05-07-01 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 7, 2001 8 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Vice -Chair Nichols will call the meeting, to order. Vice -Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 8PM. Roll Call: Richard Nichols, Ken Fry, Patrick Moonen, Steve Schuck, Christian Mbanefo and David Thompson. Excused absence. Chair Carl Swenson and Jim Kolles. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner. Council Representative; Vern Heidner Council attending: Mayor; Larry Fournier, Councilmembers; Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers and Suzanne Ackerman. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes: A. April 16, 2001. Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve. Seconded by Commissioner Moonen. All in favor. Motion Carried. 3. Public Hearing for the applicant S & Z Investments and Bulow Incorporated A. Continuation of Public Hearing for Meadowlands Which was tabled at the April 16, 2001 Meeting Vice -Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 8:03 PM. Dan Licht presented the Planner's report. George Sanford, applicant, briefly went over the Preliminary Plat for the Meadowlands Development. Vice -Chair Nichols opened up for public comment at 8:118 PM. Steve Wiltermuth, 8937 Obrian Avenue NE. He spoke in favor of this project, but had concern with the drainage pond on Block 2, Lot 5. Kirshona Martinson, 8789 Nashua Avenue NE, stated concern with the lots not being uniform in size. Commissioner Schuck stated concern with the 20 -foot emergency path not being wide enough to accommodate snowplows and hold snow. Vice -Chair Nichols asked how the 75 -foot "no mow zone" will be controlled, Mr. Sanford replied through the protective conenants. Commissioner Fry asked why the community septic was eliminated as it was in their larger lots which can accommmiodate3 two drain fields. Kim Blaydes, 8795 Nashua Avenue NE, stated she liked this plan better than the first proposal. She questioned if the natural spring located on this parcel will be on private property. Mr. Licht said the spring will be located on private property with and easement over it. Tom Constant, 13776 85`h Street, asked if the pipe that will be placed will bring down the water level in the pond. Planning Commission Meeting of May 7, 2001. Page 2. Dan Licht replied that the DNR sets the minimum elevation and most likely the water level will be higher. Commissioner Fry asked if there would be mostly mound systems on this development. Mr. Sanford said according to the soil borings possibly 7 or 8 mound systems and the rest would be standard systems. Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to recommend the council adopt the Resolution Amending the Comprehensive Plan to include the subject property within the Long Range Urban Service Area based upon a finding that the action is consistent with the cited policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to recommend that the City Council approve Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R-3 District based upon a finding that the action is consistent with the cited policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend that the Council approve a PUD- DUP and preliminary plat entitled, "Meadowlands" subject to the conditions listed in the Findings of Fact changing Condition # 3 for a wider access with an engineer recommendation. Seconded by Commission Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried. Vice -Chair Nichols stated that the reason he supports this project is because the developer will be fixing a drainage problem for this area. _4. Zoning Ordinance Update - Commercial Riding Stables Dan Licht presented his report. The Planning Commission discussed some of their concerns such as not being able to control the use of the buildings after they are built, defining indoor riding areas, and size of lots. Vice -Chair Nichols directed Dan Licht to find out what other communities are doing and bring this information back to the next Planning Commission Meeting. 5. Any other Planning Commission Business Vice -Chair Nichols discussed the ratio of townhouses versus single family homes platted in Otsego. The following motion was made after Planning Commission discussion. Commissioner Mbanefo motioned that the Planning Commission feel that the balance between town homes versus single family homes is appropriate as platted as of this date and directed the City Planner to write a memo to the City Council outlining their thoughts. Seconded by Commissioner Fry. Planning Commission Meeting of May 7, 2001. Page 3. A. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. Council member Heidner said that the Hidden Creek Trails proposal was referred to the Parks Commission for their review and therefore tabled by the City Council until May 14, 2001 CM Heidner also went over the Council's other actions and their joint meeting with the City of Dayton. 6. Adjournment by 10 PM Commissioner Moonen motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.