03-19-01 PCI Seiit By: LOUCKS ASSOCIATES , INC.; 112 424 5822; March 14, 2001 Mr, D. Daniel Licht Planner City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Mar -14-01 2:50PM; inn { Irr„It,�:k L.a $vire .3Un, hlinnr,�pulis, 1,1D S6, lrl%G 3.4-14.5.50' htx %63. rz•r.582. h.,mra' h»t.:kxn,rla�, n.� pn %iAk-W Inurkfn,r 410ft n Dear Mr. Licht: Loucks Associates, on behalf of Qwest WirelessLL , is requesting a 60 day extension to the review period on its application for UP and Variance for a telecommunication tower at the Otsego Elementary chopl in light of recent direction from the City Council. and staff to pursue I e Otsego water tower site. Please pull us from the Planning Commission Agenda. I anticipate the lease with the City will be finalized within the next coupl of weeks and we will send a letter withdrawing our application at that time. Sincerely, LOUCKS ASSOCIATES Fared D. Andrews, AICP Senior Planner CC: (VIA FAX) NAC, Inc., (952)595-9837 Otsego City Hall., (763)441-8823 i PC r I* tyf e 5t. Pmd ""INT"WtST AssackATto CONSULTANTS" %He% 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 14 March 2001 Park, MN 55416 nac@winternet.com RE: Otsego - Pheasant Ridge 5t' Add.; Rezoning/Preliminary Plat NAC FILE: 176.02 - 01.03 BACKGROUND Arcon Development, Inc. has submitted a proposal for development of 111 residential units consisting of 26 single family and 86 townhome dwellings. The subject site is a parcel located south-southwest of Page Avenue and 78"' Street. The parcel is within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density residential use. The property is currently zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. The applicant has applied for a rezoning of the property to R-6, Residential - Townhome, Quad and Low Density Multiple Family District, PUD -CUP fortownhouse development and preliminary plat. A concept plan for development of similar density single family and townhome uses was previously considered and approved for this parcel. Substantial changes have been made to the concept plan primarily due to the need to provide a through route for 78 h Street to allow for future extension of this collector street route to Odean Avenue. These changes were directed by City Staff. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Concept Plan C. Zero lot line concept D. Site Plan/Preliminary Plat E. Building Elevations F. Landscaping Plan G. Preliminary Grading Plan H. Preliminary Utility Plan ANALYSIS Zoning. Thasub}e -site is curxantl}�zonedAI-District DevelopmeaLofthe-pro}e.ctwould requires application for rezoning to R-6 District to allow for the mix of single family and town house dwellings. Platting the townhouses- in- a unitlbase lot configuration, also requires processing a PUD -CUP. The applicant is requesting some flexibility from the performance-standards-ofpertaiaiag_tasingle-family-usesfor lotw4kside yard setback and front yard setback. Sections 20-3-2.17 and 20-4-2. F of the Zoning Ordinance, outline criteria- on-w*,h-thP_Plaaning Commission -and City Council are-tabase their decision (in addition to other relevant factors) on for the rezoning and PUD -CUP applications: 1. The proposed actiof'Scor}sistenE�tv4th-the specft' policies- and provisions- of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment The- C=PrehenSwe Plan. designates the property for low density residential development. Low density development is defined for local purposes as less than- five units per acre Although "low density" is typicalty-realized as single family development, it is possible to develop other housing types within the context of this land use classification. In this case, approximately 21 percent of the subject parcel is undevelopable wetland areas or right-of-way. The concept plan proposes 111 units on approximately the gross 38.65 -acres, or 2.8 units per acre. As such, the concept plan is consistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan in terms of density. Even if density is calculated o4 a net. basis (excluding wetlands and rights-of-way), the project has 3.6 units per acre density. The Comprehensive Plan- also- encourages development of alternative housing designs or different sizes and costs to supplement existing conventional single family development in response to market forces. The proposed single family units and may be distinct from other single family options within the City, which may make them attractive to specifically to empty nest households. Therefore, within the parameters of density and performance standards of the R-6 District, the proposed uses may be considered to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The areas surrounding the subject parcel is planned for low density residential development. Only the area to the north and northwest has been preliminaryor final platted with single family residential. Due consideration has been given to this issue in the layout of the site plan for the townhouses with one story structures arranged at the perimeter and two story units within the center of the this area of the project. Further, the majority of the townhouse units on the east perimeter are setback double the minimum requirement to increase separation from planned low density uses to the east. -2- 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: As a new subdivision, the project will be required to conform to all applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and terms of the PUD -CUP. These issues are discussed in detail later in this report. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: This proposal is within the scope of development anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan and therefore is not likely to have a negative impact to the area. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed will be served by Page Avenue and 78' Street for primary access. Secondary access will be provided for most of the units with a future extension of Street A to the east when the adjacent parcel develops. These streets will have adequate design capacity to accommodate the proposed development. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity as it is anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan within a designated service area. Access. The preliminary plat includes dedication of right-of-way for extension of 78th Street to the south -south west of the Page Avenue/78th Street intersection. The 78th Street extension goes to the west property line of the subject parcel for future extensions through to Odean Avenue. Street A is the only public street proposed as part of this project. It intersects 78,' Street approximately 1,400 feet from the Page Avenue/78th Street intersection. Six single family units are proposed to share a common driveway, which has direct access to 78"' Street. This driveway enters 78' Street approximately 750 feet from Page Avenue and 700 feet from the intersection with Street A. -3- The majority of the townhouse units will access from Private Street B. These private streets must be at least 28 feet wide with concrete curb and gutter. The City has also required private drives serving four or more units to be constructed with curb and,gutter at a 28 foot width. Private Street B and the unlabeled private drive serving the single family units on the west side of 78`h Street meet these requirements. Some of the driveways off of private street B also have 28 foot width, but most are 18 feet. Staff recommends that the 28 foot standard with curb should be maintained for all driveway areas serving four or more units, except the pad area directly in front of a garage space. Lot Requirements - Single Family. Single family lots within the R-6 District are subject to a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet with a 60 foot minimum width. Setbacks within the R-6 District are 35 feet/65 feet front (local/collector or arterial), 10 feet side (interior) or 20 feet rear. The smallest single family lots has an area of 9,057 square feet, with an average for all of the single family lots of 25,667 square feet. This number is misleading however, has the lot size in most cases is caused by excessively deep lots that include wetland or ponding areas. The single family lots are proposed to have a minimum 50 foot width measured at a front setback line of 25 feet to a public or private street. The narrow 50 foot lot widths proposed by the applicant dictate a reduction in the side yard setback requirements of five feet on eaEkv side yard based upon• the proposed building designs. The applicant suggests that the requested flexibility for the reduced lot width and side yard setback standards is based upon the concept of zero lot line development. Zero lot line development is typically done by shifting the dwelling unit to one side of the lot. This increases the setback on the opposite side of the dwelling, maximizing the usable area within the side yard, which can be used as additional outdoor living area. The proposed single family dwelling units are centered on each lot, with the side yard setback reduced by five feet on each side. An important distinction between the zero lot line concept and what is being proposed is that the separation between units in a typical zero lot line arrangement would be the same as if the standard setbacks were applied; Whereas, the applicant's proposal would reduce the separation between units by ten feet. Please refer to Exhibit C for an illustration of these points. The applicant is also requesting that flexibility be granted to allow the front yard setback to a local public street to be reduced from 35 feet to 25 feet for the single family uses fronting on Public Street A. The traditional single family lots platted within Pheasant Ridge 1" through 4t' Additions were given five feet of flexibility on the front yard setback requirement based upon the unique "coving" design concept. No such unique concept is presented by this plat design. Allowance of a reduced front setback to Street A is also problematic as the street will be extended to the east for future low density residential development. Application of a 25 foot setback to these single family units when a 35 foot standard is likely to be required of -4- similar uses to the east would create an incongruous transition between the two projects. Similarly, the townhouse units on the north side of Street A are setback 35 feet from the right-of-way. Combined, the requested flexibility for lot width,_side.yard setbacks and front yard setback would reduce separation between structures, reduce visual open space along the street and increase crowding to a negadve-effect. Wado-not believe that any compelling design purpose has been presented by the site plan to suggest that flexibility on these performance standards is warranted.. The design. of th_e. single family units themselves contribute to the negative effect the proposed flexibility would create with their garage front designs and side wall Wndows,_which would accentuate the narrow separation between the buildings. As such, our office recommends that the preliminary plat be revised such that the single family lots conform to the minimum lot width standard of 60 feet within the R-6 District. Based on the proposed house designs, we would be supportive of flexibility to establish side yard setbacks of five feet on one side and 15 feet on the other, with not less than 20 feet between structures as a modified zero lot line arrangement shown on Exhibit B. Also, to maintain a consistent appearance along the street corridor, a 35 foot front setback should be required. Lot Requirements - Townhouses. The R-6 District requires a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet and 5,000 square feet per unit for townhouses. The lot area provided for the townhouse units is approximately 630,000 square feet, with just over 7,400 square feet per unit. Common open space between the townhouse units is proposed as Common Lot 86. This space should be platted as Outlot C and have a drainage and utility easement recorded over it, as previously recommended by the City Engineer. In terms of setbacks, the R-6 District standards noted above apply at the perimeter of common lot 86. The proposed townhouse units all meet or exceed these requirements. Within the project, the structures have been setback 25, feet from Private Street B, which is a standard the City has allowed in the past on such roadways. Setbacks between the structures must be not less than one-half the sum of adjacent building heights. Based on the submitted building elevations, the one-story units (1-29 and 62-85) have a height of 20 feet. The two story units (30-61) have a height. of 30 feet. All of the units are adequately spaced internally within the applicable setback. Therefore, the townhouse element of the project is consistent with the R-6 District performance standards. Building Plans. Plans for the proposed buildings indicate that the single family units are to be a one story structure with approximate floor area of 1,400 square feet. Townhouse units number 1-29 and 62-85 are one story structures with four units arranged in a square or row configuration, each unit having approximately 1,380 square feet of floor area. Townhouse units 30-61 are two story buildings with four units in a square configuration -5- with approximately 1,350 square feet of floor area each. All of the structures utilize common building materials including vinyl lap siding as well as trim and accent details to create a unified architectural character. The materials proposed for the building exterior are consistent with the requirements of Section 20-17-4.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The height of each of the structures is also within the 35 foot maximum allowed within the R-6 District. Landscaping. A landscaping plan has been submitted which provides an excellent mix of plant materials. The landscaping plan gives specific attention to screening along 78' Street and creating focus points at the intersection of Street A/78th Street and the private drive intersections. The landscaping plan also provides detail information for foundation plantings adjacent to structures in addition to larger tree plantings. on site. Overall, the landscape plan enhances the site design and is very appropriate. Homeowners Association. The applicant indicates that the townhouses will be subject to a homeowners association for maintenance of common opens space and architectural control. As the single family units are being..marketed. as "detached townhomes" they may also be subject to a homeowners association for similar issues. Homeowners association documents should be provided prior to application for -final plat and are subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. _ Guest Parking. The City requires that town ho.usRprojects. provide off-street guest parking at a ratio of one-half stall per unit. The site plan provides 44 guest parking stalls in the area of the townhouses and six stalls along -the private driveway serving the single family units west of 78th Street. The number and location of the guest parking stalls are consistent with the City's requirements. Park and Trail Dedication. No parks -ace -guided to be. developed within the area of this plat. Desired trail corridors are limited to a trail being provided along 78" Street, which would be addressed as part of the street project. As such, park and trail dedication as required by the subdivision ordinance is likely to be addressed as a cash fee per unit in lieu of land. The City's present cash dedication in lieu of land for parks and trails is $1,075 per unit. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat approval. Park and trail dedication issues are subject to recommendation by the. Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. Sanitary Sewer Service Capacity, Based upon the planned expansion of the waste water treatment plant to 400,000 gpd and current capacity reserves for the City of Dayton and commercial/industrial developmentrihe_Cityhasapproximately 1,200 RECs available for residential development. Only those projects that have received final plat approval and paid the applicable fees will be allocated -sanitary sewer service capacity. To date, the City has approved final plats allocating approximately 628 RECs for residential development. IM Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. The applicant has provided preliminary grading and utility plans. These plans are subject to review_and approval of the City Engineer for consistency with the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual. Development Contract. Upon approval of a final plat, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION As a policy decision, we do not make any_ recommendations regarding the requested rezoning of the subject property. City officials should rely on the provisions and policies of the Comprehensive Plan in making this_detetmination as to whether the rezoning is appropriate to allow single family and townhouse units on the subject property. Options for Planning Commission and City Council actkm.on this application are outlined under Decision 1, below. From a technical standpoint, the proposed site plan has been designed with consideration for transitioning between the proposed uses and those low density uses that may develop to the east or south in the future. The main issue with the proposed site plan and preliminary plat is that it must be revised such that the single family lots conform to the performance standards of the R-6 District. The project does not present any unique circumstance or benefit that warrants flexibility from these standards as part of the PUD - CUP. Should the Planning Commission and City Council make a positive finding on the rezoning application, our office would recommend approval of the PUD -CUP and preliminary plat subject to the conditions outlined.below. Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a zoning map amendment tarezone the subject site from A-1 District to R-6 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive- Plan (Specific policies should be cited). C Motion to table the application (Specific direction should be provided to the applicant and/or staff on additional information to be provided). Decision 2 - PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve a PUD -CUP and Preliminary Plat for Pheasant Ridge 5' Addition based upon the current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: -7- Preliminary plat approval does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only guarantee sanitary sewer service to approved final plats with signed contracts or through financial commitment for, such services to assure the City of timely development. 2. Private drives serving four or more units shall be designed to a width of 28 feet with concrete curb. The design and construction of all public or private streets shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The preliminary plat is revised such that all single family lots have a minimum width of 60 feet measured at a minimum front yard setback of 35 feet. 4. Side yard setback requirements for single family uses shall be five feet one side and fifteen feet on the opposite side of the structure with not less than 20 feet between structures. 5. The preliminary plat is revised to designate common lot 86 as an outlot with an overlying drainage and utility easement. 6. A homeowners association shall be established, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 7. Park and trail dedication shall be made by cash fee lieu of land at the time of final plat approval, subject to recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission. 8. All grading and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities upon approval of a final plat, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 10 Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance (Specific policies should be cited). PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Ron Wagner Rick Packer Fran Hagen 10 9 N/. C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 9 1191HX3 gosouu)M 089slp •'� "' .<.1...6 Ina .....16 ....<..i . 6 10 p e 1 l t IQ.... .. . ..... . .... .. .1•Y11 •Y1.,1 •Yld w . f:.Ye p -p (wl l.r.l.p 'F..1) W.wroa ro wle w Y+.s Y..r •. n. p•� ..... .aw. wM I...Itw to wl< uY ,..ev. r..r _� —I- W. sa st = zw ........................ i.,.O.Y I.I 10 ...Wm IulY1 iY1.O y6'1 [1w.el .IW.f v.Yl�• ,IH< 1Y I .r .. A[ ............ YIMp .xal.. 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Five lots are possible. �r OM o..II.a.�..r» ion aa« rwr Lta. nuw H L.Y V vumac. .a. sF La w.. ttaa ss. ♦....w r..w.. La .r.. azw as JrV Ld'at,.� SO F.N Lw 9y. FuM rm.r sv.a a u F.« �.. �. 9q.F 5!5 421. k Arcon Development Company Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition Otago, Minnesota Preliminary Site Plan >_ vvim I CD . S" OM CALL COMMUON LOT -68 a. A 83 7047 f, 71 72 ?1 ......... r --Tr7 as 62�, 2 . .... 3_ ass. .wiz 2 82 9 r E-70 r r174 9 12 ......... •w srTO, 46 49 e COMMON LOT 34 x as S Axffe6 . ...... . ....... 26 3 0, N, 0 Qe80MEHr D1TA Arcon Development A— Company 271 D.•,eo..Y —A— LOT A— Ll— OUTLOtri --A T— . ....... Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition S I-* Sig 0 1.. otmgo, Mix,x,�L, Pretimmary pla 1a .•fii W )t;s IN 7J*� W 1a .•fii W 1a W 7J*� W 1a 7J*� 1a d Plantine Notes Evergreen Detail Shrub Detail Tree Detail Detached Townhomes scale 1"=20' Townhome Unit "A" Seale I'=ZO' Plant List p Townhome Unit 'B" Scale I"=20' Arcon Development Company Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition Otsego, Minnema F -Z Pre imimq Unit Planting PWu k Details COGRER Sl -r ORE C.,LL fi _. I � I 1� /Y•i�LY^moi-rT.- , i ,v �^/ti'W^ - - P`r !^ Y`.^Ml�l�.1^:^,^ice-!� -,-i , _ ._ •- eoaaaM Lor es . - —20 1 r' e3 •a; `S' : so 7a T Tse rs rx»�r1»r s• I s7 �'II I \ -. 11. f 'i as ;ax • ��{ -s1 (ra s� 73 a �o. •i sa a � —1, rw '• �' a Ix4 �—=\ •,� ar a °°.sa x• '�.- y:/ ,l.' s � � .G,a �� . i Ur aaoe mrarauer,aa • a�L C•W011 T Mi '. 2 / II , 9;' \\ _. .16 :�\ Y . ,R : � � ae• �t v —� .., .G.G,. ,o,r: + r 1 0 ss . EHI MCMD m OUTLOT ♦ _ • _ WETLAND A 1 . PhE l i Arcon Development Company asant Ridge h Addition Mir—ta Preliminary Grading Plan 22!"ER STAT SNE CRLLM1 ��WOiads�K Arcon Development Company Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition Otxgo, Minnesota ii" Preliminary Utility plan STORM WATER RUNOFF CALCULATIONS Pheasant Ridge 5'hAddition Otsego, Minnesota Prepared for: Arcon Development Company 7625 Metro Boulevard, Suite 350 Edina, MN 55439 Prepared by: Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Phone 952-937-5150, Fax 952-937-5822 February 26, 2001 Project # 20001144 SUMMARY The attached storm water runoff and ponding calculations are based on Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP), The Soil Conservation Service Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Method incorporated into the software program Hydrographs for Windows; Hydraflow by Intellisolve, and the rational method for storm sewer pipe design. Following is a summary of the drainage analysis on Pheasant Ridge located at the intersection of in Otsego, MN. The drainage analysis addresses rate control for the post -development condition, water quality, and localized storm sewer pipe design. BACKGROUND Adjacent to the site is a regional storm water ponding area developed by the city. RATE CONTROL Rate control for the pond is achieved through an 10 foot wide riprap spillway placed at an elevation of 971.3. It is our understanding that rate control is not required in the project's pond due to it's proximity to the city's stormwater management area. Inflow to the pond in the post development condition has a maximum rate of 45.2 cubic feet per second (CFS). The maximum rate of outflow out of the pond is 39.7 for a 100 year event. WATER QUALITY The required dead storage per the city and NURP standards is equal to the runoff volume from a 2.5 inch rainfall event which was computed to be 3.41 acre-feet. The provided dead storage is 3.93 acre-feet. Average depth for the pond is 5.66 feet. Following is a table summarizing the pond system: Pond Drainage NWL Dead 100 -yr Live 100 -yr 100 -yr Overflow Area(acre) (feet) Storage HWL Storage Inflow Discharge Elevation (acre-feet) (feet) (acre-feet) (cfs) (cfs) (feet) 24.16 971.3 3.93 972.81 0.961 45.2 39.7 973.0 LOCALIZED STORM SEWER PIPE DESIGN The storm sewer pipes that convey the water on site to the treatment pond will be designed using a 10 -year rainfall event. The rational method and Manning's equation will be used in the computations. The grading was designed in such a way that should catch basin inlets fail or plug, the 100 -year storm will be conveyed over emergency overflows to the treatment pond. 2 * WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (952) 937-5150 Hydrograph Summary Report Pape 1 Hyd. N� Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time Interval (min) Time to peak (min) Volume (acft) Return period (yrs) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Maximum storage (acft) Hydrograph description 1 SCS Runoff 45.2 6 750 6.742 2 — Post Devo - 2 Reservoir 39.7 6 762 6.742 2 1 872.81 0.961 10' Spillway Proi. file: 01144hyd022101.GP OF file: SAMPLE.IDF Run date: 02-23-2001 3 Hydrograph Report Page 1 Time -- Outflow (hrs cfs) 11.70 5.32 11.80 English iyd. No. 1 12.86 12.00 19.87 Post Devo 27.10 12.20 34.19 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 45.22 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 6 min Drainage area = 24.16 ac Curve number = 77 Basin Slope = 0.8% Hydraulic length = 1700 ft Tc method = LAG Time of conc. (Tc) = 58.1 min Total precip. = 5.85 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Hydrograph Discharge Table Total Volume = 6.742 ach Time -- Outflow (hrs cfs) 11.70 5.32 11.80 7.79 11.90 12.86 12.00 19.87 12.10 27.10 12.20 34.19 12.30 40.48 12.40 44.93 12.50 45.22 << 12.60 42.37 12.70 39.04 12.80 35.34 12.90 31.32 13.00 27.09 13.10 22.71 13.20 18.36 13.30 14.28 13.40 10.85 13.50 8.94 13.60 8.16 13.70 7.53 13.80 7.01 13.90 6.58 14.00 6.22 14.10 5.90 14.20 5.61 14.30 5.34 14.40 5.11 14.50 4.90 14.60 4.71 14.70 4.55 End 0 Hydrograph Report Page 1 Storage Indication method used. Total Volume = 6.742 acft English iyd. No. 2 Time Inflow 10' Spillway Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 39.73 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 6 min Inflow hyd. No. = 1 Reservoir name = Pond Max. Elevation = 872.81 ft Max. Storage = 0.961 acft Storage Indication method used. Total Volume = 6.742 acft Hydrograph Discharge Table Time Inflow Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 11.90 12.86 871.90 -- ----- --- ----- 5.05 ----- ----- ---- 5.05 12.00 19.87 872.01 ---- ---- - --- 7.87 ----- --- - 7.87 12.10 27.10 872.15 ----- ---- ----- -- 12.32 - --- --- 12.32 12.20 34.19 872.31 --- -_ -- ----- 18.14 18.14 12.30 40.48 872.48 ----- -- -_ - 24.88 _--- --- ----- 24.88 12.40 44.93 872.63 _- - ----- - 31.47 -_-- ----- - 31.47 12.50 45.22 << 872.74 --- --- -- ----- 36.39 --- ---- ---- 36.39 12.60 42.37 872.79 --- ----- ----- ---- 39.14 39.14 12.70 39.04 872.81 << 39.73 ---- --- ----- 39.73 << 12.80 35.34 872.79 ----- --- --- ----- 38.78 ---- - ---- 38.78 12.90 31.32 872.74 ---- -- ----- ---- 36.75 ---- ----- --- 36.75 3.00 27.09 872.69 ----- _-_ ---- -- 33.99 ---- -_- ---- 33.99 3.10 22.71 872.62 __- ---- ---- ----- 30.75 ----- ----- ---- 30.75 , 3.20 18.36 872.53 26.94 ----- ----- --- 26.94 13.30 14.28 872.44 ----- ---_ ----- ----- 23.06 ----- - --- 23.06 13.40 10.85 872.35 ---- ----- ---- ----- 19.39 ---- ----- ---- 19.39 13.50 8.94 872.26 ---_ ---- --- --- 16.22 ---- ----- ---- 16.22 13.60 8.16 872.19 ---- --- ----- --- 13.76 ----- __- ----- 13.76 13.70 7.53 872.14 --- -- ----- ----- 11.99 ----- -- ----- 11.99 13.80 7.01 872.10 ---- -- ----- ---- 10.57 --- - ----- 10.57 13.90 6.58 872.06 9.53 -_ ---- ---- 9.53 14.00 6.22 872.04 --- _-- ----- ----- 8.67 -_-- -- --_- 8.67 14.10 5.90 872.01 --- - - ----_ 7.95 ---_ ---- ---- 7.95 14.20 5.61 871.99 -- ---_ --- ----- 7.37 -- -_ -__ 7.37 14.30 5.34 871.97 ---- ---- - ----- 6.90 -- - -- 6.90 14.40 5.11 871.96 ---- --- ----- -- 6.49 --- -- --- 6.49 14.50 4.90 871.94 ----- ---- -- ---- 6.12 --_ ----- -_ 6.12 14.60 4.71 871.93 --- - --- -- 5.79 ----- -- ----- 5.80 14.70 4.55 871.92 ----- --- ----- ----- 5.51 -_- -- ----- 5.51 14.80 4.41 871.91 -- -- --- ----- 5.25 ----- ---_ _--- 5.25 14.90 4.28 871.90 ---- ----- ---- ----- 5.03 ----- ----- ----- 5.03 15.00 4.17 871.90 -__ --- ----- --- 4.84 _--- ---_ _--- 4.84 15.10 4.06 871.89 -- ----- ---- - 4.69 --- -- ----- 4.69 15.20 3.97 871.88 ----- --- - -- 4.55 -- ----- ----- 4.55 15.30 3.88 871.88 ----- ----- --_ -_- 4.42 ---- ----- ---- 4.41 15.40 3.80 871.87 ----- _--- ----- - 4.29 --- ----- -- 4.29 Continues on next page... 5 10' SpilKvay Hydrograph Discharge Table Page 2 ime Inflow Elevation Clv A Civ B Clv C Civ D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Outflow (hrs) cfs ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 15.50 3.72 871.87 ---- ----- — ----- 4.18 ----- ----- ---- 4.18 15.60 3.64 871.86 ---- ---- ---- — 4.07 ----- --- ---- 4.07 ... End Reservoir Report Page 1 English eservoir No. 1 - Pond Pond Data Pond storage is based on known contour areas Stage / Storage Table Stage Elevation ft ft 0.00 871.60 1.00 872.60 1.40 873.00 2.40 873.00 Contour area Incr. Storage sqft acft 30,222 0.000 37,749 0.780 38,696 0.351 37,030 0.833 Total storage acft 0.000 0.780 1.131 1.849 Culvert / Orifice Structures acft ft cfs Weir Structures cfs 0.00 0.000 871.60 - [A] [B] [C] [D] 871.70 - [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise in = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crest Len ft = 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Span in = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crest EI. ft = 871.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 0 0 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Invert El. ft = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Eqn. Exp. = 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length ft = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Multi -Stage = No No No No Slope % = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N -Value = .013 .000 .000 .000 'Irif. Coeff. = 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 ulti-Stage = ----- No No No Tailwater Elevation = 0.00 ft Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Note: AN outflows have been analyzed under inlet and outlet control. Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C Clv D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Discharge ft acft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0.000 871.60 - --- -- --- 0.00 --- -- -- 0.00 0.10 0.078 871.70 - -- -- --- 0.95 -- - --- 0.95 0.20 0.156 871.80 - --- -- --- 2.68 --- --- - 2.68 0.30 0.234 871.90 - - -- -- 4.93 -- --- --- 4.93 0.40 0.312 872.00 - -- -- - 7.59 -- - -- 7.59 0.50 0.390 872.10 - -- - --- 10.60 -_ --- - 10.60 0.60 0.468 872.20 - -- - --- 13.94 -- -- -- 13.94 0.70 0.546 872.30 - -- - -- 17.56 -- --- -- 17.56 0.80 0.624 872.40 - -- -- -- 21.46 -- --- --- 21.46 0.90 0.702 872.50 - - -- -- 25.61 -- -- -- 25.61 1.00 0.780 872.60 - --- --- --- 30.00 -- --- --- 30.00 Continues on next page... Pond Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Page 2 stage Storage Elevation Civ A Clv B Clv C Civ D Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Discharge .t acft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 1.04 0.815 872.64 -- -_ - --- 31.82 - -- --- 31.82 1.08 0.850 872.68 - -- --- -- 33.67 --- - 33.67 1.12 0.885 872.72 - -- - --- 35.56 -- -- -- 35.56 1.16 0.920 872.76 - - - -- 37.48 - - --- 37.48 1.20 0.955 872.80 - - -- -_ 39.43 --- --- -- 39.43 1.24 0.991 872.84 - -_ - -- 41.42 - - --- 41.42 1.28 1.026 872.88 - -- - - 43.44 --- - -- 43.44 1.32 1.061 872.92 - -- - -- 45.49 --- -- -- 45.49 1.36 1.096 872.96 - - --- -- 47.57 --- - --- 47.57 1.40 1.131 873.00 - - - --- 49.70 --- - - 49.70 1.50 1.203 873.10 - - - -- 55.11 --- - - 55.11 1.60 1.275 873.20 - - -- - 60.71 -- - -- 60.71 1.70 1.346 873.30 - -- - - 66.49 - 66.49 1.80 1.418 873.40 - --- - -- 72.44 - - - 72.44 1.90 1.490 873.50 - - - - 78.56 - - --- 78.56 2.00 1.562 873.60 - - - - 84.85 - - - 84.85 2.10 1.634 873.70 - - - - 91.29 - - - 91.29 2.20 1.705 873.80 - - - -- 97.88 - - - 97.88 2.30 1.777 873.90 - - - -- 104.63 - - - 104.63 2.40 1.849 873.00 - - _- - 49.70 - - --- 49.70 ... End I watershed area acres 24.16 pervious curve number - 61 from SCS tables, for AMC=2 impervious fraction - 0.65 design storm inches 2.5 VLAWMO criterion = 2.5 inches antecedent moisture cond. 2 (1,2,or 3), VLAWMO criterion = 2 pond maximum depth feet 4 <= 10 ft bench width be feet 10 >= 10 ft bench slope be ft/ft 10 >= 10 ft horiz / ft vertical side slope ab ft/ft 3 >= 3 ft horiz / ft vertical pond shape factor 1=triangle,2=rectangle,3=ellipse length/width ratio - >= 3 top length c feet adjust to achieve target volume OUTPUT VARIABLE UNITS VALUE 3.93 ACRE FEET AVAILABLE target volume acre-ft 3.41 = design storm runoff volume design volume acre-ft #VALUE! should be >= target volume design mean depth feet #VALUE! VLAWMO criterion >= 4 feet design surface area acres #DIV/0! pond /watershed area = #DIV/0! d- '-n storm runoff inches 1.69 runoff coefficient = 67.7% 1 ium retention inches 6.39 for pervious portion of watershed CONTOUR DIMENSIONS Case = 0 Design Geometry = #VALUE! TOP BENCH BOTTOM contour C B A TOTAL elevation feet 0.0 -1.0 -4.0 depth feet 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 maximum length feet 0.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0.0 maximum width feet #DIV/01 #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! surface area feet^2 #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! surface area acres #DIV/0! #VALUE! #VALUE! #DIV/0! increm. volume feet^3 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! increm. volume yd^3 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! increm. volume ac-ft #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! centroid offset ft 0.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! outflow slope leng. ft 10.0 9.0 inflow slope length ft #VALUE! #VALUE! outflow slope be ft-h/ft-v 10.0 3.0 inflow slope ab ft-h/ft-v #VALUE! #VALUE! a POND AREA CALCULATIONS PROJECT: Pheasant Ridoe 5th Ailditinn DATE: 2-20-01 POND DEAD STORAGE _ NUMBER: 20001144 BY: Jason McCartv NWL= 871.6 CONTOUR SURFACE INCREMENTAL CUMULATIVE ELEVATION SURFACE AREA VOLUME VOLUME AREA (FT2) (ACRES) (FT) (FT) (AC -FT) 864 15,414 0.35 30,222 0.69 34,317 34,317 0.79 866 18,903 0.43 15,289 15,289 0.35 41,568 75,885 1.74 868 22,665 0.52 49,477 125,362 2.88 870 26,812 0.62 45,627 170,989 3.93 871.6 30,222 0.69 Average Depth = 5.66' POND LIVE STORAGE NWL = 871.6 CONTOUR SURFACE INCREMENTAL CUMULATIVE ELEVATION AREA VOLUME VOLUME (FTZ) (ACRES) (FT) (FT) (AC -FT) 871.6 30,222 0.69 33,986 33,986 0.78 872.6 37,749 0.87 15,289 15,289 0.35 873 38,696 0.89 Page 11 of 11 westwooe Yrotessional Services, Inc. February 23, 2001 Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition Project Summary and Narrative Otsego, Minnesota PROJECT SUMMARY PROJECT NAME Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition LOCATION South of the intersection of 78h Street and Page Avenue OWNER/DEVELOPER/APPLICANT Arcon Development Company 7625 Metro Blvd. #350 Edina, MN 55439 Contact: Rick Packer (952) 835-4981 SITE PLANNING, ENGINEERING Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344-7399 Contact: Fran Hagen DEVELOPMENT DATA Existing Zoning: Existing Land Use: Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use: A-1 Agricultural/Vacant R-6 Low Density Residential PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Total Site Area: 38.65 Acres Outlots A: 4.35 Acres Outlots B: 0.45 Acres Public R -O -W: 3.43 Acres Developable Area: 30.42 Acres Wetlands: 10.27+ Acres Total Units 111 Lots Single family: 26 Lots Townhomes: 85 Units Development Density: 3.7 Units/Acres Ref. No. 20001144 PROJECT NARRATIVE PHEASANT RIDGE FIFTH ADDITION 1 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Outlot B, Pheasant Ridge, according to the recorded plat there of, Wright County, Minnesota REGUESTED ACTION This application is made in request of review and approval for Rezoning Preliminary Plat, and eventual Final Plat. This request also includes a PUD - CUP PROJECT NARRATIVE EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is open meadow and wetlands SOILS The site is predominantly rolling agricultural land with wetlands in the southwest. The topography indicates the surface elevations range from about 898 to about 872. Soil borings performed onsite indicate a general soil profile consisting of topsoil underlain by alluvium. Complete soil report will follow VEGETATION The sites main vegetation consists of trees in fence rows along the perimeter. The main vegetation in a fence row is along the west boundary with additional trees located along the south and east boundary. WETLANDS Please see the attached wetland memo. In summary, proposed fill amounts to 23,742 S.F. with compensation of 88,052 S.F. (64,644 S.F. created new wetland and 23,408 S.F. ponding credit). ABUTTING LAND USES Single Family development to the north and undeveloped to the west, south and east. ACCESS Access to the development is via 781h Street and Page Avenue PROJECT NARRATIVE PHEASANT RIDGE FIFTH ADDITION 2 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT As stated previously, Pheasant Ridge 5` Addition consists of 26 single family home sites (Detached Townhomes) and 85 townhome units. There has been ongoing review of this project with the City's Consulting Planner (Northwest Associated Consultants) and their Consulting Engineer (Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc.). The majority of the issues have been addressed and resolved that have developed to date. The following issues are those that depart from the standard requirements. Private Drives: The City's Engineering Standard for private drives is 28' when serving more than 3 units. We believe this standard to be excessive when serving only 4 units. It also promotes parking on the private drives, which is not a desired situation. We are proposing a 28' wide private drive when serving more than 4 units, and an 18' wide drive when serving 4 units or less. Guest Parking: 44 guest parking spaces are provided. This number is in excess of the required number of 43. There has been a comment on parking spaces accessing off of Private Drive B. We feel that parking off of Private Drive B is more open to all units and the general public, and will better serve it's intended purpose of 1/2 stall per unit, for the multiple housing area. LOTSTANDARDS Lot Width Single Family Front Yard Setback 78`n Street Public Street A Single Family Town Home Private Street B Side Yard Setback Single Family Min. Req'd Min. Prop. 60 Feet 50 Feet Min. 65 Feet 65 Feet 35 Feet 25 Feet 35 Feet 35 Feet None 25 Feet Min. 10/10:20Feet Total 5/5:10 Feet Total Lot Size: The minimum required single family lot square footage is 9000 S.F. The minimum single family lot proposed is 9,057 S.F., with an average lot size of 25,667 S.F. Single Family Lot Width Departure — A 60' lot width at the front yard setback is required, the applicant is proposing a 50' width at the setback line. The applicant is providing detailed house plans and elevations under separate cover. These units are part of the zero lot line approach, but they have been adapted for Minnesota. These units have PROJECT NARRATIVE PHEASANT RIDGE FIFTH ADDITION Westwood Professional Services, Inc. been built in Rogers and Brooklyn Park. They are designed with the empty nester in mind or those who prefer minimum maintenance responsibilities. There will be a Homeowners Association for the attached townhouse units. Because the single family units are considered detached townhomes, they will also have their own separate Homeowners Association. These agreements will stipulate the type of construction allowed within the development. PROJECT NARRATIVE PHEASANT RIDGE FIFTH ADDITION 4 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 7599 Anagram Drive Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Phone: 952/937-5150 MEMORANDUM Fax: 952/937-5822 DATE: February 23, 2001 Ref: 20001144.00 TO: Mr. Fran Hagen, P.E., Westwood Professional Services, Inc. FROM: Ms. Shannon Oslund, Associate Environmental Scientist RE: Wetland Replacement Assessment for Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition, City of Otsego, Wright County, MN I have reviewed the wetland replacement issues associated with the proposed Pheasant Ridge Fifth Addition residential development in Otsego. This memo summarizes the results of my preliminary investigation. Wetland Impacts Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. (Peterson) originally delineated the wetlands on April 13, 1999. Peterson delineated a total of two wetlands on the 38.65 -acre site (see the attached Preliminary Grading Plan). Wetland A is classified as a Type 3 shallow marsh and a Type 6 shrub swamp. Wetland B is classified as a Type 1 seasonally flooded basin. Welland impacts for the project are summarized in the following table. Regulatory Framework Wetlands on the Pheasant Ridge 5th Addition are regulated under: • The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, as amended (WCA), administered in this area by the City of Otsego. • Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA), administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), and • The City of Otsego Zoning Ordinance (1992) (Section 72: Wetlands Overlay District). Wetland Impacts Summary Table Basin ID Area Proposed Fill Excavation Sq. Ft. Acres Sq. Ft. Acres Sq. Ft. Acres Wetland A 435,540 10.00 11,915 0.27 20,738 0.48 Wetland B 11,827 0.27 11,827 0.27 0.00 0.00 Totals 447,367 10.27 11 23,742 0.54 20,738 0.48 Regulatory Framework Wetlands on the Pheasant Ridge 5th Addition are regulated under: • The Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, as amended (WCA), administered in this area by the City of Otsego. • Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA), administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), and • The City of Otsego Zoning Ordinance (1992) (Section 72: Wetlands Overlay District). Memorandum — Wetland Replacement Assessment —Pheasant Ridge 5th Addition February 21, 2001 Page 2 Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water ,act Because the project involves 0.54 acres of wetland fill and 0.48 acre of wetland excavation for stormwater ponding, the project is eligible for authorization under the Corps GP/LOP-98-MN - Letter of Permission (B). However, a decision signed by the United States Supreme Court on January 9, 2001 restricted the Corps of Engineers' authority to regulate isolated wetlands tinder the Federal Clean Water Act. It appears that all wetlands on the property are isolated and therefore the Corps of Engineers may issue a Letter of No Jurisdiction for this Project. If it is not possible to obtain a Letter of No Jurisdiction from the Corps, the Corps will authorize the project under Letter of Permission B. Wetland Replacement Required Under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA), 88,960 square feet (2.04 acres) of wetland replacement credit is required, and 44,480 square feet (1.02 acres) is required to meet Corps requirements. Wetland replacement requirements for the project are summarized in the following table. Wetland Replacement Required (Square Feet) Proposed Wetland Replacement U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 23,742 Wetland fill + 20,738 Type 3/6 excavation 44.480 Total impact x 1 1 to 1 replacement 44.480 minimum required At least half of the replacement credit (44,480 square feet; 1.02 acres) needs to be in the form of New Wetland Credit to satisfy WCA requirements. The Corps will require 44,480 square feet (1.02 acres) of New Wetland Credit wetland replacement to compensate for 44,480 square feet of wetland fill. Up to half of the wetland replacement may come from Pubic Value Credit (PVC), which may be applied toward the second half of the 2 to 1 replacement. PVC is calculated by multiplying available stormwater ponding acreage by 0.75. Since the project will provide approximately 31,211 square feet ofstormwater ponding 75 percent may be applied towards PVC (0.75 x 31,211 square feet). Minnesota WCA 23,742 Wetland fill + 20,7_ 8 Type 3/6 excavation 44,480 Total impact x 2 2 to I replacement 88.960 minimum required Proposed Wetland Replacement U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 23,742 Wetland fill + 20,738 Type 3/6 excavation 44.480 Total impact x 1 1 to 1 replacement 44.480 minimum required At least half of the replacement credit (44,480 square feet; 1.02 acres) needs to be in the form of New Wetland Credit to satisfy WCA requirements. The Corps will require 44,480 square feet (1.02 acres) of New Wetland Credit wetland replacement to compensate for 44,480 square feet of wetland fill. Up to half of the wetland replacement may come from Pubic Value Credit (PVC), which may be applied toward the second half of the 2 to 1 replacement. PVC is calculated by multiplying available stormwater ponding acreage by 0.75. Since the project will provide approximately 31,211 square feet ofstormwater ponding 75 percent may be applied towards PVC (0.75 x 31,211 square feet). WWestwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Proposed Wetland Replacement Credit Type Square Feet Acres Calculation New Wetland Credit 64,644 148 Public Value Credit (ponding) 23,408 O.S4 (31.211 X 75% = 23,408 sf) Total Wetland Replacement 88,052 2.02 WWestwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150 Memorandum — Wetland Replacement Assessment —Pheasant Ridge 51h Addition February 21, 2001 Page 3 Proposed Upland Buffer Credit In addition to stormwater ponding, the project will provide between 20 and 80 feet of upland buffer along the southern edge of Wetland A for a total of 25,630 square feet (0.59 acre). This PVC upland buffer can be applied towards wetland replacement (up to 75 percent of replacement wetland size). Conclusion The proposed project design will exceed the requirements of both the WCA and Corps minimum requirements by providing 64,644 square feet (1.48 acres) of NtiVC, 23,408 square feet (0.54 acre) of PVC derived from stormwater ponding, and 25,630 square feet (0.59 acre) of upland buffer for a total of 113,682 square feet (2.61 acres) of wetland replacement. WWestwood Professional Services, Inc. (952) 937-5150