITE THE EXACT LOCATIONS SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNERS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IC ALL MATERIALS SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED On TRACKED FROM VEHICLES ONTO ROADWAYS OR INTO STORM DRAINS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY- I- COMPACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS' WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING SEDIMENT IN THE DETENTION POND AFTER THE STABILIZATION OF THE SITE AND ALSO AM SEDIMENT THAT MAY HAVE COLLECTED IN THE STORM SEWER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS. M. IF SOIL STOCKPILING IS EMPLOYED ON THE SITE, SILT FENCES SHALL BE USED TO HELP CONTAIN THE SEDIMENT. N. SLOPES SHALL BE LER IN A ROUGHENED CONDITION DURING THE GRADING PHASE TO REDUCE RUNOFF VELOCITIES AND EROSION. GENERAL EROSION NOTES (CONT.) O. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE DISPOSED OF WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL STABILIZATION. FINAL STABILIZATION HAS OCCURRED WHEN ALL SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETED AND A UNIFORM PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH A DENSITY OF 70% OF THE COVER FOR UNPAVED AREAS AND AREAS NOT COVERED BY PERMANENT STRUCTURES HAS BEEN EMPLOYED. P. DUE TO THE GRADE CHANGES DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADJUSTING THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES (SILT FENCES. STRAW BALES, ETC.) TO HELP PREVENT EROSION AND STORM WATER POLLUTION. O. ALL OFF -SITE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STABILIZED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. THIS INCLUDES BACKFILUNG OF TRENCHES FOR STORM DRAINS & UTILITY CONSTRUCTION AND PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL OR BITUMINOUS PAVING FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION. S. CONCRETE TRUCKS SHALL HAVE A SELF CONTAINED WASHOUT SYSTEM SO THEY ARE NOT WASHING OUT ON THE GROUND. MAINTENANCE ALL MEASURES STATED ON THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. AND IN THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN. SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN FULLY FUNCTIONAL CONDITION UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION OF THE SITE. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE CHECKED BY A QUALIFIED PERSON AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A RAINFALL EVENT. AND SHOULD BE CLEANED AND REPAIRED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. INLET PROTECTION DEVICES AND BARRIERS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IF THEY SHOW SIGNS OF UNDERMINING. OR SHALL BE REPLACED IF THEY SHOW SIGNS OF DETERIORATION. 2. ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO SEE THAT A GOOD STAND IS MAINTAINED. AREAS SHOULD BE FERTILIZED AND RESEEDED AS NEEDED. 3. SILT FENCES/DIKES SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITIONS IF DAMAGED. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SILT FENCES/DIKES WHEN IT REACHES ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF THE HEIGHT OF THE SILT FENCE. 4. THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOW OF MUD ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING OF THE. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AS CONDITIONS DEMAND. 5. THE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA SHALL BE KEPT IN GOOD CONDITION (SUITABLE FOR PARKING AND STORAGE). THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING OF THE TEMPORARY PARKING AS CONDITIONS DEMAND SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION 1. INSTALL STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. 2. PREPARE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA. 3. CONSTRUCT THE SILT FENCES ON THE SITE. 4. CLEAR AND GRUB THE SITE. 5. BEGIN GRADING THE SITE. 6. START CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING PAD AND STRUCTURES. 7. TEMPORARILY SEED DENUDED AREAS. 9 INSTALL UTILITIES, UNOERDRAINS, STORM SEWERS. CURBS AND GUTTERS. 9: INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEVICES. 10. PREPARE SITE FOR PAVING. 11. PAVE SITE. 12. COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALL PERMANENT SOD AND PLANTING. 13. REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES (ONLY IF SITE IS STABILIZED). 1 II 1 � I /* / I I II — ----------`\\ � /flETENTION PO"\" -------------- I, I \0'W S`89"/9 ' 14"E o, it II!w I II' I O II II I I I _ I II 0.50 I I � ` I I :f I I I I I II� I I RETENTION ?ONO I (- ' I I I Q I / I IIt __, LANDSCAPE LEGEND OMn00T 33361 STORMWATER SOUTH ANO WEST Mn00T 36uat MESIC PRAIRIE $OIITHWE$T Mn00T3C181 EMERGE—D —0-S-131 COMMERCIAL TURF SLUE GRASS SOD 6' HARDWOOD WJLCH SALLFIELDAGGREGATE TREE LIST COMMON NAME/ ROOT SIZE REMARKS SYR KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME O RM 40 NORTHWOOD RED MAPLE B E D 2.5' CAL. PIANT AB SHOWN A— rub,— %-h—.d' ® BO �2 BICOLOR OAK B&B 2.5 CAL. PLANT AS SHOWN Ouercus bicolor RE 10 RIVER BIRTCH GET, 2.5' CAL. CLUMP FORM B-1. nips BE 32 BLACK HILLS SPUCE B8B 11 PLANT AS SHOWN Pi..S Dlauca' Densala' BEFORE y� 6 N s, A SA 0 80' 120' 160, lq ONE CP�-�' SCALE IN FEET EXISTING LEGEND DENOTES FOUND HAND HOLE MONUMENT AS MARKED TELE/ELEC BOX WELL ELECTFIC/GAS METER WATER VALVES CAS VALVE HYDRANT CURB CATCH BASINISTORM MH CONCRETE CULVERT/F.E.S. ELECTRIC LINE SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE LINE CLEAN OUT FIBER OPTIC LINE SIGN WATER LINE UTILITY POLE STORM SEWER LINE LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER LINE FENCE GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES A. LOCATE ALL UTILITIES AND SITE LIGHTING C014OUITS BEFORE LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION BEGINS. B. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. C. ALL DISTURBED AREAS AS DESIGNATED ON THE GRADING PLAN SHALL HAVE 4' OF TOPSOIL AND BE HYDROSEED WITH BLUE GRASS SEED MIX. D. FERTILIZE ALL PLANTS AT THE TIME OF PIANUING WITH A TIME RELEASE FERTILIZER PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFIED APPLICATION PATES. E SEE GRADING PLAN FOR APPLICATION OF TOPSOIL AND MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS. F. WOOD MULCH SHALL BE USED AS A FOUR INCH (4') TOP DRESSING IN ALL PLANT BEDS AND AROUND ALL TREES. SINGLE TREES OR SHRUBS SHALL BE MULCHED TO THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF THE PLASTIC EDGING OR LANDSCAPE ISLAND (SEE PLANTING DETAILS). G. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO DESIGN AND INSTALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM CAPABLE OF PROVIDING ADEQUATE COVERAGE TO ALL SODDED AND LANDSCAPE AREAS. SUBMIT PLAN TO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. IRRIGATION SYSTEM MUST HAVE AN APPROVED SAO FLOW DEVICE INSTALLED AND RAIN SENSOR TO STOP IRRIGATION DURING PAIN EVENTS. H. ALL SEEDED AND LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED. IRRIGATION TO EXTEND FROM PROPERTY LINES TO BACK OF CITY SIDEWALKS AND/OR CURBS. I, INSTALLS' DIA. PVC PIPE SLEEVES WHERE IRRIGATION LINES CROSS OR ARE UNDER PAVEMENT. J. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WATER PERMEABLE WEED MAT FOR ALL PLANTING BEDS. K. ALL SITE AREAS NOT COVERED BY BUILDINGS. SIDEWALK. PARKING LOTS, DRIVEWAYS. PATIOS OR SIMILAR HARD SURFACE MATERIALS SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED OR AN EQUIVALENT GROUNDCOVER APPROVED BY THE CITY. THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL NOT APPLY TO SITE AREAS PRESERVED IN A NATURAL STALE. L ALL SLOPES ABOVE NWL SHALL HAVE PERMINATE EROSION CONTROL BLANKS. GENERAL IRRIGATION NOTES A. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. B. IRRIGATION TO EXTEND FROM PROPERTY LINES TO BACK OF CITY SIDEWALKS AND / OR CURBS. C. INSTALL 3- DIA. PVC FIPE SLEEVES WHERE IRRIGATIONS LINES CROSS OR ARE UNDER PAVEMENT. D. REPAIR/ RESTORE ALL DAMAGED AND ISOLATED IRRIGATION ZONES IN ALL DISTURBED AREAS aESHEET 2 OF 2 r � I N m --N. LNE OF SWI/4 OF $WI/4 tp 1 SEC. KI, TWP. 121, RNG. 13 — ^E y i a0 ,I I I I / I 94� PROPOSED DRAINAGE _ - AND UTILITY EASEMENT BY SEPARATE IIj 940 , DOCUMENT t B UTLOT nk \ ----------- :Ia PROPOSED 24' WATERMAIWE Nea 40 t0.00 4 qA\ I P OUT`LC N u i IN L. 3N o f ^lv C a s z� - 94 A 91 ol`H - \ - 4R OPOSEO'PR O"D "PROI I I' a F,0 I= Imo- o' a � PROPOSED BUILDING FOUND 1/2 NCH IRON PIPE HARKED RL541578___I I.V.28 N8E 1 i I39.28 i — PR XED DRAINAGE AND�i )•� unl9FASEM� , \I \ t II C N e`O I I3yLN Yp I � O3 F I LOT 1 I / 94 V \ 947 'Bv f ' __ _.__ • -WETLAND AS p[i.NEATEO 1 \ B7 KUOLHA --942 I 1 5 ENVROMEMrAL 3ERVK:FS, i t ON APRL 72, 2015 ry I SOUTHWEST CORNER OF I _ f��-/I I P AND UTILITY EASEMENT i I \� 4=90 £5'39� SECTION R, TOWN5HP r2t 9s _ I �I I..-. a I P I� o- i 9 �1 p` ?P_ / L-790rQ0 \/ RANGE 23 _ 0' BLDG SE7 Bq (Fam WRIGHT COUNTY 50 CAST IRON HONUMENT)__--_526.85 2 JS891914-r --- - t ril --�IS89-19.14-E A'-SOUTH LINE OF SW 1/4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 12( RANGE 23 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES: LEGEND: } $ THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD 0 FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) pe OVERHEADELECTRIC SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO SANITARY SEWER GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALL r— GUY WIRE > SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE -0- POWER POLE >> STORM SEWER SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THATTHE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES —,x— WIRE FENCE (AS NOTED) SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION I N DICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTI FY Tp TELEPHONE PEDESTAL THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE CURB [TYPICALI INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE ® SANITARY MANHOLE I230CONTOURS UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET ® CATCH BASIN a ­0 SPOT ELEVATION NUMBER(S)150070133. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIES DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF ® FLARED END SECrON WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. OTHER UTILITIES MAY EXIST ON THIS. Qp STORM MANHOLE SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED UP. WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE PIMCALL BEFORE YOU OIG! HYDRANT Gopher State One Call Da WATER VALVE T MN CDY AREA 651-454 0B TOLLFREE 1-800-252-1166 ® MAILBOX SOUT,eAST CORNER OF -- WEST 1/2 OF SW V4 SECTION 1% TOWNSHIP 0, RANGE 23 FLOOD INFORMATION: THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE UNSHADED ZONE X, AREAS DETERMINED TO 6E OUTSIDE THE 500 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN, AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 2707470001 A, HAVING AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992. EXISTING PARKING + THERE ARE 0 VISIBLE PARKING STALLS DESIGNATED ON THIS PARCEL INCLUDING 0 HANDICAP STALL. EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Wright County tax records): OTSEGO E— 8 The west half of the southwest quarter of: lon 19, Township 121. Range 23. SCHOOL ADDITION T: EXCEP That part of the hereinbefore described property described aS follows: PRELIMINARY p ELI � n I N A pv PLAT T Beginning at a point on the east line of said west half lying 28 feet South of the r f�C /�/1 'YF1I� 1 r LF1 1 northeast corner thereof; thence North a distance of 28 feet along said east line; thence West a distance of 21 feet along the north line of said west half; CONTACT: thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning. + Wright County, Minnesota NEIL TESSIER SAFEngineering, PLLC 6574 Sioux Lane Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone:612-213-9859 VICINITY MAP + EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES: No title work was provided for the benefit of this survey. EXISTING AREAS: PARCEL AREA PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3,608,647 sq. ft., being 82.84 acres, more or less APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AREA: 87,886 sq. ft., being 2.02 acres, more or less PARCEL AREA LESS APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 3,520,761 sq. ft., being 80.83 acres, more or less PROPOSED AREAS: LOT 1 AREA = 763,960 SQ. FT. OUTLOT A AREA = 436,691 SQ. FT. OUTLOT B AREA = 2,071 ,985 SQ. FT. MACIVER AVE R.O.W. = 110,283 SQ. FT. Both STREET N E R.O.W. = 68,100 SQ. FT. MARLOWE AVE R.O.W. = 84,605 SQ. FT. 85th STREET N.E. R.O.W. = 73,023 SQ. FT: SCHEDULE B2 NOTES: $ 1. Title work was not provided for this survey. BENCHMARKS + ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDOT GEODETIC WEBSITE. SURVEY DISK C 121 23 WITH AN ELEVATION OF 943.90 WAS USED TO ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 88) SURVEY NOTES: 1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLED BY THE WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE. 2. THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT SHOWN OR LOCATED. 3. WETLAND DELINEATION FLAGS WERE FOUND OR LOCATED AS SHOWN ON SURVEY. ZONING NOTES: $ 1. SITE IS ZONED A-1, AGRICULTURAL - RURAL SERVICE AREA, PER CITY OF OTSEGO ZONING MAP (N I SEC 19, TWP. 121, RNG. 23, CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA REVISIONS: $ DATE REVISION 10-15-15 INITIAL ISSUE CERTIFICATION: + I hereby mrdfy that this plan was prepared by under my direct supemislon, and that 1 am a duly{tcensed Land surveyor under the Ims of the state of Minnesota Daniel LThurmes Registradon tuber: 25718 Dar. 70-15-15 NORTH 0 100 200 PROJECT LOCATION: }xxxx 80th ST NE PID#118500193200 Suite #1 6750 Stillwater Blvd. N. Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone 651.275.8969 Fax 651.275.8976 dance cssurvey .net CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. FILE NAME PREPLATSAFI 5 PROJECT NO. SAFI4015 PRELIMINARY PLAT SHEET 1 OF 2 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION (per Wright County tax records): OTS EG O E— 8 I + „-- ,I,-rr I The west half of the southwest quarter of Section19,Township121,Range23. SCHOOL ADDITION :J ::::.)- EXCEFF: 1 -- NE CORNER OF WEST 1/2 OF SW 1/4 That part ofthe hereinbefore described property described as follows: ECPRELIMINARY PLAT \ I / S. Iq, TWP. 21, RFC. 23 "-WI/4 CORNER OF SEC. Iq, TWP. 12L RNC. 23 1 I (FOUND WRIGW CO. CAST IRON NONUPENT) . r, 11 Beginning at a point on the east line of said west half lying 28 feet South of the PB9'29r�3"W -NORTH LINE OF WEST I/2 OF SW I/4 1 northeast corner thereof; thence North a distance of 28 feet along said east --13 5.64--- �` SEC. R. TwP. 2L RNG- 23 _ 1` S3644' 09"E line; thence West a distance of 21 feet along the north line of said west half; CONTACT: - thence southeasterly to the Point of Beginning. o-35.f7 + ti - - - Wright County, Minnesota NEIL TESSIER 85_' STREET NE--9 % g ty, o °z. SAFEngineering, PLLC - s 6574 Sioux Lane s ^� a - N892903W 834.15 `T r 'so N89z9'O3'w 449.24 6 �_,-'' ` r , Lino Lakes, MN 55014 — — — B0 BLDcsEraAa ,-- — — — — — 33 Phone: 612-213-9859 30 SLOG BACK i j `SL mPT �003037'W 93__ 9? VICINITY MAP a mq u EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES: z sna _s*. r ! R No title work was provided for the benefit ofthis survey. (Nor TO SCALE) F !£ ziF r - q57 3y� 3 % / / BEG I9, TWP.ECO, 121, RTC. LI �_ - I - _ _ ah \f`„\•- j I CITY OF OTSEINNESOA COUNTY. q�e R6 EXISTING AREAS: MINNEsorA 3 REVISIONS: 5897i48'W 906 - PARCEL AREA PER LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ip,OO �. - I E. 3,608,647 sq. ft., being 82.84 acres, more or less DATE REVISION INITIAL ISSUE APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AREA: •` 111 f\"' n - r• �,•--- — 87,886 sq. ft., being 2.02 acres, more or less - P I i.r ' I J F r•t .t PARCEL AREA LESS APPROXIMATE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 3,520,761 sq. ft., being 80.83 acres, more or less CERTIFICATION' f •�- / ••' n I _ , I e ebunder mt d rthissplan was > y y certify p prepared t l y pert/ Sion, antl [ha[ am r `it•• �I � '• �` 'r the state of Mlnnesore. duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of z I oa"�'� qee PROPOSED AREAS: -- / LU q o--- > + LOT 1 AREA = 763,960 SQ. FT. Daniel LTnBrmes Registrada Number: 2571 B -. O VT1.. T RC35 I LU OUTLOT A AREA= ,071, 7 SQ FT Date: 70-I5-15 I ye ¢ OUTLOT 8 AREA 2,071 985 SQ FT. UQ c„ I a y 9 �'ss "k Qill80th STREET N.E. R.O.W. 68.100 SQ. FT. /// s $ P�,y °cam MARLOWE AVE R.O.W. = 84,605 SQ. FT. c - c s °s a" 85th STREET N.E. R.O.W. = 73,023 SQ. FT. 9a xQ q49 -\ P I )) SCHEDULE 62 NOTES: NORTH I - n : _ 0 100 200 ----J 1. Title work was not provided for thi s survey. '144 �° a a° I too + BENCHMARKS ks E O PROJECT LOCATION: ah -- - - ELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDOT GEODETIC + _ WEBSITE. SURVEY DISK C 12 1 23 WITH AN ELEVATION OF 943.90 WAS USED TO ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 88) h - argP 80th ST NE Or PID#118500193200 qaz SEEXFfltET 1 OF\2 FOUND 1/2 INCH IRON o 0 SURVEY NOTES: w t} g � % ' ,--N. LNE OF S1 I/4. OF WI/4 PIPE t1ARKED RLS4L578 - - ++ SEC. Iq, TWP. 12" RNG. 3 I $ 1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE WRIGHT COUNTY m SURVEYORS OFFICE. 1 40 2 THERE WN OR LOCATED.UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOT Suite #1 3. WETLAND DELINEATION FLAGS WERE FOUND OR LOCATED AS SHOWN ON 6750 Stillwater Blvd. N. SURVEY. Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone 651.175.8.6, Fax 651.275.8976 don_ UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES: $ LEGEND: + FLOOD INFORMATION: cssu net THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD FOUND MONUMENT (AS NOTED) oe OVERHEAD ELECTRIC THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN THE UNSHADED ZONE X, AREAS DETERMINED TO ZONING NOTES: SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO BE OUTSIDE THE 500 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN, AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL FLOOD $ GUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALL r— GUY WIRE > SANITARY seN81 INSURANCE RATE MAP COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 2707470001 A, HAVING AN SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE >>SrORM SEWER EFFECTIVE DATE OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992. 1. SITE G ZONED A-1 AGRICULTURAL - RURAL SERVICE AREA, PER CITY OF -0-PowEa POLE OTSEGO. ZONING MAP SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT TH E UN DERG ROUND UTILITIES -. .— WIRE FENCE (AS NOTED) SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFY TP TELEPHONE PEDESTAL EXISTING PARKING \ / THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THE ® SANITARY MANHOLE gyp- CURB [TYPICAL] + INFORMATION AVAILABLE THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THE CONTOURS THERE ARE 0 VISIBLE PARKING STALLS DESIGNATED ON THIS PARCEL INCLUDING CORNERSTONE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKET ® CATCH BASIN x asoo SPOT ELEVATION 0 HANDICAP STALL. NUMBER(5) 150070133, SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIES FLARED END SECTION LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OF WHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST. OTHER UTILITIES MAY EXIST ON THIS STORM MANHOLE SITE THAT WERE NOT MARKED UP. WATER OONTROL.srnucruRE FILENAME PREPLATSAFlS Ca , aFFOREYOU DIGI HYDRANT PROJECT NO. SAF1401 5 ® Gopher State One Call WATERVALVE PRELIMINARY TN CITY AREA: 651-eS40002 WI TOLL TREE: I-a0o-252-II6fi ® MAILBOX PLAT SHEET 2 OF 2 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THERE PRESENTS: That [OWNER NAME], owner, of the following described property situated in County of Wright, State of Minnesota to wit: County Surveyor, Wright County, Minnesota [DESCRIPTION OF LAND] Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this this day Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION and does hereby dedicate or of , 20 donate to the public for public use forever the easements for drainage and utility purposes as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said [OWNER NAME], has caused these presents to be signed this day of 20 SIGNED: [OWNER NAME], its ITITLEJ By its STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by , the of the DO O(I. Notary Public My Commission Expires day of 20 of [OWNER NAME], on behalf I hereby certify that I surveyed and platted or directly supervised the surveying and platting of the land described on this plat: this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey: all mathematic data and labels are correctly designated; all monuments depicted on the plat have been or will be correctly set within one year; all water boundaries and wet lands as of this date are shown and labeled; and all public ways are shown and labeled. Dated this day of '20 Daniel L Thurrnes, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 25718 STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyors Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Daniel L. Thurmes, a Licensed Land Surveyor. Notary Public My Commission Expires Otsego, Minnesota This plat of OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 ,and is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota By: Mayor By: , Clerk By: Steven A. Jobe, County Surveyor County AuditonTreasurer, Wright County Minnesota I hereby certify that taxes payable in 20 and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat. Dated this day of . 20 By: RobertJ. Hiiva a, County Auditor/Treasurer County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this plat of OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION was filed this day of 20 ,.at o'clock M. as Document No. By: Barbara J. Gabrelcik, County Recorder CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC_ --NE CORNER OF WEST 1/2 W OF SW 1/4 OA I j/ SEC. 19, TWP. 121. RNC. 23 1 W jp EAST LNE OF SEC. 19, TWP. M i 50 iN F-, F w ov Z w � �w = �1 00 )off 50 Ir60 WEST LM OF SEC. R, TWp. NORTH 0 100 200 1 INCH = 100 FEET For the purposes of this survey the west line of the West 1 /2 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota is assumed to bear South 00*12'14" East. SW I/4 SW 1/4 MARLOWE AV f OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION I I l N00'04'53"1I - 2620.32--- '\ \ EA51 LPE OP WEST 1/2 OF SW 1/4 SEC. R, TWp. E I ;__ 3q2.95 N00n4'53'W 1105M MARLOWE AVE _ N00T14'53'W 1392.301' — - �- 129.25-='I`\-----------------------o— 305.92 1 I 1 � �"i ->•- 20.00' WAIERMAN n ^o J � F o_ � i ii � EASEMENT opp\ 111m . I c is 95 50 �\ /�'IT-___ .E 1` - .09ANACe AM SOT3232 709 DRANACE AND UTLrrY S14^S032•W ' \\\ '`\ UTILITY EASEMENT e, -�' '\ EASEMENT ter N75'02'28'v/ 7D.99�;;`-/,�, LOT 1 /N625 '3"E \���__.._-_12I_00-_ NOOU2'28'W I @ F`1 t�300 �1 �r�/ ti � / I �`; ";� BLOCK 1A�N� I \p p0 / I �'a \\`\ z = j i /, LU Z L. \n I \ \ \ Ww. ,, \\ \ LU LLJ O O UTLOT B WATERMMJ \ - EASEMENT--�-. 28 / / - I to O LO Nj82 \\\ ; i c �1� 24 \\\Y\ \ \ \ JN \\v 13 _ Y I 40� i I \ O UTLOT A i r\ -_�EA. TERMAN SEMW III 1rd I 1+-10.0.0 r--10.00 40 !! 50 4 n 1� j sa0T2'14E r``, SDpY7184E i 5007714E 1275.01 - 389.E - — g MACIVER AVE NE g -61.00- MACIVER AVE NE -- 2644.50— MACIVER Ir AVE NE — — — S00'f2'14"s WE5T LINE OF WEST 1/2 OF SW 1/4 F SeL. 19, TWP. 121, RNC. 23 ------ ' I1/ I 1 _ II F( Al /1//c-. /-- / // / /c/ :/I/ /�\/ /`/--//F� I / / �01119T OWNSHP 121, i Ii/I /\/ / // DRAINAGE AND UTILITY l 1 / ' t_ c_ -t / \c r / r .i I .I r c_ / RPNGe 2.3 I Fou D WRICNT COUNTY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: LAST RON MONJIFE T)----- ' I0� I LEGEND —---J10 Denotes monument found (as noted) 0 Denotes)i inch x 14 inch iron pipe set and marked with Being 10.00 feet in width and adjoining Minnesota License No. 2S718 (monuments to be set public ways and 10.00 feet in width and within one year after recording of the plat) adjoining lot lines, unless otherwise shown on this plat. CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC. SWeT 2 OF 2 SHECTS RESOLUTION NO.: 2015 - 64 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AT THE REQUEST OF ISD 728 FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN E-8 SCHOOL. WHEREAS, Elk River Area Schools (ISD 728) has submitted plans for to plat and develop an E-8 school on a portion of the property located at the northeast corner of Maclver Avenue and 80th Street (PID 118-500-193200); and, WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan most recently amended on 12 December 2012; and, WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan establishes goals, policies and programs to provide direction, guidance and management for on -going development of the City; and, WHEREAS, the Urban Service Staging Plan designates the subject site as being within Urban Service Expansion Area W2; ISD 728 has applied to amend the Comprehensive Plan to include the proposed plat within the West Sewer District designated by the Urban Service Staging Plan to allow for extension of sanitary sewer and water utilities to service the proposed E-8 school; and, WHEREAS, the Future Land Use Plan guides the subject site for low density residential uses; ISD 728 has applied to amend the Comprehensive Plan to guide the area of the proposed plat for public/quasi-public land uses to allow for development of the proposed E-8 school; and, WHEREAS, the requested amendments are consistent with the following policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan: ■ Assist the school districts in locating sites for new facilities that are accessible, compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities, and offer the necessary land to meet the physical needs of the school use. ■ Promote school site design that results in the facilities becoming neighborhood and community focal points and gathering areas. ■ Enter into agreements for joint use of City parks and school recreational facilities to maximize the benefits to both residents and students. ■ Establish safe and convenient trail access to each school site within the community. WHEREAS, the planning report dated 1 October 2015 and addendum dated 20 October 2015 prepared by the City Planner, the Planning Company LLC, are incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, The Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 8 September 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to the Planning Commission meeting on 5 October 2015 at the request of the applicant. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that Otsego that the 2012 Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. The preliminary/final plat for the proposed E-8 school is included within the West Sewer District designated by the Urban Service Staging Plan. 2. The preliminary/final plat for the proposed E-8 school is guided for public/quasi- public land uses designated by the Future Land Use Plan. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of October, 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk P OtSeT goF MINNESOTA APPLICANT: Elk River Area Schools (ISD 728) 20 October 2015 FINDINGS & DECISION PUD-CUP/PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPLICATION: Request for approval of PUD-CUP and preliminary and final plat for development of an E-8 school. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 26 October 2015 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. B. C. D. E. The legal description of the property is described by Exhibit A. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for public and quasi -public land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. The property is zoned INS, Institutional District; the proposed E-8 school is a permitted use within the INS District. ISD 728 is requesting approval of a preliminary and final plat and PUD-CUP for the development of the proposed E-8 school The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1 2 The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes a goal to provide for proper school facilities by working with school district officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed E-8 school addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed E-8 school is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points and are accessible and compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LID Residential A-1 District Agriculture South LD Residential R-6 District A-1 District Single Family Rural Residential West LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Based on the area of the subject site and site plan, the proposed school facility will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. Note that the agricultural use to the west includes a registered feedlot, for which the Zoning Ordinance establishes minimum separation requirements for new residential dwellings, but not for facilities such as the proposed E-8 school. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The development of the proposed E-8 School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, including any modifications approved as part of the PUD-CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Service boundaries for the proposed E-8 school are not defined. Existing streets accessing the subject site include Maclver Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a residential collector street, 80th Street and Marlowe Avenue/83rd Street. In conjunction with the site development, ISD is funding a City project to improve 80th Street east of Maclver Avenue to accommodate vehicle access to the proposed E-8 school. The City will complete construction of 70th Street for traffic between Odean Avenue and Maclver Avenue in 2015 providing an east -west connection across the City. The 2015 Capital Improvement Plan includes construction of 85th Street between Nashua Avenue and Mason Avenue in 2018 using Minnesota State Aid (MSA) funding allocated to the City from gas taxes. Future improvements to extend Maclver Avenue and 85th Street on the west and north sides of the property, respectively, will be undertaken in the future to increase access to the subject site. The capacity of Maclver Avenue, improvements to 80th Street and other exiting public streets is sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed E-8 school. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed E-8 school. F. The planning report dated 1 October 2015 and addendum dated 20 October 2015 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., are incorporated herein. G. The Engineering Review dated 23 September 2015 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. H. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 8 September 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to the Planning Commission meeting on 5 October 2015 at the request of the applicant. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. 2 DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service; the City shall only allocate sanitary sewer capacity to approved final plats with signed development contracts to assure the City of timely development. 2. The principal buildings and accessory uses within preliminary/final plat shall be subject to the following setback requirements: ROW Side Rear Wetland 30ft. 30ft. 30ft. 1 40ft. 3. The site plan shall be revised to provide for extension of the sidewalk adjacent to the drop- off/pick-up drive aisle directly south to 80th Street, subject to review and approval of City staff. 4. The submitted lighting plan shall be revised to include two additional light fixtures at each of the site entrances off of 80th Street, subject to review and approval of City staff. 5. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and require issuance of a sign permit prior to installation, subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator. 6. Any outdoor storage of trash containers shall be screened from view within an enclosure constructed of the same exterior materials as used for the principal building in compliance with Section 20-16-15.B.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 7. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. ISD 728 shall pay sewer and water availability charges for the platted area of the subject site as a condition of final plat approval, as well as sewer and water connection charges at the time a building permit is issued, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code. 9. All grading, drainage, erosion control, wetland impacts and wetland mitigation plans and issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10, ISD 728 shall pay a storm water impact fee for Otsego Creek based on the net area platted as a condition of final plat approval. 11. The preliminary and final plat shall dedicate all drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. ISD 728 shall submit preliminary and final plat documents incorporating all of the data required by Section 21-6-2 and 21-6-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance, including the dedication of right-of-way and drainage and utility easements, subject to review and approval of City staff. 13. ISD 728 shall execute a Development Agreement with the City prior to recording of the final plat, subject to review of the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. 3 MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of October, 2015. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor W OtSeoTY F O MINNESOTA APPLICANT: Elk River Area Schools (ISD 728) 20 October 2015 FINDINGS & DECISION ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION: Request for approval of a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the area to be platted and developed for an E-8 school from A-1 District to INS District. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 13 January 2013 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego City Council now makes the following findings of fact: A. The legal description of the property is described by Exhibit A. B. The property lies within the West Sewer District and is guided for public and quasi -public land uses by the 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan, as amended. C. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District; ISD 728 is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the property to INS, Institutional District to allow for development of an E-8 school, which is a permitted use within the INS District. D. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the request with their judgment based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The 2012 Comprehensive Plan establishes a goal to provide for proper school facilities by working with school district officials to meet the needs of existing and future populations. The proposed E-8 school addresses the increase in population occurring in Otsego (and the overall school district) and planned future growth needs. The proposed E-8 school is also consistent with the policies of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan to develop facilities at locations where they will be neighborhood and community focal points and are accessible and compatible with adjacent land uses and natural environment amenities. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses surrounding the subject site: Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North LD Residential A-1 District Agriculture Rural Residential East LD Residential A-1 District A riculture South LD Residential R-6 District Single Family A-1 District Rural Residential West I LD Residential I A-1 District Agriculture Based on the area of the subject site and site plan, the proposed school facility will be compatible with existing and future land uses in the area. Note that the agricultural use to the west includes a registered feedlot, for which the Zoning Ordinance establishes minimum separation requirements for new residential dwellings, but not for facilities such as the proposed E-8 school. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained within the Zoning Ordinance and other provisions of the City Code. Finding: The development of the proposed E-8 School will comply with the applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, including any modifications approved as part of the PUD-CUP. 4. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Service boundaries for the proposed E-8 school are not defined. Existing streets accessing the subject site include Maclver Avenue, which is designated by the Transportation Plan as a residential collector street, 80th Street and Marlowe Avenue/83rd Street. In conjunction with the site development, ISD is funding a City project to improve 80th Street east of Maclver Avenue to accommodate vehicle access to the proposed E-8 school. The City will complete construction of 70th Street for traffic between Odean Avenue and Maclver Avenue in 2015 providing an east -west connection across the City. The 2015 Capital Improvement Plan includes construction of 85th Street between Nashua Avenue and Mason Avenue in 2018 using Minnesota State Aid (MSA) funding allocated to the City from gas taxes. Future improvements to extend Maclver Avenue and 85th Street on the west and north sides of the property, respectively, will be undertaken in the future to increase access to the subject site. The capacity of Maclver Avenue, improvements to 80th Street and other exiting public streets is sufficient to accommodate traffic generated by the proposed E-8 school. 5. The proposed use can be accommodated by existing public services and facilities and will not overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The City has adequate capability, including sanitary sewer and water utilities, to serve the proposed E-8 school. E. The planning report dated 1 October 2015 and addendum dated 20 October 2015 prepared by the City Planner, The Planning Company LLC., are incorporated herein. F. The Engineering Review dated 23 September 2015 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. G. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing at their regular meeting on 8 September 2015 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to the Planning Commission meeting on 5 October 2015 at the request of the applicant. Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the request based on the aforementioned findings. 2 DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the request is hereby APPROVED. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th day of October, 2015. Tami Loff, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO By: Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ORDINANCE NO.: 2015-09 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR LAND TO BE PLATTED WITHIN THE ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, ISD 728 Otsego E-8 School Addition. Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District to INS, Institutional District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Map of the City of Otsego shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Zoning Administrator shall appropriately mark the Zoning Map on file at City Hall for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance, and all of the notations, references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to Law. MOTION BY: SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this day of , 2015. CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION HERE EXHIBIT A Review No. 1 ��Hakanson l�lAnderson ENGINEERING REVIEW Residential Subdivision for the City of Otsego by Hakanson Anderson Submitted to: Honorable Mayor and City Council cc: Lori Johnson, Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Mark Bezek, Elk River School District Superintendent Gregory M. Hein, ISD #728 Executive Director of Business Neil Tessier, P.E. SAFEngineering, PLLC Josh Grenier, AIA, Wold Architects and Engineers Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, P.E. Brent M. Larson, P.E. Date: September 23, 2015 Proposed Development: Otsego E-8 School Street Location A portion of the SW'/4 of the SW'/4 of S19, T121, R23. of Property: North of 80`h Street NE and West of Marlowe Avenue NE Applicant: Independent School District #728 815 Highway 10 Elk River, MN 55330 Developer: Independent School District #728 Owners of Record: Independent School District#728 Purpose: The Independent School District #728 School site is a proposed approximate 20± acre site for an E-8 school with athletic facilities within the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. The proposed development will be served with municipal water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and public streets typical of an urban setting. Jurisdictional Agencies: City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota Department of (but not limited to) Health, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Wright Soil and Water Conservation District. Permits Required: NPDES, Minnesota Department of Health (water), and (but not limited to) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (sanitary sewer) TABLE OF CONTENTS INFORMATION AVAILABLE PRELIMINARY PLAT TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY/EXISTING CONDITIONS FINAL PLAT CONSTRUCTION PLANS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION PAGE 2 S:\Municipal\Aotsego23xx\2329\ot2329RVWI.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Construction Documents for Elk River ISD #728 E-8 School, dated 9/22/2015, by SAFEngineering, PLLC and CEI Engineering Associates, Inc. Wetland Delineation Report for Elk River ISD #728 E-8 School Site, dated 7/27/20 5, by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc City of Otsego Engineering Manual Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 PAGE 3 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2329\ot2329RVW1.doc PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. A preliminary plat is required. The following required information is missing from the submitted construction documents; a. Boundary lines of plat to include bearings, distances, curve data, and total acreage of proposed plat, clearly indicated. b. Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision. c. Total area and setbacks of the proposed plat shall be listed. d. Boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land, identified by name and ownership within 150'. TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY/EXISTING CONDITIONS 1. See Preliminary Plat comments. FINAL PLAT A Final Plat is required. It may be submitted and accepted simultaneously with the preliminary plat CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING PLANS The full plan set was not reviewed in detail yet. The following are only the major comments for the plans received 9/23/15 to initiate discussions developer and engineer. Appears wetland in SE corner will be impacted by pond construction. Justification and mitigation will be necessary for TEP approval. Approval is required prior to impacting this wetland. 2. Connection and reconstruction of field catch basin along west property line is beyond property limits. Written permission from adjacent property shall be obtained. The existing structure and drain tile off of the School's property shall be covered by a drainage and utility easement. 3. A small storm pond in the SW corner of the School property will be needed to facilitate some runoff from 80th St reconstruct. The large pond in the SE corner of the School property will need to facilitate some runoff from 80th St. 4. Some minor changes in contours will be needed to accommodate outlet pipe in SW corner of site. 5. We recommend that the waterline on north side of building remain under the paved fire lane. 6. We will incorporate our 80th St design with this drawing. Some ditching and culverts shown on your plan will likely be alleviated on the north side as curb and gutter and storm sewer will be installed. PAGE 4 S:\Municipai\Aotsego23xx\2329\ot2329RVW1.doc We suggest a water main stub on the east side of the building over to Marlowe for future looping. We suggest a trail along the west side of the parking lot so pedestrians can choose between crossing the parking lot entrance or crossing after the parking lot with less traffic. 9. To avoid needing to remove the lift station and forcemain from the school area and replacing the forcemain with gravity in the future we suggest the temporary lift station be located near future Maciver Avenue and that a gravity line be nin from the school to the lift station instead. STORM SEWER MANAGEMENT The site shall meet all City and NPDES Permit requirements. A stormwater management report shall be submitted. 2. Storm sewer design calculations shall be submitted. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in Minnesota Statutes 11513.02, Subd 8 2. Soil borings and geotechnical data with a recommended R-value for pavement design shall be provided. SUMMARY AND/OR RECOMMENDATION We recommend approval contingent upon the above comments being addressed. PAGE 5 S:\MunicipaMotsego23xx\2329\ot2329RVWI.doc CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2015-65 RESOLUTION APPROVING DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT- ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION WHEREAS, Independent School District # 728 is seeking approval of a Plat known as ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION, and WHEREAS, the approved Plat requires construction of some public improvements and payment of City costs and fees as well as placing certain restrictions on the development; and WHEREAS, those obligations are contained and memorialized in the attached Developers Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developers Agreement also sets forth the security required to assure satisfactory construction of public improvements and establishes the various remedies available to the City in the event that Developer breaches the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota as follows; 1. The attached Developers Agreement between the City of Otsego and Independent School District # 728 is hereby approved. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Developers Agreement on behalf of the City of Otsego. ADOPTED this 26th day of October, 2015 by the City Council of Otsego. MOTION TO ADOPT the Resolution by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk 2 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of October, 2015 by and between the CITY OF OTSEGO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY') and Independent School District 728, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("DEVELOPER") RECITALS WHEREAS, DEVELOPER has proposed a Plat to be known as ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPER is the fee owner the parcel of land that is approximately 82.84 acres and is legally described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, LOT 1, BLOCK 1 and OUTLOT A, ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION, which is 27.56 acres of the subject site is proposed for development of a E-8 school facility, play fields, and other related improvements; and WHEREAS, the Final Plat and the new development are subject to a Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit (PUD-CUP) approved by the City Council on October 26 2015; and WHEREAS, the improvements within LOT 1, BLOCK 1 and OUTLOT A, ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION shall be constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the PUD-CUP and the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and mutual promises hereinafter contained, it is agreed between the parties as follows: Development Plans. The Plat shall be developed in accordance with the plans the cover sheet of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B dated 2015 and signed by the City Engineer on file and of record at CITY and herein fully incorporated herein by reference and the conditions stated below (hereinafter the "Development Plans"). If the Development Plans vary from the written terms of this Agreement, the Development Plans shall control. 2. Municipal Improvements. The Development Plans include certain Municipal Improvements as set forth on the attached Exhibit C. 3. Private Improvements. The DEVELOPER agrees that it shall cause to be constructed and installed certain private improvements ("Private Improvements") on the Subject Property. All Private Improvements are to be installed at DEVELOPER'S sole cost and expense pursuant to this Agreement. DEVELOPER shall construct such Private Improvements in accordance with all applicable building codes, ordinances and CITY standards and the Building Development Plans furnished to the CITY and approved by the City Engineer. The DEVELOPER shall obtain all necessary permits before construction of any building. CITY shall provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure acceptable quality control, which will allow certification of the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of any building and before any security is released, the DEVELOPER shall supply the CITY with a complete set of reproducible "as built" plans and two (2) complete sets of blue line "as built" plans prepared in accordance with CITY standards. 2 4. Grading, Landscaping and Drainage. The DEVELOPER shall be responsible for grading, landscaping, and storm water management on the Plat as more fully set forth in this Agreement. A. Landscaping. DEVELOPER shall install all plantings as shown on the Landscape Plan approved by the CITY and maintain the plantings, sod and landscape of the Development and boulevard areas adjacent to streets as shown in the Development Plans through at least one (1) growing season and to the satisfaction of CITY. The long term maintenance of sod and landscaping of boulevard areas shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER or any Future Owner. Further, DEVELOPER shall be responsible for mowing, elimination of weeds and removal of any garbage or debris within the Plat. B. Erosion Control. The erosion control plan has been reviewed and approved by CITY and shall be implemented by DEVELOPER prior to grading. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded forthwith after completion of work in that area. If DEVELOPER does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or any erosion control requirements, CITY may, with reasonable notice, take action as it deems appropriate in accordance with all applicable laws, ordinances or regulations or according to this Agreement. C. Grading Plan. Grading shall be in accordance with the approved Grading Plan as provided in the Development Plans. 5. Pre -Construction Activity. DEVELOPER shall schedule a pre - construction meeting with CITY to review the proposed schedule for grading and construction of the building and related improvements as set forth on the Development Plans, and to coordinate the schedule with the City Engineer. 6. Ownership of Improvements. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Agreement, improvements lying within public easements on the Subject Property shall become CITY property without further notice or action. 7. Clean Up. DEVELOPER shall promptly clean any and all dirt and debris from streets resulting from construction work by DEVELOPER, its agents or assigns during the work and construction required by this Agreement. Kj 8. Administrative Fee. A one-time fee for CITY administration of the development is $3,000.00. 9. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and Trail dedication requirements for LOT 1, BLOCK 1 are waived as CITY acknowledges that the District play fields and amenities within the Development will be an overall benefit to the community in accordance with City Comprehensive Plan. 10. Storm Water Fees, and Storm Water Basin. Storm Water Fees are as follows; 17.56 acres (Lot 1, Block 1) x $3,225.00/net acre = $56,631.00. 11. Sewer Availability Charges. The Sewer Availability Charges for the Plat are as follows: 17.56 acres (LOT 1, BLOCK 1) x 3.5 RECs per acre = 61.46 RECs at $2,265 per REC = $139,206.90. 12. Sewer Connection Fees. Sanitary sewer connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. The sewer connection fees shall be determined at the time that building plans are submitted and reviewed by CITY. 13. Water Availability Charges. The Water Availability Charges for the Plat are as follows: 17.56 (LOT 1, BLOCK 1) acres x 3.5 RECs per acre= 61.46 RECs $1,581 per REC = $97,168.26. 14. Water Connection Fees. Water connection fees are paid at the time of issuance of a building permit. The water connection charges shall be determined at the time that building plans are submitted and reviewed by CITY. 15. Street and Traffic Control Sign Fees. The fee amount for the Subject Property was calculated as follows: 0 signs at $250.00 per sign or $0.00. CITY shall purchase and install the street and traffic control signs with the public improvement project. 16. CITY Engineering, Engineering Administration, Construction Observation, and Legal Fee Escrow and City Fees. DEVELOPER shall pay into escrow for the CITY' S engineering, engineering administration and construction observation services of Municipal Improvements as set forth on Exhibit C, following execution of this agreement, in the estimated amount set forth below. City engineering administration will include consultation with DEVELOPER and its engineer on status or problems regarding the Project, monitoring during the warranty period, general administration and processing of requests n for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be the actual amount billed for those service estimated to be three percent (3%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. DEVELOPER shall pay for construction observation performed by the City Engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time observation, as determined by the City Engineer, of the Municipal Improvements and will be billed at hourly rates actually required for said inspection estimated to be five percent (5%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements to be inspected. In the event of prolonged construction or unusual problems, CITY will notify DEVELOPER of anticipated cost overruns for engineering administration and observation services. The Escrow and Fee account shall include estimated escrow for City Engineering, Engineering Administration and Construction Observation limited to the Municipal Improvements expenses and Legal expenses, and fees for City Administrative, Street and Traffic Control Signs, Water and Sewer Availability Charges as follows: ESCROW City Construction Administration and Inspection Escrow $24,000.00 (estimated 8% of $300,000, actual billings to be paid) Legal Fees (actual billings to be paid) $3,000.00 FEES City Administration Fees (flat fee) $3,000.00 Storm Water Impact Fee (82.84ac x $3,225/ac.) $56,631.00 Sewer Availability Charge (61.46 RECs at $2,265.00 per REC) $139,206.90 Water Availability Charge (61.46 RECs at $1,581 per REC) $97,168.26 GIS Data Entry Fee (82.84 acres x $100 per acre) $8,284.00 Wetland Delineation Review (1 x $2,000.00) $2,000.00 61 17 TOTAL $333,290.16 These Escrow and Fee amounts shall be submitted to CITY prior to CITY executing this Agreement. Any Escrow amounts not utilized for legal and engineering charges incurred by the City under this Agreement shall be returned to DEVELOPER when all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to CITY satisfied, and all required "as -built " plans have been received by CITY. Engineering, planning and legal fees incurred prior to the execution of this Agreement shall be deducted from escrow already submitted with the Plat application or charged against the escrow herein established. All other amounts listed as one-time fees are non-refundable and available immediately for CITY use when posted. Security. To ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and construction of all Municipal Improvements, DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY with a cash escrow or Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit or other acceptable security (at the election of the DEVELOPER) in the amount of $1,274,375.00, said amount calculated as follows: Site Grading, Erosion Control & Wetland Protection Sanitary Sewer- Lateral & Trunk Watermain- Lateral & Trunk Storm Sewer- Lateral Streets Engineering & Surveying Construction Services Landscaping SUBTOTAL TOTAL SECURITY ($1,019,500 x 125%) $82,680.00 $00.00 $300,000.00 $00.00 $00.00 $19,500.00 $617,320.00 $1,019,500.00 $1,274,375.00 The issuer and form of the security (other than cash escrow) shall be subject to CITY approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The security shall be issued by a banking institution in good G standing as determined by CITY and approved by the City Administrator. CITY shall have the ability to draw on the Security by overnight courier delivery to the bank or branch bank issuing the Letter of Credit. The security shall be for a term ending August 1, 2017 and shall contain an automatic renewal provision. CITY may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement, or upon receiving notice of the pending expiration of the security. It shall be the responsibility of DEVELOPER to inform CITY at least thirty (30) days prior to expiration of the security of the impending expiration and the status of the Project relative to the security and this Agreement. If, for whatever reason, the security lapses prior to complete compliance with this Agreement (other than during any warranty period), DEVELOPER shall immediately provide CITY with either an extension of the security or an irrevocable letter of credit of the same amount upon notification of the expiration. If the required improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, CITY may also draw down the security. CITY may draw down the security for any violation of the terms of this Agreement (after any reasonable notice to DEVELOPER and cure periods). If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure any default. CITY will, upon making determination of final costs to cure any default, refund to the DEVELOPER any monies which CITY has in its possession which are in excess of the security needed. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to CITY that work has been completed and financial obligations to CITY have been satisfied, the security will be reduced from time to time down to the amount of warranty security as set forth in paragraph 18 of this Agreement. The security shall not be reduced below ten percent (10%) of the posted security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to CITY satisfied (which includes posting of warranty security), and required "as built" plans have been received by CITY. The intent of this Agreement that CITY shall have access to sufficient security, either security or warranty security, to complete the Project and insure warranty on all public improvements. The security amount shall be submitted to CITY prior to execution of the Agreement. 7 18. Warranty. DEVELOPER warrants all work required to be performed by it against poor material and faulty workmanship for a period of one (1) year after its completion and acceptance by CITY. The amount of posted security for public improvements to be posted by DEVELOPER shall be in the amount of $51,134.00. The amount has been determined by the City Engineer and is based upon the costs of the raw materials and labor which would be necessary to correct the most common deficiencies in the public improvements. 19. Restrictions. The following restrictions apply to the Subject Property and all lots thereon shall be held, sold, and conveyed subject to the following conditions and restrictions, which are for the purpose of protecting the value and desirability of the Plat and insuring all conditions imposed by CITY in this Agreement are properly recorded against the Final Plat. Said conditions shall run with the real property and be binding upon all parties having a right, title or interest in the Subject Property or any part thereof, their heirs, executors, representatives, successors and assigns: 20. Responsibility for Costs- City Project, Improvements to 80th Street and Construction of Temporary Lift Station. CITY shall construct improvements to 80th Street, storm sewer, watermain and Sanitary Sewer and Forcemain along with right of way acquisition and construction of a temporary lift station located on DEVELOPER's property as set forth in the previous agreement between CITY and DEVELOPER CITY shall construct and maintain the temporary lift station upon DEVELOPER's property. DEVELOPER shall provide CITY all necessary permanent and temporary easements and rights of entry for construction, maintenance, operation and abandonment of the temporary lift station. All physical components of the temporary lift station shall be CITY property. 21. Responsibility for Costs. A. Except costs for Developer's Internal Improvements, DEVELOPER shall pay all costs incurred by it or CITY in conjunction with the development of the Plat and building, including, but not limited to legal, planning, engineering, and inspection expenses in connection with the development and said Building. B. DEVELOPER shall hold CITY and its officers, employees and agents harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from DEVELOPER's acts or failures to act in connection with development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER. DEVELOPER shall indemnify CITY and its officers, employees and agents for all costs, damages or expenses which CITY may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorney's fees. C. DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, planning fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. CITY shall reimburse DEVELOPER for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engineering fees, attorney's fees, and costs and disbursements. D. DEVELOPER shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by CITY for obligations incurred under this Agreement and agreed to be paid by DEVELOPER under this Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, and DEVELOPER does not reasonably dispute the payment of amount of such bill CITY may either reimburse itself from existing Escrow or Security or may halt all Building 3 development work and construction until all bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. 22. Miscellaneous. A. Third parties shall have no recourse against CITY under this Agreement. B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. C. The action or inaction of CITY shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. CITY's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or release. 0 D. This Agreement shall run with the land, shall be recorded against the title to the Subject Property, and shall be binding on all parties having any right, title or interests in the Subject Property or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns. E. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon CITY or DEVELOPER is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to CITY or DEVELOPER, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by CITY or DEVELOPER and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at anytime thereafter any other right, power or remedy. F. DEVELOPER shall pay for all local costs related to drainage improvements required to complete the construction of the Plat according to the Development Plans. Local costs are costs related to required internal drainage improvements such as retention ponds. G. Should development of the Plat or building proceed at a pace slower than anticipated, and for that reason, specific terms of this Agreement become onerous or unduly burdensome to DEVELOPER, upon DEVELOPER's application, CITY will enter into negotiations regarding those specific terms and shall not unreasonably withhold consent to appropriate changes in the terms of this Agreement. H. DEVELOPER shall demonstrate and maintain compliance with the 1991 Wetland Conservation Act. I. DEVELOPER shall be responsible for all on site drainage for the Subject Property, as well as for any affects their actions may have on adjoining properties. 23. Violation of Agreement. If while the escrow or security provided in this Agreement is outstanding, a violation of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained occurs and such violation is not cured within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from CITY to DEVELOPER, CITY may draw upon the DEVELOPER's escrow or security to cure any violation of the Agreement and to reimburse CITY for any costs incurred in curing the violation. 10 24. Maintain Public Property Damaged or Cluttered During Construction. DEVELOPER agrees to assume full financial responsibility for any damage which may occur to public property including, but not limited to , street, street sub -base, base, bituminous surface, curb, utility system including, but not limited to, watermain, sanitary sewer or storm sewer when said damage occurs as a result of construction activity which takes place during development of the Subject Property by DEVELOPER or its contractors, except for damage caused by CITY, its employees, agents or contractors. DEVELOPER further agrees to pay all costs required to repair the streets and/or utility systems damaged or cluttered with debris when occurring as a direct or indirect result of the Developer's construction that takes place on the Subject Property. In the event that DEVELOPER is required to maintain or repair such damage and fails to maintain or repair the damaged public property referred to aforesaid within thirty (30) days after written notice from CITY or such longer period as may reasonably necessary or in the event of an emergency as shorter time period as determined by CITY, CITY may, upon notifying DEVELOPER undertake making or causing it to be repaired or maintained. When CITY undertakes such repair, DEVELOPER shall reimburse CITY for all its reasonable expenses within thirty (30) of its billing to DEVELOPER. If DEVELOPER fails to pay said bill within thirty (30) days, the security shall be responsible for reimbursing CITY. 25. Non -Assignment Without Consent. The obligations of DEVELOPER under this Agreement may be assigned by DEVELOPER if the assignment is approved by CITY. However, DEVELOPER shall not be released from its obligations under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City Council through Council resolution. 26. Subordination. This Agreement must be recorded against the Subject Property and all other liens, interests or mortgages shall be subordinate to the terms and conditions this Agreement and said Agreement shall not be subject to foreclosure by any other lien, interest or mortgage. 27. Notices. Required notices to DEVELOPER shall either hand delivered to DEVELOPER, it employees or agents, or mailed to DEVELOPER by registered mail or sent by overnight delivery at the following address: Independent School District #728, 815 Highway 10, Elk River, MN 55330. Notice to CITY shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk or mailed by registered mail or sent by overnight delivery at the following address: City of 11 Otsego, City Hall, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330, Attention: City Clerk. 28. Agreement Effect. This Agreement shall be binding and extend to the respective representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. 29. Amendment. This Agreement shall be amended only by addendum executed by both parties to this Agreement. 12 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, DEVELOPER and CITY have executed this Agreement as of the day and year above first written. CITY OF OTSEGO, A municipal corporation Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 728 A political subdivision of the State of Minnesota By: Its 13 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of , 2015 before me personally appeared Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff to me known as the persons described in the foregoing instrument and who did say they are, respectively, the Mayor and City Clerk of the municipal corporation named therein and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said municipal corporation by authority of its City Council and said Jessica Stockamp and Tami Loff acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) On this day of , 2015, before me personally appeared to me known as the person described in the foregoing instrument and who did say he is the of Independent School District No. 728 that said instrument was signed on behalf of the school district with authority and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said entity. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE 3 601 Thurston Avenue North Suite 103 Anoka, MN 55303 763-231-5850 14 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 15 DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY Development Plans for ISD 728 OTSEGO E-8 SCHOOL ADDITION by Wold Architects and Engineers dated 2015 and approved by CITY 2015. 16 EXHIBIT C- MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS Lateral and Trunk, Watermain- Lateral and Trunk Storm Sewer and Ponds, Trail. 17