08-19-02 PC5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Riverview Community Bank; Site Plan/Final Plat REPORT DATE: 14 August 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 7 August 2002 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 02.29 CITY FILE: 2002 - BACKGROUND Welsh Development Company, LLC has submitted a site plan and plat for development of an 10,840 square foot bank building located at the southeast corner of 881' Street and CSAH 42. The site plan also anticipates a future 5,440 square foot building addition for a total floor area of 16,280 square feet. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses within the designated east sanitary sewer service district. The subject site is zoned B-3, General Business District. The subject site was preliminary platted in 1994 as part of the MRD Commercial Park, but never final platted. A final plat will be processed concurrently with the site plan and does not require public hearing. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Site Plan D. Landscape Plan E. Building Elevations F. Grading Plan G. Utility Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is within the east sanitary sewer service district and guided for commercial land uses. The Comprehensive Plan describes the area generally surrounding the CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 intersection as the City's retail and service core. Development of a bank and/or office use at this location is consistent with this vision. The use would also be compatible with existing uses in the area which includes another bank, Church, and agriculture fields planned for future commercial development. Zoning. The subject site is within the B-3 District. Banks are a permitted use within the B-3 District. Lot Requirements. The table below outlines the lot requirements of the B-3 District in relation to the proposed site plan. As shown on the table, all of the applicable lot requirements are met or exceeded. The site plan does illustrate a 10 foot building setback along the rear lot line, which by definition is the east lot line. The site plan should be revised to illustrate the correct 20 foot setback requirement. Building Design. The building elevations indicate that the building will be a one story structure, within the 35 foot height allowed within the B-3 District. The facade design consists of a rockface block base, brick facing with smooth stone accents, and an E. 1. F. S. band just below the roof. All of these materials are classified as Grade A materials and their use on all facades of the building exceed the requirements for the B-3 District outlined in Section 20-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The roof materials are fiberglass shingles. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been provided showing boulevard plantings along CSAH 42 and 8e Street and trees along the east lot line. The landscape plan also includes several trees at the building corners. The landscape plan should be revised to add trees along 88 h Street in order to provide one tree every 40 feet. Trees or a shrub line should be installed along the south lot line of the property. Details for the foundation plantings must also be specified. 2 Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side Rear Parking R -O -W I Side/Rear Required 1.Oac. 200ft. 65ft. 65ft./10ft. 20ft. loft. 5ft. Proposed 1.6ac. 225ft. 65ft. 80ft./25ft. 120ft. 10ft. 5ft. As shown on the table, all of the applicable lot requirements are met or exceeded. The site plan does illustrate a 10 foot building setback along the rear lot line, which by definition is the east lot line. The site plan should be revised to illustrate the correct 20 foot setback requirement. Building Design. The building elevations indicate that the building will be a one story structure, within the 35 foot height allowed within the B-3 District. The facade design consists of a rockface block base, brick facing with smooth stone accents, and an E. 1. F. S. band just below the roof. All of these materials are classified as Grade A materials and their use on all facades of the building exceed the requirements for the B-3 District outlined in Section 20-17-4.B.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The roof materials are fiberglass shingles. Landscaping. A landscape plan has been provided showing boulevard plantings along CSAH 42 and 8e Street and trees along the east lot line. The landscape plan also includes several trees at the building corners. The landscape plan should be revised to add trees along 88 h Street in order to provide one tree every 40 feet. Trees or a shrub line should be installed along the south lot line of the property. Details for the foundation plantings must also be specified. 2 Access. The subject site has a single access to 88th Street. The access is setback 225 feet from the CSAH 42 and 88th Street intersection and is directly across from the access to the Bank of Elk River site to the north. The location is appropriate to provide proper stacking at CSAH 42 and 88th Street and avoid conflicts with traffic to and from the site to the north. The access is 24 feet wide as allowed by Section 20-21-4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Off -Street Parking. The following table outlines off-street parking requirements for the proposed use. The expansion area has been calculated at the ratio for general office or retail use as no occupant has been identified at this time. Gross Floor Area I Net Floor Area I Requirement I Required Stalls Bank 10,840sf. 9,756 1 stall/250sf. 40 __F_ Expansion 5,440sf. 4,896 1 stall/200sf. 25 TOTAL 65 The site plan provides 79 parking stalls a surplus of 14 stalls based on the required number of stalls calculated above. With a surplus of parking stalls, we would recommend the following site plan modifications: Elimination of four stalls at the north end of the row of parking along the east lot line (southeast of the access point) in order to avoid cars backing into traffic entering/exiting the site. 2. Elimination of one stall each at the east end of the two parking rows on the north of the building to avoid traffic conflicts with cars entering the site. Parking stalls have been designed to a 9 foot by 18 foot dimension with a two -foot overhang, as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The parking stalls are accessed by 24 foot wide drive aisles required for two way traffic. The parking lot surface is not specified and must be either asphalt or concrete. The Grading Plan shows perimeter concrete curb around the parking lot as required. Lighting. The site plan does not identify exterior light fixture numbers or locations. Light fixtures are to be shoebox designs mounted on 20 foot tall poles atop four foot tall concrete bases. A revised site plan showing fixture locations and illumination patterns must be submitted for approval. Signs. Commercial uses are allowed a combination wall signs and one freestanding business identification sign up to 15 percent of the building facade area facing not more than two public streets. Based on the building plans and corner lot of the subject site, a total of 348 square feet of signage may be erected. 3 The site plan identifies one monument sign at the corner of CSAH 42 and 88"' Street, but no detailed plans have been provided. This sign may not exceed 100 square feet in area and may not be taller than 20 feet. Section 20-37-2.E of the Zoning Ordinance requires that freestanding signs be setback one-half the minimum yard setback and may not be within a required drainage and utility easement. Based on the 65 foot setback required from CSAH 42 and 88' Street, the sign would need to be setback 32.5 feet. The City may want to consider amending this setback to a more consistent 10 to 20 feet as part of its current update. Any sign erected on this site would need to meet the 32.5 foot setback until such time as the Zoning Ordinance may be amended. No plans have been submitted for any wall signs. Wall signs may be installed on the two facades that front to CSAH 42 and 88"' Street. The number of wall signs is not limited except by the maximum square footage allowed for the subject site and that the size of any single wall sign may not exceed 100 square feet. Trash. The site plan shows a trash enclosure at the southeast corner of the subject site, as required by Section 20-16-15.B of the Zoning Ordinance. The trash enclosure must be constructed of materials consistent with those of the principal building. Shrubs should also be planted on the east and south sides of the trash enclosure to provide better screening of the structure. Park and Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-18 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires dedication of land or a cash fee in lieu of land for development of the City's park and trail system. The required dedication for commercial subdivisions is 10 percent of the gross area subdivided or a cash fee in lieu of land equal to 10 percent of the redevelopment fair market value of the land being subdivided. The Park and Trail plan identifies a future trail corridor along CSAR 42 abutting the subject site intended to connect the City's neighborhoods with the commercial core. Likewise, there would be benefit to having a trail along 88"' to provide access to existing and planned commercial uses. Until there is development of other sites along CSAH 42 or 88"' Street, construction of the trails may be premature. As such, a cash fee in lieu of land or other improvements is recommended. Grading. A grading and drainage plan has been submitted. These plans and all stormwater drainage issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The application materials included utility plans for connection to municipal sanitary sewer and water services. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Connection to municipal utilities is subject to payment of applicable SAC and WAC fees consistent with the City's established REC policies. 4 Easements. Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance requires 10 foot drainage and utility easements be established at the perimeter of all platted lots. Easements are also required over any drainage facility. The preliminary and final plat must be revised to include the 10 foot perimeter easements. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. The applicant must submit a final plat suitable for recording with the information outlined in Section 21-6-3 and 21-6-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The area to be final platted is generally consistent with the design of the lot shown on the preliminary plat approve in 1994. The preliminary plat illustrated a 270 foot by 390 foot lot (2.7 acres) at the southeast corner of CSAH 42 and 88" Street. The proposed lot measures 225 feet by 310 feet. The applicant should provide a revised sketch plan for Block 2 of the preliminary plat showing how the smaller size of the proposed lot effects abutting lots yet to be final platted. Development Contract. Upon approval of the final plat, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed development of a commercial bank building at the corner of CSAH 42 and 88"' Street is consistent with the City's vision of the CSAH 42/CSAR 39 area developing into the City's retail and service core. Further, the proposed lot and use meet all applicable performance standards of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. As such, our office recommends approval of the application subject to the conditions Outlined under action option A. A. Motion to approve site and building plans and a final plat for MRD 2"d Addition, subject to the following conditions: The site plan is revised to illustrate the 20 foot setback requirement from the rear (east) lot line. 2. The landscape plan is revised to add trees along 88"' Street in order to provide one tree every 40 feet, to provide trees or a shrub line along the south lot line of the property, and specify foundation planting details, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 3. The applicant is to submit a photometric light plan showing fixture types, locations, and illumination patterns, subject to approval of City Staff. t•1 4. The site plan is modified to eliminate four stalls at the north end of the row of parking along the east lot line and one stall each at the east end of the two parking rows on the north of the building. All off-street parking and drive aisles are to be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and with painted stalls. 5. All signs shall conform with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6. The trash enclosure must be constructed of materials consistent with those of the principal building with additional shrubs planted on the east and south sides of the trash enclosure, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 7. Park and trail dedication requirements are subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 8. All grading, stormwater drainage, utilities, easements, and access issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The applicant is to submit a final plat in the form required by Sections 21- 6-3 and 21-6-4 of the Subdivision Ordinance together with a sketch plan for Block 2 of the MRD Commercial Park preliminary plat. 10. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and pay all fees and securities required by it, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 11. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance. C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Dan Russ Erica Dahl Lynn Sloat "A(; ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (((((yy���LLL,, II • \ �.� / lir// t.._ 'I••'' ;I.� Iif 1 4 �. .. - -I rOub a'x?a EEIf1IK C0.r wf• r %���/ IiF l EErER r w.a �ucrwc I / :155PP1 :NARES' til I l,II� '•�-•\- -• ! r (( P-• • .. Rot ONrr wI:' I IJ (iii• \•., _ _ _ �. r - � '� rrw - r - IL W r'lir r V4 f.s, a L 'A a t7'•_ -T � ,• • . �Itie!!�%1^-• iiWAY R16kT OF NAY PLA T NO. ! N.cF_;'fL'•.• _ '� !1CSN1.9a NA'.. �f ^ . o0'Se'7I'III M• MWNElO�- T!A _m- A IT'.•OE=.W12j_PI..y" •,! Ta.AO R �RQE 79RSiN • .. 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E. 8 $ T 11 6 T- R -E Ems- - VISE PARKING STALLS N PM , D 511E DEVELOPI*NI Iw r.r w -II5N GO.1-1 1901 cr "dg. c 4 Minnmpellr, M 55419 952.891.181• F— 952.111.1110 RIVERVIEW COMMUNIT BANK OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROPOSED SITE PLAN 911 rw t.I• /BIT C - SITE PLAN w. • .]\.r9'-]]YnV•I.tt•ru..r, r/r/w.•r ':./.a rte. �rwr� -4 -4 :e• t •_ _ _ M• 1 W M W R[ 1 /. •1 W RK v. ------- $--------------34 --------- -- I e c i• A � �s �!1!•=S � �� ! t � Y t� �3es i e t f FF F T m O � � r D 2 O n MRD—BANK SITE John oil.,., 6 Assocle artes, hc. w•^ d n� -•• a•�••• a �• D - OTSEGO, MN .r••.•.w' ' _ ' �� rYww1' rnel 1 am o awr � �..ee an enn a FOR ra B. .,.,. s�,K>o, .ne.r ur• w.. m rlk 9....fYo. .:. aarBo 1 u:.r•,ol•. 1 u. � WELSH DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN Brnklyn c..a. Ynu..l. s,B.: MTC: 9/0)10] 'E I m: o:c I ar: w .c9m 9r oic ERT Cf VAL`SECTICN C-6-Aliffill u A W8L8N COMPANY 7802 C. A'idpc fi'rcN Alinnmpd. AIN 55439 952.892.2820 Fu: 852.892.]240 A WBLOM COMPANY RIVERVIEW COMM UNI BANK OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROPOSED ELEVATIONS/ WALL SECTION EXHIBIT E I - BUILDING ELEVATIONS w wB�sh cor�wrr Ml -m -lis, MN 55439 95].Y9]. ]B lY Fu: 952.89].l)YO /NY[I RIVERVIEW COMMUNI BANK OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN UILOING FLOORPLAN o MRD—BANK SITE R .k" "P- Iq MTE: e/07/07 {1 LN T "w""'°. "" •--O""° 1—" r'—'°� n.0 r{!° G Y e I I E t i� x' �� �� g�PP �• r � a GRADING DRAINAGE & V °" "" "` ""^ • ^"" ` 2 EROSION CONTROL PLANrnr ...I Br.NrIM hnlw, Y1nM.nM Spn°lure: TE%i'. N� o MRD—BANK SITE John Oliver 6 Associates, Inc. .k" "P- Iq MTE: e/07/07 wo` wrz DESCMPiNk = "w""'°. "" •--O""° 1—" r'—'°� n.0 r{!° p'- dncl .u°erw,°n DESIGN BY: Dec OTSEGO, MN 0 FOR r r WELSH DEVELOPMENT DWr Iv°n.. !Ik •lvr, Yl4 66!.10 o!a-..r-:°.! ru T!n-On-nrs T�,jp„[�^o' g M 4cen°M PrM- ^r IK — °1 '"` °I°I. °I ° �' DESIG BY: DN cNE"m Br Dlc DWG BM14QW DK a GRADING DRAINAGE & V °" "" "` ""^ • ^"" ` 2 EROSION CONTROL PLANrnr ...I Br.NrIM hnlw, Y1nM.nM Spn°lure: TE%i'. N� re'J MIYrYY1R yeYMi[4t• I I ----------- i•---------- =---- _ R _J -----__L___-1 t `- i — I I I I , J • n IF 1 -------------- f%� , IQ sI ------------- a. I .,q rJ. I •J, .Ca ` I ` adr~' I ( I �• �� L7J MRD—BANK SITE OTSEGO. MN FOR WELSH DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN John Oliver d Associates, Inc. a/o Baty. Avenue Llk B.wr, Yrvreea4 661]0 Jl�eee fn61k B.ver, Bvnw(oN r+t Beveklyn Curter, Minn (a + cw+tr ue+ agnn pbn. aPec- pYT[� e/o>loa mgr 'ti�ec� P,ePa,e/ M /urieer +M b.e n+ CllEp(CO 81. bl[ TEM' NONF fYf Nn � ! f MRD—BANK SITE OTSEGO. MN FOR WELSH DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN John Oliver d Associates, Inc. a/o Baty. Avenue Llk B.wr, Yrvreea4 661]0 Jl�eee fn61k B.ver, Bvnw(oN r+t Beveklyn Curter, Minn (a + cw+tr ue+ agnn pbn. aPec- pYT[� e/o>loa mgr 'ti�ec� P,ePa,e/ M /urieer +M b.e n+ CllEp(CO 81. bl[ TEM' NONF fYf Nn Review No. 1 ENGINEERING REVIEW Hakanson Preliminary Plat Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Judy Hudson, City Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney John Oliver & Associates, Inc. Welsh Development Company, LLC Reviewed by: Ronald J. Wagner, PE Shane M. Nelson, EIT Date: August 15, 2002 Proposed Development: MRD — Bank Site Street Location of Property: Part of the NE %4 of Section 22, Twp 121, Range 23, Wright County. Applicant: Welsh Development Company, LLC 7807 Creekridge Circle Minneapolis, MN 55439 Owner of Record: Devin Nathan, Inc. 7807 Creekridge Circle Minneapolis, MN 55439 Purpose: Rezone from A-1 to Commercial Jurisdictional Agencies (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County Wright County Highway Department Permits Required (but not limited to): NPDES Wright County ROW Permit Considerations: Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Dors\Municipai\AOTSEGO2000\2500\2002\ot2500MRD-BankRVW.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Plan set dated 8/7/02 by John Oliver & Associates, Inc. Sheet 1 of 5 — Site Plan Sheet 2 of 5 — Preliminary Plat Sheet 3 of 5 — Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan Sheet 4 of 5 — Preliminary Utility Plan Sheet 5 of 5 — Preliminary Landscape Plan City of Otsego Engineering Manual, 2/27/01 revision City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances as revised National Wetlands Inventory Map 1991 City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan dated September 1998 REVIEW AND COMMENTS SITE PLAN 1.. No comments. PRELIMINARY PLAT 1. Name, address, and phone number of the record owner(s) and the applicant shall be shown on the plan. (21-6-2.A.3) 2. A key map of the area shall be provided. (21-6-2.A.5) 3. Show existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the plat. (21-6-2.B.2) 4. Show location and widths of existing driveways and streets. (21-6-2.B.4) 5. Show existing contours — 2 feet minimum intervals. (21-6-2.B.7) 6. Show minimum front and side street setback lines. (21-6-2.C.7) 7. Show location and purpose of all easements on the plan. (21-6-2.C.5) GRADING DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 1. Show existing and proposed contours at a minimum of 2' intervals. (6.0.A) 2. Currently all storm water runoff is directed onto 88th Street NE, which is not allowable. All drainage from proposed plat shall be directed into the 30" RCP storm sewer stub Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWOTSEGO2000\2500\2002\ot2500MRD-BankRVW.doc provided to the east of the site. The proposed storm sewer system shall have capacity fora minimum of a 10 -year frequency event. (5.0.F.1) 3. Provide a typical cross section for the proposed ditch realignment along CSAH 42. Approval must be obtained from Wright County for the realignment. 4. The legend shows a cross -hatch which depicts outfall curb, however there is no cross -hatching shown on the plan. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 1. Currently a connection to sanitary sewer is shown under 88th Street NE. Removal of asphalt on 88th Street will not be allowed. Connection to existing sanitary sewer main has been provided for and shall be made utilizing the stub provided to the east of the site. A sanitary sewer manhole shall be provided at the end of the stub for maintenance. 2. Currently a connection to the water main is shown under 88th Street NE, which will not be allowed. Connection to existing water main has been provided for and shall be made utilizing the stub provided to the east of the site. A temporary hydrant will be required for flushing purposes. 3. A easement shall be provided over the land adjacent to the site for the utility connections. 4. Show all existing utilities, including connection points which are approximately 400' east of CSAH 42. PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 1. No comments. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site is required. (21-6- 2.13.10) 2. Submit a wetland delineation report for review, or provide a letter from a certified wetland specialist acknowledging no wetlands are present within the platted area. Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO2000\2500\2002\ot2500MRD-BankRVW.doc