11-18-02 PCITEM 3.1 • Hater" asir ASSOCIATall) C61141S IiLTA14111'sh MCI 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission John Glomski / Daniel Licht Otsego — Waterfront PUD; Family Restaurant Development Plan 07 November 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 30 October 2002 176.02 — 02.38 Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted site and building plans for a 4,459 square foot restaurant. The building is to be constructed on Outlot G of the Otsego Waterfront final plat. The original concept plan showed a fast food restaurant at this location, which has changed to more of a sit down family style restaurant. The subject site is zoned PUD District as approved by the City Council on April 8, 2002. The site is also within Subdistrict B of the WS Overlay District for the Mississippi River. Within this PUD District, site and building plan reviews for each of the lots is processed as an amendment of the PUD Development Plan. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Building Plans E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan ANALYSIS PUD District. The PUD District approved for Otsego Waterfront West is based on the uses and performance standards of the B-3 General Business District. The proposed restaurant is an allowable use under the B-3 District standards. In addition to the basic standards of the Zoning Ordinance, parcels within this PUD District are subject to specific design standards as approved as part of the overall project. Compliance with these standards will be addressed within this report. In that the application is an amendment to the original PUD Development Plan, the Planning Commission and City Council must consider the criteria outlined in Section 20- 3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance in evaluation the request. 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Lot Requirements. Lots within the PUD District are not subject to any minimum area or width requirements. Setbacks within the PUD District are the same as those imposed in the B-3 District, unless modified as part of an approved development plan. The table below illustrates required and proposed setbacks. All of the applicable setback requirements are complied with, with the exception of off street parking on the north side of the parcel. The ordinance states that there should be no off-street parking located within 15 foot of any street surface. The parcel fronts three separate street surfaces. The site plan meets the 15 foot setback for parking on two of the three sides, but has only 10 feet of separation between the street and the parking on a portion of the north lot line. The conditions of the lot are fairly tight, leaving little room for site design improvements. The PUD does allow for some leniency to this issue and staff doesn't project any traffic visibility problems regarding this layout. Princi al Building Parkin North lot line East lot line South lot line West lot line Street Required 35' 10' 65' 35' 15' Proposed 60' 55' 100' 92' 10' 2 Building Design. The proposed building is a one story structure. The exterior materials are field colored artificial stucco, brick facing, and asphalt shingles. The south and west facing facades have both been given front treatments to enhance the most visible portions of the building. The north and east facades, which lack in accents, are less visible to pedestrian traffic. The PUD development standards require that all building have a two-story appearance. The 22 -foot height of the proposed building, along with the use of vented dormers, have helped to achieve the desired two story character. Access/Off-Street Parking. Primary access to the site is provided via a shared driveway with the Bank to the East. It was discussed during the Bank/Office Development site review that that the access closest to Quaday Avenue on the proposed restaurant site, be designed as a right -in only to avoid conflict from cars exiting the site with a left turn at this location. The proposed structure was originally designed for fast food purposes, and there wasn't enough room to accommodate stacking off of Quaday Avenue should it occur. Although this issue should be discussed, staff does feel more comfortable now that there is no longer a drive through. Circulation through the parking lot seems to be fine, however it appears that large semi - trucks may have difficulty maneuvering around and out at the access point to the east. The City Engineer will decide if this is an issue that needs to be addressed. We would also suggest the possibility of shifting three easterly stalls, located directly north and abutting the structure, to the east four feet towards the trash enclosure which would allow easier loading access. (see Exhibit C) The loading stall should be striped to preserve its usability. The breakdown of required parking for the building is shown in the table below. The site plan provides for 65 parking stalls meeting the requirement as determined by the City's Ordinance requirements. Use Area Requirement # of stalls Dining Area 1,821 sq. ft. 1 stall/40 sq. ft. 46 Kitchen 1,563 sq. ft. 1 stall/80 s . ft. 19 Total J 65 stalls A majority of the stalls are designed with an 18 foot depth, which is acceptable provided that there is a two -foot overhang in front of the stall. The stalls at the perimeter of the parking lot have room for such an overhang. The stalls, located directly south of the structure, abut a 5 foot sidewalk, meaning that the width of the sidewalk is reduced to approximately 3 feet when allowing for the needed overhang. Although not ideal, this should provide the necessary room for pedestrian travel. Landscaping. The proposed landscaping plan is consistent with that of the approved landscaping plan for the overall project. The PUD development standards 3 require 150 square feet of island space for each 25 parking stalls. The configuration of the site and parking stalls does not necessitate islands. Sidewalk bump -outs have been provided to reduce the visual mass of the parking area and increase the greenspace within the parking lot. The landscape plan must be revised to specify plan quantities and locations. Signs. Although a freestanding sign appears at the southwest corner of the parcel on the site plan, no specific plans have been submitted. Each lot within the PUD district is allowed one free standing sign not more than 100 square feet in area or greater than 20 feet tall. The original development stage plan approval required that freestanding signs be constructed as monument signs and located at site entrances. In this case, the sign needs to be moved north to the entrance off of Quaday Avenue. The building elevations do show two identification signs of approximately 32 square feet. The area allotted for wall signs is limited to 15 percent of the area of the south and west building facades, minus the area of the free standing sign. It appears that the signs are within the approved development standard requirements, however a plan describing the size location and appearance of the proposed monument sign needs to be submitted and approved. Trash. A trash enclosure is shown on the site plan as an attached enclosure at the northeast corner of the building. The trash enclosure is constructed of the same exterior materials as the building thus blending into structure. Final Plat. The applicant has submitted an application for final plat approval involving a replat of Lot 2, Block 1, Outlot G and Outlots A and B west of Quaday Avenue. The final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Council. Grading Plan. The submitted grading plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. Plans for sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer for the subject site have been submitted. These plans show connection to sanitary sewer and water service via the lines installed under the common driveway, which is overlaid by a drainage and utility easement. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONCLUSION The proposed restaurant building at the southwest corner of the Waterfront project should provide for an excellent addition to the mix of commercial uses in the Waterfront West Development. A number of issues related to the submitted site and building plans must be further addressed or revised to ensure consistency with the City's performance standards or those applied specifically to this PUD District. Our office recommends approval of the application subject to the conditions outlined below. 2 A. Motion to approve a PUD Development stage plan for Outlot G of the Otsego Waterfront Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval is subject City Council's review and approval of a final plat for the subject site. 2. The landscape plan is revised to specify plant quantities and locations. 3. The freestanding sign is moved to the north and located at the entrance of the site as required by the original development stage plan approval. Plans for the freestanding monument sign are to be submitted and subject to review and approval of City Staff. 4. A lighting plan showing fixture type and location with proposed illumination patterns is submitted, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 5. All grading, drainage, utilities, and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall enter in to a development contract and pay all required fees or securities required by it, subject to review and approval of the. City attorney. 7. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and PUD District. C. Motion to table the request. Pc. 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MINNESOTA LIQonetructlon, In .-�'��E�r _ „€t DESIGN _ .. - fF a `4 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS s"* ._ e ,� ' ,t fJ��_� NV-ld 80013 03SodOdd i •JY' IV �� �� ' �ol YlOS3NNl11 'OJ3S10 1GopY�l -.• •�• IyN'+ ••• •"+i°"� 1NVNNY1S3v ONIONYISDMJ M]N 4 -.v.:" ++w N—r..1 1Nv8nV1S3H 30Vldl3A8VVi a a NORTH Ar , 0 20 40 t: L / - SCALE IN FEET --_- -- -- - rs - I ---- - - rl� -- / / ASTER LEGEND ° '� °1' LEGEND rRro9sER U I \ bN RIVERVIE / ' cONTOws I I 1 � � Ryb yL'R,1* bQ � �jel.l , / COMM \ TEA SERVICE 1 ` BANK � � SAx1TARY SERVILE —T b��As M RES0.IENT V[OGE 111111E[ SANIIaIlx SEVER , •, , • • , / CTH M.E. I p'O S,m' , � I� f `I � iERNUIN 1 b2� A 1 1 / SPOT EL.E-1— PROPOSED // OIaC[TI[W OF fLOv 3.0; R.STARAUNT / / flLr ttMfE 59 SOFTa . / r / ./ orb a —TE FEE.865.0BOrtINGS . I 2- Cr' ; jJ b e[CIR OOS iRE[S EON QUI- TREES eOUNOMvrREELIK LIK '•.It ! / z / AAt �1 ra[pEarr LINE EES—M LI ' II '` ``�\ 1 = ; • !].) 1 1Y 1' -eM'/ 6✓vg0 SNE ET— LINE L[e:ATlfel i II, - ____-,____��___r�- o�:E = 367.41Y367.41YP719.33 _ 'R' " \_—------------f—w------ —_ ----- _ - _ RIGHT TURN 'LANE OTSEGO WATERFRONT RESTARAUNT OUTLOT G II' CuC I TAY OF I' M I N N E S O T A L\Lan NN '�onstm�structlon, Inc. DESIGN WW ..". �•ra3r Imo' ntLicA • 1 ASSOCIATES —NAGE & NORTN IOo 200 4. 1 _ — SCALE IN FEET MASTER LEGEND TER SERVICE 8411— SERVILE —� wAlIRE ! —E .ST. RESILIENT vCBGE GATCVALVC S - ! Y�E Z SANIT— SEVCR STORK SEVCR >j ,irR— —jjRB3rR— SROT CLEvsi1M BIREMON OF FLO' SILT EENEE �-e• C..L —TER SO L BORINGS._ RETIINING 1— /�• OEEIOGWS TREES CONICCROui TRECS ;RECLINE BOuxOARv lINE —ER;x LINE �i �.y..l.N.1 E ASCNENi LINE [T_ LIN[ ".I. BE -1 L—TION EORCCNAIx ORA-ILE x. - v-rN — a1ti•N OTSEGO WATERFRONT RESTARAUNT OUTLOT G SCC� IT Y OF u H 1 N N E S O T A L, LandGor 1 Construction, Inc. Ruu,Rn,. nmulsR.LN. epri DESIGN VIII �'avm— I� RI:m:0i1 i 1 • ASSOCIATES UTIUTY PLAN ITEM 3. 2. "ORT Wts"Ir ,A3SOCMA-tt4 CQ%3UL1rA?Ax3h Moc, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht RE: Otsego - Waterfront PUD; Convenience Gas REPORT DATE: 12 November 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 30 October 2002 NAC FILE: 176.02 - 02.39 CITY FILE: 2002 - BACKGROUND Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted plans for a 6,900 square foot convenience store with attached car wash and gasoline sales. The subject site is located at the southwest corner of the Otsego Waterfront development (Outlot A) at the corner of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42. The subject site is planned for commercial uses within the east sanitary sewer service district designated by the Comprehensive Plan. The City Council approved a rezoning to PUD District on 8 April 2002 subject to a development stage plan and specific project guidelines. This site is not within the WS Overlay District. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C. Landscape Plan D. Building Plans E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan ANALYSIS PUD Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District, which is based on the requirements of the B-3 District_ Convenience stores with gasoline sales are allowed as a conditional use within the B-3 District. As such, the use may be allowed in this PUD Development subject to the same conditions and the applicable performance standards unique to the development stage plan. Consideration of the site and building plans for each phase of the Waterfront project is processed as an amendment to the PUD District. The Planning Commission and City Council are to consider the site and building plans based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The development stage plan approved for the Waterfront project planned for a convenience gas use at this location. However, the site plan has been revised such that the building front and pump islands are oriented to the north of the subject site. The original site plan had the building front and pump islands oriented to the east. This issue is addressed further in subsequent paragraphs. 2 Lot Requirements. The development of lots within the PUD District are intended to be subject to the requirements of the B-3 District, outlined below: Required Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front Side CSAH 39 CSAH 42/Quaday Rear North 1.0ac. 200ft. 65ft. 65ft./35ft. 20ft. Proposed 1.4ac. 241 ft. 40ft. 80ft./37ft. 145ft. As shown above, the proposed site plan meets all of the applicable B-3 District lot requirements except for the setback from CSAH 39. The majority of the building is actually 45 feet from CSAH 39, but the angled lot line at CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 reduced the setback to 40 feet. The site plan approved with the original development plan with the building oriented to the east would have met the setback from CSAH 39, but encroached to within 45 feet of CSAH 42. The original site design is better in that it uses the building to screen the pump islands from the west and northwest where there are existing residential uses. The gas pumps and most site activity would be oriented to the east and visible from T. H. 101. Issues with original site plan including fuel truck or oversize vehicle access and stacking space for the car wash would have to be reviewed further and modified. This could be accomplished -if it is possible to reverse the direction of the car wash. (See Exhibit B-2) The previous design would have also provided for a consistent alignment of the buildings along CSAH 39 (bank, family restaurant, and convenience gas) and CSAH 42, (convenience gas, liquor store, and market west). Christ Lutheran Church and the Bank of Elk River on the south side of CSAH 39 have also met the 65 foot setback requirement. The new site design would position the building closer to CSAH 39 than others along the corridor resulting in a inconsistent appearance and making the car wash the focus of the City's primary intersection. The revised building location may also obstruct view of the uses at the northwest quadrant of CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 from TH 101 Another alternative is to consider a different building design that replaces the attached carwash with a smaller detached car wash located adjacent to the principal building. A 120 foot by 60 foot building format has been built by the applicant in other cities and would reduce the depth of the building and allow the B-3 District setbacks to be met. Flexibility from the setback for the angled lot line is likely appropriate. The site plan will need to be revised to re -orient the building to the east and meet the CSAH 39 setback unless the applicant can demonstrate the benefit of the present site and building design over that which was previously approved. Special considerations for lighting, signs, and landscaping will need to be considered for the change in building orientation if the present proposal is accepted. 3 Building Design. The proposed building is a 24 foot tall, single story building. Dormers have been used on the north and south facades to create the appearance of a two story building, consistent with the PUD District design guidelines. The majority of the building is faced with brick and there is a narrow band of artificial stucco just below the asphalt shingled roof. Colors for the proposed building should be specified. The building mass has been minimized though the use of large windows on the building front and brick pilasters spaced evenly around the perimeter to add articulation. The rear wall of the car wash features four sets of three windows to avoid a solid wall. The building plans should be revised to specify the location of the building mechanicals. If there are any exterior facilities, these items should be fully screened from view with materials consistent with the exterior building material. Plans have not been submitted for the canopy above the pump islands and must be submitted. The architectural design and color of the canopy should be similar to that of the principal building in an off-white color. The face of the canopy may not be illuminated and should not include extensive color banding that contrasts with the building color. Landscaping. The landscaping plan for the perimeter of the property is generally consistent with the plans approved with the overall project. Additional coniferous tree plantings must be provided along CSAH 42 adjacent to and to the northwest of the pump islands to minimize the impact of the revised site orientation. The sizes of plantings shown on the landscape plan are appropriate, but quantities must be specified. Also, we would recommend removing Amur maple from the list of ornamental trees as this species can be aggressively invasive. All other materials are appropriate. Signs. The only sign identified on the submitted plans is a wall sign above the building entrance. Plans for any additional signing must be submitted. As a corner lot, signs may be allowed on more than one side of the building, but the total sign area may not exceed 15% of the facade area facing two public streets. No sign may exceed 100 square feet. One free standing sign is allowed with a maximum height of 20 feet. The PUD District approval allowed that this sign may be located near the Quaday Avenue and CSAH 39 intersection for visibility. Any signs located on the canopy should be limited to maintain an appropriate scale and not exceed 20 percent of the facade area facing a public street. All sign plans are subject to further review and approval of City Staff. Accessory Uses. Under the PUD District and performance standards applicable to convenience gas uses, outdoor sales, storage and display is prohibited. Exceptions to this requirement are limited to 20lbs. propane tank sales provided that they are secured and meet all fire codes. Other accessory uses such as compressed air, coin operated vacuum, or public phones must be identified on the site plan. Such facilities must be located to as to not impact adjacent uses and not conflict with site circulation. The location of these facilities are subject to review and approval of City Staff. 52 If a public address system is to be used, the system is to be set so as not to be audible at any property line. Playing of music or advertisements over the public address system is to be prohibited. Hours. The hours for convenience gas uses in a B-3 District are limited to 6:00 AM to 12:00 midnight unless extended by the City Council. The applicant will need to specify the intended hours of operation for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council. Access. Vehicle access to the subject site is shared with the use to the north via one curb cut to Quaday Avenue, which measures 32 feet wide. Section 20-21-4.H.7 limits curb cut width to 24 feet unless approved by the City Engineer. The width of the curb cut opening matches that of the median within Quaday Avenue and the access on the east side of the roadway. The additional width is necessary to allow fueling trucks and delivery trucks to access the site. The shared access requires cross access and parking agreement for these two lots. Pedestrian access to the site is available from sidewalks on the east, south, and west side of the property. The site plan must be revised to provide for pedestrian connections to these sidewalks. These connections should be made to the west and east side in aligment with the sidewalk at the front of the building. Parking/Loading. The table below outlines off-street parking requirements for the proposed use. There are 26 stalls provided on the proposed site plan, which is an oversupply of five stalls. Nine located along the north property line are oversized to accommodate vehicles with trailers or Rvs. All other stalls are designed to a 9 foot by 18 foot dimension with at least a two foot overhang. Use Requirement Calculation T [Required Stalls -.. Motor Fuel 4 stalls + 1 stall/service bay 4 stalls + no service bays 4 Convenience Store 1 stall 1200 square feet 3788.7sf. x 10%/200 17 TOTAL 21 The fuel tanks are located on the west side of the property. There are two service doors on the west and east sides of the building for product delivery. Circulation is good for access by fuel trucks and other delivery vehicles. Access to the pump islands is also good with room on each side of the island for one vehicle and 24 feet between pumps. Additional space has been provided between the pump islands and the building to avoid conflicts between traffic at the pumps and cars parked adjacent to the building. 5 The drive aisle leading to the car wash is segregated from other site traffic and has stacking space for approximately ten cars. Stacking can occur beyond the segregated drive aisle without disrupting site traffic. There is also a bypass lane just before the entrance to the car wash to allow vehicles to go around the building. The revised site plan attached as Exhibit B-2 addresses adequate off-street parking, circulation and stacking space to the carwash. Lighting. The site plan does not identify any free standing light locations. Decorative light fixtures consistent with the PUD District design standards are shown on all sides of the principal building. It is also assumed that lighting will be provided under the canopy, but again no plans have been provided. For lighting under the canopy, recessed canister spotlights will be required with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. A photometric light plan demonstrating compliance with Section 20-16-10.C.1 (as revised) shall be submitted. Further, the outdoor lighting and any illuminated signs are to be turned off not more than one hour after closing, except for approved security lighting as required by Section 20-16-10.C. Trash. A trash room has been provided at the northwest corner of the building with exterior folding door. Adequate access has been provided for garbage trucks. Final Plat. The subject site currently exists as Outlot A of the Otsego Waterfront addition. An application has been received by the City requesting final plat approval for the Otsego Waterfront 3`d Addition, which includes the subject site as Lot 2, Block 1. The final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Council prior to approval of this application. Grading. Plans have been submitted for site grading and drainage. Subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, the grading plan provisions should be made to direct drainage from the fueling area to a oil/grit separator. All grading issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. Plans for sanitary sewer and water connections have been submitted. These plans show that the utility connections are made directly to public facilities within easements or rights-of-way and not shared with the adjacent use to the north. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. Upon approval of the application, the developer must enter into a development contract with the City. The development contract will include all applicable conditions of approval, fees and securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. C:1 CONCLUSION The proposed development plan meets most applicable requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and PUD District. A significant issue, however, is the revised building orientation and proposed 20 foot encroachment into the setback from CSAH 39. The orientation of the building and pump islands exposed the majority of the site activity to the residential uses to the northwest. The setback encroachment is inconsistent with the location of other buildings within the same project or on the south side of CSAH 39. These issues can and should be addressed with an alternative site or building design. Our recommendation would be that the site and/or building design be revised to orient the building to the east and meet typical setbacks from CSAH 39 unless the developer presents compelling reasons for accommodating the building as proposed. Notwithstanding this issue, our office would recommend approval of the PUD Development Stage plan as outlined below. A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage plan for a convenience gas use on Outlot A of the Waterfront addition, subject to the following conditions: A final plat is approved by the City Council for the subject site prior to action on this request. 2. The site and/or building plans are revised to orient the building to the east and meet the 65 foot setback from CSAH 39. The setback from CSAH 42 and the angled potion of the CSAH 42 and CSAH 39 right-of-way may be allowed consistent with the original development plan. 3. Any exterior building mechanicals are to be fully screened from view with materials consistent with the exterior building material. 4. Plans for the canopy are submitted demonstrating that the design and color are consistent with that of the principal building, without extensive contrasting color bands and no illuminated fascia. 5. The landscape plan is revised to specify the quantities and location of all proposed plantings. Additional coniferous tree plantings are to be added along the west lot line to better screen the property to the northwest and a substitute planting provided for the Amur Maple trees. 6. Plans for all signs are to be submitted, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 7. Outdoor sales, display, or storage shall be prohibited except for 20lbs. propane tanks kept in conformance with applicable fire codes. 7 8. The site plan is to be revised to identify locations for compressed air, coin operated vacuum, and/or public phones if provided, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 9. Sound from a public address system may not be audible at any property line and broadcast of music or advertising shall be prohibited. 10. Store hours shall be limited to 6:OOAM to 12:00 Midnight unless specifically extended by the City Council. 11. The site plan is revised to provide pedestrian connections from the principal building to the sidewalks along CSAH 42 and Quaday Avenue. 12. A photometric light plan shall be submitted illustrating all proposed light sources and illumination patterns extending to the property line. All lighting mounted under the canopy is to be recessed canisters with no portion of the light source or fixture extending below the bottom face of the canopy. All lighting is subject to review and approval of City Staff. The use shall comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding outdoor lighting. 13. All grading and drainage plans, including provisions for an oil/grit separator, are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 14. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 15. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, abide by its conditions, and pay all applicable fees and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 16. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and PUD District. C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Bob Fields L;3 BABE MAP DAL1 PROVDED BY PillHakanson Anderson Assoc.,Inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT OTS ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD O • a �' I , p p I I 1 I a j f j i I o ar = i Z= imimmin i !FHTflTFUTTUj I i ° «raAT e j ' a i u+K I 1 ai ti I I B ail Lq b , 1 I i a J00 d u 111111111111 LOT 3 _ i •I• �'. I PAM ATQR16 M 8 1 I , I I No. 3o i J ' �_ m l I � -f�l �aTii I I I i. •ca � / w s '1 I ; - ._.._. 3 ./ erncTc 1 � � � Lr ,q I 1 fir• , II • � �HP.0I4 • � 1 _..—.._..—. �\ OTSEGOS WATERFRONT A�hn M,,.r i Assoc/stes, kw. r ..." 'L *^� o: °N• o..e. oaa.nw ,... -... OTSEGO, MN o•wr,ar: *Ls s ,vw.-,.r a ••. � f snEXHIBIT A-2 �.... — \ CONCEPT PLAN "" "+^ u.• `�_^�p� 'aT vQw NORTH I0 30 {0 SCAM IN TEST OTSEGO WATERFRONT CONVENIENCE STORE AND CAR WASH OUTLOT A NOTES MASTER I, OEULSILNS Stl1'IN ON TNK " /RE TO rAce OPclue Aru L\ LandCof rxreawl LACE a chow uaEsS NorMu mreR+rlse LEGEND ' Construction, Inc. 2. PARItw STALLS AC K STRPED MTN A I PARliED • V WIN STRR nrAGM ALGE55 NnLS TO [! AT tsO MIM A f YIEC M re FARM STRPE m" OG •3D AT K GE6ft3 (Iw SISeRn�Rul liaarlrr A`EAM9 TO STIP STRI s ARE T NR M SO PIMP 3. bn LLtr,Rere GRD ATO eU rER 5 PR4P05ED rOR Ml. I SNATE —• PUPERTY .b0. A w.Tcn eX*Tw CZWRErE GRD »o GIRrrR MCCOY ARCHITECTS --- iIR.. cm.R ua P.R+.•r uwMCAPIXJS. WMNESOt• !lAI6 it (613) R3r-RSAS AREA SUMMARY: RTE .+f• • ..SE —Is » PARKING cR.vcwMCC srRRE -. nr s,an v.as r.Rs s v.as roll 1— SE. -I Sr..l•n rorr rw+w v IRr.L runRc sr•cEs P+o.�oEo • n SIT z xrel +r Pw e[mmEu f .aMsfa[ v.as : vr<s [ vw •affvuc sP•a rn w• Nvz .Rc +Ew+fo L.e yr E••E Ir x v, 119 ,.E rCM[IMO Y [CMCM.•R+ LOC•IIRf x.. ASSOCIATES n... «rr • n. r.r MASTER LEGEND LEGEND rRvascR cRTsnMD • VATCR SERVICE —• —• .b0. sA.ITARr suwcE --- .:� .wwlc •,.R, 0 C.IUI usl. • • s • Mr«wi `?L +—•l +T f +cvLaMl vcocc c•¢vavc �► z `�. fwlT•Ri SCVCR►.. . STAIN fPOi CLCvATIMN. rLO� �-fd— RIRC[TIM Q SILI CUII L WITIR LOIL ROPIN4i yy J!F_ TT, ' ; I� • - , RET•INIMO vYL • KCIREuS TREES O `^ f [D1ITCRWf I.E. •jT� O CLINE [DlwO•Rr LMAC OPROPERTY LIK rvw.-� . EALE.E.1 LMC !S r 111 Rn ?J ...•�•_.. SOL SEtiAC+Lwc —.—.'— L.e yr E••E Ir x v, 119 ,.E rCM[IMO Y [CMCM.•R+ LOC•IIRf x.. ASSOCIATES n... «rr • n. r.r �. 1 N` N JTMT 11] 111 i I I 1 L1 1 ------------------------------ 1 PARK AVENUE NE 1+00 2+00 3+00 3+ 1.71 � 1 y D 1 11114 F MiNWH M=9� + oy I 1 , I 1 y DHy I I r � I I ' I s � � I I I ani \N89'37'47'E to ' NE 90th STREET o — I C.S.A.H. N0, 39 N89'3T47"E o 309.10 I __ 1 4 3 iM, I P ON -MQ baa �=F ° � o Not PARISH AVENUE QUADAY AVENUE o AN fro f �r f1 (� � �1�1 �� � � a�I�l��jir � � st€ �� Z � � •-I .-3 n m ��'�{ � - � ��• � IiI1�111fi1'' r I�i H i I'' a ;,�I'1'ij�'1 `�j'<� t _ y ` •n = y pi PS ao £Fg as CR=Rbtn om s' -RR Fl Ps ^ nm - ^� Boz y mpm m „_< �mm 422'-61*.,- C2 m 0 Ica z O z ^z p 0 aZ �N i 0 ti n o VI � a m i �> 17 U � R9 �� �o �� -;p u ug-p ^^ C3 FF l a o Z� '' Rn F � H� `�• ` g� .➢ � R N� ^���$ R9 �2 U 3 �aR R➢ �� �F� A 1 8a «N fi, � !�R SR � CONVENIENCE STORE N PR MCCOY ARCHITECTS = ;""» 4 �•" °`:. CAR WASH 2 +o-s9-zoo2 in U1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAY �= MINNEAPOLIS MN 55416 ,^* �•' OTSEGO, MINNESOTA S (612) 927-8546,,, �9 - 3 07 _u�l Or C � Z� �L -T, x r7 O� O 70 I� r D Z STORE tPRELIMINARY: 10-30-2002 � MCCOY ARCHITECTS ti1944 CEDAR LAKE PARKWAYCAR & WASH MIN MN 65B OTSEGO, MINNESOTA w mil } FYI v _ NORTH 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET SITE SYMBOLS EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �'•�✓ CONTOUR iS� !LT•" i2J.. SPOT ELEVATION 0 BUILDING _- UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE RAILROAD •J CONCRETE _ BITLIHINOUS PAVING PP— rr— CONCRETE CURB \ EDGE OF PAVEMENT - SLOPE DIRECTION ' — - —.—.— FENCING • GUARD RAIL RETAINING I'LL RE[ -SAVE SOIL BORING L DOORVAY Sr `•"�" SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE TEMPORART SEDINE NT CONTROL •�--a LIGHT STANDARD ~\ •• 1;' err.• POVCR POLE is Q O® NOTE REPERENCC PARKING STALL COUNT LARGE SHEET DETAIL COORDINATE POINT BOLLARD A La♦ II •__ I I II i_ I 1 y ( L ' I EX� > II y m I CO I I I p I R14�Dfi..] I z I.................. I iNV.6fi0.5 .., I 1 - _ ■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■NL-■■■■■■■■■■SII E1 r C j T CONNECT TO EX. SAN SEWER l A. .., ■■i i■■� ■■� : _ ■■�■■■■■■■■■■■■■NL-■■■■■■■■■■SII vEROPOSED .pol6-ri SOT �66.0 PROPOSED m1192 5 FT t� SH WATER— CAR �O FIE -866 0 7 NORTH 20 a0 _ -Dtr r wt n (SCALE IN FEET OTSEGO WATERFRON1 CONVENIENCE STORE AND CAR WASH Ol1TI OT A rA Cri LandCof l Corction, Inc. R�N•9� II 1 mn nsaN Runty I • .IuoII E SITE SYMBOLS I M i EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION MCCOY ARCHITECTS 1 – I .. CFDM LA6f PARKWAY 1 .-EAPOUz. MNIESol. 55.{6 CONTOUR (611) R)-65.6 SPOT ELEVATION 1 BUILDING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURE sAm RAILROAD CONCRCTE1 �I : — IITUMIN0U2 PAVING �= CONCRETE CURB EDGE Of PAVCNENT SLOPE DIRECTION SI 1 1 .659. —r-•4•o1M— TENCING r GUARD RAIL Ali R�,q ."¢'�1 �1 RETAINING WALL 9 �O idl ® TREE -SAVE SOIL DURING = — 1 N,J � DOORWAYSEDIMENT [DITROL ECNCC t �fENPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROLV�LIGMT STANDARD I2P. POWER P0.0 NOTE REFERENCE �PARKING STALL COUNTLARGE SMEE1 DETAIL COORDINATE POINT BOLLARD ;, I • s nage xuid ily Easement ------- (, .. ,��® I;."..-. -.- _ _-5�9�?SbZ' W l6B.4'J"- — -- - �k' r' �• SW Lor. 01 East 1/1. SE 114, See 15, TAP 121, Rnq 23 - C. SAA I. . No. 39 -- -'- v-Swth+Une a Cost 11 Sf I/4y sz-,rr. 121, Rny 2J--- ' �_— ITEM 3.3. Maalox"Witax ASSOCkAira4 CONSULTA"Its" Me, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht Otsego - Waterfront PUD; Retail Liquor Store 12 November 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 30 October 2002 176.02 - 02.40 CITY FILE: 2002- Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted plans for a 7,200 square foot building intended to be occupied by a retail off -sale liquor store. The building is to be built on Outlot B of the Waterfront addition, which is at the southeast corner of CSAH 42 and 91 ' Street. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial land uses as part of the City's retail and service core at CSAH 39 and CSAH 42. The subject site is zoned PUD District and subject to the City Council approvals of 8 April 20002. The PUD District provides for uses and requirements applicable to the City's B-3 District. Off -sale liquor stores are a permitted use. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Site Plan C: Landscape Plan D. Building Plans E. Grading Plan F. Utility Plan ANALYSIS PUD Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District subject to the requirements of the B-3 District, where retail off -sale liquor stores are allowed as a permitted use. Consideration of the site and building plans for each phase of the Waterfront project is processed as an amendment to the PUD District. The Planning Commission and City Council consideration of the application is to be based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. The proposed use and general site plan is consistent with the approved development plan. Issues applicable to the proposed site and building plans are addressed in subsequent paragraphs. Lot Requirements. The development of lots within the PUD District are intended to be subject to the requirements of the B-3 District, outlined below. The proposed site plan meets all of the applicable B-3 District lot requirements. 2 Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Front i Side Rear x Street 42/Quada South -91 -E:CSAH - - - - -, - Required —1.0ac. 200ft. 65ft• 1.Oac. 241ft. 35ft. 65ft./35ft. 73ft./757ft. 20ft. 63ft. Proposed 2 Building Design. The proposed building is a one-story structure with a overall height of 24 feet to the top to the front parapet. The building features a brick base with upper portions surfaces with artificial stucco. Consistent with the design standards for the PUD District, false windows have been located on all sides of the building to create the appearance of a two story building. Overall, the building meets Zoning Ordinance and design guideline requirements. One comment would be to use false windows on either side of the entrance at the front of the building to increase "glass area" and provide greater variation to the facade. These false windows should be similar in size and shape to the actual windows flanking the entrance. Landscaping. A landscaping plan has been submitted that is generally consistent with that approved with the originial development plan. The landscape plan has been supplemented with additional plantings along the 911 Street and Quaday Avenue frontages. The landscaping plan does need to be revised to specify plant quantities and plant locations. The site plan should also make accommodation for planters at the front of the building to add some greenery in this area. Signs. The area of all signs allowed for the subject site is equal to 15 percent of the area of two building facades facing public streets. Based on the facades facing 91' Street and CSAH 42, the total sign area allowed is 346 square feet. No single sign may exceed 100 square feet in area. The building plans identify wall signs on the north and south facades of the building. The area of the signs on each facade measures 87.5 square feet. No plans have been submitted for a freestanding sign. Any freestanding sign that is proposed must be located near the site entrance at Quaday Avenue and be constructed as a monument style sign consistent with the PUD District approval. The freestanding sign may not exceed 100 square feet. Access/Circulation. Access to the site is via a shared curb cut to Quaday Avenue with the convenience gas use to the south. A cross parking and access agreement for the subject site and property to the south will be necessary. The access measures 32 feet which is necessary to accommodate delivery truck access, as allowed by Section 20-21- 4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance. Circulation around the building and through the site is adequate. Parking. Off-street parking requirements for the proposed building are outlined below. The site plan provides 40 stalls, however some modification of these stalls will be necessary because of required changes for the convenience gas use to the south. Use Requirement Calculation Required Stalls Retail 1 stall / 200sf. 7,200sf. x 10%/200 33 3 All of the parking stalls measure 9 feet by 18 feet. These stalls are appropriate provided there is a two foot overhang in front of the stall. The sidewalks in front of the parking stalls are only four feet wide, which must be increased to six feet in order to allow the overhang without impeding pedestrian access. Pedestrian connections must also be provided to the sidewalks along Quaday Avenue and CSAH 42. These connections should be made at points parallel to the front of the building. Lighting. No exterior light fixtures have been identified on the site or building plans. Light fixtures used on the site will need to be consistent with the PUD design standards. Use of an ornamental fixture similar to that proposed on the convenience gas use to the south should be provided on this building. A photometric lighting plan showing the location of all light sources and their illumination pattern must be submitted. The use shall comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding outdoor lighting. Trash. The site plan provides for a trash enclosure at the northwest corner of the site. This location is right at the entrance to the development from CSAH 42 at 91 " Street. The trash area should be relocated to an area adjacent to the building near one of the two service doors and constructed out of materials consistent with the principal building. Final Plat. The subject site currently exists as Outlot B of the Otsego Waterfront addition. An application has been received by the City requesting final plat approval for the Otsego Waterfront 3`d Addition, which includes the subject site as Lot 2, Block 1. The final plat is subject to review and approval of the City Council prior to approval of this application. Grading. Plans have been submitted for site grading and drainage. All grading issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utilities. The submitted utility plan show that the sewer and water connections are made directly to public facilities within easements or rights-of-way and not shared with the adjacent use to the north. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. Upon approval of the application, the developer must enter into a development contract with the City. The development contract will include all applicable conditions of approval, fees and securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 0 CONCLUSION The proposed retail liquor use is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, PUD District, and approved development plan for the Waterfront project. As such, our office recommends approval of the request subject to only minor modifications as outlined below. A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan for a retail liquor use onOutlot B of the Otsego Waterfront, subject to the following conditions: A final plat is approved by the City Council for the subject site prior to action on this request. 2. The building facade is revised to provide false windows on either side of the entrance along the at the ground floor of the building. 3. The landscaping is to be revised to specify plant quantities and plant locations, and to planters consistent with the PUD design guidelines at the front of the building. 4. Any freestanding sign that is proposed must be located near the site entrance at Quaday Avenue and be constructed as a monument style sign not exceed 100 square feet, subject to issuance of a sign permit. 5. A cross access/parking agreement is to be provided for Outlots A and B, subject to approval of the City Attorney. 6. A minimum of 33 parking stalls are to be provided on the subject site. 7 Pedestrian connections are made to the sidewalks on Quaday Avenue and CSAH 42 parallel with the front building line_ Sidewalks at the perimeter of the building are to be increased to six feet wide when adjacent to parking stalls. 8. A photometric lighting plan showing the location of all light sources and their illumination pattern must be submitted. The use shall comply with the requirements of Section 20-16-10 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding outdoor lighting. 9. The trash area is to be relocated to an area adjacent to the building near one of the two service doors and constructed out of materials consistent with the principal building. 5 10. All grading, drainage, and utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. The applicant must enter into a development contract with the City, adhere to all applicable conditions of approval, and make payment for all fees and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 12. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and PUD District. C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Bob Fields D [NAC BABE MAP DADA PRO VDSO B Y 1=H%k=nH��A assoc.,inc. PREPARED OCTOBER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 10 i --�----F- -Il-- 1 - J---------------=«-�----- T---' ❑ Q 1 ; 1 _J ! ; 1 e ' Q ❑ v: U� ! r ! � ; I 1 j /• � j ; 1 O on OI I j j j lTTL ;1 I• {i O ji i i i i i m; I ; i ! / r —• ; jl ' j outrm• a J I au K I d o itar . ; N eocc a O� I wK Y �O all I j I _.. �.._.._.._.._.._..T �.._.._.._.._.._.,_.. .. i i 1 1 J pp ; Ooh1 I OC- -7 --_— ; I ruuc •vaxoa xa 1 a 1 1 ovnor ♦ Zi I 4 I I is 1 L.,.�.._.._.._.._.._.._.. `•ti ; ; ; #J 1 -� \' .• � j 1 i I tori 3 -i �• araac t I I /. • - / I Jnt6S C]1S 140.30 01 ..�..fir._.. .._.._.._..� .................. ypn ^nu -y-. � .. _.._.._.._.. _.. _.. \ — 1 �..•.w ..w. u.l n. \\ N om-OTSEGOS WATERFRONT John OOverdAssociates, ino " oaasna- a..–«..�..--.. �...�. « N.. w o en , 3 OTSEGO. MN aN •w•.....N ":,1 � •• • u. �.w w aiuww.er. m 9\ m w... wu...w+ii'N,-reN x" '�'^' oRCxm •r. s °m... ->w••.. -..x �- �N•. -- EXHIBIT A-2 CONCEPT PLAN h Q2 J`Ilil► -,- L I I IEx r .vc r� 1 Ln 0 A t t� JA Z l� 9'41 7"£ 241 0 Z. L ----------...--_J . T:r /TJr . 1 r 1 LT)i sss�lo o^ �za !O I SCALE IN FEET LHMOTES I , 1. owemars • tl1NA L11 iWS rlfl ARE ra rAce Q GRD no EEreRwe race a panzv u(tss rnr® ormnwrsE 2 FAAKN STALLS TO EE SrRPED Wh A L' wOe were P—EO WVe rTE P E 0' ro fe v r1rF0 eRE • !' W(A: s To vALi- SLLs ID' OL MD A, A5 Lprz. ANElES f0 Sr.LL STALLS ME 7 Nm Aro SO LCeP ). SW) "N"tETL a" AFD EL1rreR IS P OSE], TGR ALL RSNAre •\ PRGPORI`E !. AurG EA r— UK Te GRD AN, fA1rTBt. 1 AREA SUMMARY: `I arz .af....m .axs PARKING - uoval siwL - I ar swar s..0 ru. [,rr, :m sR n. u noon ..f. � _ , ..n ti�ff� fA.R .M � .� .K ka.•� �I — MASTER LEGEND LEGEND RRvos[E c MIK �I IS SANIr.Rt S(Rvl[[ -- � n.xnR[ • i L.Iw 4flx � � C . m¢x, v[occ GnfvrtvE z S.NITA. SE." I- SiORn SLVCR I svw n[vulw .. r I ° ant TME I C— s wnu iI — smL mlxcs A I aT K RE,ux1I vLL Y I 'F CwIrCROUS TREES RRmCRt1 LII E.=., LII I sL— LII — — — I 1E. I Kx6wrAw LOC•,IO. X.. I I — rERCEwrn H oo C Q PARISH AVENUE 0000-9 s 3 ?�2'Gba �a8 © a diddr Q z QQ � E D pj a E I 1 l0 r r! �'3! f!!!vpo I j ,(r y r 1`g `E I 2 i` In �F ��i �' i r 'j1� rE j�,�;ra"EI } H li ll�M .I I�rj•��}I fi( g — — ' �:.:i" it ^ �� a z I o � Z i5€ �Q Z n : `� 6 w � ti A+xi 2 'l" � PARISH AVENUE 0000-9 s 3 ?�2'Gba �a8 © a diddr Q z QQ � E D pj a E I 1 l0 r r! �'3! f!!!vpo I j ,(r y r 1`g `E I 2 i` In �F ��i �' i r 'j1� rE j�,�;ra"EI } H li ll�M .I I�rj•��}I fi( g — — ' �:.:i" it ^ �� a z I o � Z i5€ �Q Z n : `� 6 w � ti A+xi , � ! MARKETPLACE LIQUOR WAREHOUSE 1 war T,tc�rAwowc wutmrro _ ! � OitC00, WWI[tOTA 4 t PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS . �` 11reprit �f DESIGN i Le e s g MARKETPLACE LIOUOR WAREHOUSE `t E e y Nm va[EsruiolNc oul�nlNc w-�'.� Lomonetructio andn �� e4 r�� OiSE00, YINMESOi� Q ui DESIGN i 1< PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN�N�`� i EGO WATERFRONT) LIQUOR STORE OUTLOT H C I TY OF NORTH O 2■ AO ^ I !✓ M I N N E S O T A SCALE IN FEET rA,LRndCor CanRwctlon, lnc. ...INIr�1.NL 1Allus�iR llLl� w.� \_ � MASTER LEGEND DESIGN [nsnw ► rr'Iµ —l) o•<tw - — ''qPr' . I ASSOCIATES GR1pWG. pR.INACE k CALOR COMIIAI NLLN —0 LEGEND NLQOSCR rd sa—C --. \-I S.NII.vr [[RVItt — Iw0.0 • CAICN MSI. ■ _ RESLLIENNi VCSf[ WTCVKv[ I [AW— SEVER -' SX [R V10 [RN.RI - SNOI CL[VAIM - WACCIIIN OF "w as` sm r[rrt — — - - CICI[ L WTTC SOIL WWG4O$ 1 .yL. - R[r.INRA vu T� - :CASA NIC[S O _ CONWEC TREES - IRCLO( K NNN LNE - MGA[RTI L01[ CAf[M[NI Ld _ _ - SETM L1.[ -.-.-.-.- _ rCNCLNO ICNC.[MLI IMAIRRI x•. _ WASr10.0 WAIN E ------ [nsnw ► rr'Iµ —l) o•<tw - — ''qPr' . I ASSOCIATES GR1pWG. pR.INACE k CALOR COMIIAI NLLN —0 NORTHNURTN 0 220u4I0 1 SCALE IN FEET I�i�[.1 tial' IM" Bill BE LEGEND noeosEP cnsn«c P SCevlCt VwI+Mr —� —v fCevi[C wwaE[ • 4 «roves+ �-1 ♦--C vc:l�ln+r xac c..rcv...s z t nar ncwnol ---- --- cuPs • son vct.wl«c vnu K[ItN0U1 t.— Ldif Ce Wt iPC[S iv[n IK CIK ,y[� ''j�In�`• ./ E.S(K«r lIK SCttnCw SIK tCKM.av EOC.NM X.. =�n-- X.