03-19-01 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 19, 2001 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call the Planning Commission Meeting to order. Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Chair Carl Swenson, Commission Members: Ken Fry, Steve Schuck, Richard Nichols, Patrick Moonen, Christian Mbanefo and Jim Kolles. Planning Commission Alternate: Eugene Goenner. Council Representative: Vern Heidner. Other Council members attending were Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Jerry Struthers and Mayor Larry Fournier. Staff. Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of - a. February 5, 2001. Richard Nichols motioned to accept the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearing for the applicant Loucks Assoc Maple Grove MN on behalf of Ouest Wireless for land owned by Independent School District 728 Elk River located at the Otsego Elementary School property, 8125 River Road NE Otsego PID #118-500- 224300. a. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a Personal Communications System (PCS) antenna and tower on land zoned INS District b. Variance for construction of a 120 -foot antenna tower. Chair Swenson read the letter the City received from the applicant, Loucks Associates on behalf of Qwest Wireless, requesting a 60 -day extension to the review period for their application, and asked to remove their request from the Planning Commission Agenda. 4. Public Hearing for the applicant Arcon Development Company Edina MN for property located south of 78th Street and Page Avenue west of Ouaday Avenue Outlot B, Pheasant Ridee, Judy Hudson attested that the proper publishing and noticing was done. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Rick Packer, Arcon Development, stated his disagreement with staff in regards to side yard setbacks. He feels that they are not useful and would like them reduced to 5 feet for single family. They feel they have provided the space needed in the back yards. Another issue is the 28 foot required driveway accesses for the town house units; (this is the road that comes off the city street to the garage driveway), they prefer 18 feet. Planning Commission Meeting of March 19, 2001, cont'd. Page 2. Lot width - people are looking for maintenance free units and not big lawns and would, prefer the 25 foot setback rather than having the bigger back yards. Bill Gleason, Castle Bar Homes, agreed with Rick Packer's comments and said they have been using the 5 -foot side yard setbacks in other communities and it has been very successful. Chair Swenson explained the Public Hearing process and at 8:27 PM opened the Public Hearing for Public Comment. Bob Gunderson, 7810 Padgett Avenue, Crimson Ponds. He stated he is against the re- zoning to R6 because of the density it gives and doesn't want the town homes in this single family residential area. Brad Clemens, Palmgren Avenue, Pheasant Ridge. He stated that he feels the town homes located on 78`" Street would be hard to sell since he doesn't feel there is a big enough demand for them. Paul Jorgenson, Palmgren Avenue, Pheasant Ridge. He stated he has lived there since the end of October and wants the town homes placed further away. Jason Rosetta is purchasing a lot in Crimson Ponds. He disagrees with the proposed development. Town homes belong out along Hwy 101. He said look what happened in Brooklyn Park and Otsego has to be careful with all this high density housing in a residential area. Chair Swenson brought the discussion back to the Planning Commission at 8:31 PM. Commissioner Schuck asked what is currently platted in the City for town homes. Dan Licht answered that to date 290 town homes have been final platted with an additional 328 units preliminary platted, but not yet final platted. CM Heidner asked how many town homes were proposed on their first plan. Mr. Licht replied approximately 130 units with no single-family units. Chair Swenson re -opened for Public Comment at 8:35 PM. Bob Gunderson remarked on the PUD process and he noted he served on Albertville City Council. He doesn't see the City receiving any benefit from this proposed PUD. Rick Packer, developer, replied this was part of a PUD Concept Plan that was approved before any of this development was started and 125 town homes were approved and now they are proposing 111 units. Chair Swenson closed the Public Hearing at 8:38 PM. Planning Commission Meeting of March 19, 2001, cont'd. Page I Chair Swenson asked for Planning Commission comments. Commissioner Nichols questioned the driveway access width of 18 feet versus the 28 -foot width. Dan Licht answered that the driveway serving four or more units functions like a street in order to maintain access for single-family standards. He feels if there would be any flexibility desired that it would be adequate if reduced to 24 feet. CM Heidner said this is the first development using the "coving" neighborhood design concept and therefore had to use the PUD process. Commissioner Mbanefo asked what were the approved minimum setbacks in the original concept. Dan Licht explained this detail was not addressed in the Concept Plan. Commissioner Nichols asked if the landscaping along 78`h Street is both bermed and has plantings and Mr. Licht replied both are proposed. a. Rezoning from A-1 District to R-6 District. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend the approval of a zoning map amendment to rezone the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Fry. All in favor. Motion carried. b. PUD -CUP for unit/base lot townhouse development and for Zero lot line single-family lot development. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend approval of a PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Ridge 5t' Addition subject to the ten (10) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact with a revision to Condition 4., with setbacks for Lots 1 thru 6 per staff report and Lots 1 through 20, (south of 78th Street) according to Preliminary Plat submitted by developer. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. Commissioner Schuck wants to stay with the recommendations in the Planner's Report. Commissioner Moonen, Commissioner Mbanefo and Chair Swenson agreed. Commissioner Nichols motioned to change his motion to recommend approval of the PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Ridge 5'h Addition subject to the ten (10) conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by Commissioner Moonen. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Any other Planning Commission Business a. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. CM Heidner explained that Qwest Communications is now looking at placing their antennas on the Water Tower. He also updated the Commission on the Council's progress on the second phase of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Dan Licht said the Parks Commission has a draft of the Park and Trail Development Plan Planning Commission Meeting of March 19, 2001, cont'd. Page 4. prepared and asked the Commission if they would like a workshop with the Parks Commission. April 16, 7:30 PM was set for a workshop with the Park Commission on reviewing their Park Plan. 6. Adjourn by 10 PM Commissioner Moonen motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk, and Zoning Administrator