ITEM 5.1 Northwood ParkOt�eCITY 0 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE Parks and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director October 26th, 2015 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ross Demant, Parks and Lori Johnson, City Administrator 5.1 Recreation Director AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends proceeding with the preparation of plans and specifications and solicitation of bids for the construction of Northwood Park. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BA C KG R O U N D/J U STI F I CATI O N: At the March 23, 2015 Otsego City Council meeting, the Council voted to approve a proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for professional park development services for Northwood Park. Those services include meetings with the Commission, Council, and Staff, developing conceptual designs, assisting in the facilitation of a neighborhood meeting, preparing plans and specifications for the selected park concept, administration of the bid process and coordinating construction. The Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting in June 2015 met with neighbors that surround Northwood Park to receive input on the conceptual designs and park amenities. During that meeting, amenities that were of interest to the neighbors where a larger picnic shelter with architectural elements matching that of the adjacent townhouse buildings, natural features incorporated into the play structures, a play court area, and space for community gardens. All of these requests have been incorporated into the final park concept. Also at that meeting, the Commission chose a preferred design for the physical layout of the park that they felt offered the most amenities for the neighbors and surrounding community. Items like parking stalls were talked about to make sure there was adequate parking for passive park users and ones that may be using the athletic fields. The original Capital Improve Plan (CIP) amount that was budgeted for this project was $640,000 which is proposed to be funded through Park Dedication Fund #203. The originally park budget was developed in 2007 by based on the park construction costs for Beaudry Meadows Park in 2006. Since 2007, this estimate for neighborhood park development has not been adjusted for inflation. However, the park dedication fee has been adjusted annually based on the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index; the park dedication fee now equates to funding construction of a neighborhood park costing approximately $786,000. The project estimate for Northwood Park is $750,868.65 plus to SRF's fee for planning and project oversight fee of $41,600 for a total cost of $792,468.65, not including staff time. This amount includes $51,700 in project alternates identified in the cost estimate that will be bid to determine actual prices before deciding whether they will be included in the project. The current park dedication fee does support the proposed amount for Northwood Park while supporting future park development in conjunction with the current Future Parks and Trails Plan adopted as part of the 2012 Comprehensive Plan. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted unanimously at their meeting on October 20, 2015 to recommend the City Council approve moving forward with the preparation of plans and specifications and advertisement for bids for Northwood Park based on the preferred concept plan and cost estimate. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Northwood Park Concept Plan B. Northwood Park Project Cost Estimate MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve SRF to proceed with plans and specifications and advertisement for bids for the construction of Northwood Park. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Fund #203 Park Dedication NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 0 Multi -use Court - (2) Basketball Standards - Striped for Pickleball Connection to Existing - Neighborhood Trail Picnic Shelter Community Garden Plots Portable Restroom — Enclosure Buffer Adjacent Residential Properties 8' Wide Bituminous—/ Trail, Typ. NORTHWOODS PARK CITY OF OTSEGO umamemal ocreen Fence (Alternate), _ Typ. Consulting, Group, Inc. Trail Connection to Neighborhood Gas Line Easement ,� Q 10 Lighting, Typ Bench on Concrete Pad, Typ. 15' Long - 3 Row Bleacher —Chain Link Backstop Flood Light for Leisure Rink in Infield _-15' Long Player's Bench, Typ. -B' Wide Bituminous Trail, Typ. Pergola with Landscape Plantings (Alternate) Enhanced Park Entrance -Park I.D. Sign -Landscape Plantings PREFERRED CONCEPT JOB No, 8805 DATE: or TOBER 20, 2015 PERGOLA (ALTERNATE) PICNIC SHELTER (34' x 24') ORNAMENTAL SCREEN FENCE (ALTERNATE) NORTHWOODS PARK 561N9 CITY OF OTS E G O Consulting Group, Inc. NATURE -BASED PLAY EQUIPMENT SITE AMENITIES JOB No. 8805 DATE: OCIORER 20. 2015 I' •.r _-=__-z ate__. 41�_ n �''"'^4►iA,�Y 4#1 momqm fill I i! ,nIIII �f�i�'lU� �I ► , INFIELD WITH BACKSTOP & PLAYERS BENCHES BENCHES, TRASH RECEPTACLES, TABLES, & DRINKING FOUNTAIN NORTHWOODS PARK SITE AMENITIES CITY OF OTSEGO Consulting Group, Inc. hR No. 8805 DATE: DCTOSER 20, 2015 Northwoods Park Preliminary Estimate City of Otsego UNIT LEGENDS: LS=Lump Sum, SF=Square Feet, SY=Square Yards, EA=Each, LF=Lineal Foot, FF=Face Feet, CY=Cubic Yards, AC = Acres SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 8805 Northwoods Park Preliminary Estimate (10/20/15) Section 1 - Site Surveying / Removals Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Descri tion Qty. Unit in Dollars in Dollars Provide all necessary construction surveying 1 and staking to meet layout and grading 1 LS $8,000.00 $8,000.00 requirements for all work - complete 2 Salvage and reuse existing drop inlet 1 EA $1,200.00 $1,200.00 including casting - complete. Remove bituminous pavement as shown on 3 plans including saw cutting all edges to 29 SY $5.00 $145.00 remain - complete. 4 Clear and grub trees as shown on the plan. 2 EA $200.00 $400.00 Section 1 - Site Surveying/Removals Total: $9,745.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 2- Earthwork Description Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars Tri-site earthwork as required to achieve plan grades and on -site earthwork balance - complete, including 1) stripping and stockpiling of topsoil; 2) common excavation of subsoil materials to subgrade elevations 1 identified for paving areas and bio-retention 1 LS $40,000.00 $40,000.00 areas; 3) maintenance of grades throughout construction including all silt fence, bio rolls, or other approved method; 4) final grading to specified tolerances - complete 2 Furnish and install 6" deep ag-lime infield 1,334 SY $9.50 $12,673.00 (CV) - complete. Install and maintain rock construction 3 entrance throughout construction - remove 1 EA $3,000.00 $3,000.00 upon completion of construction operations. Section 2 - Earthwork Total: $55,673.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 3- Utilites Descri tion Qty. Unit in Dollars in Dollars 1 Furnish and install 18" RCP pipe 100 LF $45.00 $4,500.00 2 Furnish and install drainage system for play 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 area - complete. Section 3 - Utilities Total: $9,500.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 4- Asphalt &Concrete Description Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and install bituminous pavement for 1,038 SY $32.00 $33,216.00 parking area - complete. 2 Furnish and install 8' wide bituminous trails - 2,938 SY $28.00 $82,264.00 complete. Northwoods Park Preliminary Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 8805 3 Furnish and install bituminous pavement for 419 SY $32.00 $13,408.00 multi -use court - complete. 4 Furnish and install Mn/DOT 136-12 concrete 580 LF $14.00 $8,120.00 curb and gutter - complete. 5 Furnish and install 6" x 18" concrete play 451 LF $35.00 $15,785.00 container curb - complete. 6 Furnish and install 16" wide concrete 80 LF $14.00 $1,120.00 maintenance strip - complete. 7 Furnish and install 4" thick concrete paving - 6,194 SF $6.00 $37,164.00 complete. Furnish and install parking lot striping and 8 signage as shown on the plans and details - 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 complete. 9 Furnish and install truncated domes withing 88 SF $50.00 $4,400.00 pedestrian curb ramps. Section 4 - Asphalt & Concrete Total: $197,977.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 5- Site Furnishings Description Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars Furnish and install play equipment (K-5 and 1 Pre-K) including all equipment, wood fiber 1 LS $90,000.00 $90,000.00 mulch, and mats - complete. 2 Furnish and install 34 x 24 picnic shelter - 1 LS $46,068.00 $46,068.00 complete. 3 Furnish and install drinking fountain - 1 EA $10,000.00 $10,000.00 complete. 4 Furnish and install 10' x 20' x 10' chain link 1 EA $6,000.00 $6,000.00 backstop - complete. 5 Furnish and install 8' high chain link fence - 40 LF $30.00 $1,200.00 complete. 6 Furnish and install 15' long player's bench - 2 EA $1,200.00 $2,400.00 complete. 7 Furnish and install raised garden beds - 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 complete. 8 Furnish and install basketball outfit, including 2 EA $1,500.00 $3,000.00 standard, backboard, goal, net - complete. 9 Furnish and install trash receptacle - 2 EA $1,000.00 $2,000.00 complete. 10 Furnish and install picnic table - complete. 4 EA $1,200.00 $4,800.00 11 Furnish and install game table - complete. 4 EA $1,200.00 $4,800.00 12 Furnish and install grill - complete. 2 EA $550.00 $1,100.00 13 Furnish and install metal bench - complete. 10 EA $1,200.00 $12,000.00 Section 5 - Site Furnishings Total: $188,368.00 Section 6- Seed/Sod/Landscaping Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Descri tion Qt . Unit in Dollars In Dollars Furnish and install Type A Seed Mix as 1 shown on the plans and specifications- 6.5 AC $3,500.00 $22,750.00 complete. 2 Furnish and install #1 cont. perennials and 150 EA $18.00 $2,700.00 grasses - complete. Northwoods Park Preliminary Estimate City of Otsego SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 8805 3 Furnish and install #5 cont. shrubs 70 EA $60.00 $4,200.00 4 Furnish and install 2.5" caliper deciduous 60 EA $400.00 $24,000.00 tress as shown on the plans - complete. Section 6 - Seed/Sod/Landscaping Total: $53,650.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 7 - Irrigation Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars 1 Furnish and install irrigation system - 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000.00 complete. Section 7 - Irrigation Total: $50,000.00 Estimated Unit Cost Total Cost No. Section 8 -Site Electrical Qty. Unit in Dollars In Dollars Furnish and install site electrical system including panel, light and 2 outlets within 1 picnic shelter, connection to irrigation 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 system, and coordination with Wright - Hennepin Electric - complete. Wright -Hennepin Electric - Furnish and install trail lighting system and ball fiedl/leisure rink 2 link with timer including cabinet, all required 1 LS $88,500.00 $88,500.00 equipment, and circuitry in conduit - complete. Section 8 - Site Electrical Total: $98,500.00 Total Base Bid Estimate: $663,413.00 Contingency (5%) $33,170.65 Total Base Bid with 5% Contingency $696,583.66 No. Alternates 7 Estimated Qty. Unit Unit Cost in Dollars Total Cost In Dollars 1 Furnish and install steel pergola - complete. 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Furnish and install masonry piers (picnic shelter) - complete. 4 EA $2,500.00 $10,000.00 3 Furnish and install 15' long - 3 row bleacher - complete. 1 EA $1,200.00 $1,200.00 4 Furnish and install ornamental metal fence - complete. 170 LF $150.00 $25,500.00 Alternate Bid Item Total: $51,700.00 Contingency (5%) $2,585.00 Alternate Bid Items with 5% Contingency $54,285.00 Total (Base Bid, Alternate Bid Items, and 5% Contingency): $750,868.65