08-20-01 PCCITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 20, 2001 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Chair Swenson will call the meeting_to order. Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8 PM. Roll Call: Chair Carl Swenson; Commission members: Ken Fry, Richard Nichols, Steve Schuck, Jim Kolles and Alternate David Thompson Excused Absence: Patrick Moonen. Absent: Christian Mbanefo. Staff: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; City Council Representative: Vern Heidner. Council Members: Mayor Larry Fournier, Suzanne Ackerman, Parks Commission: Tom Constant 2. Consider the following_ minutes: A. August 6, 2001 Planning Commission Meeting. It was noted on Page 1 to correct the spelling of Brian's name. Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve the minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Planning Items: 3.1. Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan for Park and Trail. Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing at 8:01 PM. Judy Hudson attested that the proper publication was completed. Dan Licht presented the draft of the Parks and Trails Plan. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for public comment at 8:25 PM. Jim Dubell, 9840 Kadler, stated he just purchased his home and no one informed him of a bike path going across his front yard. His concern is that there is a lawn sprinkler installed in the front yard, concern with the high-speed traffic on Kadler and the crossing location. Elaine Norin, 10235 Kadler Avenue. Elaine felt there was no information given out on the bike path location and construction. She opposes the location of the bike path crossing and suggested it cross at the intersection of 101' Street. Also, she feels that as a result of the construction of the bike path it killed a large maple tree by her home and she would like it removed. Louise Koecheler, 9964 Kadler Avenue. She opposes the trail and the lack of information given to the residents on the trail. She wants the trail as close to the street as possible. Jeff Latour, 10340 Kadler Avenue. His concern is with the speeding on Kadler Avenue and the trail crossing location. If the trail is to continue down to the Public Access before development it will create a lot of problems with trespassing: -Restated he is not against the trail but would like it put in after development. Planning Commission Meeting of August 20, 2001, cont'd. Page 2. Bonnie Hines, 10018 Kadler Avenue. She is concerned with the safety of the trail location because of all the construction trucks in the area and would like to know when it will be completed going to CSAH 39. Robert Erickson, 9901 Kadler Avenue. He stated he agrees with all the comments of his neighbors. Mary Kavanagh, 10088 Kadler Avenue. She lives at the intersection of 101` Street and Kadler Avenue. She is concerned with the bike path crossing location and wished they were notified of this prior to construction. Planning Commission Discussion. Dan Licht reported the Trail is being put in with the development and construction is within the street right-of-way. Bulow, Inc,. is providing a separate easement within his development. One of the reasons for the trail crossing location was right-of-way issue; the City did not have the right-of-way to run the trail north to 101`. Also, noticing was done at the time of the platting of Grenin's Mississippi Hills and Mississippi Pines, and it was discussed at those public hearings. Mr. Licht said this Hearing is for the Park and Trail Plan for the entire City. Chair Swenson asked for any other public comments. Jeff Latour, 10440 Kadler Avenue, said he supports the Parks and Rec. but wants the trails constructed only as land is developed. Chair Swenson closed the Hearing at 8:58 PM. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend approval of the Park and Trail Plan. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Any other Planning, Commission Business. A. Update on Council Actions by CM Heidner. Councilmember Heidner updated the Planning Commission on the Final Plats that have been approved. 5. Ad-journment by 10 PM. m Comissioner Nichols motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. Jim Kolles, Secretary Recorded by: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Adm.