01-16-01 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 16, 2001 8 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1 _ Chair Carl Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order, Chair Swenson called the Meeting to order at 8 PM Roll all: Carl Swenson, Steve Schuck, Patrick Moonen, Richard Nichols, Jim Kolles. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner City Council Representative: Vern Heidner Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Mints of, a_ December 18, 2000 - Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve. Seconded by Commissioner Moonen: All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing for the applicant. Darrell Farr Comfy for a PUD !Planned Unit Dev .lo m n) Concept Plan Review for a Senior Housing Development and Medical Center located at 8185 River Rd NE. (along River Road next to the Flementary School) Merrili Asleson Owner PID#118-500-224400 5 acres Property is c --gently zoned A -1 - Judy Hudson verified that the proper noticing and publishing was done. Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:01 PM. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Ben Schmidt, Farr Development Company. He reviewed the senior housing they have done in other communities and what they are proposing for Otsego. He agreed with the Planning Report regarding setbacks and access. He feels this development would be a benefit to Otsego, providing an environment and affordable housing that seniors want to move into. He also feels this development will be a good neighbor for the school. Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing for public comment at 8:25 PM. Merrih Asleson, Owner of property. She stated she had called Guardian Angels in Elk River today and they informed her there is a seven month waiting period to get into Guardian Angels. She supports this proposal. Virginia Wendel. 65th Street, Otsego. Ms. Wendel asked if the proposal is for one story buildings and will the buildings connect to each other. Ben Schmidt responded there will be three story buildings and no connections as the care levels are kept separate from each other. The January 16, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting, cont'd. Page 2. Councilmember Vern Heidner asked if the Medical Center will be open to the general public. Mr. Schmidt responded that it would. There was no other public comment. Chair Swenson asked for Planning Commission discussion. Steve Schuck questioned that there might be a need for two accesses because of all the potential traffic this development could create. Dan Licht responded that the County might not support another access. Richard Nichols asked if the developer would be asking the City for financial aid. Mr. Schmidt said they will be asking the City for TIF assistance but not any up -front financing. Jim Kolles agreed with the Planner's report on the access and he stated support for this project. Councilmember Heidner stated that a lot of projects such as this one proposed are non- profit and non -profits can't get TIF. He would want some assurance that this one would not be non-profit. Patrick Moonen agreed with this. Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing back up for public comment. There was none. Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:36 PM. .Richard Nichols suggested a prairie architecture style for the buildings to match the prairie style of the school. Darrell Farr, developer, said that makes sense and he will consider it. Richard Nichols motioned to recommend approval of the Planned Unit Development concept plan for a senior housing development and medical center subject to the eight (8) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by Steve Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Judy Vetsch - Sketch Plan Review for lot .split/subdi. Won from PID 118-800-243200, 80 acres. Dan Licht presented the Planners Report. Dan pointed out the setbacks on the sketch plan need to be verified. Mike Robertson stated that if the City of Albertville turns the intersection at County Road 19 and Interstate 94 into a full interchange, County Road 19 will be upgraded to a major arterial road and future accesses to County Road 19 would be greatly limited. Judy Vetsch, applicant, asked to hear comments if her variance would be granted. She doesn't want to spend a lot of money if there would be no approval because of the 1,000 foot setback rule from a feedlot. She asked what she needs to do to conform to the rules. The January 16, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting, cont'd. Page I Richard Nichols said the Council had previously asked if the Beaudry Feedlot was registered and he feels the Commission needs to know this information to make a decision. Dan Licht stated he has recently received the Feedlot File from staff and is in the process of putting a summary together on what has been provided to him. Richard Nichols said the Barthel barn was built going east/west and questioned if the barn shouldn't have been built in a north/south direction. Dan Licht said the conditions in the Feedlot Ordinance stated the new buildings must be within 300 feet of the existing building. Richard Nichols stated he would not support the variance if the Beaudry feedlot is registered and would then recommend the lot be placed on County Road 19. Chair Swenson noted the Feedlot setback of 1,000 feet to a residence doesn't apply if a feedlot is not registered. Dan Licht said he will consider the Beaudry Feedlot registered unless told otherwise from the City Council. Chair Swenson said that because of the future of County Road 19, and if the Beaudry Feedlot is not registered, then the houses could go on 80th Street. Richard Nichols stated if the Beaudry Feedlot is not registered he would support putting the Vetsch lot on 80th Street. Jim Kolles agreed with this. Therefore, the consensus of the Planning Commission was if the Beaudry Feedlot is not registered they would recommend that the Vetsch lot be placed on 80th Street next to the Cook property and there would be no need for a variance. Judy Vetsch asked where they could place the other lot (for a total of two). Chair Swenson said the two could go next to each other. I Comments by Mayor Fournier. Mayor Larry Fournier thanked the Planning Commission for all their hard work the last few years and their help in making Otsego a great place to live. He said the next few years will also be busy. Mayor Fournier gave special thanks to Richard Nichols who took a leave of absence from the Planning Commission last year to serve on the City Council to fill out Mark Berning's term of office. He presented Richard with a Plaque and many thanks for a job well done. 6. Any other Planning Commission Business- a- us'n .ssa_ U12date on Council Actions by CM Heidn .r Councilmember Vern Heidner informed the Planning Commission that developers for River Boat Landing withdrew their application. Mike Robertson said the Park and Rec. Commission will be presenting a recommendation for a Park and Trail Plan to the Planning Commission. The January 16, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting, cont'd. Page 4. 7_ Adjourn by 10 PM_ Patrick Moonen motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Steve Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm