11-19-01 PC-T-I-r_t-t, 3. 1. "ORTHWIM ASSOCIATIto CONSULTANTS* INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Vintage Pro -Golf; PUD Concept Plan REPORT DATE: 14 November 2001 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 01.31 BACKGROUND APPLICATION DATE: 22 October 2001 CITY FILE: 2001 - 37 Bulow Incorporated has submitted a concept plan for development of a 18 -hole championship golf course and residential development located on 245 acres southeast of CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue. The golf course includes clubhouse and maintenance facilities, as well as a proposed tunnel connection under CSAH 39 to the existing 18 -hole executive Vintage Golf Course north of CSAH 39. The residential element of the project is 102 single family and 40 townhouse units. The existing farmstead is proposed to remain as a separate parcel making the housing unit total 143. The development is proposed to be served by a common on-site sewage treatment system. The property is located within the Agriculture Preserve designated by the Comprehensive Plan and is guided for agricultural use. Residential development is limited to four units per 40 acres within the Agriculture Preserve, except that the Comprehensive Plan states higher densities may be allowed with City approved sewer and water facilities. The development proposal is being processed as a PUD Concept Plan to provide the applicant an opportunity to present the general nature of their project without incurring substantial cost. If the concept plan is approved, applications for a Comprehensive Plan amendment, rezoning, and preliminary and final plats will be required. Exhibits: A. Site Location 8 Concept Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is within the agriculture preserve designated by the Comprehensive Plan. This area is intended to allow for continued farming operations. To discourage intrusion by incompatible residential dwellings and maintain large parcels for continued production, density is limited to four units per 40 acres for parcels with street frontage. However, the Comprehensive Plan also states that higher densities vvil I be considered for projects with City approved sewer and water facilities. The extent of the additional density that would be allowed with the provision of sewer service is not specified. The applicant is proposing 143 residential units (1 existing plus 142 new) on approximately 245 acres, which is equivalent to 23 units per 40 acres. To serve the project, the applicant is proposing a common sewage treatment facility. The appropriateness of the proposed density will need to be considered within the context of the project's compatibility with the surrounding area and impact to transportation and infrastructure capacities. The type of project integrating a golf course and residential neighborhood should also be considered in that the Comprehensive Plan states that except in unique circumstances, all new residential development is to be concentrated within the sanitary sewer service district. The Comprehensive Plan encourages development of a balanced housing supply in terms of type and values. In that the majority of Otsego's existing housing supply developed before 1999 is considered to be affordable by Metropolitan Council guidelines, the City's recent focus has been on development of higher value housing. The City has attempted to accomplish this objective by creating opportunities for combining residential developments with certain amenities, such as openspace preservation in the Rural Residential District or with Vintage Golf. The size of this property creates an opportunity to design an integrated project combining a full-size golf course and residential units. Given the amenity involved, the City may expect development of higher value homes within the development. The applicant may be able to present additional market information supporting this assumption. Subject to issues of compatibility, transition and infrastructure impacts, the proposed scope of the development may be appropriate. PUD District. The subject property is currently zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. Development of the project will require a rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District due to the density of the residential uses, mix of commercial, low density residential and medium density residential uses, and operation of a common sewage treatment facility. The criteria on which the City will evaluate the rezoning application and overall project are outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Page 2 of 9 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Surrounding Uses. The subject property is surrounded by lands zoned A-1 District and planned for continued agricultural use with residential densities not to exceed four units per 40 acres for parcels with street frontage. There are existing single family homes to the east of the property along Kahler Avenue. Additional single family uses front onto CSAH 39 and several homes on 93rd Avenue, west of the subject site. Vintage Golf's executive course is located immediately north of CSAH 39. There are no registered feedlots within 1,000 feet of the subject property. The majority of the residential units are clustered within the golf course isolating them from surrounding properties. However, the concept plan includes 40 townhouses on the east property line, which are possible due to the proposed treatment system. Creating an appropriate transition for the townhouse uses between surrounding properties and integrating them within the project is an issue that requires further attention. Likewise, the transition between commercial elements of the project such as the practice range also needs detailed review. Access. The subject property has frontage to CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue. Because the project abuts a County road and proposes access to it, street issues and access are subject to review and approval of Wright County and the City Engineer. • Kadler Avenue. The residential traffic will be directed to Kadler Avenue from internal streets. Kadler Avenue south of CSAH 39 is a gravel street, which must be upgraded to accommodate an additional 1,420 trips per day generated the project. A related issue is the need to review sight lines at CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue. Kadler Avenue may serve as future a minor collector, so an 80 -foot right-of-way should be provided for. Page 3 of 9 The City's policy has been those creating the need for such public improvements bear the cost, so it is expected that the developer will pay all costs associated with upgrading Kadler Avenue from CSAH 39 to their south property line abutting the right-of-way. It may be premature based upon the criteria outlined in Section 21-4-2 of the Subdivision Ordinance if the City would be asked to construct the street and assess the costs. • Clubhouse Access. The clubhouse parking area is proposed to access onto CSAH 39, which will likely require construction of turn lanes. Access onto CSAH 39 is subject to approval of Wright County. • Intemal Streets. The applicant has proposed that internal streets will be public, except for driveways within the proposed townhouse area. The internal street layout is generally functional, but lacks a natural direction and flow. Staff will work with the applicant on modifications to the street layout prior to a development stage application. Specific street section plans must be provided with the development stage application and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. A traffic circle has been provided at the intersection of three local streets at the southern portion of the development, which creates a gateway effect at this entrance. A similar gateway at the north entrance to the development should be provided as this street will likely carry more traffic. A divided boulevard extending from Kadler to the first north -south street intersection may create the desired effect. Section 21- 7-6.A limits the length of cul-de-sac streets to 500 feet. The two cul- de-sacs at the southern portion of the property provide access to an isolated neighborhood intended to have the development's highest value houses. These two cul-de-sac streets are over 1,400 feet in length. To ensure emergency vehicle access, a 10 -foot median is proposed from the first intersection to the point where the street forks to the two terminal points. A break in the median is provided in front of four lots along this segment to allow two-way access. Some type of low growth tree or shrub is recommended for landscaping these medians. The north cul-de-sac is approximately 1,200 feet long and should be extended to the property line to allow a future connection, making the cul-de-sac temporary. Based upon the property lines east of the subject site, the end point of this street should be shifted south to align with the quarter section line. With 47 units using this cul-de-sac, emergency vehicle access is a concern. A divided roadway should be considered for this street segment if the townhouse units remain located where presently shown. Also, attention should be given to the alignment of this street segment as headlight glare from west bound vehicles will shine into the rear of two lots. These lots should be reoriented and provided screening to mitigate this issue. Pale 4 of 9 Single Family. Under the PUD District, performance standards for the proposed 102 single family lots will be based upon the R-4 District requirements. The concept plan illustrates the single family lots have a minimum lot size of approximately 14,000 square feet, 100 -foot width, and 130 -foot depth, which exceeds the R-4 District standards. The single family lots are well laid out such that a majority of them back onto the golf course providing excellent views. Twenty-two of the units are located on an internal block. Provisions should be made to ensure that these units also are afforded viewsheds into the golf course. This may be accomplished with wider lots, greater side yard setbacks on the outside lots, and viewshed corridors. Townhouses. The concept plan includes a proposal for 40 townhouse units clustered near the east property line. The type of townhouse unit has not been specified and no layout for the units has been submitted. The expectation is that these units may have greater appeal to empty -nester or retired households not interested in maintaining a single family lot, but having the same access and amenities offered by the golf course. Staff has recommended that townhouse units may be appropriate if they are better integrated into the development. Lacking a more specific site layout to respond to, the current proposal appears as an afterthought. The proposed location near existing single family dwellings also may create transition issues. A more creative layout and location of the townhouses, such as at the apex of the north loop street, may create an exciting opportunity. In terms of unit type, the City should encourage large rowhouse units opposed to any back-to-back style units. This unit style will allow greater view sheds of the surrounding golf course (with windows on both sides of a unit) and be substantially different than other townhouse units developed within the sanitary sewer service district. Distinguishing the proposed townhouses as unique in terms of design and market is critical to respond to the City's recently adopted policy of discouraging further townhouse development based on the number of units already platted within the sanitary sewer service district. Specific exterior elevations, floor plans, and a site layout for the townhouse units must be provided with the development stage plan. Golf Course. The 18 -hole championship golf course has been design by a professional Landscape Architect and includes a clubhouse, maintenance facilities, and practice range. • Layout. The course has been designed with out -and -back routes over the east and west halves of the property. The holes appear well aligned to avoid conflict with adjacent lots and roadways. The only potential issue identified at this point is the need to provide increased setbacks for the tee boxes on hole 11, which are only 20 feet from a lot line. This setback should be at least 50 feet. • Clubhouse. The golf course includes a full -club house, which the applicant has indicated will include food service, liquor and banquet facilities. Plans for the design and materials of the club house should be provided with the development Page 5 of 9 stage application. Given the common ownership of this course with the executive course north of CSAH 39, common architecture should be used to unite the two projects. • Practice Range. A practice range has been provided at the northeast corner of the parcel. Given its location at the edge of the project, compatibility with adjacent land uses may be an issue. Hours of operation for the range and lighting may need to be limited, and significant screening should be required. These issues should be presented as part of the development stage plan. • Maintenance facility. A maintenance facility is located on the west side of the property near the south entrance with Kadler Avenue. The orientation of these buildings should be revised such thatthe area is not exposed to KadlerAvenue and properties west of Kadler, and such that access is provided off of the internal street. Building designs and materials forthe maintenance buildings must be specified with the development stage application. • CSAH 39 Tunnel. A tunnel is proposed under CSAH 39 to connect this course to the 18 -hole executive course on the north side of the roadway. The tunnel will provide access between the courses for maintenance and patrons. The tunnel will require approval of Wright County and the City Engineer. • Off-street Parking. Off-street parking facilities are provided at the clubhouse with access from CSAH 39. The standard that the City applied for the executive course was four stalls, plus 50 percent of the requirement for any associated use (i.e., practice range, food service, pro shop, office, etc.). Detailed plans for the club house facility will be required as part of the development stage application such that the number of required stalls may be determined. • Cart Circulation. The applicant should identify a cart trail system through the development that allows access to the residential neighborhoods so that these vehicles are not operated on City streets. The alternative may be to consider private internal streets, which would remove the restriction on cart use. Outlot A. Outlot A is being created as a 5.38 acre remnant parcel encompassing the existing farmstead. If the intent is to allow continued use of the parcel, it should be platted as a lot and block as building permits may not be issued for outlots. As part of the subdivision, the applicant should demonstrate that adequate area for on-site utilities exist for this parcel and that these systems are up to current code. Alternatively, the City may require that the dwelling be connected to the proposed internal utility system to address the sewer treatment issue permanently. Page 6 of 9 Additional right-of-way for Kadler Avenue necessary to upgrade the street will also need to be dedicated from Outlot A. The concept plan does not show the additional right-of- way. Extension of the right-of-way place several existing structures on the parcel within the right-of-way or within a required setback. Those structures that are within the right-of- way or create a traffic visibility issue will have to be removed. Outlot A currently accesses onto CSAH 39, which is designated as a minor arterial street. With addition of the clubhouse entrance to CSAH 39 and improvement of Kadler Avenue, the access to this parcel should be directed to Kadler Avenue. Landscaping. No landscape plans have been submitted at this time. Landscape plans must be provided with the development stage application for the clubhouse, practice range, and maintenance facility areas of the development. Landscaping to be provided within townhouse area, street medians, or boulevards must also be identified. Utilities. The applicant is proposing to install a common utility system to serve the project. The exact type of system or its specifications have not been identified at this concept plan stage. The applicant has stated that they will provide a proven system type and design that is acceptable to the City Engineer and MPGA. The development stage application must include plans for a common sewage treatment system and w ater service, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and MPCA. Long term ownership and maintenance of the treatment system will require a specific agreement with the City. Grading Plans. A detailed grading plan has not been submitted at this review stage. Such a plan showing proposed elevations and stormwater drainage will be required with the development stage plan. The grading plan and all stormwater issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park and Trail Dedication. The City's park and trail plan does not identify any park and trail facilities that impact the proposed project. While no park land is anticipated to be needed from the project, consideration should be given to the need for a trail along Kadler Avenue to connect with CSAH 39 and the trail north of CSAH 39 on Kadler Avenue. This matter should be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Otherwise, park and trail dedication will be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land. CONCLUSION The proposed concept plan presents a significant policy question for City officials concerning the density allowed within Agriculture Preserve with a proposed treatment system. While the mechanical treatment proposed by the applicant resolves the issue of sewage treatment, other issues regarding land use compatibility, land use transition and infrastructure impacts must also be considered. Page 7 of 9 The proposed golf course development is a unique project that provides an opportunity to isolate the residential and commercial elements of the project within the golf fairways and green areas addressing area compatibility to a great extent. For this project issues of infrastructure access can likely be addressed with improvement of the local street that will provide access to the residential units. As such, the general intent of the concept plan may be appropriate subject to minor design adjustments and presentation of greater detail. If the Planning Commission and City Council reach a similar conclusion in reviewing the concept plan, our office would recommend approval of the PUD Concept Plan as outlined below. A. Motion to approve a PUD Concept Plan for Vintage Pro -Golf Course, subject to the following conditions: The applicant shall submit a complete development stage application(s) within six (6) months from the date the concept plan is approved by the City Council. 2. The development stage application must include plans for a common sewage treatment plant, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and MPCA. 3. The development stage applications is to reflect the following modifications and revisions of the concept plan- a. The street layout is subject to further review by the applicant and City Staff. Street section plans are to be provided with the development stage plan. b. Any proposed townhouse units are to be better integrated into the project. Site plans, floorplans, and building elevations for the proposed townhouse units are also to be provided. C. Viewsheds of the golf course are provided to the single family lots within the looped streets. d. Golf course facilities including tee boxes, fairways, and greens are to be setback 50 feet from any perimeter lot line. The maintenance area is to be revised such that all activities are oriented into the project and access is to be off of the internal street. e. Floorplans and building elevations for the proposed clubhouse and maintenance buildings are provided. Operation of the practice range including hours, number of tees, and any lighting is to be specified. Page 8 of 9 g. Provision is made for cart circulation between the golf course and residential neighborhoods that is not dependent upon public streets. h. A landscape plan for existing and proposed plantings for the clubhouse area and parking lot, practice range, townhouse areas, entrance ways, boulevards or medians, and maintenance area is submitted. Outlot A is platted as a lot and block, with dedication of necessary right-of-way for Kadler Avenue. Any existing buildings within the proposed right-of-way or create traffic visibility issues are to be removed. 4. Kadler Avenue is to be improved to a paved rural local street section from CSAH 39 to the south end of the subject site abutting the right-of-way at the applicant's expense. 5. Access to CSAH 39, visibility at CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue, and the tunnel under CSAH 39 are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County. 6. All grading, drainage, and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The Parks and Recreation Commission consider the need for a trail corridor along Kadler Avenue. 8. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based upon a finding that the concept plan is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Wayne Fingleson Chris Bulow Page 9 of 9 N/� C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD SCORECARD -- 11.11 Y. 2.0 6UCx ol.C! Yvitn2. RID I ' COLD3 35" 3t4 1 1 f 66 130 11' 6! 1.3 3 ,3 ; 312 W )1 .V ..2 f 111 0 ) al) A. 163 1316 1033 - . W 6 , 4E6 366 3— 13, sea 106 313 130 1-3 o s 337 .N 4o11 436 3" OUT 36 3121 al" 3e06 1661 2361 m . ,M u . p. .p 3" 406 ]60 36- 313 131 i f0% O ] f13 IM 166 1,, 104 13 >sa 1. 3 sp 76s .6/ 33) 4 160 IAjo 1p I 11 . ,a) 307 7.: 310 a0, 16 1 fee,b 1� , 364 ]b is . a PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL S1 NULL. 1A411.Y D/TACH!') 1M 1M1ktHD.41 F%l1' iNTI Si/1' ,n 1'Ol'AI. oY!II�Y�I t M. LnT Y. 10 w vi cc Z) 0 v !,_ J 0 V 0 or a w V .`I 0 -D--crn 3 • --� . "oIRTIAWtST ASSOCIATso rIHICI 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE.- NAC ATE:NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Freeway Sign District 12 November 2001 APPLICATION DATE: 31 October 2001 176.02 - 01.30 CITY FILE: 2001-38 Rhea Development Company is the developer of the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park located on the north side of the 1-94 Corridor. They are requesting consideration of a Zoning Ordinance text amendment to expand the provision allowing additional freestanding sign height for those properties abutting 1-94. Section 20-37-5.C.4 of the Zoning Ordinance allows commercial and industrial freestanding signs to be 20 feet high, except signs on properties abutting 1-94 may be up to the zoning district height limit for principal buildings. Because of the MNRoad Facility, none of the properties north of the interstate actually abut the freeway. As such, staff and the applicant have discussed establishment of a freeway sign corridor district that would allow for the increased height within a certain distance of the right-of-way. Exhibits: A. Ordinance Amendment B. Map of Freeway Sign District ANALYSIS Freestanding Signs. Section 20-37-5.C.4.a of the Zoning Ordinance regulates freestanding signs for commercial and industrial uses: a. Freestanding. Not more than one (1) double sided sign. Sign area may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty feet, except that for signs abutting the Interstate 94 corridor, the principal structure height shall apply. The maximum principal building height in the City's commercial and industrial districts is 35 feet. As such, those properties that abut Interstate 94 are allowed a 15 -foot height increase for freestanding signs. Industrial zoned lands that currently abut the 1-94 corridor are limited to three lots in the Otsego Industrial Park on the south side of the interstate. None of the land abutting the north side of 1-94, which is all MNRoad, is zoned industrial. As such, only Long Haul Trucking, JK Storage and one undeveloped lot would be allowed the additional 15 -feet sign height. Future industrial land uses are planned west of the Otsego Industrial Park. Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park. None of the lots within the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park have frontage to 1-94, so the maximum height for a freestanding sign is limited to 20 feet. The maximum freestanding sign height limits potential visibility of the sign from 1-94. This is especially true for the Trudell Trailers site, which is also impacted due to the 10 foot grade change between 70'' Street and the lot. 1-94 Sign District. To increase exposure of the Otsego Industrial Park and Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park to traffic on 1-94, staff and the applicant have discussed expanding the provision for additional height beyond those properties that abut the freeway. The draft amendment that has been prepared would establish a "1-94 Corridor Sign District" encompassing lands within one-half mile of the 1-94 right-of-way. As shown on Exhibit B, the proposed district would include most of the planned industrial area south of 1-94 and all of the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park north of the freeway. Commercial and industrial zoned properties within this special sign district would be allowed a free standing sign of up to 45 feet. The 10 -foot increase above what is currently allowed properties abutting the freeway is due to topography issues north of the freeway, as well as the increased distances from the freeway. The proposed amendment does not increase the area of freestanding signs allowed for commercial and industrial uses. The maximum sign area is to remain a double -sided sign with not more than 100 -square feet per side. Criteria. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance outlines criteria that the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider in evaluating the proposed Ordinance amendment. Theirjudgement is to be based upon, but not limited to, the following factors: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Page 2 of 4 Comment: The Comprehensive Plan encourages development of the 1-94 corridor with industrial uses to take advantage of access and visibility to traffic on the freeway. The plan states that signing of industrial properties is to facilitate identification and business promotion, while not allowing over -intensification. The proposed amendment will allow for increased sign exposure for existing and planned industrial areas along 1-94. In that the overall sign area is not being increased, the amendment does not allow an over -intensification of signage along Otsego's 1-94 corridor. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The proposed amendment applies only within a defined area surrounding 1-94, which are all planned for industrial uses. Appropriate transitions between the industrial areas and surrounding land uses are provided by physical barriers or aided by the layout of the industrial parks. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed amendment will not create any non -conforming signs. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed amendment is intended to aid in identification of businesses within the industrial areas planned along 1-94. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed amendment is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: Not applicable. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment., The proposed amendment is not anticipated to impact to the City's service capacity. Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION The applicant is requesting a Zoning Ordinance amendment that will establish a special sign district allowing increased freestanding height for industrial properties along the 1-94 corridor. The proposed amendment expands upon an existing provision of the Zoning Ordinance that allows additional sign height for those properties that abut the freeway to include all lots within one-half mile of the freeway. Based upon the direction of the Comprehensive Plan to promote the 1-94 corridor for industrial businesses and physical conditions of the area, staff recommends approval of the amendment. A. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment regarding freeway corridor signs based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Steve Scharber Page 4 of 4 ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL SIGNING DISTRICT ENCOMPASSING LAND ADJACENT TO THE INTERSTATE 94 CORRIDOR. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-1-2 of the Zoning Ordinance (definitions) is hereby amended to include the following text: 25a. 1-94 Corridor Sign District: A special signing district encompassing land located within two thousand six hundred forty (2,640) feet of the Interstate 94 right-of-way. Section 2. Section 20-37-5.C.4.a of the Zoning Ordinance (Business and Industrial District - Freestanding Signs) is hereby amended to read as follows a. Freestanding. Not more than one (1) double sided freestanding sign. Sign area may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet, except that for signs within the Interstate 94 Corridor Sign District, the maximum height shall be forty-five (45) feet. Section 3. This amendment shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. EXHIBIT A ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of , 2001. CITY OF OTSEGO M Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator EXHIBIT B "ORT"WtST A$SOCIATto CONSULTANTS" 111"C. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning-com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Autumn Woods 3°d Addition REPORT DATE: 12 November 2001 APPLICATION DATE: 5 November 2001 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 01.33 CITY FILE: 2001 - BACKGROUND Trail Head Development Corporation owns Outlots B and C of Autumn Woods, located northwest of CSAH 36 and Quilley Avenue. The applicant is proposing to replat these two parcels and an adjacent 4.4 acre lot owned by John Sirois. The net result of the subdivision is the establishment of one new buildable lot fronting Quilley Avenue. As part of the preliminary and final plat, the applicant is dedicating additional drainage and utility easement necessary to improve area drainage. The subject properties are located within the Long Range Urban Service Area designated by the Comprehensive Plan and are guided for low density residential development. Outlot B is zoned R-3, Residential Long -Range Urban Service Area. Outlot C and the 4.4 acre parcel are zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The request requires consideration of a preliminary and final plat to redraw the various lot lines and convey drainage and utility easements. A Zoning Map amendment is also necessary to rezone the portion of the Sirois property being combined with Outlot B to create a buildable lot from A-1 to R-3 District. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Existing Parcels C. Preliminary/Final Plat ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcels are within the Long Range Urban Service Area designated by the Comprehensive Plan. This area overlays portions of the City developed with on-site septic and well systems. Creation of new unsewered lots within the long range urban service area is only allow if the subdivision results in: Completion of an unfinished street network. 2. The correction or improvement of a demonstrated area drainage problem. 3. The dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose (i.e., desired parks, public facility structures, right-of-way dedication, etc.) As part of the preliminary and final plat, the applicant is dedicating a drainage and utility easement which the City Engineer has determined is necessary for the movement of storm water from Autumn Woods to a culvert under CSAH 36. As such, the action satisfies both the condition related to area drainage issues and dedication of lands for a legitimate public purpose. Zoning. Outlot B is zoned R-3 District. Outlot C and the Sirois property are zoned A-1 District. In that land from the existing Sirois property is being combined with Outlot B to create Lot 1, the Zoning District boundaries must also be adjusted. Lot 2 is proposed to remain as an A-1 District lot. The Zoning Map amendment is to be evaluated based upon the following factors outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance.- The rdinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment. The dedication of additional drainage easements for storm water flows from Autumn Woods satisfies the criteria fornew unsewered development within the Long Range Urban Service Area, making the proposed rezoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The proposed subdivision will result in one new single family dwelling, which is consistent with the land use of surrounding parcels. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: Applicable performance standards have been complied with regarding the subdivision, excluding existing non -conforming conditions on the Sirois property. Page 2 of 5 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed subdivision will result in improvement of an existing drainage issue and dedication of land (easement) for a legitimate public purpose. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed subdivision may be anticipated to generate an a additional 10 trips per day to Quilley Avenue based upon ITE Data, which is within capacity. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. Lot Area. The proposed subdivision essentially combines Outlot C with the Sirois property and detaches 0.49 acres of land from the Sirois property to increase the size of Outlot B. The resulting area of Lot 1 (1.0 acres) and Lot 2 (4.18 acres) meet or exceed the minimum requirement of 1.0 acre for the applicable R-3 District or A-1 District. Lot Width. The R-3 District requires a minimum lot width of 150 feet. Lot 1, zoned R-3 District, has a width of 193 feet. The minimum lot width within the A-1 District is 150 feet and Lot 2 has a width of 482 feet. Setbacks. Lot 1 is subject to the R-3 District setback requirements of 35 -feet front, 15 - feet side, and 20 -feet rear. The preliminary plat illustrates an adequate buildable area within these setbacks. Lot 2 is subject to the A-1 District setbacks of 65 -feet front, 30 -feet side, and 50 -feet rear. The existing buildings on this parcel are not effected by the changes to the east side lot lines resulting from this subdivision. The preliminary plat illustrates that two buildings encroach into the front setback from CSAH 36. This is a pre-existing condition not impacted by the subdivision, and the situation continues as a legal non -conforming use. Access. Access to Lot 1 will be from Quilley Avenue. There is an existing access to Lot 2 off of CSAH 36, which is anticipated to remain. No access problems are anticipated with the new driveway to Quilley Avenue. Page 3 of 5 Easements. As required by the Subdivision Ordinance, a 10400t perimeter drainage and utility easement has been provided for the two lots. This easement may be laid over side lot lines_ If there is a corresponding easement on Lot 1, Block 1 of Autumn Woods, the north lot line easement on Lots 1 and 2 may be reduced to 5 -feet. The plat provides the desired drainage and utility easement for area drainage from the north line of the Plat to CSAH 36. Additional CSAH 36 right-of-way is also being platted from Lot 2. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The Sirois property is currently served by on-site septic and water systems. Construction of a new dwelling on Lot 1 will require design and installation of on-site utilities. Soil tests have been submitted for review. Approval of the plat should be contingent upon Building Official approval new on-site septic and well systems for Lot 1 and a determination that the subdivision does not impact the existing systems on Lot 2. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18 requires dedication of land or payment of a cash fee in lieu of land at $1,075.00 per lot related to the anticipated effect of the plat to the City's park system. The proposed subdivision results in one new lot being created. As such, a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $1,075.00 is to be paid by the applicant upon approval of the plat. CONCLUSION The proposed parcel combination and replat of Autumn Woods 3'd Addition will result in dedication of easements to improve an existing drainage situation. The provision of lands for this public purpose is consistent with the criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Plan for new unsewered development within the Long Range Urban Service Area. The plat is also correct from a technical perspective, subject to proper areas for on-site utilities being provided. If the Planning Commission and City Council make a finding that the subdivision is consistent with the criteria of the Comprehensive Plan, our office would recommend approval of the requests. Decision 1 -Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning land to be platted as Lot 1, Block 1 Autumn Woods 3rd Addition from A-1 District to R-3 District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. B. Motion to deny the request based upon a finding that the action is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application. Page 4 of 5 Decision 2 - Preliminary/Final Plat A. Motion to approve the preliminary and final plats of Autumn Woods 3rd Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. All grading, drainage, easements and right-of-way issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. Design and installation of on-site well and septic systems for Lot 1, Block 1 and the existing system on Lot 2, Block 1 are subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 3. The applicant pay a cash fee of $1,075 in lieu of land to satisfy park dedication requirements. 4. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based upon a finding that the action is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. PC. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Wayne Fingleson Jim Peterson John Sirois Page 5 of 5 0)•-' �� �\ ��N dict. N O N g9 J 1 00'� y�15 ` O ta;• �� _ 5 EAG X65' ;'rn �ci• W _� 50 N` " O + 5 O0 5 . OO1N �� `�p0EEP5 �Zi 77- =� N . 8 �'•. �' ' �E ` �, /moi '3\5� ' �909a� ON o 002, o CIA 6�>S3a.3009 e0y� Rol �,r8 -- Obi O °OIS V` h 3;, 61,60oOS 3N b to I �� Q 3. 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