8 PM
OCTOBER 2, 2000
1. Chair Swenson will cill the Planning Commission Meeting to order
Chair Swenson called the Planning Commission Meeting to order at 8 PM.
Roll Call: Planning Commission Members: Carl Swenson, Ken Fry, Steve Schuck,
Patrick Moonen, Christian Mbanefo and Arleen Nagel.
Excused absence: Jim Kolles
Staff: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Dan Licht, City Planner
Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Richard Nichols and Mayor Larry Fournier.
2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minuteso
A. September 18, 2(
CommissionerSchuck motioned to approve the minutes as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance r grardingh'i�ld'ng
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report dated September 8, 2000.
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:05 PM.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for public comment at 8:05 PM.
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for Planning Commission comment.
Commissioner Schuck discussed with Dan Licht corrosion resistant material, which Dan
said is typically used in a rural district and used as accent in a business district.
Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:07 PM.
Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to approve the Ordinance amending Section 20-
17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with building material requirements for all
uses within the City. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion
4. Any other Planning Commission Rn.cine.c.c
A. Update on Council Actions by CM Heidner
CM Heidner gave an update of the discussion the City Council held at their last Council
Meeting regarding Ordinance enforcement of Junk and Blight. The Council direction was
for the Planning Commission to consider changing the Ordinance making it a civil penalty
rather than a misdemeanor.
5. Adjourn by 10 PM
Commissioner Schuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Moonen.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Arleen Nagel, Secretary
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk