NOVEMBER 20, 2000
8 P
1 Chair Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order
ROLL CALL: Carl Swenson, Chair; Commission Members: Arleen Nagel, Pat
Moonen, Steve Schuck, Christian Mbanefo, Jim Kolles. Eugene Goenner arrived at 8:30
PM. Absent: Ken Fry.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk, Dan Licht, City
Council Representative: Vern Heidner
Council Members: Virginia Wendel, Richard Nichols, Suzanne Ackerman and Mayor
Larry Fournier.
Councilmember elect: Jerry Struthers.
2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of.•
A. Monday. November f. 2000 - RPM
Steve Schuck motioned to adopt the minutes. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in
favor. Motion carried.
3. Continue Hearing for Owner Thomas D T u .rgons, 19175 Jasper St NWSAnoka. MN
55303 for Anoka Eguin . Veterinaiy Services at 16445 NF. 70TH ST (Otsego), Elk River.
MN. 55330. For PID #118-500-352 100 in Section 35 Township 121. Range 23-
PProperty is located at 70TH ST and s of State Hwy. #101, City of O s .go
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:01 PM.
Mike Robertson reported Jerry Olson, Building Official, reviewed the applicant's building
request which he said would still be classified as a pole building because it has vertical
metal siding. All metal buildings are prohibited in the sewer district. Ron West, Dr.
Juergens' builder, said they have changed their plans and are planning on building a
continuos perimeter foundation with horizontal wood siding. Dan Licht stated this type of
construction would meet City Ordinance.
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:06 PM and no one from the Public
commented. He than asked for Planning Commission and City Staff discussion.
Steve Schuck asked if since the applicant is willing to build the building with the
horizontal siding a Text Amendment wouldn't be needed. Mr. Licht confirmed he was
correct. Chair Swenson opened back up for Public Comment and, again, there was no
comment. Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:07 PM.
Planning Commission Meeting of November 20, 2000, cont'd. Page 2.
A. Amendment to the ('.TTP (Conditional Use Panni v
an addition to the current building
Steve Schuck motioned to amend the Conditional Use Permit amendment for
expansion of Anoka Equine Veterinary Service subject to the conditions listed in the
Findings of Fact. Seconded by Jim Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried
B. Text Amendment
Christian Mbanefo motioned to deny the Text Amendment since the applicant will
conform to City Ordinance. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion
1.1 ____ • 1.1 . : 1.1 1 �.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
The applicants, Mike and Robert Day requested the interim use of the current house as a
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:17 PM and asked for Public Comment.
There was none. Chair Swenson opened for staff and Planning Commission discussion.
Christian Mbanefo asked if this proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr.
Licht replied it is as the Comp. Plan is a 10 to 20 Year Plan.
Steve Schuck asked if the current house meets the setback with the future extension of
85th Street. City Planner Licht said it does and any new building would have to meet the
setbacks. Mike Robertson said when 85th Street is built, the current house would be
required to be removed. Jim Kolles asked if there was a buyer for the back part of this
parcel prior to the extension of 85th Street, would the City allow a gravel street for a
temporary basis. Mr. Licht said that would require a CUP and that issue would be
addressed at that time.
Chair Swenson asked for any Public Comment and there being none, he closed the Public
Hearing at 8:25 PM.
A. Rezone from A-1 (General Agricultural) z7
(Business -Warehouse Dietrirtl
Jim Kolles motioned to approve a rezoning of the subject site from A-1 District to
B -W District subject to the findings listed in the Planner's Report dated November
1, 2000. Seconded by Christian Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried.
B. Preliminar; Plat Approval of Otsego Business Park
Steve Schuck motioned to approve the Otsego Industrial Park Preliminary Plat
subject to the Conditions listed in the Planner's Report of November 1, 2000,
including in the Conditions a two year development contract. Seconded by Jim
Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried.
Planning Commission Meeting of November 20, 2000, contd. Page 3.
C. Site and Building Plan Review
Steve Schuck motioned to approve the site and building plans for a contractor
operation within the B -W District subject to the conditions listed in the Planner's
Report of November 1, 2000 adding a two year development contract in Condition
No. 7. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried.
5. Hearing for Floyd and Beverly Roden, 9337 T .aBeaux Ave, NF Monticello (Otsego,
MN. 55362. PID #'s 118-800-233100 I)roperty rights transferred to PILI #118-800-
234102 to allow an AdministrativeSubdivision of -a 1-1/2 acre residential lot The transfer
and subdivision is located on NE 80TH ST and i aB aux Ave,n Sec. 23 TwI2. 121,
R 14. City of Otsego. Wright Co. MN Request is as follows*
Judy Hudson stated the proper noticing and publishing was done.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report and stated a survey will be needed and could be
added as a condition.
Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:35 PM.
There was no public comment.
Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:36 PM.
Christian Mbanefo motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow a one
per forty density transfer within an A-1 Zoning District subject to the conditions
listed in the Findings of Fact and adding Condition No. 10 requiring a survey of the
property. Seconded by Arleen Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Concept Plan Review for Cascade TIT Land Company LLC of "Otsego Waterfront"
development. PID #'s 118-500-154400 on the W side of#101 and 118-500-143 00 on
the Eastside of #101 on Richard and Patty Lefebvre's property on State Hwy, #101 and
Co. Rd. #39.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Marly Glines, developer, stated the developers want to take their time to make this a
quality project. He briefly went over their plans stating the site plan has been changed by
moving the location of the buildings closer to CSAH 39 on the west side of 101 and the
north/south street would be a four lane with no parking. He views the diagonal parking as
a benefit to businesses. Parking lots will be located under the power lines.
On the east side of 101, he explained how they plan restaurants to go along the river with
a trail, green space and some parking. They are also working with the developer of the
land directly to the south of them for street alignment.
Jim Brown, Project Manager, handed out the attached Development Standards as
prepared by Dynamics Design and Land Co. and Cascade III Land Company.
Jim said they have used the Maple Grove downtown as a model and reference for design
standards showing the false two story look for some of the business buildings. The
developers also explained how they want to build monuments announcing this
development as the gateway to Otsego.
Planning Commission Meeting of November 20, 2000, cont'd. Page 4.
CM Heidner had concerns with not seeing any loading/unloading zones. The applicants
will address this and also CM Ackerman's concern with lighting glare.
Steve Shuck asked if there is enough sewer capacity. Mr. Licht answered that this will be
looked at when the users are identified. Mike Robertson noted that 30% of sewer
capacity is reserved for Commercial and Industrial.
Christian Mbanefo motioned to approve the Concept Plan subject to the conditions
listed in the Planner's Report dated November 16, 2000 with additional change to
including parking. Seconded by Steve Shuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
7. Any other P -C_ Business
A_ Update on Council Actions by CM Heidner
CM Heidner went over some of the issues discussed at the last City Council Meeting such
as feedlot ordinance setback interpretation.
Mike Robertson said there are two Planning Commission Members terms that end this
year, Arleen Nagel and Carl Swenson. Pat Moonen announced he will be asking for a
leave of absence as of the first of the year because he will be attending school.
8. A,�journ by l OPM
Steve Shuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Jim Kolles. All in favor. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 9:33 PM.
Arleen Nagel, Secretary
Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk