ITEM 6.1 HSIP Funds Wright CountyOt�ezoF MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner October 26, 2015 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS Staff recommends approval of support of Wright County's application for HSIP funds regarding a round -about at the intersection of CSAH 19 and 70th St. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Wright County informed us this week that the County is planning on submitting an application for 2018 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. The application is due November 1, 2015 so approval of City support is required at the October 26th City Council Meeting. Specifically, Wright County will be requesting funds to improve the safety of the CSAH 19 and 70th St intersection by constructing a round -about (RAB). RAB are eligible for funding through HSIP due to their record of lowering the severity of crashes at intersections. The County's application is helped by support letters from the municipalities the improvement is located in, in this case Albertville and Otsego. 70th Street's jurisdiction east of the intersection shall become Wright County's next year upon the completion of the current 70th St City project. 70th Street's jurisdiction west of the intersection will continue to be shared by Otsego and Albertville for the foreseeable future. The proposed RAB lane configuration, single or two lane, would be determined by an Intersection Control Evaluation report completed in conjunction with preliminary design of the intersection. The intersection has been controlled with a two way stop sign, allowing CSAH 19 traffic to flow and 70th St traffic to stop and wait for appropriate gaps in traffic before proceeding. With increased traffic volumes on all legs of the intersection due to overall growth of the area, the County just recently revised the control condition of the intersection to a 4 way stop with dedicated turn lanes. This is deemed an interim solution until the 2018 improvements can be made. It should be noted, this intersection is Wright County's jurisdiction and therefore they have the final decision on the type of intersection control. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE • Proposed letter of support • Aerial of Intersection MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion for the City of Otsego's support of Wright County's application for 2018 HSIP funds regarding a round -about at the intersection of CSAH 19 and 70th Street. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES Streets NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: October 22, 2015 Mr. Virgil Hawkins, PE Wright County Engineer 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, MN 55313 RE: HSIP Funding Application CSAH 19 and 70th Street (Future CSAH 37) Dear Virgil: The City Council of Otsego, Minnesota voted to support the HSIP Grant Application for a roundabout at the intersection of CSAH 19 and 70th Street (Future CSAH 37). This particular intersection is a very busy intersection on one of the most traveled highways in the County. It is busy because of the location of Kaliedescope School, commercial areas to the south, an industrial area to the west and residential areas to the east. We believe that this design will lessen the potential for severe, high speed accidents as compared to a typical 4 way stop or signalized intersection. We also believe that this will result in substantial vehicle energy savings over the existing four way stop or signalized intersection. Please let us know if there is any action we can take to support this very worthwhile and important venture. Thank you. Sincerely, City of Otsego Lori Johnson, City Administrator Beaco nTM Wright County, MN Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL CTYC L — MUNICL PRIVATECL — TWPCL Highways Interstate State Hwy US Hwy City/rownship Limits ❑c ❑t QParcels Date created:10/22/2015 Last Data Upload: 10/19/201511:32:46 PM Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation