06-03-02 PCITEM 2. 1.
JUNE 3, 2002
8 P
1. Chair Nichols will call the meeting to order.
Chair Nichols called the meeting to order at 8 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Richard Nichols; Commission members: Ken Fry, Carl Swenson,
Steve Schuck, Christian Mbanefo, Jim Kolles and David Thompson.
Absent; Patrick Moonen
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator and Dan Licht, City Planner.
Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jerry Struthers and Mayor Fournier.
2. Consider the following minutes:
2.1. May 20, 2002 Planning Commission Minutes.
Commissioner Swenson motioned to approve the amended minutes. Seconded by
Commissioner Fry. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. -Planning Items:
3.1. Lefebvre's Carpet: tabled from the 05-05-02 meeting)
A. Administrative Permit to add on 1.3 acre to existing lot.
B. Rezone detached portion of Parcel to B-3 District
C. Building and Site Plan Review.
Continued to June 17, 2002 as no information was received.
3.2. Public Hearing for applicants Chris Bulow of Bulow Inc and Manley
Bros. Construction, Inc.
A. Rezoning from A-1 District to PUD District
B. PUD Development Stage Plan for a residential golf course
C. Preliminary Plat.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 8:02 PM. Judy Hudson attested all proper
noticing and publishing was completed.
Planner Licht presented the Planner's Report. Mr. Licht stated he has discussed this with
the City Engineer who was not able to review all the plans and has requested the request
be tabled.
Chair Nichols opened the Hearing for Public Comment.
Chris Bulow, applicant, stated he will be bringing upscale development into Otsego with
the starting range of $400,000 for homes. This will be an 18 -hole championship golf
course and will support the current Vintage Golf Business located across CSAH 39.
Chris said this business would employ about 45 employees. He agreed with all City
conditions except those regarding the sewer system. Regarding the West Sewer Plant,
Mr. Bulow doesn't feel this will impact the plant that greatly and MPCA wouldn't look at
Planning Commission of June 3, 2002, cont'd. Page 2.
this development negatively. He feels it would be more cost effective and would expand
commercial business. He also feels this would benefit Island View Estates as some of the
lots are on their second septic site. Mr. Bulow also stated this development will benefit
the neighborhood by improving Kadler Avenue. He held a neighborhood meeting and
received no negative comments.
Chair Nichols opened the Hearing for Public Comments.
Clerk Hudson received a phone call from Mrs. Peck, Kadler Avenue, who stated to Judy
her concerns with traffic speed and the drain field located right behind her home if there
is a private sewer system.
Doug Lindenfelser 9364 95`h Street. Doug asked if the proposed street would align with
the existing 92nd Street. Dan Licht replied it is off set by approximately 200 feet and this
could be looked at.
Jim Roeschlin, 9209 Kahler Avenue. He asked where the proposed street going towards
Kahler Avenue would be aligned, north or south of the high lines. Mr. Licht replied it
will come along the north edge of the easement as the applicant is trying to conform the
street with property lines and putting 92nd Street in the easement as much as possible.
Mr. Roeschlin questioned if it wouldn't be better to go through just one property owner
rather than two. Mr. Licht said the street could be put in the highline easement and the
City Engineer would review. Also the street wouldn't go through to Kahler unless
Tim Cole, 9412 Kahler Avenue, also questioned if the street would go through to Kahler.
Chair Nichols explained the street wouldn't be extended through unless that area is
developed. Mr. Cole also said he was surprised sewer is going to this development as at
the Comprehensive Plan Hearing the City said no.
Chair Nichols asked for Planning Commission comments.
Dan Licht recommended that if there are specific questions raised by the public or his
report they can be addressed but to table the application until the engineering report is
Commissioner Schuck was surprised there were no concerns with the density proposed
and asked if everyone is comfortable with this.
Commissioner Mbanefo asked about the City Council discussion on the West Sewer
Plant and its intended use. Councilmember Heidner stated he agreed with the Planner's
Report and went on to state that servicing Riverwood is possible because it is entirely
commercial. This proposed development is primarily residential. The intended service
area for the sewer is the I-94 area around Albertville. If the City does not concentrate
Planning Commission Meeting of June 3, 2002, cont'd. Page 3.
development, the existing taxpayers will pick up the costs of new roads and other
Chair Swenson asked about the policy to control use of sewer capacity outside of the
designated sewer area. Mr. Licht said the City would establish a policy to expand the
sewer area based on population projections.
Chair Nichols noted that the Planning Commission reviewed this development as a
Concept Plan last year and approved the Concept Plan with the premise that it would
have its own sewer and water. He said he doesn't have a problem with the density, but is
opposed to extending sewer and water, as it would take away capacity from the planned
service area.
Chair Nichols opened the Hearing back up for public comment.
Deb Souer, 9299 Kahler Avenue. She said she lives on the property where the power line
goes through and is concerned with looking at 20 town homes. This would interfere with
the reason she moved there and she is concerned with what it will do to her taxes.
Betty Benson, 8982 Mason Avenue, suggested using this parcel of land for a park.
Doug Lindenfelser asked if it is cheaper to expand the capacity of a plant or build it
bigger to begin with as he feels the plant should have more capacity. Mike Robertson
replied it's cheaper to expand.
Chris Bulow stated the assumption of the Planning Commission was a sewer treatment
system approved by the City. Mr. Bulow asked the Planning Commission to consider this
because it is unique and has commercial uses because of the golf course and clubhouse.
Councilmember Heidner said the applicant had previously stated that the cost of the
sewer would be the same whether the applicant builds it or it's connected to the City
Sewer. Mr. Bulow replied if they need to work with Riverwood it would cost the same,
otherwise it would be cost prohibitive.
Tim Cole, 9412 Kahler Avenue, said once the City runs the sewer to the area everyone
will want to hook up to it.
Commission Mbanefo motioned to table this application to the June 17, 2002,
Planning Commission Meeting until the Engineering Review has been completed.
Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
3.3. Public Hearing for applicant Darrell and Bonnie Watkins.
A. Conditional Use Permit to allow applicant to fill more
than 50 cubic Yards in the Flood Fringe Area.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 9:18 PM. Judy Hudson attested all proper
noticing and publishing was done.
Planning Commission Meeting of June 3, 2002, cont'd. Page 4.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Chair Nichols opened the Hearing for public comment.
Hearing no comments, Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use
Permit to allow more than 50 cubic yards in the Flood Fringe Area. Seconded by
Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried.
3.4. Public Hearing for applicant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
A. Re -zone Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Creek Trails from
A-2 Agricultural to INS, Institutional District.
B. Site and Building Plan Review.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 9:27 PM. Judy Hudson attested all proper
noticing and publishing was done.
Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Chair Nichols opened for Public Comments.
Betty Benson, Mason Avenue, stated this use is totally unrelated with Hidden Creek
Trails vision and can other lots be used differently. Mrs. Benson felt that this use would
be more appropriate in a commercial area. Hidden Creek is suppose to be for horses.
Dan Licht explained the property owner requested for this to be considered. He also
explained that CSAH 39 provides adequate access, will be low usage and trying to bring a
balance of uses into the community.
Joyce Michaelson, Edina Realty, stated that the Church will be at the entrance of Hidden
Creek and it will still have the trails and lots as intended.
Darlene Polsean, 95`h Street, neighbor to this development. She stated concern with the
parking lot lights.
Ed Kodet, Church Architect, said they have provided that the lights won't go beyond the
parking lot. The Church is spending a lot of money on landscaping, there will be daily
maintenance done and it will be well taken care of.
Philip Bryans, 15673 93`d Circle, stated it wouldn't be good to put a church in the middle
of a commercial area.
Mark Paynter, Minneapolis, stated it is a church wide policy that they don't have
commercial uses in the church, but they support community groups such as Boy Scouts,
elections etc.
Chair Nichols closed the Public Hearing at 9:45 PM.
Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to recommend a Zoning Ordinance amendment
to rezone the subject site from A-2 District to INS District based upon a finding that
the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance.
Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried.
Commissioner Mbanefo motioned to recommend to approve the site and building
plan of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints subject to the conditions listed
in the Planner's Report. Seconded by Commissioner Fry. All in favor. Motion
Planning Commission Meeting of June 3, 2002, cont'd. Page 5.
3.5. Public Hearing for applicant LandCor, Inc
A. PUD Development Stage Plan to develop a bank/office
Building consistent with the Otsego Waterfront
Development Plan.
Chair Nichols opened the Public Hearing at 9:50 PM. Judy Hudson attested the proper
noticing and publishing was done. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report.
Steve Fischer, applicant, showed a revised site plan and he will incorporate Dan Licht's
suggestions for the east side parking.
Chair Nichols opened the Hearing for public comment.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Schuck motioned to recommend approval of the PUD Development
Stage Plan to develop a bank/office building consistent with the Otsego Waterfront
Development Plan subject to the conditions listed in the Planning Report. Seconded
by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Any other Planning Commission Business
A. Update on Council actions by CM Heidner.
CM Heidner went over the recent actions the City Council took at the May 28`h Council
Meeting which were approving the Barthel CUP, Final Plat Approval for Orrin
Thompson and Otsego Commercial Park. Heidner also said the 2°a Alternate position for
the Planning Commission is open and the City is advertising for this opening.* CM
Heidner also stressed that it is important to contact City Hall if any member cannot attend
a meeting.
5. Adjournment by 10 PM.
Commission Mbanefo motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Swenson.
All in favor. Motion carried.
Adjourned at 10:08 PM
Richard Nichols, Chair
Judy Hudson, City Clerk/ Zoning Adm.