05-20-02 PCITEM 3.2. A. 1140WI'"WaSir A$S®CMATID COMM-SULTANTS" MMIC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 15 May 2002 RE: Otsego - Barthel Feedlot; New Building CUP FILE NO.: 176.08 - 02.14 BACKGROUND Barthel Brothers Inc. operate a dairy feedlot located northeast of CSAH 19 and 80' Street on PID# 118-800-243400 in Section 24, Range 24 -Township 121. This feedlot is registered with the City under the provisions of Section 20-27-2.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. In 2000, the operator constructed a new 37,150 square foot animal building and lagoon to the northwest of the existing feedlot. Because the existing feedlot is within 1,000 feet of existing residential dwellings, approval of a conditional use permit was necessary to allow construction of the new building under Section 20-27-5.A.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. No such CUP was requested, processed, or approved by the City to allow construction of the new animal building. The responsibility for making an appropriate application remains with the property owner. Therefore, the building as it exists today is an illegal structure. In order to bring the building into conformance with the Zoning Ordinance, the City of Otsego has initiated consideration of a retroactive conditional use permit for construction of an animal building for a registered feedlot within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use. The operator has cooperated with this application, meeting with City Staff on May 2, 2002 to discuss the location of the building, its operation, and possible measures that the City could require to mitigate any negative impacts to surrounding properties. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Photos C. Site Plan Page 1 of 5 ANALYSIS Registration. The operator registered their feedlot under Section 20-27-2. B of the Zoning Ordinance providing information on the number of animals, buildings, and MPCA permits. The registration identified the subject building that was constructed without necessary City approvals. Animal Units. The registration identifies that the feedlot was permitted for 225 animal units. Under Section 20-27-4 of the Zoning Ordinance, the operator may increase the number of animal units to 672 animal units. The operator should provide a current population for the feedlot. A current MPCA certificate of compliance should also be submitted. New Building. Section 20-27-5.A of the Zoning Ordinance outlines requirements and procedures for registered feedlots to construct new buildings, which is subject to the following conditions: 1. Any new building intended to house farm animals is within three hundred (300) feet of an existing building that houses farm animals, except by conditional use permit. 2. Any new building or expansion of an existing building intended to house farm animals may not encroach within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use, except by conditional use permit. The subject building was constructed within approximately 200 feet of another existing building used to house farm animals. The subject building is within 1,000 feet of the to residences located to the southwest. As such a conditional use permit is required. The subject building was located in order to be within 300 feet of an existing animal building and in considration of site topography. The area northeast of the existing animal buildings and east of the subject building is somewhat low, whereas the building site was relatively flat. It must be noted that the number of residential lots along 80"' Street would necessitate a CUP for a new building that is within 300 feet of existing buildings. Section 20-27-5.C.3 conditions approval of the CUP upon the building being constructed in such a manner so that the proposed building may not encroach closer to said residential use and to minimize any impacts to surrounding properties. The proximity of the subject building to the two residential lots within 1,000 feet to the southwest is shown below. The subject building does not encroach closer than the existing feedlot. Page 2 of 5 At the time the subject building was constructed, no other measures were taken to minimize impacts to the dwellings to the southwest. In order to mitigate the noise and light that comes from the subject building, we are recommending that a solid wood screening wall be constructed along the south side of the building. This fence should be of sufficient height to fully obstruct the sidewalls of the building from these two dwellings. To further screen the building, two staggered rows of coniferous trees with a berm should be planted on the operator's property adjacent to the two residential lots. Criteria. Section 20-4-21 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines factors which the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider in evaluating the CUP application. The Planning Commission and City Council's decision is to be based upon (but not limited to) the following criteria: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: At the time the building was constructed, the site was guided for agricultural land uses within the Agriculture Preserve Area. Protecting and preserving agriculture uses and the economic vitality of farming is a primary community goal for this area (1998 Comprehensive Plan -Policy Plan, p. 24). The 1998 Comprehensive Plan outlined a specific strategy to promote a continuation of farm activities as a viable land use with the rural areas of the City. This strategy included a schedule for existing operators to increase their animal units and the ability to build new buildings in order to modernize or repair existing buildings, and separation requirements for residential uses and feedlots. The Zoning Ordinance was amended on February 22, 1999 to implement this policy. The construction of the subject building is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The lands surrounding the subject site were guided for agriculture land uses designated by the Comprehensive Plan within the rural service area. There are five residential uses along 80"' Street within 1, 000 feet of the subject building. There is also one feedlot to the southwest and one to the east of the subject property. The existence of residential uses within proximity to modern farms does present certain compatibility issues. However, residential uses within agricultural areas must have realistic expectations associated with modern farm practices including, noise, odors, hours of operations, road traffic, etc. Provided that the proposed use meets Page 3 of 5 all City or MPCA requirements, the parameters of its operation will not exceed those which may have been reasonably expected based on the City's Comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: The proposed use will be required to conform with all applicable City or MPCA requirements. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment. The proposed use is within the framework established by the Comprehensive Plan for agricultural uses. This policy framework and the resulting performance standards incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance allow for the construction of new buildings for existing feedlots in such a manner as to mitigate any negative impacts. As such, no negative impacts are anticipated. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: No study of area property values has been completed. The proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values in that such a project is reasonable to expect under the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance and the use complies with all applicable performance requirements. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to generate any additional traffic. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. CONCLUSION The construction of a new animal building for a registered feedlot within 1,000 feet of existing residential uses generally satisfies the criteria for such a use established by the Zoning Ordinance. It must be emphasized that these regulations and the policies from the Comprehensive Plan on which they are based are intended give preference to continuation and limited expansion of existing feedlots. Page 4 of 5 The fact that the building has already been constructed is a factor that the City will need to consider in reviewing the CUP. Additional measures should be required as part of the CUP to minimize any impacts to the two residential uses to the southwest, including construction of a screening wall and plantings adjacent to the common property lines. Based upon established City policies and applicable regulations, our office recommends approval of the CUP subject to the conditions outlined below. A. Motion to approve a conditional use permit for construction of a new animal building for a registered feedlot within 1,000 feet of existing residential uses, subject to the following conditions: The operator fully comply with the terms and conditions of the MPCA Certificate of Compliance dated , applicable MPCA regulation, and provisions of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. 2. The operator is to provide a current population for the animal feedlot. 3. The operator is to construct a solid screening wall to a height necessary to fully screen the building from view of the two residential dwellings within 1,000 feet of the subject building to the southwest, subject to approval of City Staff. 4. The operator is to install two staggered rows of coniferous trees along the common property line of the two lots within 1,000 feet of the subject building to the southwest, subject to approval of City Staff. 5. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. (Please cite specific findings) C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Joe Barthel Page 5 of 5 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD Photograph 2 NAC Locations from where the photographs were taken are shown on the site plan attached as Exhibit C. Date of Photographs: 8 May 2002 EXHIBIT B FOR BARTHEL FEED LOT CITY OF OTSEGO 0ATE. 4/10/02 FILE: OT2500 LAW MAC T\07250 X\07250DE. D.G FOR BARTHEL FEED LOT CITY OF OTSEGO DATE: 4/10/02 FK.E: 012500 L. PAOAM0n500[xkou50 l— ... ITEM 2. 1. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 20, 2002 8 P OTSEGO CITY HALL 1 . Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order. Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols; Commission Members: Carl Swenson, Ken Fry, Christian Mbanefo, Patrick Moonen and David Thompson. Excused absence: Jim Kolles and Steve Schuck. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Dan Licht, City Planner and Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney. Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers, Suzanne Ackerman and Mayor Larry Fournier. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1. Mav 6, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Moonen motioned to accept as written. _Seconded by Commissioner Fry. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Planning Items: 3.1. Lefebvre's Carpet: (tabled from the 05-05-02 meeting A. Administrative Permit to add on 1.3 acre to existing lot. B. Rezone detached portion of Parcel to B-3 District. C. Building and Site Plan Review. Information was not received in time for this meeting. 3.2. Public Hearing for Barthel Feedlot A. Conditional Use Permit for construction of an Animal BuildinR for a Registered Feedlot within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing residential use. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 8:03 PM. City Planner, Dan Licht, presented the Planner's Report. Judy Hudson attested the proper noticing and publishing was done. Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing for public comment. Judy Vetsch, 8490 LaBeaux Avenue. Mrs. Vetsch stated her land adjoins the Barthel land and she understands the Conditional Use Permit should have been done prior to feedlot being built. She feels with the 1,000 -foot setback it does not allow her land as much development rights and if the Conditional Use Permit were done prior to this, they would have had the opportunity to comment. Because of this Mrs. Vetsch asked for the City to re -look at the Comprehensive Plan because it doesn't say how far the barn has to stay away from the property line. She feels she was penalized because of this and asked if there will be special considerations for them. Planning Commission Nleeting of May 20, 2002 cont'd. Page 2. Randy Kartenson, 11364 80`h Street. Mr. Kartenson stated he lives next door to the dairy barn. He questioned the requirement of a wood wall and a berm. He said they have the issue to keep the cows cool. The Barthels employ a lot of people at dairy bam they are good people and don't think its fair for the City to require them to put in the berm and the wall and asked to reconsider the requirement for the wall and the berm. NOTE: The following comment was called in prior to the meeting and to be included in the minutes as amended: Mrs. Edmond DeMars called and complained the Barthels are hauling in more cows and is concerned with the odors. (These concerns were addressed at the Public Hearing). Chair Nichols asked for Planning Commission comments. Commissioner Fry questioned the applicant as to how many animal units would they be expanding to. Mr. Barthel replied they would not be expanding and they currently have 320 cows but under the MPCA Permit they could have 650 cows. Commissioner Swenson asked the Planner if the house directly across from the feedlot on the south side of 80th Street would benefit with site barrier for this home. Mr. Licht replied this could be considered but that they are currently looking at the old feedlot. Commissioner Mbanefo asked for clarification on setbacks from property lines. Mr. Licht explained the setback is measured from the feedlot building to the residential property line and could go 30 feet from property line. Chair Nichols asked Mr. Barthel if the requirements to build a screening wall to a height to screen the building would be acceptable to him. Mr. Barthel replied it would be acceptable. CM Wendel stated she didn't like the requirement of building a solid wall. Mr. Licht explained this requirement came up because the City received complaints from residents living within the 1000 feet. Mr. Licht suggested that these residents might be satisfied with trees rather than the wall. Chair Nichols also had concerns with the wall and feels the berm with trees would serve the same purpose. Chair Nichols asked for additional public comment. Burns Doran, 11421 80`h Street. He stated he lives on the south side of 80`h Street, directly across from the Barthel Feedlot. Mr. Doran stated they moved into their home with this feedlot located there and they are not bothered by it. Hearing no further comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 8:30 PM. Commissioner Mbanefo suggested that on the issue of the fence the applicant should talk to the two residents living next to the feedlot and try to resolve any complaints. Mr. Licht suggested deleting Condition No.3 and add that the applicant add two rows of trees or a wall to the southwest subject to approval from City Staff. Planning Commission Meeting of May 20, 2002, cont'd. Page 3. Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to recommend to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a new animal building for a registered feedlot within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use subject to the conditions listed in the Planner's Report with deleting Condition No. 3 and replacing it with "The operator is to install two staggered rows of coniferous trees and/or screening fence along the common property line of the two lots within 1,000 feet of the subject building to the southwest, subject to approval of City Staff. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Any other Planning Commission Business Dan Licht said the Council approved him to do some "housekeeping changes" to the Zoning Ordinance and these will be on the June 17`h Planning Commission Meeting. A. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner. CM Wendel went over the recent Groundbreaking Ceremony for Blackwoods Restaurant at the Waterfront Development. 5. Adiournment by 10 PM Commissioner Moonen motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Richard Nichols, Chair ATTEST: Judy Hudson, Zoning Adm/Clerk ITEM 3.2. H0lk"It" tST ASSOCIATto CONSUILTANT31, INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Mike Darrow / Daniel Licht RE: Otsego- Otsego Meadows Golf Club- Preliminary Plat / Rezoning REPORT DATE: 30 May 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 13 May 2002 NAC FILE: 176.02-02.16 CITY FILE: 2002-18 BACKGROUND Bulow Incorporated and Manley Brothers Construction have requested preliminary plat approval for development of an 18 -hole championship golf course and residential development located on 245 -acres southeast of CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue. The golf course includes clubhouse, driving range, and maintenance facilities, as well as a proposed tunnel connection under CSAH 39 to the existing 18 -hole executive Vintage Golf Course north of CSAH 39. The residential element of the development proposes 157 dwelling units with a mix of single-family dwellings (107 lots), small lot "detached townhomes" (29 units), and two -unit and three -unit townhomes (21 units). The property is located in the Rural Residential Preserve Area and is guided for rural residential uses by the Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. The applicant's request is for rezoning to PUD District, PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat. A concept plan for development of the proposed use was considered and approved by the City Council on 14 January 2002. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Concept Plan C. Preliminary Plat D. Grading Plan E. Utility Plan F. Townhouse Elevations and Floorplans G. Clubhouse Concept Plans ANALYSIS Zoning. The development is being processed as a PUD District to accommodate mixed commercial/residential use, a mix of residential dwelling types, flexibility on lot requirements, and provision of sewer and water services. When considering a zoning amendment, the Planning Commission and City Council are to consider the following criteria from 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment. A concept plan was approved for the project on 14 January 2002 for the golf course facilities and 143 residential units. The concept plan was reviewed under the policies of an Agriculture Preserve Area established prior to the recent Comprehensive Plan update. These policies allowed higher densities such as proposed with City approval of sewer and water facilities. The Comprehensive Plan update nowguides the property forrural residential use within the Rural Residential Preserve. The intent of the rural residential preserve is to allow for preservation of rural character and open space while allowing clustered residential development. A base density of 4:40 density is allowed, although increases may be granted as a bonus to encourage superior site design or amenities. The gross density of the project is 0.6 units per acre. If the area for the golf course is factored out, the net density is 3.7 units per acre, which is within the City's definition of low density residential land uses despite the additional 14 units from the concept plan stage. The proposed development is generally consistent with both the approved concept plan and the polices under which it was evaluated. The net density is higher than what would be allowed under the current Comprehensive Plan in this area. However, staff believes that the applicant may be granted some standing for the higher density based upon the recent approval of the concept plan without creating a precedent for future requests. The project itself presents an opportunity to expand the City's housing stock upwards in terms of value because if the integrated golf course as an amenity. The proposal to include detached, two -unit, and three unit buildings also expands housing choice in terms of type. Although the City has seen a significant amount of townhouse development in the east sanitary sewer service district, these townhouse units may be expected to be of higher value again because of the amenity involved with the project. These are all policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The subject property is surrounded by rural residential uses or agriculture fields to the east, south, and west. Uses to the north include Vintage Golf and single family uses in the Grenins Mississippi Hills and Island View Estates. With the exception of the detached townhouses on the east lot line, all of the residential uses are clustered within the golf course creating separation from surrounding properties, thereby creating an appropriate transition. Additional screening and controls on operation of the practice range may be necessary to offset compatibility issues associated with that specific element of the project. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained herein (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.) Comment: The performance standards applicable to the project will be established by the PUD Development Plan. These issues are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The project is in an area with a level of development that already exceeds rural characteristics. The design of the project is such so as to off -set any impacts of the increased density and the applicant will be required to provide adequate infrastructure to accommodate the proposed use. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed use may not be anticipated to negatively impact area property values, although no formal study has been completed. 6. Traffic generation of the proposed use in relation to capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The applicant will be required to construct (at their cost) improvements to CSAH 39 and/or Kadler Avenue to provide sufficient capacity for the development. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities, and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment. The applicant will be required to provide adequate infrastructure to support their project. EAW. The proposed subdivision requires preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) based on Minnesota Rules Section 4410.4300 Subp. 36.A for permanent conversion of more than SO acres of agricultural land for a golf course or 3 residential development. Processing of EAWs is to be handled in accordance with Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has prepared an EAW and submitted it for approval by the Zoning Administrator and publication in the EQB Monitor on 20 May 2002. The EAW is subject to a 30 -day comment period from the date of publication. After the 30 - day comment period, the City must respond to any comments that are received and make findings as to whether preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is required within ten days. Access / Streets. The golf course club house will have access from CSAH 39 and the residential area will have two accesses to Kadler Avenue. Access to CSAH 39 is subject to Wright County approval. Kadler exists as a gravel street within a 66 -foot wide easement, which is designated as a collector street by the Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary plat must be revised to dedicate an additional seven feet of right-of-way (total of 40ft.) consistent with collector street standards. Due to the traffic generated by the project and the anticipated impact to Kadler Avenue, the applicant should be required to surface Kadler Avenue from CSAH 39 to 85" Street at their cost. Internal local streets are designed with a 60 foot right-of-way. Private drives have a 40 foot easement, which must be separated from the public right-of-way and platted as outlots. The preliminary plat provides a through connection along 92" d Avenue to the east. An additional connection from 88'" Circle to the south or east lot line would be possible, but would disrupt the golf course. There are three cul-de-sacs on public streets within the project. Section 21-7-6.A of the Subdivision Ordinance .limits the length of cul-de-sacs to 500 feet. The cul-de-sac on Kagen Avenue is 720 feet, 89th Circle is 1,150 feet, and 88'' Circle extends 1,100 feet from its intersection with 891' Circle (the total length of 88°i Circle is 2,060 feet). Flexibility from the cul-de-sac length limit was to be considered provided that measures were taken to ensure access.. Such measures are not likely necessary on Kagen Avenue. However, the concept plan provided for a divided boulevard for that portion of 89' Circle without lots fronting it, which is shown on the grading plans. Plans for landscaping the median and boulevard area should be submitted for approval. A gateway treatment was also to be provided at the two entrances to the subdivision from Kadler Avenue. Plans for landscaping and any monument type signage should be provided for review with the final plat. The design and construction of all public streets or private drives is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Street names are to be consistent with the County grid. We would suggest renaming 88"' Circle and 891' Circle as "Courts" because there is no second outlet from this two stage cul-de-sac. No golf cart use will be allowed on public streets. A trail plan internal to the golf course should be provided with designated street crossings. The only lots that do not abut the golf course are Lots 3-13 of Block 12. Some provision must be made to allow these residents 4 access to the golf course without using public streets, which the applicant must address. Lot Area and Width. The applicant is requesting flexibility on lot area as part of the PUD District such that the minimum lot size is satisfied as an average for all of the lots. This type of cluster development allows for an increase of green space for the golf course within the overall project. We believe that this is an appropriate approach provided that all of the lots have adequate buildable area to accommodate contemporary house styles and useable yards, especially considering their relationship to the golf course. Single Family Lots. The 12,000 square foot area and 75 foot width requirements of the R-4, Urban Single Family Residential District are most applicable to the single family lots. The single family lots (not including the existing farmstead) range in size from 11,610 square feet to 17,777 square feet, with an average of 12,683 square feet. All of these lots area at least 75 feet wide. Townhouses. The townhouses are proposed to have at least 5,000 square feet of lot area per unit. All of the townhouse units meet this requirement. Section 20-17-10 of the Zoning Ordinance requires townhouse units to be platted in a unit and base -lot configuration with the common space between dwelling units overlaid by drainage and utility easements. The preliminary plat will need to provide the townhouse lots in such a configuration. If the townhouses are not platted in a unit and base lot configuration, the preliminary plat will need to be revised to provide a minimum 9,000 square foot lot for the detached townhomes, 15, 000 square feet for the twin homes and 20, 000 square feet for the three unit buildings consistent with the R-6 District requirements. The reason for the additional lot area is that such lots tend to function more independently when the occupant believes they control the land around their dwelling. Issues with outside storage, detached accessory buildings, landscaping, and property maintenance may be more likely. Residential Setbacks. Below are the setback requirements for R-4 District applicable to the residential lots and those proposed for the PUD District. The applicant is seeking flexibility with regard to the side yard setback for an attached garage and for the principal building on a comer lot. The flexibility on the garage setback basically increases the width of the building envelope to allow for a wider house facade, which the City has previously allowed. The request for the 20 foot side yard setback on a comer lot is the minimum distance necessary to protect visibility. The standard requirement is a 35 foot setback, which is intended not only to ensure visibility, but also to provide a consistent building line along both sides of a block. In that the lot layout provides only one location where a continuous row of lots wraps around a corner (Lots 4-6 of Block 12) such flexibility may be appropriate. We would recommend that Lot 5 of Block 12 meet a 35 foot setback on both street frontages in order to maintain a consistent building line. All other residential setbacks are complied with. Townhouse Designs. The applicant has provided conceptual designs for the townhouse units. The detached townhouses are a one level building with an approximate 2,500 square foot floor area, including attached two stall garage. The two unit town house buildings are also a one-story building, but with a steeper pitched roof. The concept plan shows that the front facade has one unit with garage stall facing the street and the entrance on the side and the other unit with an entrance on the front facade and side loaded garage (just forward of and to the right of the door shown on the concept). No concept plan is shown for the three unit building and some indication of how the third unit would be attached should be provided. Building materials are not specified and must be. In allowing the townhouse uses within the PUD, the City is seeking to establish these units at the higher end of the townhouse market within the community. As such, high quality materials should be used in the building, not only on the front, but all sides so as to create an attractive appearance from the golf course. Four or five facade designs should also be provided for the detached townhomes such that the same facade is not located closer than every third unit. Such a requirement was made on Pheasant Ridge Vh to variety to this style of housing. We would also recommend that the detached townhouses be located such that the garage side of one unit abuts the garage side of one adjacent unit. This arrangement, similar to that required in Pheasant Ridge 5' Addition creates a larger front yard between two units. With a unit and base lot plat and the proposed building orientation, we would recommend that the setback between each building be 15 feet. The two unit and three unit townhouse buildings are already separated 20 feet, which is satisfactory. Golf Course Facilities. The proposed golf course is a par 72, 18 -hole course with a clubhouse, range tees and maintenance facilities. The course itself is laid out at the perimeter of the property and with holes that go between blocks providing more lots with direct views of the course than were proposed on the concept plan. The course design will require some alteration such that the tee boxes on holes 7, 9, and 11 are at least 20 feet from a lot line. The tee boxes for holes 7 and 9 encroach into the 65 -foot setback required from Kadler Avenue, but is acceptable as visibility will not be impacted and the orientation of the holes is not likely to direct balls to the street. Front I Proposed Rear Required 65 ft. from CSAH 39/Kadler Avenue 10 ft. or same as 20ft. 35 ft. front to a public street front for a comer lot 25 ft. front to a private street Proposed Same 10ft. for the 20ft. principal building 5ft. for attached garage 20ft. for side yard on a corner lot Townhouse Designs. The applicant has provided conceptual designs for the townhouse units. The detached townhouses are a one level building with an approximate 2,500 square foot floor area, including attached two stall garage. The two unit town house buildings are also a one-story building, but with a steeper pitched roof. The concept plan shows that the front facade has one unit with garage stall facing the street and the entrance on the side and the other unit with an entrance on the front facade and side loaded garage (just forward of and to the right of the door shown on the concept). No concept plan is shown for the three unit building and some indication of how the third unit would be attached should be provided. Building materials are not specified and must be. In allowing the townhouse uses within the PUD, the City is seeking to establish these units at the higher end of the townhouse market within the community. As such, high quality materials should be used in the building, not only on the front, but all sides so as to create an attractive appearance from the golf course. Four or five facade designs should also be provided for the detached townhomes such that the same facade is not located closer than every third unit. Such a requirement was made on Pheasant Ridge Vh to variety to this style of housing. We would also recommend that the detached townhouses be located such that the garage side of one unit abuts the garage side of one adjacent unit. This arrangement, similar to that required in Pheasant Ridge 5' Addition creates a larger front yard between two units. With a unit and base lot plat and the proposed building orientation, we would recommend that the setback between each building be 15 feet. The two unit and three unit townhouse buildings are already separated 20 feet, which is satisfactory. Golf Course Facilities. The proposed golf course is a par 72, 18 -hole course with a clubhouse, range tees and maintenance facilities. The course itself is laid out at the perimeter of the property and with holes that go between blocks providing more lots with direct views of the course than were proposed on the concept plan. The course design will require some alteration such that the tee boxes on holes 7, 9, and 11 are at least 20 feet from a lot line. The tee boxes for holes 7 and 9 encroach into the 65 -foot setback required from Kadler Avenue, but is acceptable as visibility will not be impacted and the orientation of the holes is not likely to direct balls to the street. The proposed clubhouse is located at the north edge of the site facing CSAH 39. The facility includes a pro shop, business offices, full kitchen, dining room, snack bar, patio area and car storagelwash, The building exterior features a stucco facade over a stone base with cedar shingle roof. All of the proposed materials are classified as Grade "A" by the Zoning Ordinance and exceed minimum requirements for commercial buildings. As plans for the clubhouse facility are preliminary at this time, they will not be included in the development plan approval and subject to subsequent submission of a complete application. The concept plan identified the location of a maintenance area and shed at the northwest comer of Kadler Avenue and 90' Street, which would be on Outlot D. Building permits may not be issued for outlots, so a lot will need to be established. The maintenance facility is subject to a 65 -foot setback from Kadler Avenue and 35 -feet from 901 Street. The facility must be designed to have access from 90'h Street. Site and building plans for the maintenance facility will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. A practice range is included within the site plan at the northeast corner of the property. The concept plan approval required that the range tees be setback 50 feet from the east property line due to the proximity of existing uses. It is also recommended that the setback area be landscaped to provide additional screening to supplement the existing tree line. No plans for lighting the practice range have been submitted. Because the distance between the practice tee box and lot lines of lots 8,9, 10 Block 4, is 330 yards the applicant should provide landscaping as a buffer. Staff recommends a pine grove along those lots that would act as a buffer between the lots and the practice range. We recommend that the grove consist of either Red, Scotch, or White pine trees and should be 10-12 feet in length at the time of planting. If the range tees are to be illuminated, plans showing the location, type and illumination pattern of all proposed fixtures must be submitted for review by the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. The applicant has proposed a connection from Otsego Meadows Golf Course to Vintage Golf Course on the north side of CSAH 39 via a box culvert under the roadway. This will allowthe two courses, which are under common ownership, to share maintenance facilities and equipment, patron access to the driving range, etc. The proposed box culvert is subject to review by the City Engineer and Wright County. Lot 1 of Block 13. This lot is provided at the northwest comer of the subdivision to accommodate the continued use of the existing farmstead building and outlots. This lot will be included in the PUD District and subject to the base performance standards of the R-4 District. Redevelopment of the lot will require a future PUD Development Plan. The design of the lot is such that all of the buildings conform with the side or rear setback requirements from the new lot lines. The dedication of additional right-of-way along Kadler Avenue will require removal of any existing buildings that would be within the expanded right-of-way. Several of the existing buildings will also become non -conforming with the imposition of a 65 -foot setback from Kadler Avenue as a designated collector street. Outlots. The preliminary plat includes five outlots. Outlots A - D shown on the preliminary plat are provided for the golf course area. Outlot D is divided by the public right-of-way for 891' Circle and should be divided in to two outlots. Outlot E is a sliver of land along the east property line which it is assumed is provided to correct a property description error. Utilities. The applicant has submitted two alternatives for provision of sewage treatment and water facilities for the project. The first option is connection to the planned municipal west water treatment via the forcemain discussed to serve Riverwood Conference Center. This plan also identifies connecting Vintage Golf and the proposed B&B north of CSAH 39 to municipal sewer and water. This proposal would potentially make municipal sewer available to Island View Estates should there be an environmentally mandated need. The second option is provision of a package common septic system to serve only this subdivision. Such a system would allow for future connection to municipal services at such time as service expands outward from the initial west sanitary sewer service district. Although this is a policy issue for the Planning Commission and City Council to decide, City Staff does not support connection to municipal utilities. Extending forcemain to serve a new residential development outside of the designated sewer district reduces available capacities to meet expected demand within district and is not consistent with the City's growth management policies. The residential units within this project alone would absorb approximately nine percent of the initial residential capacity (70% of 600,000gpd.) Staff is also concerned about the perception of such a decision by MPCA as an inability of the City to manage growth when reviewing the present permit application or future expansion requests. Any future agreement on connecting Riverwood to the municipal system may be supported as an existing commercial use with known serious environmental problems with their existing on-site system. Riverwood must likely have access to sanitary sewer service in the near future to continue operations, much less consider any expansion. A decision to allow connection to the proposed west municipal sewer system cannot be formally approved until after the permit has been issued. The decision to service the subdivision with a private on-site system may be determined at this time. The private on- site system would require approval of MPCA. Further, the design of the alternative sewage treatment facilities and all utilities is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Provision should be made on either of the utility plans to extend service to Lot 1 of Block 13 for future redevelopment. Parks and Trail Dedication. No parks are identified in the area of the subject property by the Parks and Trails Plan. Park and trail dedication is to be satisfied by a cash fee in lieu of land equal to $1,075 per unit. The golf course itself provides a recreational amenity that is beneficial to the City and therefore may be exempted from the park and trail dedication requirements. The need for a trail to be provided along Kadler Avenue should be reviewed by the Parks and Trails Committee. This trail would connect to the one on Kadler Avenue north of CSAH 39 and provide access to the future City park at Kadler Avenue and 101 " Street. Grading/Drainage/Wetland. Grading and drainage plans for the golf course and residential areas have been submitted. The site includes numerous wetlands, which must be overlaid with drainage and utility easements. Specific measures should be implemented to create a bufferfor existing wetlands to prevent intrusion and maintain their quality. All grading plans are subject to review of the City Engineer. Easements. In addition to the easements addressed above, perimeter easements around each lot equal to 10 feet or 5 feet on each side of a common side lot line must be provided at the perimeter of each lot. The preliminary plat must be revised to show the easements on each lot. All easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. CONCLUSION The proposed Otsego Meadows Golf Club PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary are generally consistent with the approved concept plan and applicable conditions. Although the Comprehensive Plan was updated since approval of the concept plan, we would offer that application is consistent with the policies that were in effect at that time and that the Planning Commission and City Council may give consideration to the time short time period between applications. Our only policy concern is that of the proposed connection to the proposed west sanitary sewer system. Such a connection takes needed capacity out of the designated service area, is generally inconsistent with the City's growth management policies, and may represent the City poorly before -the MPCA. The PUD Development Plan include a number of detail items that must be revised or clarified. These issues include more detailed landscape plans, trail plans, more detail on the proposed townhouse buildings, etc. The preliminary plat must also be revised to dedicate additional right-of-way and adjust some proposed setbacks. All of these issues are relatively minor, but their number does raise concern. Further, several of the outstanding issues are subjective decisions which should be determined by City Officials. We would recommend that approval of the development be subject the conditions outlined below with revised plans submitted for further review and resolution. Decision 1 - Zoning Map Amendment A. Motion to approve a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the subject site from A-1 District to PUD District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the request. Decision 2 - PUD Development Stage PIan/Preliminary Plat A. Motion to approve the PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat for Otsego Meadows Golf Club, subject to the following conditions: The submitted EAW is processed in accordance with Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance, including adoption of findings on the need to prepare an EIS ten days from the end of the comment period. 2. The PUD District is subject to the uses and performance standards of the R-4 District except as modified on the approved development plans. 3. The applicant dedicate a total of 40 -feet of right-of-way for Kadler Avenue as a designated collector street. The applicant will be required at their cost to pave Kadler Avenue from CSAH 39 to 8Vh Street, subject to approval of the City Engineer. 4. The Preliminary Plat is revised to establish all private drives as outlots separate from the public right-of-way. All street and access issues are subject to approval of the City Engineer and/or Wright County. 5. Landscape Plans are to be provided for the gateways at 90th Street, 92"d Street, and 891' Circle, and the buffer to the east and south of the range tees.. 6. Golf cart use is prohibited on public streets or trails. A trail plan for internal circulation of golf carts is provided which also addresses cart access to Lots 3-13 of Block 12. Crossing of public streets by golf carts is to occur only at designated locations to be shown on the trail plan. 7. The preliminary plat is revised to provide the location of the single, two unit and three unit townhouse dwellings in a unit and base lot configuration. All areas beyond the dwelling shall be held in common by a homeowners association and !� overlaid by drainage and utility easements. 8. The mean area of the single family lots shall be 12,000 square feet, except that no lot shall be smaller than 11,500 square feet. 9. Side yard setbacks for single family lots within the PUD District shall be 10 -feet for the principal building and 5 -feet for an attached garage from an interior lot line. The side yard setback on a corner for single family lots within the PUD District shall be 20 -feet, except for Lot 5 of Block 12, which shall provide a 35 -foot setback to all street frontages. 10. Exterior elevations for the three -unit building, building material specifications, and floorplans for the proposed townhouse units are to be 10 provided for approval. The detached townhomes shall provide a variety of exterior facades, with the same facade located no closer than every third unit lot. The detached townhomes shall also be revised such that the garage of one unit abuts that of one adjacent unit. 11. The course design will require some alteration such that the tee boxes on holes 7, 9, and 11 are at least 20 feet from a lot line. 12. Outlot D is designated as two parcels based on its division by 89' Circle. 13. The clubhouse and maintenance facilities are subject to site and building plan review subject to submission of complete plans. 14. Illumination of the range tees and their hours of operation is subject to review of the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council. 15. Any existing structure within the expanded right-of-way for Kadler Avenue shall be removed. 16. Sewage treatment shall be provided via a private on-site system subject to an agreement with the City. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 17. All grading, drainage, utilities, and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 18. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. pc: Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Wayne Fingleson Chris Bulow Kevin Manley Lynn Caswell 11 Q NFNC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD T: n I o. w 3" J fb1 11111 SCORECARD m v11 i PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL IIAIL �U 11A1'7 111.1'1: HillT1. IIfO Coll)llrGIJ: IAJIII.Y D/TMNl,I. 1M !11 11- 7'11 714 TOI,'�'N041,(a UNITS, AVAIt. !e 1 7 1p. 771 ]i1 1M 1- 1 iWrAI.fI'31,1'.Nl1 Al. 1n1TY. 1p � J fb1 11111 1]v m v11 i ! 3 3+7 !1r I 1 !!6 11f f ! f1! M 161 :1 re] ! ]r lee 17+ +N f3/ 1 1 Iae 3- 76+ !Il +-1 l 99 M lee 47e 3" oVT 31 3Nf ]++/ loaf +1111 13111 36- 731 n 1 117 3M Jet 1J] H7 1f 7 nJ 1q lee 11! 111! 17 ! 741 le! ]]1 +111 rP 111 3 !n 1I] u1 ]1111 13 ! as m 3J - ;,4 r J1e 7sr +v! rye 137 q+ 107 M® 1 1 le! 36 7A1 ]+11 lose tm 1a _ — •. I. W IW� I.`��� TOTAIs M7J etre 111111 Ne+ 1401 -�-�-� or ; a J o 0 },r• U ❑ -a� O .. _. 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Dwight Grpnnarson Date: May 29, 2002 Re: Watkins Business Park Flood Fringe Fill We have reviewed the Flood Fringe Fill Plan and after a revision, the plan appears to meet all flood fringe standards required by the City's Flood Plain Overlay. District (Section 20-94) Ordinance and by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Due to filling of this flood fringe, the regulatory flood protection elevation is increased form 865.7 to 865.9. The building pads, proposed and existing are all at least 1.5 feet above this. the plan also shows required erosion control and temporary sediment pond until vegetation can be re-established. I have included our two previous reviews and we recommend approval of a Flood Plain Use Permit. Civil d -Municipal Engineering 2 wA*M F G:\ManiciPBMCYTSM0200012500UA0ZoU500 ! --yang for ITEM 3.4. HORTHWIST ASSOfI.ATE,D CO"$Uk.TAKTS,. INC.. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 plannersngnacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Aaron Jones/ Daniel Licht RE: Otsego — Church of LDS; Rezoning/Site Plan Review REPORT DATE: 30 May 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 15 May 2002 NAC FILE: 176.02 — 02.17 CITY FILE: Background Mr. Dennis Allsop, representing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) is proposing a 16,558 square foot meeting hall on Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Creek Trails. The 6.35 acre parcel is located southeast of CSAH 39 and Naber Avenue. The Comprehensive Plan guides the property for agricultural uses within the Urban Service Area Reserve. The subject property is currently zoned A-2, Agricultural Long Range Urban Service District and is partially within the Shoreland Overlay District. Development of the proposed use requires consideration of a rezoning to INS, Institutional District to accommodate the proposed use. Site and building plan review is also required for all institutional use. Attachments: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Site Plan Exhibit C: Building Plan Exhibit D: Landscape Plan Analysis Zoning. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to INS, Institutional to accommodate a religious facility use. Section 20-3-21 of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse impacts of the proposed amendment, with judgment based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: a. The Comprehensive Plan discourages removal of land from tax rolls. This is not a tax paying land use, therefore developing it at the requested site reserves land within the SSSD for taxpaying uses. (Comprehensive Plan, Community Issues, page 15 and Policy Plan, page 35). b. This location preserves land and sewer capacity within the SSSD while providing important communityfacilities. Land and sewer capacity are left within the SSSD for uses that would help pay for the sewer use, yet a facility is built that enhances the community. c. Also provides a transitional use. Being that this use is upon a large lot, it separates the denser urban development from the agricultural area within the city. d. Therefore the rezoning is consistent. The above stated criteria demonstrate a positive momentum for rezoning the land and allowing the use. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: As a land use, the placement of this site between urban and rural or agricultural areas, creates a boundary that reinforces the concept of land use transition by presenting a gradual intensification of uses between the less intensive farming and urban uses. (p. 107 Otsego Comprehensive Plan 1998)) 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.) Comment: This issue will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: This specific type of use is beneficial in regards to gradual intensification from urban to rurallagricultural uses. The building design and landscaping should serve to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residential uses. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 2 Comment: The subject property is served by CSAH 39 and Naber Avenue. CSAH 39 is a minor arterial and Naber Avenue is a local street. Turn lanes were added to CSAH 39 when Naber Avenue was constructed These roadways should have adequate capacity to handle traffic generated by the proposed use. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's overall service capacity. Lot Standards. The following table illustrates the required performance standards for lots and uses within the INS District. The proposed site and site design meets or exceeds all of the applicable performance standards for lots and uses within the INS District. Building Construction. The proposed 16,558 square foot building consists of one floor. The building will have an exterior finish constructed of brick. There will be aluminum windows and doors and synthetic stucco accent above the primary entrances. According to the provided drawing, the exterior brick will have a red tint. The brick exterior meets the requirements and is in conformance to Section 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires institutional uses to provide 75% grade A materials, such as brick. The building will also have a 64 foot steeple, which has a height exemption as defined in Section 17 of the Zoning Ordinance. A 280 sq. ft. accessory building is planned to be built in the southeast corner of the parking lot. This building should be built with reference to Section 16 with the design for such building being compatible to the principal building. Landscaping. A plan illustrating the location, type and quantities of proposed landscaping has been submitted. The size of proposed plantings has been included. In review of the landscape plan, our office has the following comments: Due to eventual size issues, it is recommended that the Norway Pine be planted a minimum of 15 feet from the parking lot. Also to use the Thornless Hawthorn within the parking lot medians instead of the Norway Pine because of future size concerns within traffic sightlines. Plantings along the east property line should act to buffer the parking lot from the residence. The Black Hills spruce trees should provide adequate year round Lot Area Lot Width Setbacks Maximum Impervious Surface w/in Shoreland District Bldg. Height Front Side Rear Parking Front Side/Rear Required 3.0 ac. N/A 65 ft. 50 ft. 50 ft. 10 ft. 5 ft. 25% 40 ft Proposed 6.3 ac N/A 65 ft. 85 ft. 50 ft. 15 ft. 15i 0 ft. 23.2% j 27 ft. 64 ft st le Building Construction. The proposed 16,558 square foot building consists of one floor. The building will have an exterior finish constructed of brick. There will be aluminum windows and doors and synthetic stucco accent above the primary entrances. According to the provided drawing, the exterior brick will have a red tint. The brick exterior meets the requirements and is in conformance to Section 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires institutional uses to provide 75% grade A materials, such as brick. The building will also have a 64 foot steeple, which has a height exemption as defined in Section 17 of the Zoning Ordinance. A 280 sq. ft. accessory building is planned to be built in the southeast corner of the parking lot. This building should be built with reference to Section 16 with the design for such building being compatible to the principal building. Landscaping. A plan illustrating the location, type and quantities of proposed landscaping has been submitted. The size of proposed plantings has been included. In review of the landscape plan, our office has the following comments: Due to eventual size issues, it is recommended that the Norway Pine be planted a minimum of 15 feet from the parking lot. Also to use the Thornless Hawthorn within the parking lot medians instead of the Norway Pine because of future size concerns within traffic sightlines. Plantings along the east property line should act to buffer the parking lot from the residence. The Black Hills spruce trees should provide adequate year round screening and it is suggested that they be planted in a staggered line to provide a more complete screen. It is also suggested to plant Arborvitae under the oak trees along this property line for additional buffering. Other trees along the outer parking perimeter include Hackberry, Bur Oak and Thornless Hawthorn. It is suggested that additional trees be planted along Naber Avenue and the outside parking perimeter to provide a boulevard feel. Access. The subject site is proposed to have two curb cuts to Naber Ave. The two proposed curb cuts are more than 200 feet apart and not closer than 10 feet to a side lot line, which is consistent with Zoning Ordinance provisions. The curb cuts are also more than 100 feet from the CSAH 39 and Naber Ave. intersection. Each of the curb cuts is approximately 28 feet wide. The maximum width for an access per Section 20-21-4.11.7 is 24 feet, unless approved by the City Engineer. As large trucks are not expected to circulate to/from the site, the access should be revised to 24 feet. Parking. Parking for churches requires one off-street parking stall per four (4) seats within the main assembly hall plus one (1) space for each church employee. The specific parking requirement calculation for this proposal is as follows: 171 pew seats + 4 disability seats + 42 fixed seats = 217 occupants 217/4 = 55 Parking Spaces (plus one space per church employee) This site plan does not mention the number of employees at the church, which would increase the required number of stalls. Regardless, there are 191 parking spaces provided, including 4 disability spaces. 6 disability spaces are required. The proposed parking stalls are at 90 degree angles, measuring 9 feet by 18 feet long with 27 foot aisles. For 90 degree angled parking, the parking lot dimensions table in Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance calls for 9 foot by 20 foot parking stalls with 22 foot aisles. The parking lot islands should be designed to a 20 foot depth and stalls painted at dimensions that meet ordinance requirements. There will be no commercial type loading other than perhaps garbage truck loading. Lighting. The lighting information provided within the proposal suggests 18 foot poles with boxhead luminaire casing. Locations for the lightposts will be primarily along the perimeter of the parking lot. Lighting should be positioned so as to emit only upon the proposed property. A photometric light plan showing the location of all fixtures and their illumination field upon the site plan. Utilities. No utilities exist at the site. The parcel will be serviced by a well for domestic water and a septic system for sanitary sewer. Exact locations of the septic system and well have not been determined, but the approximate location of each will be on the western portion of the site beyond the parking lot and storage shed/trash enclosure. All utilities are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4 Trash. Exterior trash storage has been located within an enclosure next to the accessory building. The enclosure would be constructed of cedar pickets along a painted steel frame. It is recommended that the enclosure be constructed of cement block of a color to match the principal building. Signage. The only proposed sign consists of an engraved granite sign set into the brick of the building. It is suggested that the date of construction also be engraved. The size would be approximately two feet, ten inches by four feet, seven inches (approx. 9 sq. ft.) Any other signs must conform to Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. Grading and Drainage. A grading and erosion control plan has been submitted for review. Said plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONCLUSION Decisions regarding Zoning Ordinance amendments are policy decisions that must be made by City Officials. The rezoning would allow for establishment of a facility important to community identity and connectivity. According to the Comprehensive Plan, development that removes land from the tax rolls is to be discouraged. The requested rezoning enables the church to be built while preserving land and sewer capacity within the sanitary sewer district area for development that would increase the City's tax base. If the Planning Commission and City Council make a similar finding, the requested rezoning is appropriate and may be approved. If the requested rezoning application is determined to be appropriate, the Planning Commission and City Council may then.act on the specific site plan design. The subject site and proposed use are generally consistent with all applicable performance standards outlined by the Zoning Ordinance. Based upon the consistency with adopted plans, policies and ordinances, our office would recommend approval of the submitted site plans as outlined below. A. Zoning Map Amendment 1. Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment to rezone the subject site from A-2 District to INS District based upon a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. 2. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table the request. B. Site and Building Plan 1. Motion to approve the site and building plan of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints subject to the following conditions: a. Landscaping should include proper screening using trees including staggered spruce trees to provide a buffer between the parking lot and the residence that lies to the east of the property. b. The site plan is revised to provide a maximum curb cut width of 24 feet for both entrances along Naber Avenue. (Zoning Ordinance Section 20-21- 4.H.7) c. The site plan is revised to encompass the following: • Provide 6 disability parking spots. • Provide parking stall and aisle sizes in accordance to the table in Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. d. A photometric plan showing the location and illumination of all lighting upon the site plan is submitted, subject to review and approval of city staff. e. All exterior signage shall conform to the provisions of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. f. The trash enclosure and accessory building -be built with materials comparable to the principal building. g. All grading, drainage, and erosion plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. Motion to deny the application based upon a finding that the request is inconsistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. pc Mike Robertson, Judy Hudson, Andy MacArthur, Ron Wagner, Dennis Allsop and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 6 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD —.. JlW P / Site Poa ED MI i- Architectural Group Ltd. is c....i...r i. ss•ss-tis• ra.... •. si x.s rr.nsr .r.<a..u. six�srr.. ss� Elk River Ward, Anoka MI Th. Clinch of Jaw Christ of Laft—day Saln M.P. MN E 2 - Ol - D _ s 1 lb41 of%VgN h � i J y r.♦ 4•z, T •R e� 1 e 57• rf •i rs s. CLt\'�, 1,�` I f{'YA Aq°• t I�� �e?" l '� \ r 1 ♦� a'jv �♦�♦S�f,... .; p,C�1i' .+•'s. ,V r } � \ e4 � 9, • �f ♦ .� ~ `rN/ amu\ �� q•` .c-.y'.�-. ' r Y j �� 5 /- �i : \ of j. fir/ �C:, : \,-�•+ V •�' • .r\ __. 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L'EI i `1 III I - _. ._.._ �_. _.�. ._ _.� ___.— _ --- 1• I I �I If , Storage/rrash Building `f ve , a - South Elevation v, s- - ra East Elevation �s1 West Elevation a v,a ,a at Mry15.1002 rTr.•, saris —ft, JAW aa.•y. n No Elevation v,e•. ra =Architectural Group Ltd. Elk River Ward, AnokaM rf c...•r.•a r•...•.. r r.• .•U•, MN ff.03-11x• The Ch—h of Jaauf Christ of Lalurday Ssi a r•.ri .•..,�i...•r.•..••,.. +.efi.• . �..••...<•. Cpego. MN r.i•r.•r• ar:.f xr.xrfr .r...i,.,i• ar x.xrr.r xfr FIR RE f1fififIfI1731133 U. .�...... �1 N b � 0 0 0 0 0 GFloor Plan FOOTPRINT SQUARE FOOTAGE TEACHING STATIONS CHAPEL SEATING, INCLUDES ROSTRUM ia.+ra.,r.. r. of•. q,e•i.snrw `f.w.•rrwsu�wM ..t Miry 15. 2702 ...�ssw.Architectural Group Ltd. Elk River Ward, Anoka MP a. —w JLw a... sr xw Th. Ch mh a J..J..Chrim a Low -ay S.K ,.aa..ewwa..ri.r•.• a..•s.. r.r+ar • ..,a rarw o.w. u• 1s e.•.•1•••r.r.•u.ri•• •n•,r.ff•.f•�u, .r,n a•su.... •.n•...... •si...� Obpo, MN :'�L"LC��� � ��--�:.:T'?� �� � � ��. r,i, rs. r, nx.srr. x-rsr n•.�. n. ux,f n'nn C r•1'�i r � i ITEM 3.5. HOlkir"W1311' ASSOCIATRID CONSULTA"its, INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 planners@nacplanning.com PLANNING REPORT TO: FROM: RE: REPORT DATE: NAC FILE: BACKGROUND Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission Daniel Licht Otsego - Waterfront PUD; Bank/Office Development Plan 28 May 2002 APPLICATION DATE: 16 May 2002 176.02 - 02.18 CITY FILE: 2002- Landcor Construction, Inc. has submitted site and building plans for a 7,300 square foot bank and office building. The two story building is to be developed on Lot 2, Block 1 of the Otsego Waterfront final plat in the location shown on the approved PUD Development Stage Plan. The subject site is zoned PUD District and is also within Subdistrict B of the WS Overlay District for the Mississippi River. Site and building plan reviews for development of each of the lots is processed as an amendment of the original PUD Development Plan. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Landscape Plan C. Site Plan Comments D. Building Elevations E. Floor Plan F. Grading Plan G. Utility Plan ANALYSIS PUD District. The Waterfront PUD District is based upon the uses and performance standards of the B-3 District. Bank and office uses are allowed as permitted uses in the underlying B-3 District. Development of the parcels within this PUD District is also subject to specific design standards, which are reviewed in subsequent paragraphs. As an amendment of the original PUD Development Plan, the Planning Commission and City Council must consider the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance in evaluating the request: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Lot Requirements. Lots within the PUD District are not subject to any minimum area or width requirements. Setbacks within the PUD District are the same as those imposed in the B-3 District, unless modified as part of an approved development plan. The table below illustrates required and proposed setbacks. All of the applicable setback requirements are complied with. 2 Principal Building Parking Front Side Rear Street Required 65ft. 10ft. 20ft. 15ft. Proposed 100ft. 15ft. 55ft. 15ft. 2 Building Design. The proposed building is a two-story, all brick building. The roof materials are not specified. Overall, it is quite attractive and will make an excellent focal point at the City's primary gateway and to the Waterfront project. The front of the building faces southwest, but the southeast and northeast facades have been given accents similar to the front to enhance the most visible portions of the building. The building measures 41.5 feet from base to the peak of the roof, with a defined height of 37.25 feet. The maximum height allowed within the B-3 District is 35 feet. The additional 2.25 feet of height is would not cause any negative impacts and can be given flexibility through the PUD District if the Planning Commission and City Council approve of the building design. Access/Off-Street Parking. Primary access to the subject site is provided via a shared driveway overlaying Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 and Outlot G (future convenience food site). Access points for Blackwoods and the subject site are established, but those for Outlot G are not. These should be finalized so that the pavement and curb can be installed the full distance from Quaday Avenue to the subject site. The access to Outot G closest to Quaday Avenue will need to be designed as a right -in only to avoid conflicts from cars exiting the site with a left turn at this location. All uses within the subdivision are covered by cross access and parking easements. Circulation through the parking lot is well laid out. Access to the parking stalls to the east of the building may be difficult because of their angle to the drive aisle. We would recommend that these stalls be altered to* be more parallel with the stalls along the east property line. The additional area between the building and the parking stalls may be used for additional landscaping or a small plaza accessible to building tenants via the nearby door. We would also suggest that sidewalk bump -outs be extended at the building corners as recommended by the PUD Design Guidelines. The bump outs will also serve to better define the drive aisle around the building. The breakdown of required parking for the building is shown in the table below. The site plan provides 52 parking stalls, whereas 56 are required based upon the Zoning Ordinance calculations. It would be possible to add more stalls south of the building in order to meet the parking stall requirement. The site is subject to cross parking arrangements within the project. The timing for peak parking demands for the bank/office and for Blackwoods are off -set meaning that adequate stalls will likely be available. We do not believe it is necessary to revise the site plan to provide the additional four stalls. Use Gross Area Net I Area Requirement # of Stalls Bank 6,869 6,182 1 stall/250sf. 25 Office 6,869 6,182 1 stall/200sf. 31 Total 56 3 The parking stalls are all designed with a 18 foot depth, which is acceptable provided that there is a two -foot overhang in front of the stall. The stalls at the perimeter of the parking lot have room for such an overhang as do the stalls on the east side of the building. The stalls on the west side of the building abut a 4.75 foot wide sidewalk, meaning that the width of the sidewalk is reduced to less than three feet if a car overhangs the curb. The drive aisle behind these stalls is 26 feet wide, which is two feet wider than required. We recommend that the width of the sidewalk be increased two feet, shifting the stalls. Drive through. The bank drive through window with three lanes has been relocated to the north side of the building as directed from original development plan review. The drive-through has segregated circulation with stacking space for at least four cars in each lane. A bypass lane is also provided to escape from the drive through lanes, although it is common that an exterior ATM be placed at this location. Landscaping. The proposed landscaping plan is generally consistent with the approved development plan for the overall project. As with the Blackwoods plan, the landscape plan should be revised to provide greater variety along TH 101, where a line of Black Hills Spruce trees are proposed. We would suggest replacing a number of Spruce trees with deciduous overstory trees so as not to obstruct the view of the building. We would also recommend that two of the three spruce trees south of the building be replaced with crab apple trees again to improve visibility of the building. Additional shrubs should be planted in the median between the Blackwoods parking lot and drive through lanes. The PUD development standards require 150 square feet of island space for each 25 parking stalls. The configuration of the site and parking stalls does not necessitate islands. However, the recommendation to include sidewalk bump -out and changes on the east side of the building would serve to provide adequate landscaping to reduce the visual mass of the parking area. Signs. The building elevations illustrate one 35 square foot wall sign on each of the building facades. While the size of the individual signs and their total area are within the Zoning Ordinance allowances, the location of these signs would be limited to only two facades that face public streets. The orientation of the building relative to TH 101, CSAH 39, and Quaday Avenue may justify the proposed number of wall signs to ensure visibility from all approaches. In allowing the four proposed wall signs, only one wall sign per facade will be permitted. No plans have been submitted for a free standing sign. The original development stage plan approval required that freestanding signs be constructed as monument signs and located at site entrances. The applicant should identify plans for any freestanding sign and its location. Small signs should also be likely placed at the northwest corner of the building to direct traffic into the site and around the building to access the drive through. Plans for these signs and their location should be prepared and submitted by the applicant. 4 The site plan should also identify the location for the area identification sign planned at CSAH 39 and TH 101. The location of this sign should be overlaid with an easement to the management or owners association for ongoing maintenance. Plans for the area identification sign have not been received. Lighting. A lighting plan showing the location, type, and illumination of exterior light fixtures has not been submitted. A plan was submitted with the Blackwoods development plan that included the subject site, but revisions to the site plan for this site and Blackwoods require submission of a revised plan. All light fixtures are to be consistent with the specified type included in the PUD design standards. Trash. A trash area is shown on the site plan to the west of the building near the main driveway entrance. The trash area should be constructed of the same exterior materials as the building so as to blend into the structure. Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a grading plan, which does not include existing or proposed contours. This information should be submitted and is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plans. Plans for sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer for the subject site have been submitted. These plans show connection to sanitary sewer and water service via the lines installed under the common driveway, which are are overlaid by a drainage and utility easement. All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the city Engineer. CONCLUSION The proposed bank/office building at the southeast corner of the Waterfront project creates an attractive gateway into the community and to the Waterfront West development. As with other projects in this development, there are a number of issues related to the submitted site and building plans must be further addressed or revised. However, the overall direction of the development plan for the bank/office building is consistent with applicable City requirements or those applied specifically to this PUD District. As such, we recommend approval of the application as outlined below. A. Motion to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan for Lot 2, Block 1 of Waterfront Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval is subject to approval of a final plat for the subject site and all public right-of-ways and execution of a development agreement. 2. Access point to Outlot G are determined and the shared driveway is constructed with pavement and curb its full length from Quaday Avenue to the subject site. 5 3. The site plan is revised per City Staff comments regarding stall design and sidewalk bump outs. 4. The landscape plan is revised to provide additional plant varieties in place of the proposed black hills spruce trees, subject to City Staff review and approval. 5. Not more than one wall sign shall be located on a single facade. Plans for any proposed freestanding sign or directional signs are submitted, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 6. The trash enclosure relocated closer to the northeast exterior door and constructed of materials consistent with the principal building. Additional landscaping is to be provided to screen the trash enclosure, subject to approval of City Staff. 7. A lighting plan showing fixture type and location with proposed illumination patterns is submitted, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 8. All grading, drainage, utilities and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. The applicant shall enter into a development contract and pay all required fees or securities required by it, subject to review and approval of the City attorney. B. Motion to deny the application based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and PUD District. C. Motion to table the request. pc. Mike Robertson Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Ron Wagner Patty Fowler Robert Fields Steve Fisher 1.1 NACw,: PMY MAP OAIK PAQ W Y0 Y Y Hakamn ■ lc=cn Ion C. PREPARED OCTODER 2001 NOTE: THIS MAP IS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR EXACT MEASUREMENT. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD loll MW C&AM IM W •-------- --------- SRO c OTSECOS WATERFRONT A OTSEGO. MM EXHIBIT A-2 CONCEPT PLAN ftc 1 � � > > lei � 111 tl � i.•I���i��'i jt' �i ' Ii# it � s ► . ti �� . . ! 1 I I NV'1d 3dVOSCNVI --T�:,r �o w—rw a .�I ..r.-u►wt er r�w,'M.I.r ANVdMM QNY7 093510 w . .. 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